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That side boob is atrocious and shows how botched they are!


She is obsessed with dick. It’s so sad. If heaven forbid I got divorced I would be enjoying my alone time and hanging out with my kids. Having a partner is great but it’s not the end all be all. She’s so codependent it’s sad


Wowowowowowow she’s not a great singer…… wowowowow.


She’s a better guitar player than she’s a singer 🤣


And just like that back out on the town to find new 🍆


God forbid there be a “lay low” era where she contemplates her bad decisions


Truly wondering how this woman still has a platform/makes money from this “job”. Most people would be canceled after the absolute shit show that is her social media accounts this week.


This!!! I do not understand. 


Doesn’t everyone want a morning text from their significant other when you have to tell them to do it. Mims


No one is a mind reader … she sure does want a lot from the men , but what is she bring to the table ?!


This!!! She wants to be treated like simply being with her is the prize.


She brings free Status Sticks, and DibShit, duh… 😉🤪😆


And acoustic guitar serenades


SHE brings to the table, Crock pot recipes that look terrible, Ozempic syringes, A Filthy/ messy Mildew Manor with a 1980s bathroom, Hair, nails, Facial filler appointments, Bad Fake titties, Spending sprees, Relationship talks NO adult is asking for....etc.


Her recent tik tok is talking about leaning in to your feminine energy.. ma’am do you even know what you’re saying? If you were leaning into your fem energy, you would be happy as you are, comfortable in your own skin, not doing things for male attention, being grateful for what you have, etc.. emphasis on not doing things for male attention. She is coming off so desperate and that is the complete opposite of feminine energy. I think she heard someone say those words and she just fucking ran with it. She Doesn’t actually know what she’s saying lol


THANK YOU! I’ve been saying this for weeks. She just uses phrases that she hears and thinks will sound good


Well she’s really fuckin DUMB so it doesn’t surprise me that she doesn’t understand this


She looks absolutely nothing like freshman year of college Courtney. Some things never change?   Almost everything is changed 


Her followers aren’t the target audience for any of her content today 🙄


Says the dress is showing too much side boob and not right for "her body type" 🤨 body type or elective boulder boobs you chose to get


Then showed the bikini with the bottom up her butt , saying it has decent coverage 🫣eta - I did not realize she said 4/10 butt coverage … 🙄


During her Free People try on she goes “wouldn’t you ask me out to dinner” so desperate alreadyyyy No he wouldn’t that’s why you got dumped 🤭


Nooooo 😵‍💫


Can she STFU today my goodness!!!


Ok… there is NO Way she went to a music college!!! She can’t play a guitar, read lyrics or read music! No way! I call BS. I’m sure there are certain requirements to get in- Interviews and or auditions? 


Not convinced she graduated High School! Shes NeVeR shown any graduation pics in her cap & cown with her parents...I honestly believe her parents paid extra to get her in College IF she attended...They needed her out of the home/ Courtme gets what Courtme wants...


Well she didn’t graduate.


Yo Reese, your ex ole lady is still following your best friends. (Rocker, Karter, Justin, etc.)


This is always her MO


Did anyone request “another one bites the dust”? Sing that, Courtme.




I’m waiting for the new hair now …. 🤣🤣 Short girl summer, or something like that. Lol


More blonde highlights I bet


I feel like Sabrina Carpenter would be using lyrics from please please please after listening to her butcher that song 


You know, I had a period of time over a few years where a few of my relationships didn’t work out. And you know what I did? I was like maybe I AM THE PROBLEM. And I went to therapy and started working on MY healing. And you best believe I only soft launched (her words) one of them and NEVER posted erratic shit after breaking up. It’s ok to be codependent. It’s ok to be hurt and to make mistakes. But we gotta have some self awareness.


Good for you!! I hope you’re happier now ❤️




I already have my 🍿 waiting for this AMA. This snark group is always hopping after one of her breakups! Cheers 🥂 and let the games begin 😂


Clink 🥂


i can’t with this bucket 1 bitch


And she’s not even playing that guitar and reading lyrics too


I noticed same 🤣🤣


The pretend strumming is killing me!!! HAHAHA!!


I can’t wait for her to start responding to the AMA questions she sent herself!


Lordt. This mornings car motivation talk was her version of sitting in the shower in a fetal position, rocking back and forth , and mumbling “it’s gonna be ok, it’s gonna be ok…..”


🤣🤣🤣🤣 deadddddd


Evidently the personality isssss: Megan Moroney


The complete 180 in her relationship status kind of makes me think something happened at that wedding he went to without her.


I think he went, but then didn’t FaceTime or text her at the end of the night, and she blew up. Not encouraging anyone to watch her podcast today, but she said something oddly specific about getting that text or FaceTime at the end of the night after her man has been out with the boys. Also, hot take I think her friends are sabotaging her by cosigning all of her horrible dating advice. Someone needs to be real with this chick


Same…I think she went ape shit crazy blowing up his phone all night (her one post about that 4th text at midnight…) wouldn’t let him have fun with his friends without her/threw a fit about not getting invited. Based on her “wish you well” nonsense she seems like the crazy type who writes novels in texts and does multiple texts in a row


i genuinely just think it was the \*without her part. Like, either she threw a fit or had the audacity to tell him he shouldn't go or something.


The tik tok she just posted lip syncing to “if he wanted to he would”… oh my god the cringe


I (proudly) just got blocked for a comment about it being about her infant BF dumping her...oopsie daisy!


That's how ya know its true!!! ONCE AGAIN She got Dumped..


Right? If she was still with him she’d like “lolz why would you say something like that lol lol”


According to her. She’s never been dumped. Sure Jan. “You can’t break up with me. I am breaking up with you.”




She looks like a concert language interpreter who forgot to learn sign language




She acts like a high schooler who got dumped. Honey, you’re 36, grow up!!!


Her podcast is a JOKE. Clearly another way for her to have a one sided conversation about her shit show of a love life. Her so called friends should be ashamed for enabling this.


Yeah I can tell she’s not embarrassed by anything anymore because that guitar/singing is HORRIBLE! I’ll be embarrassed on her behalf 😭


She’s not following him anymore! Not sure if that’s been discussed yet. Lol honestly that concert weekend must have really been something to make this stop so quickly


There WAS that thing with the person who posted & deleted here. Something actually might have started then. Possibly her attempting to have a control factor over his friend group? IDK but that wouldn’t fly well in my friend circle with anyone.


What thing?


Person commented they did meet Courtme at the concert and she was very rude... Photo with Courtme & other girls all wearing trucker hats at same concert posted Then quickly deleted ...


I honestly feel like the concert probably went fine. But she likely threw a huge fit not going to the wedding with him this past weekend and he was like nahhh i'm good


I think it might have started at the concert like maybe she invited herself. Her one pic in her AMA where it was just part of his face seemed the he was annoyed


My ears 🫨🫨🫨 make it stoppppppppp!!!!


Suddenly she has meetings in the middle of her concert (this will ruin the tour!) but she has a question for you guys.


Lmao 🤣


I would like to thank her latest 🍆 for this 🌀that is truly a train wreck I can’t look away from 👀 In all seriousness - Isn’t this her week to be a “mom” 🤔 Lastly, “Avril” put down the 🎸and phone a friend 🙏


Should get K back on Fri for her wkend/wk to start


Back on our angsty teen bullshit of rambling about how “at peace” she is and singing/“playing” the guitar. I’ve never picked up a guitar in my life, but I’m willing to bet I could go pick one up right now and do whatever it is that she calls herself doing. She literally moves one finger and does a little strum every 60 seconds…


It’s like the skills of passing Teach Yourself Guitar! (Level 1)


Yeah my two year old strums better on her toy guitar 😂


She’s making me think damn is that all it takes to say I play the guitar


Why does she hold that fucking guitar??? She doesn’t even play it. I can’t stand her. Her voice is so bad


Bring Embarrassment Back 2024


Oh My, She needs to Stop👏 Trying 👏To 👏Sing👏....She claims she does not get Embarrassed and it is making her More Embarrassing 😳 It's OK to ask for help Courtme!


When will we get the AMA answers? I can’t wait to see what she’s asked herself


So she’s going for an early morning walk, coffee, gym and now she’s playing the guitar?! Crazy needs to turn the phone OFF.


She needs to get a real job.


She wouldn’t last one day doing what we all do. Actually, I’d give her til lunch to meltdown, quit, or get fired.


Bahaha “Crazy needs to turn the phone off” …. That’s pure gold!!


Imagine having nothing else to do except take song requests from strangers on the internet on a Thursday morning.. no bc girl you SHOULD be embarrassed.


The singing. Please make it stop😩


But at the same time, keep it coming bc this trainwreck is hot 🍿


Sounds about right! -Just On stories while driving - says she's headed to the gym AnD at this moment...she is replying to TT messages! Now we know what she actually does at the gym..


The wild part is breakup content would be great. Admitting to getting dumped, talking through what went wrong etc. But it would require she take even an ounce of responsibility and she REFUSES


Wow. I’m here for this spiral. I wonder what embarrassing thing she’s done to proclaim she no longer gets embarrassed. I mean whatever it is, it’s worse than what we’re seeing?!


Stop staring at yourself in the phone while driving on the interstate!


She needs to be reported for this dangerous Sh!t!!




She just rambles on and on and on to where whatever point she’s trying to make gets lost in all of the talking.


She rambles especially when she gets lost in the reflection of herself in the phone, and forgets what she’s saying which … ironically … is why Narcissus fell into the water. Can’t make this stuff up y’all.


Adding another narcissistic trait to the list, the circular word salad is real!


She is back to her early morning walks with I’m assuming Natalie and gym and had to come on and share her vast wisdom. Any time she’s back at the gym thirst bating you know there was a break up. The icing on the cake was the AMA she just posted! Someone ask her about lover boiii lol


It’s so predictable!!!!


All this dating advice for what? For her to date little boys and get broken up with 1 month after. I know she’ll frame it like she cut it off because some red flag. She gets what she deserves! She’s truly embarrassing 😇


They didn’t even last 2 mins into Summer 🤣


Well I’d say from that early morning pep talk she just gave herself but supposedly is, they definitely broke up 


Her lame “what is for you will not pass you by” affirmation is her way of taking ZERO accountability in any relationship.


The ONe that CHOOSES to go after these Males ... Constantly Dumped by these Males.. Does RePeAt PREACHING- " What is for you will not pass you by" To strangers on her SM...🤭🫢🤔🤨


We have an AMA this morning 😆 what do we think she'll ask herself


How’s therapy starting to sound?


- "How are you doing" - "how do you know if someone isn't worth your time" - "what do you do when someone isn't leveling up" (or "up leveling") - "how do you know that you're out of someone's league" -


Anything that reinforces how amazing she is in her own mind


The road she’s on is SO dangerous!!! Her need to narcissistically drone on while she is driving and story herself & type out her thoughts on a road. Someone please call APD on her!!!!!


Ohhhh myyyy gooddddd she is so transparent it's almost sad 💀 "I don't know who needs to hear this today" YOU MAAM. We're all doing fine, you're the one spiraling. "If you think "oh I shouldn't have said/did that tried harder. Like when I think about my "*career*"...you mean "boyfriend", FTFY


And she said she wanted to do other things but is grateful for Dibs? I’m sorry CourtMe wasn’t your story that you ALWAYS wanted to start a beauty brand since you were the MUA for all your middle school friends?


She had to bring her career into it because she has never had a successful realtionship lol


Remember when she said that she and Alex agreed that they would each meet anyone the other dated (at least before introducing Kins)? That has to have stopped, right? I firmly believe that Kins has met all of “mommy’s friends” and I’m sure by now Alex has accepted that Courtney’s judgement is horrific. I can’t imagine he tortures himself by meeting every D of the wee(k).


Kinsley meeting her boytoys would require her to actually have her from time to time. She pawns her off to the Alexes every chance she gets to run off with her man of the minute.


Imagine the relief his mother must feel


As the mother of a teenage son not too much younger than her last victim, YES. Stay away from our young men, Narcissa


I’ll post a non-engagement pod link when it’s up but word of warning barely 2 min in and Courtney is ranting *again* about men not picking up her suitcase at the airport. Truly the strangest thing to fixate on! It’s also funny how Catherine is promoting the shit out of their episodes and each one is hovering around 1k views. I guess it’s better than other episodes that have under 200 views lol Here’s the link! [Getting What You Want With Feminine Energy Part 2 With Allie](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VmSUmvStzoI)


Did you happen to get the link?


Can you only imagine all the eye rolls from him and his friends over all her projecting on TT? 🙄


I do! I envision him & his friends goggle her, find this page, reading here and laughing at all of it! Surly they are seeing her TTs, and all SM playing a game of take a shot each time she plays with her extentions, each lie they now realize she told them, talks of how much filler she's choosen, the fact she's not a good mother, That smell in Mildew Manor from when they visited, the filters & photoshop how Courtme Looks Better on SM!


So she’s not following him anymore- you all are incredible analytical sleuths !


She’s not?!