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Is that like…. 50K stitches of white? 😭😭


It's 282 x 378 stitches, but I'm not spending more time trying to work out the specific stitch count lol! It's about 4 and a half skeins of white :/


Oh man 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️😵‍💫😵‍💫 at least the white is done LOL Godspeed 🫡


I am DYING at your bio and had to share - the dude that sits next to me at work has a little bottle of the evian spray, and it cracks me up every time he uses it. Like he just needs a little OOMPH to keep going, ya know?


A friend recommended it to me YEARS ago when I asked what her foundation routine was because it was impeccable. And she recommended the Evian mist LOL so I got the two pack It was a hit or miss for me HAHA like some days my foundation was SMOOTH as a doll! And other days I felt like it didn’t do anything LOL - I will say, putting the makeup finish aside, it feels really nice on your face with or without makeup. The mist always feels cold and never lukewarm, and it genuinely felt refreshing to spray throughout the day 🤣🤣 I would spray friends too when we were out if anyone wanted some I have not repurchased since, but it was nice while it lasted 💀 the mist nozzle also gets less fine overtime, so near the end, it felt like a mini water gun lol Edit: HELP WHY DO I HAVE A BRAND AFFILIATE TAG NOW 😭😭😭 I swear this started off as a throwaway account and just decided to pick the closest object to me as my username since I didn’t care at the moment


Pretty soon you're gonna get _cases_ of this spray delivered to you and some pointed suggestions on places to post reviews. It's all downhill from there, good luck


I think a mod tagged me 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 but I’m not sure jsjsjsjdkeod


Remember me when you’re famous 😭


Congratulations, You’ve just become an Influencer!?! Is this how it happens? 🤣


Floss estimator says it’s about 30k stitches. Any way you slice it, that’s a lot without stitching other colors to break the monotony.


Bless your eyeballs bc I think I'd be crying, lol.


seriously. My eyes are sore on OPs behalf!


Damn. At first I didn’t read your caption and my brain was like “why is this fabric textured?” Until I figured it out. Way to get the most tedious part out of the way first! Looks amazing and cool


holy shit i bow down to you. i have a wip like this but with black, makes me want to get back to work on it!


Wow you absolute maniac lol, that looks amazing! Can't wait to see the finished piece


Haha I know right! "Just do the background first, how bad could it be?" Still, at least it's all done and out of the way! Having to do all that at the end would probably make me put it off for months...


I applaud your patience! I would have opted to stitch everything but the white and just leave these areas bare.


I would have done the same, I would just order white sparkle fabric instead.


It was a gift, so I decided to use the fabric given in the kit


I get that, and I admire your dedication😅😁


That’s…… that’s damn impressive….. I think I would get lost in all of that…. Kudos!


whats the pattern?


Peacock by Scandy Girl (GeckoRouge kit, but it doesn't seem to be in stock atm)


Currently working on this piece myself. Is lovely but having to do the white bit by bit. I couldn't cope all at once! 




I could see the outline of a peacock and was scrolling through the comments to see if I was right. You a girl after my own heart getting the boring shade out of the way first, now you can move on to the exciting colours 😁


Wait. Wait. Are you telling me that that indented-looking area is not an imprint *on the fabric*, but the blank spots between where you *stitched all that white?* That's incredible... I actually really love how it looks right now-- very Textured.


You're insane. I salute you 🫡


I am in awe, that's such hard work! Kudos to you


I hope you never doubt that you are determined.


in the nicest way possible, that seems like hell. 28ct 1 over 1 and white on white!? you are so strong, hope youre having fun and the piece turns out as beautiful as its looking rn!


you are so much braver than me 😭 i always do white last


Holy crap. That hurts my eyes. Kudos for making it though.




Goodness 😱😱


That’s super cool. Now you get to watch the color pop even more. 😍


\*wide-eyed\* Better you than me!




Holy cow! One recommendation though - I always do white (or very light colors) spaces last if at all possible to limit any potential discoloration from my hands, etc. Call me OCD………. It was a lesson learned from 40+ years experience. LOL


It's going to washed anyway at the end of it, so it doesn't really matter that much


How long did this take you?? This is incredible!!!


About 8 months


oh my god. i can’t even comprehend this. you are an inspiration to us all


You’re better than I am, I would’ve left it as just the evenweave 😂


You know that drinking yourself to death is less effort, right? Congratulations(?) on such a monumental effort.


hope this doesn’t come across the wrong way, but should the grid be showing through the white? if not, what can be done about it?


This type of pregridded evenweave is meant to be washed after and the line work should wash out. Typically the instructions do note that it should be machine washed and not hand washed to get the grid out effectively.


It gets washed out at the end - the grid will disappear :) (Personally I hate grids and wouldn't have used this material if it hadn't come with the kit!)


Bless you because I would’ve been so bored just doing white and not being able to see the project “build” - but at the same time I also do the harder/menial parts first just to get it over with


I say this in the most positive way one can take it: you are absolutely psychopathic. I hate stitching white and when I have large areas of it I have to break up the stitching. Doing what you have done would drive me to insanity. Even contemplating it makes my head hurt. I am in deep admiration of the strength of your soul.


Wow, and you kept it so clean the whole time! So impressive!


You are a patient person! I don't think I could do it.😩


28 count? What is this, a cross stitch for ants? I don’t think my eyes could handle this!


*bows down in respect* cause damnnnnnn your eyes must be pulled out for that


Wow, I'd get way too cross eyed doing this much white on white. Fantastic 😊


This is great! Gave me a chuckle too, just because it kind of made me think how silly stitching can be sometimes. But in a positive way! I'm with you on this. I never sit with the "I'd just leave the white background bare" (unless its not a full coverage), because imo the texture of the stitches make such a huge difference to the overall piece. Looks like an art work in itself already.


Wow! Great work. Genuine question - what made you decide to do the outside first?


A few things: it's all in a massive chunk, so is relatively easier to stitch than the confetti of the central bit; gives me a lot of opportunities to anchor the thread for the other colours since it's 1 over 1 and I can't do a loop start; my general stitching style is from the centre, cross-country, colour-by-colour, so once I'd started on the white it was hard to stop lol; and finally, saving it until the end would've been more annoying!


Tell me you're a masochist without telling me you're a masochist. (Says the woman who almost exclusively stitches 1 over 1 on high count fabric. 😂)


You’re insane. I could NEVER.


Wow I just started my first ever cross stitch project this is absolutely wild to me. So impressive !!! I can’t comprehend how you could possibly follow a pattern like this?? How long did it take you?!


About 8 months


Dioses, ¿cuánto hilos blancos consumiste en esta pieza?


About 4 and a half skeins I think


That...deserves a Feat of Strength achievement or Conquest achievement...or both.


RIP your eyes but wow that is a really cool effect!!