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Restore Rome.


It will be the eastern holy roman roman empire empire


The roman² empire


The Eastern Holy (Roman Empire)²


I'd argue it's the Holy (Eastern + Roman + Empire) + Roman (Roman + Empire + Eastern + Empire) + (Eastern + Empire) Empire (Should have stayed with multiplication)


2 Roman 2 Empire


Get as strong as you can, get as much coin as you can, forge good alliances and force a rebellion. Reorganize the empire, execute the former vassals, enjoy the ride to restore rome.


Force a rebellion? What does that entail?


When you conquer a large territory or succeed to a new character, you are usually in a race against the clock for many different factions. If you can bear the tyranny cost, trying to imprison a vassal who hates you will trigger a rebellion, usually against pretty much everyone in your realm. This sounds counter-producing but it's actually easier to fight everyone at once than having to deal with smaller wars in quick succession. Your goal is to obviously win the war so you can get rid of all your unhappy vassals and hopefully also claimnants in one huge war, allowing you to estabilize the realm for a few generations.


Fabricate a claim on a county from one faction. Withdraw that title, no tyranny.


Cool, but you can't do that for 100+ territories.


You don’t need to. The vassal will refuse to give you the title you claimed then war can be declared without tyranny


Right, but you still need the counties revoked and often times you can't revoke all their territories without tyranny even if they're in prison. You get like one or two freebies then its tyranny all over again.


Take their highest titles, like a kingdom or duchy as well as their strongest county, then give it to someone sympathetic to you. The original rebellious lord is now no longer your direct vassal and any future rebellion will be against their new liege. Bonus points for allying with this new vassal of yours so that you can step in and help them protect their title when the old guy rebels. It'll be a full time job dealing with all this new internal management but you just got given an entire empire for free so you can set any conquest plans aside for a while and focus on realm stability.


You can't join wars against your vassals, or your vassals' vassals, so that part won't work. Better solution, marry the new lord directly to a daughter of a powerful vassal who is still loyal. They will ally and protect each other. The rest is good though.


Oh yeah you're right. Forgot about that


Getting an entire kingdom or an empire is just SO much work, because yeah taking the large title and just handing it out will only delay the problem. There's gonna be a rebellion and a new person in charge who also probably doesn't like me. I much prefer conquering county/douchy at a time, or buying claims on all the counties ahead of time and pressing for a kingdoms worth of counties all of which I have a claim to. That said I do like to micromanage some truly dumb details like replacing all buildings with economy buildings before handing out a territory to a vassal - preferably one of my dynasty. I hate Hill forts especially, bc they give fort levels, but no gold. They're always getting replaced, but the AI likes to always have one, so I have to make sure all building slots are filled so they can't build that garbage in my kingdom!


Take the tyranny better to be feared then loved


Up to an extent Tyranny is fine, it decays over time, so it's goot to always have a tiny bit, just not too much. That said, you can be both, having Tyranny is of little consequence if your diplomacy is high enough.


I just max out dread and make every too scared to do anything and I prefer martial so diplomacy doesn't really work for me most of the time


Exactly the vassel will declare war on you with his faction together. You have to make sure you can beat his faction.


If you're the Byazntine Emperor, simply existing usually does the trick


Hold it if you can hold it and unite the empires!


Destroying the empire title will piss everyone in the now former empire's de jure territory off. TBF, they are probably already pissed that you are of a foreign culture and astray religion anyways though. Make sure you are secure in your HRE territories, save up a war chest, and be ready to put down a Greek rebellion. Once the traitors have been dealt with, you can replace them with loyal vassals of your faith and culture.


Form True Rome. Unite the Clans!


A different route, pick your favorite kingdom, keep it for yourself, grant out all other kingdoms to relatives and give them independence. Potential instant house of many crowns? Then play tall and watch the world burn.


This wouldnt work because the kingdoms are dejure to an empire he holds. You can only grant independence to non de jure vassals


Destroy one of the empire titles first, but ylu are right, wouldn't be enough for many crowns.


Become Greek, then destroy the HRE and become the emperor of the real heir to the Roman Empire. After doing that, conquer the German pretenders to restore Rome.




But isn't he germanic in origin?


Move capital to constantinople and convert to local culture, that would work right?


Take over Antiochia and Alexandria Do the Descion to make Chatolic the true faith, most Ortodox will convert.


Honestly it’ll be difficult holding it together ideally you’d restore Rome but you’d need to fight some wars to take over the necessary duchies. Depending on your finances and military you could fight the rebels when they come which would probably be preferable as most vassal contracts in the Byzantine empire get fucked with all the rebellions.


Smoke crack


Renovatio imperii Romanorum


Restore Rome it keeps the white color for your territory instead of making it red or purple as hre you also get the hre double.headed eagle on the symbol


restore empire of italia, restore rome with empire of italia as your main title


Turn to Orthodox and dismantle the pope to mend the great schism and form the Roman empire


Dismantle the Pope, sounds painful


You just have to catch and crush pope army/mercenary spawn and before they finish gathering. By spearing your levis all over Pope's county and left one lone county/barony for force spawn.


Destroy the Byzantine title. Then change the hre succession rules. That way your heir inherits it.


Found a new Christian religion that syncretizes orthodoxy and Catholicism then unite the empires and refound Rome




If your (presumably Catholic) same-faith vassals are loyal, converting to the Byzantine vassals’ faith (presumably Orthodox) might be helpful. If you can get everyone loyal from there, you should be able to flip back if you want. If that idea doesn’t appeal to you, just focus on appeasing stronger vassals (80+ opinion/friendship/alliance/strong hook), and put down any rebellions, revoking their titles as punishment. Try to mend the Great Schism by controlling the Pentarchy: Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria. You should also work on improving cultural acceptance between your culture and Greek, and perhaps even hybridize. Alternatively, you could move to Constantinople and become Greek yourself, perhaps even hybridize with the old culture later down the line.




The same thing we do every night, Pinky... Try to take over the world! (My advice in a nut shell)


You post it on reddit and make a whole lot of byzantine boos including myself, die of cringe


Remove elective law.


Grant independence to dukes one by one then watch them all get invaded by the Muslims


Prepare the realm for many wars...