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When I feel like I REALLY want to start a new pattern, I make myself work on a WIP at least a little bit. It gives me some time to realise if I ACTUALLY want to stitch that pattern, or if I just wanted to stitch Something. Usually the new shiny pattern just reminded my brain that I like this hobby! I don't stop myself from having a million different WIPs, but I have a lot of inherited/thrifted supplies so I don't have to buy materials very often. I think something else thats helpful for me to keep in mind is the idea that collecting cross stitch supplies and ACTUALLY cross stitching are basically two separate hobbies... so I treat my cross stitch purchases the same way I treat my other consumerist hobbies/collections lol.


I’m guilty of collecting and not stitching haha 😭😭 I agree - new shiny patterns always tickle my brain LOL but *sigh* guess I will have to try to push myself to finish before starting 🙂‍↕️


It's worth it!! Even if you don't completely finish something before moving to the next, you can get a chunk of work done and those chunks will add up to a finished piece in the end 😊


So true! Thanks 🕺


I’m guilty of the saaame thing! I want all the pretty thread. But do I use it? Nope.


It’s okay to have a few projects on the go at once, especially if there’s one with a lot of confetti or one that’s boring blocks or one that’s got a lot of backstitching etc. Remember, the patterns aren’t going anywhere! You can bookmark them for later, or purchase them and file them away. Also if you are struggling to finish projects, try to seek that immense satisfaction that comes with finishing a project and ironing out the hoop lines and looking at it and saying “yeah, I did that!”. I guess I’m lucky since I only really do patterns I’ve designed myself and am stitching for a specific reason, or have purchased and am stitching with plenty of time to give as gifts. I’ve got three on the go at once, and while I know I’ll finish them all before I need them, it’s still stressing me out.


I’m a dopamine addict and an adrenaline junkie, so I love starting but lose interest fast 😭 I will try to get things framed though!! It’s a lifetime hobby, so I’m bound to eventually finish these projects haha


I am a poor cross stitcher so I can't really afford to start to many projects LOL anyway. when I stitched as a kid I did often have to many WIP's so when I got back to the hobby I vowed to stick to a single project until it's done. I now decided that I need 2/3 projects: one to work on at home and one to keep in the car for when I am waiting for my kids. I usually star a new one when I get to backstitching because it can be exhausting and I often need a break from the heavy backstitching. ended up starting another project because I fell in love with blackwork but I dont allow myself to start another cross stitch project until I get to the backstitching of my current one. I am working on a 4 piece set so I really want to finish it to frame all 4


I have to have a very portable project too! Generally one cross-stitch and one embroidery -- one for waiting rooms and one for road trips. The trick is how to get the right project for the right waiting/road trip/out in the world situation.


The only con I have with that is I need more q-snaps or hoops to get me through LOL I would stitch in hand, but I don't want my work to get grimey when I'm out Not to mention, I have sweaty hands when I cross stitch (only when I stitch and not any other time??), so I fear it'll get musty fast without grime guards somewhere


I commend your consistency HAHA Unfortunately for me, I am both broke and have a trigger finger, so I keep buying things anyways 😆 Hope you finish all of them soon! Good luck


Oh, trust me, it's a huge struggle LOL. My projects aren't that big so I am aware that I will finish them soon, so that helps me to stick to them. But I do have a huge wish list...


Mine are huge 😭 maybe that’s where I’m going wrong LOL


Yeah, I made that mistake when I was younger. I still have an unfinished table cloth somewhere... My current projects are something that I can finish in 3/4 months. this 4 piece project was already almost to big of a commitment but I've been wanting something with the 4 seasons forever so I took the plunge. I almost regretted it, I have to admit but being 2 seasons already finished gave me a boost of energy to complete the other 2


I remind myself that buying craft/hobby materials and Doing crafts/hobbies are two different things! This usually gets my priorities straight, oh, or Organizing and storing the existing supplies, it’s like shopping all over again!


Oh! You’re so right I’ve been planning on bobbinating everything for my current and future projects, and this will probably help me!


Good luck! I managed two and gave up- I’m sure some find it soothing but I hated it


I make a goal for each active WIP each week. Once I finish an active WIP I can start something new. Every so often I take stock of my inactive WIPs and try to add one to the active pile or decide to junk it. And then sometimes I say “fuck it” and start that new thing I wanted to start.


LOL the last part is so real I think I’ll try to create a(n actual) WIP rotation! I have a mental one, but that also means I don’t follow it 90% of the time


I also have “the bag” which is my bag of stuff I want to start, so when I feel the itch I make myself check the bag first.


I have had to stop opening etsy at this point because every time i open the app i have like 30 new favorited patterns and an incredible itch in my wallet to go buy more stuff lol


Real…. I look at Etsy to find more patterns during my downtime at work…. It’s fun, but my wallet will die at this rate


I have too keep convincing myself that i really need food more than another project, i have like two drawers full of wips!


You see, cross stitch is one hobby. Collecting patterns is another hobby (this isn't about handmade, this is about collecting; some people collect coins, some collect patterns, some collect cute pieces of canvas). And for some, a hobby is starting new projects. So, maybe this is just another your hobby?   Well, if we talk about me, I choose each new pattern for a very long time and meticulously. Just "it's so cool" isn't a reason to choose a pattern, I prefer ones that make me adore every stitch during the stitching. Secondly, I don't start a new project until I've figured out how I want to finish it (a pillow, a bag, a box, a frame on the wall, etc). I've found that if my FO then lies somewhere in a closet, it doesn't matter to me whether it becomes a FO or remains a WIP forever.


I like that perspective! I mentioned it in another comment, but ultimately, I suppose doing a hobby is simply doing something you enjoy regardless of what it is :D I also try to choose patterns that I think I'll really enjoy! I am bad at finishing projects already, and I quickly found that if I choose a pattern that my heart doesn't absolutely love, it's genuinely never getting finished lolol Your comment also made me realize that I don't really consider what I want to do with my FOs once they're done... I guess I default to framing them, but I wonder if that affects my overall motivation as well? :O


Aha hahaha only 5 WIP? :) seriously tho, I have 20+ WIP at the moment. Some are small but alot are quite large and take years to finish. I like to rotate them so I don't get burned out on a pattern.


I read a comment from someone here about a week ago saying they had about 80 WIPs and you know what, goals.


I was impressed by that someone. I'm pretty sure I've got at least '20 started and will get back to eventually' pieces hanging around and another 5 'in serious rotation (no, serious! rotation! really! )', but 80 blew me right out of the water :-D


I’m really trying not to have 20+ 😭 my room can’t handle that HAHA It’s taking all of my willpower not to 🙂‍↕️ I have a few HAEDs on the back burner as well! I will take the rotation suggestion though :D


Five yrs ago I found myself with 30+ WIPs, bored with them, and wanting a new start. So I set a goal to finish all of them by the end of the following year. But I wanted new starts, too, so made a plan. In sept that yr I ordered my WIPs from most complete to least, so I’d get the satisfaction of some quick finishes, and it worked. Turns out I wasn’t really bored with them, just suffering brain lock from too many choices. I finished a bunch by year end and chose 4 new starts for the next year, but ones I knew I could finish that year. I began them on the first of each month, Jan-April. I stitched the first week of January on the biggest of the new ones, then worked on old WIPs. February 1 was another start, followed by a week on the January start, then old WIPs. Same for March, then by April it was only new ones all month. By July I had finished the March start, so pulled out the old ones to finish off the month. I’d finished all 4 of the new ones by October and spent the rest of the year in finishes. I ended up completing 27 old WIPs plus the 4 new ones. That has been the most satisfying year of my stitchy life, and since then I strictly limit the number of WIPs to 5-6 at any time, and I’m still surprised how happy I am with that number. Note - most of my finishes are hanging in my closet or rolled up on a shelf. Turns out I created a whole new problem… 😂


I found it easier to control my new project shiny feels once I converted the mental list of projects to an actual list (in Google docs). It makes it more tangible and makes it easier to rank and prioritize projects, so I can reroute my excitement back to something I already have and plan to work on. I can see what I have materials for, if I have a recipient or a finishing style in mind. And browsing and curating my list can help some of the want to cross stitch but physically can't itch. Personally I have very limited stitching time and somewhat limited funds, so it's important to me to limit wips. 


So a lot of people end up gamifying it. If you look up WIPGO for example, the creator sets rules for herself. She works on different projects at different times (she has something like a crazy-to-me amount of WIPs, maybe 90, and most of them good sized); and she has to make page goals or a number of stitches within the month. She has those certain goals she has to meet before she’s allowed to buy/start/whatever something. Or she meets her goal and puts $5 in a pot to spend on supplies, charts, whatever. And they are her rules so they can be modified as needed. Might something like that work?


Oh wow okay! 90 WIPs is wild 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I will look into this - Thanks! :D hopefully gamifying will help


No problem! Hopefully one of them will give you ideas on how to make it work for yourself even if you don’t find one that works exactly for you. (Side note - 90 WIPs boggles my mind; she has projects almost a decade old she keeps in rotation even if she doesn’t get much done on them, but then they become a focus piece so she can get them done, so I guess it all works for her!) But also there are other Facebook or instagram groups I know of that cater to that sort of thing, creating “events” you virtually participate in and having others cheer your progress could also help.


My husband did something like this to slow down buying new games! His rule was to 100% finish two games then he was allowed to buy one new game! It worked really well for him! I was inspired by him and have made similar rules for myself with cross stitching!


I generally only allow myself 2/3 WIP unless I suddenly need to do a gift for someone (wedding/birth etc)… I currently have a complicated petite point landscape on the go (18 A3 pages of pattern!) and a little embroidery beginner kit on the go while I try to decide on which cross stitch pattern I start next as I finished one about a month ago


You are much better than me! Time for me to work on self control 😭


I have over 100 patterns saved on Etsy that I hope to buy at some point so I know how you feel 😅 I have 3 WIPS on the go at the moment so I’m alternating between them and staying off Etsy so I don’t end up finding more patterns I like lol


My favorites are at 350…. Maybe I need to uninstall the app LOLL


Going through my accounts, there's basically 4 categories of patterns you'll find. 1- WIP. Pretty straightforward, it's something I'm actually making. 2- Stored pattern. Something I've bought that's waiting to be made. I typically only kit up my actual WIPs, the rest are just in the storage binder. 3- planned patterns. This is an online wishlist of things I intend to make & have the fabric set aside for. I just haven't actually bought it yet. 4- liked patterns. These are things I don't nessecarily intend to make, they're just cool enough I wanted to keep track of them. Now for the important part- those last two categories? *They can change!* Basically I'm not fully committed to making anything until I buy it, so I reserve the right to dump designs in favor of others as I see fit! Even the liked items, which aren't at all planned, still get culled regularly with me changing my mind about how likely it is I'll ever come back to use a pattern. I think that's the biggest thing in the end- will I ever actually make this? There's a Moroccan lights pattern that passes through my suggestions a lot that I think is just gorgeous, but it's also huge- even dropping to 18 count it wouldn't fit in my FO portfolio. So I don't save it, I'll never make it! Sometimes you just have to be practical about what you keep track of!


Honestly, the only reason I can control my stitching bug is by not actually having the time to stitch. So, my goal of stitching more has kind of died a little bit since New Year's. Since January I've only finished two projects despite starting one every month except this one. Although I do have 2 kids, one of whom is an infant, and competing hobbies so... sometimes reading a book or playing a game is more appealing. Anyway, all that was to say if you lack the time, for any reason really, it's easy to not start anything new.


It’s a double edged sword 🥲🥲 if I lack the time to start new WIPs, then I’m also losing stitching time in general 🥲🥲 But I have been there before and completely agree! It definitely helps with sticking to less projects


I have the opposite problem! I can't abandon a WIP no matter how much I loathe it. I can do a little picture while taking a breather from a large project, but to abandon a large project to start another large project? Big nope. Which was torture when I was working on Evil Picture, I wanted to stitch so badly but *not that picture*. It was such a relief to finish it and finally be free!!


The grass is always greener on the other side !


Just wanna say I feel you so much...browsing kits is such a source of dopamine for me. And that feeling of opening a new kit and taking out all that lovely fresh thread...mmmmmmmmmmm 😍


Adrenaline junkie 🤝 dopamine addict Starting a new project 🤝 finishing a project


I just ordered like 9 new ones, even tho I have 2 WIPs. So I feel you, but I let myself order that many because 8 of them were for presents😅


That's the same reason that I give myself (except they're not really going to end up as gifts lol....)


I technically only have 4 WIPs… but have 13 other projects kitted up. I’m also a collector, so 4 of those kitted are part of a set of 7. Which I’ve done three! And one of the kitted is a set of 9. I had to fight myself hard because there were 11 patterns and that’s too hard to frame together nicely. Some of my favourites saved in Etsy is 4 separate Greek god patterns. The others haven’t been released yet but I know I’ll have to do them all.


If you figure it out please 🙏 please let me know lol 😂


I have the same issue. I’ve got a 20+ year old WIP and just ordered 3 more.


LOL that WIP is basically as old as me! (But I will encourage this terrible behavior as it will excuse my own :3)


I use Pintrest and have so many sub folders within my main cross stitch folder. The sub folders store all the patterns I want to do by category. Every now and then, I go through my sub folders to reorganize and to see what patterns I have and which one I want to do the most. That seems to help. But I do have a lot of WIPs.


I have six or seven WIPs right now, and they are all massive projects. I rotate through based on my whims. And when I feel the need I will put them all away and do a bunch of smalls to get that satisfaction of finishing things. So what I’m doing right now is avoiding all large patterns. I let myself pick up smaller ones (<5,000 stitches) because I can finish them in a few weeks.


I decided to sell the kits and floss that are piling up on eBay. I don't make any money off them as I usually quickly buy another lot or lot of floss. It is a solution I live with. I currently have WIP. I go through and check off the floss I have on the DMC list and dig thru the kits and patterns on days I don't want to stitch. It keeps me busy.


There are some people who have mountains of WIPs -- and that's great for them. For me too many and I start to feel anxious. I feel like they get lonely if I don't work on them - which I know is totally weird. For things that I can't wait to start, I will get everything pulled together for the project, and then look for a special date that I could start it on (like a birthday, or leap day) so that way I can focus on the projects I have in motion, and then get started on that one in the waiting. I think there is a rush of getting started - and that's such a fun feeling.


When I realized that sometimes what I need is the dopamine from starting a new project - and I also released myself from the burden of finishing any WIPs that no longer excite me... That's when the next part of my life began. ;)


Ok you’re also so right! I do find myself eventually coming back to a WIP, but the question is how long I take to get back around 😅😅😅 but honestly, I guess finding myself enjoying the hobby is equally important as finishing them!


can't help you - i'm a magpie stitcher and i let it ride :-D when i kick off (may be forever and a day from now), someone's going to get a HUGE stash of patterns, half-start projects, and supplies!


that's what i'm telling myself too LOLLL it's all about the journey after all xD


My projects have locations, so I have one at my desk, one by my couch, and one in the car (for travel or waiting at appointments). This gives me the variety I crave without having me start another because I only want one pending project at each location.


I should probably do this! but the only issue is that I use pattern keeper, and that would mean I would need to carry my tablet everywhere >.> Not to mention, I would need more hoops and q-snaps to have these projects all on the go haha Also I get scared of my projects getting dirty o\_O


I have one on a q-snap, one on a round hoop, and the travel one I do in hand. To keep dirt off (and cats out of it) I found the scrapbook plastic cases fit most WIPs and they are see through.


I have a “catalogue” (a folder on my pc with screenshots) of patterns I want to buy, but I don’t ACTSULLY buy them until I start. The excitement of starting a new project carries me through the last 25% of my WIP. If I am working on a WIP I don’t care for anymore, I just say “this is done now!” And move on.


I'm trying to adopt this mentality of where I have to finish in order to start (and therefore hopefully motivate me to finish faster) Dx it's tough though but I think I should also give myself some grace and not miserably force myself to finish either! gotta find that balance


stop scrolling etsy? actually though, I have 5 bins to store projects and their supplies in. I will not buy more bins. thus, i can only ever have 5 WIPs. having a hard limit helps, i think


I've started resorting to just stuffing multiple projects into one big bin... >.> I \*should\* stop scrolling Etsy, but honestly it's so much fun D:


Hit up thrift stores. You sometimes get lucky. I have a ton of cross stitch kits and needlepoint canvases from there. Luckiest I ever got was a pickup load of fabric, patterns, stands and who knows what else for $20. After a month, the manager was tired of watching 2 people buy a little at a time and made the deal just to get it out of there.


It's on my list of things to do! I feel like none of the thrift stores near me have embroidery related things, but it's worth a shot to try and scour :D The demographic in my area doesn't really support this haha


I usually have one small project that I can finish faster for those small wins and a larger one I go back to over time. I also surged the fabric for my next 5 pieces so I can only do those next.


I do too but it's not enough for me HAHA I need to work on my self-discipline and control


Hahaha. I understand. I may not have too many wips rn but the patterns! 😂 I have so many patterns to stitch.and kits


The only thing that makes me feel better is that I'm supporting the artist LMAOOO help them make that bank


Woo 👏🏻


ive had to put myself on a pattern ban to stop buying them. the amount of patterns ive bought that are just sitting in a drawer that i might never even stitch is frankly embarrassing. if u dont want to ban yourself, id say save them in your favourites, come back maybe a week later and see if ur still interested. i had this cats one i had saved and almost bought impulsively, but came back with fresh eyes a week later and decided it really wasnt worth it, even if it was only £2. whatever works for you :)


I might need to put a ban on myself too LOL I try not to buy patterns impulsively! My issue is that even after a few weeks of having it saved, I still want to stitch it >.> And the number keeps growing I forced myself to wait a few mONTHS to decide if I really wanted to try a HAED, and eventually I decided I should just take the plunge since it had been about 4 months of thinking about it haha Once the Memorial Day sale came around, I figured that was my sign to finally just do it lolol


https://preview.redd.it/lbzlo4kx955d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b60797273574a3ae12f2dc7ff92add5d387293 i also use this screenshot i have saved to decide if i want to buy anything, not just a pattern


I've been dealing with this by doing mini patterns occasionally. Setting little goals on bigger projects also helps. I think a big part of the appeal of starting a new project, for me, is also kitting it out - printing off the pattern, collecting the threads and cutting the fabric, and enjoying the feeling of everything being in its place and ready to go. Sometimes I feel that itch really really strongly so I kit out a random small project and just leave it there for the next time I travel. Sorting a different collection of hobby stuff (dice, nail polish or earrings) also helps with that.


huh! maybe I should also try just kitting up for a project to save for the future :O The only issue with that is that also costs a bit more money HAHA than doing nothing at all, but I will keep it in mind nonetheless! I would do more mini patterns, but all of the mini patterns usually don't speak to me T\_T


Oh yeah I usually do the kitting up out of threads I already own, not buying new ones! Try Googling "mini pixel art" and whatever you're interested in, I've found a lot of fun stuff that's easily converted into a pattern that way and of course its totally free!


I have made a rule for myself where if I see a pattern that catches my interest, I can put it in my cart, but it has to sit there for at least a week before I buy it. Frequently, some of the shiny rubs off if you give yourself a chance to think about it, and the reminder of similar patterns you already have makes it easier to say "no".


My problem is that the desire never goes away T\_T I've let some of these sit in my cart or favorites for up to month and the itch has not gone away LOLLL I'm sure me spending egregious amounts of time trying to find new patterns isn't helping either haha But it has prevented me from buying many still nonetheless! Definitely a foolproof method (but I am the joker at this point)


I only have one WIP and have probably acquired more patterns than I can stitch in a lifetime. I have a reasonable stash of fabric/thread but I don’t assemble anything until it’s time to stitch! There would be more pressure if I’d spent many $$ on kits I think


I try to avoid kits only because they have paper patterns haha but I get the urge to manually kit up for digital patterns all the time 🙂‍↕️ Good for you though! I wish I could stick to a single WIP 😆


I set up a monthly rotation. It’s a deliberate mix of (relatively) quick ~10-50k stitches, and large full coverage ones. I keep 5-6 WIPs going at all times. Every one gets 5-6 days each month, then it’s on to the next. During the year I’ll add potential new starts to next year’s file, and as the new year approaches I start filtering that down to the ones I really really want to do. I may not get to all of them, but that’s okay. This system is good for me in several ways. I get a few new starts each year, and some finishes, too. No more impulse starts of things that I only love in the moment. I’m never bored - I always know the next WIP is only a few days away. My quick stitches rescue me from the confetti hell of my big WIPs and the big ones keep me challenged in ways the quick ones don’t. But with all that said, if starts is what you love, who cares if you finish them? Stitch your joy, your way. Just maybe stick to smallish patterns so you’re not wasting money on fabric. ❤️


I favorite a million future projects on Etsy, then they have to compete with one another for which one gets made next. You can't love them all equally.


Never say never… Impossible says, “I’m possible”…. 😆😆😆 (shhhhh)


I go sit with a weekly stitch n bitch group for at least two hours to make myself work on my current projects. It has also helped me stay on task throughout the week and I make time to listen to my ongoing stream of audiobooks (thank you LIBBY). So I push through as best I can. I also don't allow myself to buy another frame/hoop so I am limited in what I can start even though I have been accumulating patterns from etsy and mybobbin - my pinterest board is full of things I want to do.....