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It’s hard to wrap my brain around the fact that this is only 7% complete. How incredible! Please do share as you progress—I’d love to see how this turns out 😊


I've been working on it since 4/21 I think it'll take at least 2 years


I’m about to begin my first full coverage project. Hopefully I’ll be as consistent as you have been—it’s my dream pattern :)


Any tips??


This is Aida cloth so it has the little holes in it's weave that I use to keep it consistent. When I do one on regular cloth it's a mixture of a good grid and lots of practice with the stitches


https://preview.redd.it/3p9s8f4rem8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08733cedf8a20875a8927030d4dca5c4307f114a Here is the picture of the artwork that the pattern is based on. It also has the pattern creators name for those interested!


Wow, that is going to be AMAZING! But, it also looks like a years-long project, so I wish you luck and hope you eventually complete it! Fingers crossed over here!


I'm thinking at least 2 years tbh. On a good day I can do around 2000 stitches and there are 798k total


2 years is a lot faster than I would have guessed! You must be good at sticking to projects and seeing them through to the end. Please post a progress pic every once in a while! It would be lovely to watch this take shape along with you.


If I take a break it'll be longer for sure


2000 stitches is great! I envy your speed. On my best days I hit about 800, and only if there are not many thread changes. One I’m working now has so many changes that I’m averaging only about 40 stitches per hour. Fortunately, I also have one with a lot of block stitching for when I get mad at it. 😂


On Mondays Friday and Saturdays I can do 2k-2500, Tuesday Thurs around 1500 and Wednesday Sunday around 500-800 I can do it at work so that pretty much lines up with my shifts


This is going to be pretty beautiful and striking with the size of it. Do you know where you'll display it?


Lol I do not plan that far ahead. If it's anything like my other projects I'll likely give it away.


Every one of my projects are rolled up in a bag in a cupboard. This one you're doing now though demands display 😄. Also I love dragons


I've only done three cross stitches before this. 1 a wolf is on a pillow in my bedroom about 15"x8" the dimensions fairies over water which I framed and gave away and the dimensions white horse on a background about the size of the wolf which I put on a pillow and gave away. I don't tend to keep any of my crafts. I actually have a big tub where anything I make goes and friends and family know it's all fair game. Whatever's left once a year I take to a craft show and give away.


It sounds like the value is in the doing of it for you. It's like that for me. Your giving away system is good. It takes away the need for having a specific purpose for everything.


I'm doing the Crow by Sherova. I'm 2.33% done. 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/f9ul2bc7qu8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a0a932db22eb29a69c48b2f6327849a73567bde


Her patterns are beautiful! It's coming along so well!


Me too! I have barely started but am loving the colours used for the project. What count fabric are you using?


I'm stitching on 20ct Easy Grid Aida! It's the first time I've ever tried using Easy Grid. I've gridded all my other pieces using Sulky Sliver, but since this was the largest full-coverage I've ever stitched, I didn't want to grid 40x40 100 squares. I will say that I'm not liking the Easy Grid as much as my regular gridding because the grid lines are light gray on the fabric, making it really difficult to see. I have a magnifying light to see the stitches, too... 20ct is waaaaaay too small for my eyes now!


I tried a few fabric samples before committing to a 16ct aida, thinking of how often I have tired eyes after work and the fact that I am not getting any younger. It was the kindest choice, as I find I have made a lot of errors due to the lighting, and unpicking has been so difficult. I may have to invest in a light too. I bet the detail you will achieve on a 20ct will be absolutely stunning! have you been tempted by OPs dragon piece? The pattern is on sale...


Love the colours so far!


Thanks this dragon is blue the other is reddish


You'll be so tired of blue by the end of the of this!! It looks wonderful, but I swear I can see The Tick!


I'm not sure what the tick means? I am already sick of black it's about 50% of the stitches


He's a comic book character. He wears a blue suit and has a big chin.




7%!?! Oh goodness, that is so much work already! It looks great so far!


I have already completed 54k stitches roughly


I am so impressed. That is MASSIVE. Please share updates. This looks like it is going to be gorgeous!


I'll try to remember maybe every 5% cause that is like 1 per monthish idk


One, that looks awesome! Two, you are insane to take on that project. I want to see the finished work in about 10 years.


!RemindMe 10 years


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Good bot


Lol sounds about right 2 months to get this far


Jesus, do you hate yourself? 😉


Lolol I love taking on unreasonable projects they always get done


> Gonna take me forever I think. Yeah, but those are the ones we love :-D


Oh my GOD. I'm so impressed with this! Can't wait to see the finished piece. Great work so far!


Thank you! Gonna be a while before it's finished lol


Holy moly 😧


Do you have a picture of the completed model?


I have a pic of the artwork that someone turned into a pattern but I do not know how to add that in a comment? I couldn't find any pics of what it will look like as a cross stitch though


If you are using Reddit app on your phone there is an icon below the comment box to upload an image. Would love to see it. The part you did look already stunning.


It went in as its own comment not part of this thread but it's there now!


Thanks 😊


Sounds almost like a generational tapestry. I can't even imagine. I usually pick smaller projects so I can move onto something different. I will send you my hopes that you never burn out.


I work on other things simultaneously. I anticipate taking breaks from this too. This is my at work project my current at home project is a crochet dragon. I'll definitely take the well wishes though!


Wow it looks fantastic. I love the colours too


This is bonkers amazing!! Looking forward to your continued progress pics. It’s gonna be epic!


I truly admire the work that is. Largest piexe I've ever done also happens to be on 14 ct and it measure like, 50 x 38 cm.


I will be completely honest when I started my brain didn't connect that 799 by 999 stitches was gonna be as big as it was. I was also hoping to do it on 28ct but I couldn't find any


28ct? I'm using 20ct & I hate it!


I wanted the detail of all the stitches without the size


Jesus. Just realised my biggest was on 12 ct, and it was 170 x 147 stitches. Though the one I'm working on rn is 14 ct and 210 x 198 stitches


This was a touch ambitious but I don't mind. I definitely think your projects are smarter 😁


I just recently finished a massive piece like this (I thought it would take 2 years, it took 5.5) and here's my advice: STRETCH. Watch for repetitive motion injury in your hands, elbows, and shoulders. If you're not already using some kind of light and magnification (basic reading glasses are a good idea), look into it. Take frequent photos of the piece in progress because it's fun to look back on them. This is going to be amazing when it's done!


It's my first big crosstitch but definitely not my first big project. I don't use magnification but that might not be a bad idea and don't worry I take plenty of photos I usually make stop motion compilations of my works


My piece was on 26-count so I was definitely going blind towards the end. 🤣


I believe it I wanted 28ct by my Joanns didn't have it so it's 14ct pretty big tbh


Omg. This is going to be FABULOUS! Keep us updated.


I'm gonna do my best to remember to update at 5% increments which I think will be like every 2 months


You are crazyyyyy but it looks amazing already


This was definitely not the first indication of that lol


And I thought my 4'x4' project was big. How do you deal with blocks and blocks of one color? Mine looks more like an outline at the moment (there are words in the middle) than a clear picture like yours...


To be honest I kinda love them. I don't have to think I can just do it. That being said I alternate between big blocks and more random patterns. Yesterday I did 1200 stitches of just the black (you can see them half done on the top left there) and then did 1200 stitches of colors that only had like 6 of them in the area I'm currently working so I don't burn out too hard on either kind of stitching


Wow. I commend you!


Are you using any king of frame or hoop for the area you're working on? What are you doing to protect the rest of the fabric you're not working on yet?


I put duct tape on the raw edges so they don't unravel. I am not using a hoop cause I don't want creases. I am rolling up the edges to be able to hold the fabric as I need so I can constantly adjust


You are not using a embroidery hoop? Any advice for working without an embroidery hoop when your piece of art is so big? Thanks!


I never work with an embroidery hoop if my piece is bigger than the hoop cause I don't like the creases. I just kinda hold the fabric with my left hand and stitch with my right. I can give tips if you are more specific on what you're struggling with?


Damm that looks awesome how many threads are you using? Is it 3 because it looks so good😍


I am taking DMC 6 stranded and using 3 strands at a time. Thank you!


I do love the stained glass effect, it makes those jewel-tone colors pop. Gorgeous stitching. 😍 This will be huge on 14ct! I’m such a weenie that I stitch all of my large full coverage projects on 25-28ct, and use tent stitch to make it go faster. 😀


What is "the tent stitch"?


It’s a half cross technique. Basically, if your first leg (a half cross) looks like /, and you start at the lower corner, tent stitch has you start at the upper corner. The back of a standard half cross looks like this - |||| The back of a tent stitch (where the front is ///) looks like this - \\\\\ I mix standard half cross with tent. On the front it all looks like /////


Hit 8% today


9% today. I was booking it!