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I’m in Asia, yea Comp is dead over here… I have to play with NA Friends to stay in ascendant. It’s hard getting the weekly three games in.


Not just you. I’m in the UK and I could only get one game last night. I was searching for almost an hour for a second but no dice.


This MM / rank system never made sense, especially when combined with objectives modes meant to "include" everyone. Players interested in the list for what it should be... have been vocal during the collapse. They've quit playing, too, because there is no Comp in Comp.   This kind of failure is this only thing that will save / bring the mode back.  6s has made a 180 turn toward its roots, and it's working. Comp needs the same...reflective of the Unbroken days. PvP for PvP players. Simple formula.    The loot system is more rewarding now, but proof is there for all to see - focus on LOOT is not the primary draw in the Comp mode = proven failure.      


Yeah it's rough. I find games often however the quality is 50/50. The desync can get insanely terrible. Having point blank shotgun shots followed by melees completely whiffing, then getting bagged really makes me want to back out lol.


Yeah I’m in aus too and it’s been terrible. Everyone’s playing onslaught becuase the weapons are cooler and you aren’t waiting 30mins to have one game


Nobody plays because of the brain dead changes bungie keep making. Also worth mentioning our part of the world is absolutely packed with ximmers and hard cheaters


Bad ammo system made worse by a respawn gamemode on top of classic spawn systems split spawning you constantly leading to one team playing a guy down most fights and getting farmed. Never had so many blow out matches in ascendant it's crazy. I'm not sure why anyone would play more than the three games a week to focus (if i didn't have to play 3 to focus I wouldn't play comp at all.) I'm pretty convinced the most competitive mode destiny has ever had is unfortunately elimination style modes and it's unfortunate because bungie isn't going to have trials and comp both be elim.


it's big dead. certain times of the day it's easier to find matches tho