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I went through carefully cutting each piece with a seam ripper. It was easier to rip them out if they were smaller pieces. and if they were caught between stitches it would be easier for it to unravel around those stitches after they were cut smaller


Thanks for the help!


Just want to chime in that I agree w this suggestion. I had a piece I did similarly without paying attention and oof, while it was a pain, working one thread at a time saved my tail lol now, i purposefully leave my floss grids on top of the project so i can make SURE i don't stitch into it lol


Where did you get the Stardew pattern? šŸ˜


Here it is: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1241179175/stardew-valley-home-pattern-cosy-game


I grid used dmc floss too but I remove it as I go, so I don't have to pull it out at the end.


Ah I see! I kinda thought it would be more satisfying to do it at the end. It's not turning out that way lol. I did also do sections at a time. So I started with the house, then did the mushroom, then the green trees etc etc so I didn't do it square by square which would make more sense to remove as I go


If you use something like Sulky Sliver (or fishing line too I guess) it is EXTREMELY satisfying to pull out at the end because it doesn't matter if you stitch over it at any point, you're not going to pierce it and the way it comes out just feels really satisfying to do.


Sulky Sliver is a beast to work with when setting up your gridding, but itā€™s worth every minute of aggravation when youā€™ve completed your stitching because it just SLIDES right out. Red shows up well and I suspect blue does too on light colored fabric. I wonā€™t use anything that makes marks on my fabric, although many people do use pens. But then I also donā€™t do full coverage pieces, so if the marks donā€™t come out Iā€™d be so mad!


Ah! Thanks for the heads up


Can you use Sulky red? I tried the silver, but on white Aida, I couldnā€™t see it while I was doing the gridding. So placement was next to impossible for me. I was thinking since itā€™s a filament, it wouldnā€™t matter?


The name of the thread is confusing, itā€™s called ā€œsliverā€ like a thin sliver of polymer, not ā€œsilverā€. I have had a nightmare using gold / sliver sulky ā€” I also find red or navy blue much easier to use for gridding purposes.


Ha! I've never looked that close at my sulky threads, so I've always called it "silver" too - today I learned!


This is like when I realized the musician was Skrillex, not Skillrex. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤£


Gotcha, I see that now. I first bought the same thing, but in silver color. The latest I bought is red, but I see that itā€™s still ā€œsulky silverā€. Thank you for the explanation! https://preview.redd.it/isxfekhlvc8d1.jpeg?width=1291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046eeae694df55a10a85f4d0c854035f502ac44b


>t I see that itā€™s still ā€œsulky silverā€. If you zoom in on your pic you will see that the name on the spool is SLIVER (as in a sliver of wood) not silver (as in the metal or color).


Thank you!


I'm using a very hot magenta Sulky from the late 90s to grid. Love the color on any color Aida, the grid shows up well.Ā 


https://i.imgur.com/lnBcefa.gifv this is an example of how I do it. It makes it easy and leave no mess.


Thanks! I'll consider doing it this way next time


That gif is so satisfying!


This is so neat.


I use [this method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk6mWyo4z10&list=PLwB180LykqysA8KKRe3IukmAIsuzbvICL). (great tutorial!) I like this method, but I'm a little OCD about the lines of Sulky. I can't stand to stitch across any of them. I don't like the lines to be crooked! If I turn it over, maybe the corner markings like you have yours will be easier for me.


I'd recommend using monofilament, like Sulky Sliver. Makes it reusable as well.


I would probably approach this from a similar viewpoint as removing waste Aida from a project & come in with a good pair of tweezers & small scissors/a seam ripper. I would also work from the back as well as the front of your piece. My guess is, unless you were insanely meticulous about travelling between same coloured sections, you've probably caught the thread up in your travelling threads on the back of the piece. Cut the thread on the front where it's visible & pull at the embroidery floss with your tweezers, while watching what strands pull at the back. You'll likely have to work flipping from front to back & very carefully untangle the threads that got caught up in your stitching. For future projects, if you want to test using this method again, I would suggest working your piece from one corner towards the other. As you fill your sections, pull the gridding thread out along the way. This way, I won't get tangled into the threads along the back of your piece as you travel.


Thank you very much! I'll give this a try


Bit late for this project but a good suggestion is to use unbraided fishing line as it's very smooth and will be much easier to pull out.


Yeah, I've been looking online and basically everywhere said "don't use embroidery thread, go for a fishing line" so I've learnt my lesson lol. Why I didn't check this before I went ahead and gridded it like this... idk


I use [RS Easy Count](https://www.amazon.com/Designs-Easy-Count-Guideline-100-Yard-Red/dp/B002WE1EWU) which is very similar to fishing line but is specifically made for embroidery work. Very easy to pull out when done the way they suggest. You will be pulling out two rows or columns at a time and they come out with ease. Also easy to see as you work even on areas you have completed. https://preview.redd.it/tdxcdzmmia8d1.jpeg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b86d2090982ad22aeec3f16e5d1ea95df1cc44


Thank you, I'll consider it for my next piece!


I use this too! But I just pull it all out at once, I've never had an issue and have pulled out like 400 rows. it's so satisfying. It is a pain to put it in though but so worth it to avoid accidental staining


I use Sulky Sliver, bizarrely enough it was cheaper than fishing line and it's more or less the same thing.


This is what I use. It comes out like a dream.


I've heard this too, but I'm too lazy to buy fishing line. I use sewing thread (in contrasting color(s)) - it works fine and I have a ton of it around the house already. :)


Totally stealing this idea because Iā€™ve used the markers before, but I often get my gridding wrong.


Some good advice from others here so I just want to say, I hope you find a method that works for you because this piece is ADORABLE!!!! Don't be afraid to set it aside for a while and come back to it when your frustration has calmed. ā¤ļø (When it's done, come share it over at r/stardewvalley !!!)


Aw! Thank you! I have sorted it now with thanks to the advice received! I'll share it over there when I've washed, ironed and displayed it :)


I'm so glad you were able to get it out! Your project is beautiful!


Thank you!


I don't do any gridding, but I do love this piece! Congrats to you on this!


Thank you!


LOL I am working on this exact piece as I type. Congratulations on finishing it. It looks great, I hope you can fix the grinding issue


Thank you! I hope you're enjoying this piece! I've seen several other people do this project in this sub


I've done this too! The answer is a lot of patience and very careful cutting of the gridding. Use gridding markers! They're fantastic


Yeah, I've tried both with this project which is a little chaotic, but I did prefer the marker whilst I was stitching, although the grid still showing when I had stitched over and around most of it was useful


With the frustration I had after trying to cut away my gridding floss, I've realized that gridding markers are the way lol. Will never use gridding floss again


Where did you find this pattern?




I LOVE THIS SO MUCH I donā€™t even cross stitch itā€™s just a hobby Iā€™ve had my eye on, this might be the thing that officially pushes me to properly start haha


You really should! I'm 4 projects in now and it's so good! Here's the pattern if you're interested: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1241179175/stardew-valley-home-pattern-cosy-game


Thank you! Any tips? I crochet and Iā€™ve tried cross stitch on very cheap shitty kids kits that I messed up badly and it killed my fingers using a plastic needle lol


Honestly, I've learnt a lot from this community and seeing what people normally ask. There are plenty of videos to help you get going, too. I started with a pusheen kit, then found a Totoro kit on etsy that I liked. With the kits I've used, I found that they walked you through the basics on how to get going. I haven't used a plastic needle, only metal tapestry ones which are pretty easy for me. It's only after hours of stitching that my finger tips start to get sore. I've tried crochet but I don't think it's for me as I found cross stitching a lot easier


I have no advice. Just wanted to say Iā€™m a big fan of the Stardew pattern!




Carefully trim it out. I grid too but I use metallic sewing thread (like for a machine) - easy to use, almost impossible to pierce, and removes easily. I also remove as I stitch because pulling any thread over a long distance can easily result in a broken thread.


I donā€™t have any advice about removing the grid floss (though it seems everyone else has some great advice) I just wanted to say I love the piece - Iā€™m a big Stardew Valley fan and this piece is beautiful! šŸ¤©


Thank you!


I have to ask....why the grid? I've been x-stitching for decades and have never seen this until recently. Newer trend to make counting easier?


It is easier to count. I did do it section by section (the house, then the mushroom, then the green trees, and so on) so it was easier to see what stitches went where


i donā€™t have tips but i LOOOVE your work


I would leave as is, except stitch somewhere : mistakes are a learning tool, or something as silly.


Lovely piece. Think I have to do a similar Stardew valley soon šŸ˜Š


I canā€™t offer you any advice but I finished this pattern myself in February and I love it so much!! Excellent pattern choice ā˜ŗļø


Why, thank you!


I also gridded my pokemon epic cross stitch, almost finished the first bottom starters and I too regret gridding with floss


Omg wait where's this pattern from I'd really like a copy


Here you go: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1241179175/stardew-valley-home-pattern-cosy-game


You are the best, thank you!


I did this on my first project lol it took a little time to get all the little bits out and mine wasnā€™t full coverage like yours. I think I used tweezers and cut the bits fairly small.


I can't help...but admire this beautiful piece of art ;D


Amazing work!


This is entirely not helpful to your problem but I am just here to say your project is phenomenal. I love it beyond all belief šŸ¤© my boys and I play stardew together and I am currently crocheting mandalas out of yarn that is similar in colors to stardew valley. Then we are cross stitching characters and favorite things in plastic canvas to safety pin to the mandalas. I have been teaching my sons to cross stitch and they love making junimos. I am showing them your project as a goal for when they get better at cross stitching. šŸ’œ


Oh thank you! That's so lovely of you! I hope you share what you and your boys make :)


Those stitches are pristine! What count aida did you stitch this on?


Oh, that's kind of you! I see some that are a little messy here and there but it's probably because I view it so close. I used 14 count aida


Wow that is amazing coverage for 14 count! So nice! Love it!


I use heat erasable pens for my gridding. That way when I iron my finished piece, it erases itself.


Some recommendations- Sulky Sliver is nice, but a bit of a pain, as is any grid that you have to sew into place. So time consuming! As you mentioned, water soluble pens are good, just make sure theyā€™re actually soluble. If they need heat, theyā€™re not what you want. Dritz and Clover make good ones designed for fabric. Fading is an issue for me (I live in humid Tampa) and I find it easiest to grid as I go, while the fabric is under full tension. If youā€™re using white fabric, you can also buy pre-gridded fabric. The grid will come out with a long soak in warm water. Its main advantage is that you donā€™t have to do it yourself.


Gridding and flossing is so skibidi, on god