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I usually quietly disinherit them and let them live their lives. Or I’ll make them my prisoner and toss em into the dungeon until they die


I heard some people talking about a "boat-near-iceland" method. Havent tried it myself tho.


Why does that feel like an EU3 strat


That's my Medieval 2 Total War strat. Put the useless family members on a single boat and let them fight pirates


Does that make sense outside roleplay? A useless general is still a general and useless princesses can still marry someone who might be useful (or at least be thrown at an unmarried enemy general with good stats).


Yep, that was my opening strat on Western Empire in Barbarian Invasion. Group up the most useless and corrupt family members into one giant deathstack and have them fight the hordes. The General's Bodyguards were great heavy cavalry, they regenerate for free, and if the guy they're guarding dies, well, that's a thousand ducats freed up from expenses.


They have an upkeep cost for their bodyguard unit and it isn’t trivial if you’re in a weak economic position and their bad traits outweigh the value of a unit of heavy cavalry


If it's really late game, then I usually have a bunch of terrible family members spawning in my capital. Their traits are usually too bad to govern anything and my frontiers are too far away to make use of them in battle. I just do it to make it less of a hassle. As for princesses, I don't ever get too many but by that point I have all the trade agreements I never can get the marriage chance to succeed


It would be foolish to do this with female offspring. Just marry them off to the most powerful foreign bachelor. I’ve only played through one game as Ireland, but with their confederate partition system, I never once had a sister take a title I intended for her brother, or split my realm by creating a kingdom title for themselves, etc. The ideal situation is a single male heir, and a shit ton of daughters to marry off as political pawns.


I’m stealing that strat all day🙏🙏🙏


Sending them to find a brave new world.


Lol. I once set my terrible son on a boat until he died of scurvy


Havent heard that one yet lol is that just putting your heir alone into an army and let them fight unwinable battles?


I think it’s just letting them attrition to death in the ocean (maybe the ocean near Iceland has a higher attrition modifier?)


the first one was my go-to strategy for a long time until it was nerfed a few patches ago.


A good way to get rid of unwanted children can be trying to imprison them, the issue here is they might just say no. So mabye grant him some land that you dont want/need then try and imprison him, when he then declines it will start a war which you should win since he only just became lamded, wipe the floor with him and when you win the war you should automatically have imprioned him and you can execute him and wont be seen as a tyrant for it since you have a valid reason(declared war on me).


that's genius and hilarious, thank you


But then you would get kinslayer


Do it toward the end of your reign and dont think about it. But i guess you have a loint. It hasn't really impacted so much i geuss. But i do play with alot of dread, so yea.


Custom religion


If they can serve as a knight, force them to. Then raise your army during peace time, find them in the army list and split them off. Disband the rest of the army. Then find the nastiest plague on the map, like holy fire, and send them into one of the infected baronies. Chances are they will catch the disease and die. Gg, ez. Pretty gamey though, this game is a lot more satisfying if you let the story develop naturally. If your ruler is kind, wouldn’t he want all of his sons to get land/kingdoms to manage after he dies?


I totally see where you're coming from. I just started playing a few weeks ago so I am still learning the ropes.


Also you can add a law like feudal elective for your primary duchy/duchies so your first born will get the primary kingdom and all the duchies your ruler currently holds. The other sons who get kingdoms will become independent, but won’t diminish the power base you’ve been cultivating for the next ruler. Unfortunately they will probably get overthown unless you ally with them and help them against factions because the 2nd/3rd sons will be single county kings. If you help them beat a revolt or two, they will become strong enough through revoking titles to (hopefully) manage on their own. Also, the more independent titles your dynasty holds, the more renown you generate, which allows you to unlock the dynasty tree. Renown is hard to come by if your dynasty only holds one kingdom/empire. Edit: was replying to myself until I saw you replied, posted it to you instead. Don’t worry too much about keeping the realm perfect, I try to build a strong kingdom and demesne (the actual castles you hold), then start expanding for other family members. It’s fun to see what they get up to. But there’s no wrong way to play, if you want to paint the map, that’s a totally valid strategy!


Appreciate the answer although I'm not entirely clear on the law part. By independent you mean they will split off from my territory?


You can also click the succession tab during your rulers life. It gives a nice breakdown of who is inheriting what, and you will be able to see if the realm will be split up by inheritance following the rules of vassals. If sons are inheriting the same level of title as your primary heir, the 2nd/3rd/4th born will be independent after your ruler dies


If you hold more than one kingdom title (or the land of a second kingdom, under partition) that kingdom will become independent upon inheritance unless you are an emperor. Basic rule is if you hold more than one copy of your highest title (whether it’s empire, kingdom, duchy, county) it will split apart in succession because a emperor/king can’t rule over another emperor/king. What I mean by feudal elective is you can click on your titles and add succession laws. Say, for example, you hold the kingdom of England and Scotland. You also hold the duchy of Essex and Wessex. You have two sons. Upon succession, your firstborn will get your primary kingdom (England), and your primary duchy. However the 2nd duchy and the kingdom of Scotland will go to your 2nd son. You can add the ‘feudal elective’ law to both Essex and Wessex and vote for your primary son. If you hold all the counties in those duchies, you will be the only voter. Thus, your first son will get everything but the kingdom of Scotland. Scotland will become independent with your 2nd son, but your firstborn will have England and all the castles you’ve been investing time and gold building up


If I may add, the kingdom inherited by the second son will be weak since he will not inherit any lands there. Your primary heir can instantly go to war against the second son since he has a claim to that kingdom and reclaim said kingdom. (Just do it before the second son marries into an alliance.)


For sure, that’s a good point. I usually ally with my brother and help him kill his unruly vassals so he becomes strong and for that sweet, sweet renown from another independent king. Unless I’m trying to build an empire of course, then sorry little bro lol


Thank you so much for this. It explains a lot of stuff that I couldn't get my head around.


I learnt the game cheating a lot, op rulers more money and so on. After a while i quitted cheating and enjoy it a lot


The plague part is gamey, but it's quite accurate that many people were sent to the front lines -- sometimes in suicide positions of battle, knowing they wouldn't return. It was its own form of assassination. Since that's not an option, this is a proxy.


Good old [Uriah Gambit](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UriahGambit)




that was a shocker \^\^


This is truely the most cursed sub on this site




Competes well with /r/RimWorld


The shit on r/rimworld is absurd, straight evil content. The shit on here makes me double take to make sure I'm not on r/parenting or something. Much more plausible titles for real life here.




Two methods, though only one is applicable on short notice: disinheriting all of the unwanted heirs means that partition succession effectively lets you choose your heir. The other method is to raise these children into meek beings on my own, which makes them much more likely to become monks when asked (mind you, your religion needs to have this enabled, so most of Christianity and probably some of the faiths in India can do this from the get go). Monks don't get inheritance and are thus effectively dead or disinherited. You could also make them into knights and divide your armies such that they alone walk into enemy troops. Cross your fingers and hope they die


I think you can also imprison your children and manually execute them? Hefty opinion penalty from your family and vassals, so keep that in mind. Letting them waste away in your dungeon and die on their own is also possible, if unreliable.


I usually torture them first and they die within 5 years


Duly noted.


the monks one I like as it feels like something a compassionate character might actually do


I always make them a monk or knight. I hate killing off my kids I try to give them a life even if they have to get cut out of inheritance for Confederate partition. Sometimes I'll conquer and island and give them independence just so they have a shot. Usually they fail and come home but sometimes they succeed in creating their own dynasty


You can send your child as a hostage to someone and declare war on them, it's likely they will execute your child and you won't even be resposible for this. Another option is to educate one of your older child to be cynical, greedy etc., give his or her sibblings territories and see your child kill his own brothers and sisters, oh I mean accidents... All hail to Helgi, a guy who kills all Rurik's heirs


Helgi should be given some kind of chaste modifier he had all the chances to start his own thing and still remained a loyal regent. And expanded realm way more than rurik


I sent him to war to die gloriously, but he didn't. He just came back stronger each time. Meanwhile my favoured son grew cruel and soft. Long story short changes were made, and that time the prince in charge did not return home. War, man. Gets you out of trouble nine times outta ten.


This truly sounds like something out of a fantasy novel lol


Maybe this is how I become a world famous author of historical fiction. Just play a bunch of Crusader Kings and write about the families and stories afterwards. "I can't wait to see what happens to William!" "Me neither, ma'am."


Lmao I’m trying to get pregnant and also have a bunch of pregnancy subreddits I follow and I spit out my water reading this before realizing this is the CK sub


omg I'm sorry 😅


I love this game


Good luck!


I like to have my unwanted heirs take a little vacation to measles town and then forget to treat their measles


I make them realm priest, works in Hinduism, asatru and zoroastrian


Great, now what do i do with the other 4 sons?


I truly love getting these post titles in my feed. Even though I'm still on CK2 staying joined is worth it just for this.


I'm glad you enjoyed this. I would also recommend joining The Sims reddit. They are worse.


so far the most reliable way is to simply offer them as hostage & wage war with the warden just take into account the personality traits of the warden, high vengefulness and low compassion


If they have appropriate traits (zealous, humble, curious, etc.) I ask them to take vows, otherwise I just try and conquer some land for them so my realm doesn't get split up too bad. Then when I die my brothers end up being my most loyal vassals 🙂


I play CK2 and there I have a mod that allows me to leave kids in the forrest as long as they're young enough.


Good lord.


Infant exposure gang


What's the mod? Asking for a friend.


The mod is called "Leave your child into the forrest"




lol. I once had a primary heir who was completely ill suited to be king. He had very low martial skills and terrible prowess so I started a war knowing he would be killed and I wouldn’t be labeled a kin-slayer.


I just raise the unwanted kids under the martial lifestyle and hope they get traits like chaste, zealous or brave so I can ship them off to a monastery or holy order. Either that or just conquer a neighboring kingdom I don’t feel like managing and just give it to them


I’ve been having great success with sending off my kids to the varangian guard!


Mine come back from that even more powerful than before.


I’ve found making them the only knight in an army and parking the stack in a diseased barony to be viable. Very luck based though


Force them to lead an army of 2 against another actual army haha


Varangian Adventures. Either they die or they get a little better.


I just make them knights and whatever wars happen takes care of them.


Imprison them, then force them to take the vows.


I stumbled across a new one a while back. I gave my unwanted child some infected titles. He got sick and died. Although it was rather inaccurate and wiped out his entire family line and several other useful people.


Take vows. Disinherit. Feudal Elective. But my favorite option is too find them an op wife, make them a knight and give them cheap grey or green artifacts and let events and time make them decent, I’ve had a lot of low stat heirs become high stat chads just by marriage and time.


I ate a couple once


Sometimes I forget to read the subreddit’s name.


I didn't read the subreddit and almost spit my drink


I once just tossed one of my unwanted heirs into prison for half of his childhood then banished him from the realm, doesn’t really do much for securing inheritance but at least now the child knows he’s not welcome lol.


If you're Catholic, you could ask him to take the vows as a monk. You might need to sway or fabricate a hook to get him to accept. You could also give them some small titles, like a county or duchy. I believe that means that your player heir will get your big title, and the other kid will be their vassal


abuse the disinherit button


What I usually do is take them prisoner and force them to be become monks


Simply leaving them to die in Bronze Age lmfao it’s so easy but terribly cruel


M him a knight lead it to where there's an ongoing pandemic nearby


saw this headline in my feed, had to do a double take before i saw it was crusader kings


American right Wings hate this post. :D


"Force Serve As Knight" is your friend.


send them as a ward to a county with a plague and watch in content as there health goes from good to dying.


I like to give all of my good dutchies to my preferred heir and then let them sort it out after I die. Don’t let the bad one marry then when he gets overthrown you play as the other member of your dynasty


Just give ur sons Dutchys as kings or kingdoms as emperors boom now all kids eat


Don't be Catholic?


Off to the murder forest with you!


sudo kill -9


For a second I thought this was in the Parenting subreddit and I was about to have a heart attack lol.


I just make learning their education focus and force them into monkdom (for christian and other monastic faiths) or marry them to infertile women (barren, lepers, too old etc)


I used a cheat to enable dueling. My inbred nude dwarf sons and daughters fought , at 14 years old, against many other toddlers. They only won half tge time :/


Force them to be a knight and get rid of them via the Uriah Gambit.


I do it the old fashioned way: a church career.


You'll be on r/shitcrusaderkingssay pretty soon


Hopefully 😂


As for the current version: If he is a minor: xait for the next plague that should come quickly and let him die. If he is an adult and your a tribal: make him raid stronger lands until he dies in a fight. if your not tribal: join a loosing ally war and make him lead an army to his death.


Lil billy doesn't get his flu medicine


I don't. Electives my friend that's the answer. Started as Alfred. Named his only son Edward. Edward then had a son named him Edmund. But later he had an intelligent son named him Athelstan. Saxon elective made it possible to give all my seven counties to Athelstan


Continuation... Used the same trick with Ivar This time it followed the historical chain. Sigfroth the second son will rule over Barid. This is because Sigfroth has both brave and wrathful encoded as his traits. So it's guaranteed that all your vassals will vote for him. You can try this with Sigurd as well as his son Knud will also start with brave. If you try this with Hafdan though it's likely that either Ubbe or Dyre (if you legitmize him) will succeed you


I usually use know thyself and when I get the message that I'll die within one year I force them in jail and execute them. However I hardly ever use it because it just doesn't feel right.


Sometimes I wish I wasn't a CK player and didn't have the context for these titles, life would be a lot more interesting... 😂 Oh, sadistic all the way, that's the only solution you need.


Imprison and execute. Anything else feels cheaty so I just take the losses I get from doing it.


This is the one sub that always forces a double take when the post titles float through my feed.




Nvm, it's a crusader kings subreddit


Legitimacy makes it more costly to disinherit but also easier to assassinate a sibling after succession - and usually you will be the heir. In the early game it may be difficult to do this, but later on I have found that because I am never under max legitimacy it's basically fine to just imprison and execute them when you're about to die. Like oh no people like me less for 6 months - but also still have +100 because I am the GOAT and made up a story about myself. Actually a bit toooo gamey (except when the kids do something really bad like be shy or have premarital seggs)


jesus christ; I didn't see that this post was from crusaderkings so when I saw it on my feed I went "what on earth... who would what huh oml ohhhh, ck3. thank god its in ck3"


I actually very very rarely do this. I just deal with having a small personal domain until single heir succession(usually house seniority plus absolute crown authority with appointing an heir) and only disinherit when I really really stand to lose big if I don’t(ex: losing half my empire or missing out on a planned inheritance from outside my realm) other than these rare scenarios I never bother my children/siblings


Only in a filppin ck3 thread can you see a title like this. I love this game :)


I had like 5 genius sons in my last after the end run...I was freaking out until typhus and no treatment killed all but one.


The titles in this sub truly are hilarious


I know I asked but gee, you guys are brutal..


Have them take vows, problem solved


Just write a will and give everything to your next character


In CK2 I usually ship them off to China


Play as culture that has Visighotic Codes


Sending them to a province with plague.


My concubine's bastard son? Marry him off to an Empress or Princess of the Khazars (or one the Khans) to get that sweet alliance. He's 3,000 miles away, never have to see him again and she'll send me 5,000 troops in every war. And if he dies in battle, no skin off my nose. Alternatively, marry them to someone actually in your bloodline, so at least their kids are part of the family. Then make him an Acclaimed Knight, so his chances of dying in battle increase tremendously.


I usually give him a bishop title wich makes him unable to inherit


Put them into prison, than take vows


I dual them to the death and if I can eat them


Not in this subreddit, saw this on my feed, freaked out, then saw the subreddit title. Relief.


Imprison > execute


I just disinherit them but still keeping them educated. That way I can reinherit them if something happens to my primary heir and still have a character with some good stats.


Greeks are cultured. We are barbarian that kill our children. We blind them