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From where have you purchased this magic wand?


I originally found them from [the Needle Lady](https://theneedlelady.com/side-threading-needles/) who I think came up with the patent, but you can also find them as "side threading needles" on other small shops [like this one!](https://www.fatquartershop.com/9-count-sew-right-side-threading-needles)


I've been an aerospace machinist, a nautical welder, and an industrial machine mechanic, and I love this kinda shit so much! I've been deep in the woods sewing my pants and needed this, but couldn't make one on the spot. Smart problem solving humans.... huzzah!


This looks brilliant! Do you use the needle for all of your stitching, or just when you're near the end of a thread? Curious to hear if it feels similar to a tapestry needle or if it catches fabric or threads!


I really only use it as a specialty needle to finish off short threads. I have found it to be totally perfect for for those couple of stitches when the thread is too short for my normal needle or hiding thread-ends while making finishing touches in quilting/sewing. It can be a little finicky compared to a normal needle for more typical use. It can get caught if I'm not being careful, so I think there could be a learning curve for positioning the eye to not catch threads that I haven't learned yet. Even with that, it has become one of my favorite tools in my kit!!


I was about to order a leaf of them and was wondering whether they would be as useful as they claim. Thanks for the review!


if you get a set, let me know if you also like them! I'm really curious to know if others find it as helpful as I do!


How have I never thought to do the needle through like this? I always do front to back


It’s called the sewing method! I just read about it while reading up on different cross stitch techniques. I’m definitely going to try it out. You can do it with or without a hoop, though I know it’s really popular for people who prefer hoopless .


Yep I like it for evenweave in-hand. Feel it can sometimes look less tidy though.


I used to use that technique when I sewed in hand and loved it. Now I’m a scroll frame and Q Snap girl. But I did hear it could be done in a frame, so I tried it with no real success. Perhaps it’s because I also use a stand. I think you need the flexibility to move your fabric that a stand can’t provide.


saves me from so many misplaced pokes by going through one side!


Maybe I haven’t stitched enough yet only a few projects but I feel like I’m not understanding the benefits of this needle. Can someone explain it to me?


It's a specialty needle for short thread. You know the moment when the thread is getting short but you only have a few stitches left so you try to make it work anyways, but then you reach the point where the needle is longer than the thread so you can't keep going & securing the thread now is a pain in the butt because the needle keeps getting unthreaded? This solves the problem! You place the side-threading needle through the fabric and pop the thread in through the open eye, and pull through - super quick and very little fuss, repeat as necessary until the thread runs out!


Oooooh I think I understand now. I’m not sure if I do thread chicken I think I get to anxious maybe that’s why I didn’t get it. Interesting! Thank you for explaining. I appreciate it.


So is it much easier to thread than other needles? Edit: nevermind I finally zoomed in enough to see




…I am shook.


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) not sure if just broken needle having bright side or


What! Omg I need this


Omg.. my eyes will thank you for this... Forever squinting to try and thread bloody needles 😍


Wow, I didn’t know such a needle existed, and it does look like a game-changer! Thank you for sharing!


I’m not sure I understand. You can do that with a normal needle? How is it different?


When you just have that Itty bitty frayed end left and it's too short to reach your needle you can put the needle through and then the end is easier to get the thread into to pull it. I hope this makes some kind of sense 😅


exactly! it's a side-threading needle so you just have to pop the thread in from the side each time you sew through the fabric rather than properly threading every single time like you would a normal needle when the thread is that short. its so convenient & saves time/thread!


needle and crochet hook in 1! Neek? Hoodle? :D


creedle? nochet?


the Needle ladies needles are also nickel free


ooo I had no idea but that is totally an added bonus!




Every time I think this sub has taught me all I need to know, I am very happily proven wrong again


My grandma gave me a load of these when I was about 11 and I somehow broke all of them. Don’t be like me people take care of your needles (I’m also pretty sure they were super cheap so that probably didn’t help)


Haven't yet broken my first one, my needle is a few years old now I think ? I also gotta credit my matriarchs who introduced them to me with very little explanation (shout out great grandma & mom)- the world needs to know how useful they really are!!


Genius. Is this how they felt when someone first invented a round wheel? 🤯


I can never ever find them where I live!


Amazon has them here in the US. I searched *side-threading needle* and it came up with several items.


I linked a couple shops up above that have them in stock! :)


What did "chicken" mean again? 👉🏻👈🏻


the game of chicken is afoot when you only have a few stitches left but very little thread: try to find out who will run out first - my hubris or the thread?? my pride is always hurt when I have to recut and rethread for only 2 stitches because I lost the game of chicken lol


Oh yeah, that's one of the joys of stitching. 😅 how little thread can we work with? Thank you.


Today I lost by one stinking stitch. I even switched to my shortest petite needle, too! 😖


my fellow chicken, you're gonna love this special needle! never again will you lose by one stitch!!😤