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Creation ideas should always be above current skill level - that's when the magic happens! That's when you find the solutions to your ideas. Also, skill in cross stitch, is repeating yourself endlessly. At the same tension, in the same direction.


Perfectly put ☺️


I dipped a little bit into pixel art through cross stitch. There is so much to learn


Hey! I'm a beginner at cross-stitching too, but what I've found so far is the exact opposite of what you're describing. Cross-stitching a big piece requires a lot of time and dedication, but skill is not so much of an issue. Sure, it won't be perfect, but the pieces are made to be viewed from a distance. So there is no reason why you couldn't pick these awesome patterns you see on this sub, even as a beginner. It'll take time, but skills improve naturally in the process, and it'll still look gorgeous in the end.


Me everytime I see someone’s giant full-coverage piece. Been stitching for years, I can tell by a pattern if I’ll like the process or not. Does that stop me from gawking at giant confetti pieces I know I’d hate doing? Absolutely not.


I absolutely refuse to do full coverage, I am much better at tracking where I am with more space 😂


Seriously. I'm not quite a beginner, been doing this for a couple of years, but I see some of these multi page massive full coverage stitches and my bum just puckers. There are some seriously talented people on this sub!


Right?! I’m in the same boat as you, thought I was doing quite well then saw that huge blackwork art piece. I was like damn I’m not even playing the same sport, let alone in the same league 🤣


This is me. EVERY time. With all the “crafts”


I really want to try changing Precious Moments figures into Galindo and Elphaba, but I’ve never done something like this! I’d have to get new supplies, etc. and while it’d be interesting to try, stitching is my favorite!


You should definitely try it! I’m just not very skilled at anything lol. Birthday cakes for our kid, quilts, stitching, etc.


I always say just go for it. You may end up with something better than you imagined. I bought an average pattern on etsy and i have so many ideas to turn it into something more. I just started it last night. I always just follow the pattern but I wanted something different with this one. I have never tried what I'm planning before so it will be an experiment. I'm so excited. I bought metallics and satins and even brought out the fancy aida.


Don't limit yourself! Try, and if you fail, try again, you'll always learn something along the way ☺️ (but also, as a relative newbie, I totally get u 😂)


Can totally relate! I bought a kit that will probably take me about 5 years. Way too ambitious for a second (or third) project!


Thanks for the giggles! Ironically, this is me with every fiber art *except* cross stitch. Knitting, crochet, embroidery, you name it, I suck at it. But short straight lines through holes in fabric? That’s my talent! 😂 Seriously, keep stretching. This is one art that has a short learning curve. After all, no matter the number of threads or number of stitches, it’s all the same; just a bunch of little Xs.


Crochet is witchcraft and I will not be convinced otherwise.


I feel attacked


If you only do what you think is your skill level, you will never improve. So go for it. The worst that can happen is the project lands behind the cedar chest where you find it years later and can now finish it.


I keep telling myself that it's just one stitch at a time but some projects are definitely easier than others.


This also gives me big ADHD energy. "Ah, this is something I have never done before....I MUST LEARN TO DO IT."


Oh for sure, team ADHD over here went “yeah I’ve finished 4 lil cross stitches, what’s a 27,600 full coverage piece really”


A lot of time and patience, cross stitch doesn't require skill.


Respectfully disagree. I would say that the patience and eye for detail required for some of the pieces you see in here absolutely is a skill, not including getting all your stitches laying flat and not splitting them in two.