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What kind of thoughts have to go through your head to think you love that truck when that occurred WITH YOUR FAMILY IN IT? Is this some kind of BSDM relationship? Or death cult?


Its a sunken cost fallacy thing i think


That and a cultural identity for these sad fucks.


šŸ’Æ it's just like the Stanley cups. they're part of the in group


Atleast the cups wonā€™t drain your bank account and kill you


They may contain lead...


They *do* contain lead. Same with some other cups that use similar double walled tech for insulation to keep drinks hot/cold for long periods of time. The lead is covered/inaccessible unless the cup is damaged. But if you flip a Stanley cup upside down, you will see the small plastic 'cap' in the center on the bottom - which is what covers up the lead piece.


Old stainless steel vacuum flasks used lead solder to seal them after vacuuming the air out, though the lead would never touch the contents. Modern ones should have no lead at all.


It is my understanding that Hydroflasks do not contain lead


Only 100% lead free ones out there


Klean Kanteen is lead free too


WRONGO KEEBLER! Do some research. The cup would never have lead exposed to the drink as it was designed to make the inside liner adhere to the outside casing. Stop with the cancel culture bullshit!


Yeah, but the cup itself still contains lead. I never claimed that it would expose a person to lead (unless it was damaged in a certain area). It's perfectly safe for people to use


Then stop saying it in a way that you oppose the product for using lead please? It is another form of misinformation when you know the truth but insinuate a lie.


Never contained lead, the outside case was attached to the exterior of the inside liner but, Fox News just had to fabricate a story from some disgruntled gym-rat-mom who didnā€™t get the customer service (AKA free replacement) she thought was owed to her. Yay ā€˜Murica!


Atleast if you win a Stanley cup you know you're damn good at your job


Itā€™s called MAGA, itā€™s the same people


The only ones who consistently bring politics or ā€œcultureā€ into everything are the leftist cult mongers


Wow you really got ā€˜em King


So... It's the /r/wallstreetbets boys


I don't know, I think WallStreetBros trend a little bit more to the German luxury car / Italian super car side of things. Based on what I've seen here in Silicon Valley, most of the CyberCucks are TechBros whose options vested, or CryptoBros who struck it big selling NFTs, etc., before that market crashed. Regardless, I just have to laugh when I see them driving their monstrous oversized Powerwheels. Remember those? These were the kids who always got the new model every Christmas. Now, they have a giant stainless steel Powerwheels, and you don't! It's what they think when they smugly drive to Whole Foods, looking down on the Poors in their weird, small, functional vehicles.


MAGA boys more like


That's debatable if there is a difference


More like attention hungry ā€œwant to be differentā€ energy.


Most of these blowhards donā€™t even own teslas; maybe a share of stock, but not the car. Alsoā€¦ who TF roadtrips in an electric car? I meanā€¦. Seriously? Itā€™s a nightmare.


Itā€™s sunkĀ 


"Oh god this truck was so expensive, this repair is gonna be a fortune. Maybe if I post on social media and tag Elon he'll just give me a new one for free. But I can't say anything bad or he'll call me a pedo, better say I love the company to get on his good side."




It was covered under warranty in addition to the tow and rental car.


Hey, even in a BDSM relationship there is respect from both sides.


And safewords. The dom generally won't just try and kill their sub randomly.


I heard they're adding a custom safeword feature for the cybertruck in the next software update.


Fully Self Dominating function will be active inside the next two years!


Is that coming before or after the locking differential on/off button gets added to the software?


And aftercare. Ā 


The respect part is for sub-scribers only.


Stockholm syndrome


At this point I'm wondering if they signed some legal paperwork saying they have to praise it no matter what...


The self driving will slam you into the nearest wall if you say anything bad.


Waiting on the South Park episode.


Itā€™s like a certain love for an orange šŸŠ man from one particular party. Itā€™s insane.


When you paid over 100k you have to love it no matter what


This is also a description of GOP politics


This is exactly why I never bought a Tesla (several years ago, before Elon went full fash). Even back then rumors of their QA were pretty bad and I didn't want my family to die in the car because Musk decided some 100 year old safety engineering convention wasn't cool. No regrets.


The good news is itā€™s one of the most crash resistant vehicles if not number 1, but personally I wouldnā€™t want to experience that . šŸ˜³


well, unfortunately if you do actually crash in it, just remember that you're the crumble zone, because they didn't design it into the structure of the vehicle, better hope those multiple airbags function properly, since the self driving features have been a bit glitchy at times...


You're under the impression that he loves his family.


vanish languid rhythm afterthought disagreeable person crowd marvelous psychotic illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea i was liking tesla alot but theyve been going crazy lately




Well considering they stsrted off as a wildly successfull electric car company and their stocks SOARED yes they were prerry good at first. Just becuase tesla is made fun of now doesnt mean they didnt start somewhere. Hop off the bandwagon and check your facts lol.


lol. Okay. https://preview.redd.it/auvhkxsh5cmc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14be8b4fdcdcd6ac73529167b9d72695cf575730




Damn bro you sound like papa musk. Pretty soon youā€™re gonna call him a pedo. Musk didnā€™t create Tesla, he bought it from someone else. Itā€™s incredibly overvalued as seen by the stock tanking recently. He makes incredibly poor decisions and then his engineers try to bail him out. Stop dick riding a billionaire that doesnā€™t care about you.


Tesla wouldn't be around if Martin Eberhard had anything to do with it and Musk is an Engineer by education so to criticize a CEO/engineer who bought your free speech right to hate is of every low awareness of what Musk has done to take on government corruption ans made the industry sustainable against their will. Steer by wire, 48V low voltage architecture, rear steering, bulletproof stainless steel, acoustic glass, FSD 4.0, waterproof batteries able to be submerged, Space X calibration, Supercharger network electricity sourced from renewable resources FSD 4.0 and 12+ And most importantly the new Roadster 0-60 <1 second are all industry changing standards the market loves. Just because someone uses the word "catastrophic" is hyperbole for effect in an echo chamber of hate when this is a simple warranty claim and gives no other explanation for the issue.


He bought my free speech? What? Prior to musk being forced to buy twitter, we still had free speech. If you really think musk had anything to do with those, youā€™re dead wrong. Similar to Steve Jobs, he orders things to be done and the real engineers bail him out. I admit that he made electric cars ā€œcoolā€ which I definitely give Tesla credit for. Not sure how heā€™s made the government less corrupt? He literally just met with trump who was begging him for more money. Almost all the things you listed were already around prior to Tesla spacex etc. he doesnā€™t invent, just takes credit for others ideas. The Tesla roadster is vaporware. Just like the cybertruck. It finally released years after expectations at double the cost and itā€™s already failing. Range is miserable. Off road is non existent. Rusting parts. Heā€™s a billionaire. Please stop defending him. He doesnā€™t care about you, and never will.


You check your facts. Tesla has always been a scam. From their fake founder Musk and the rebranded lotus to now. Open your eyes!


love my cybertruck so much... the wheels flew off while on the highway with 250 miles on it but other than that, the most amazing vehicle ive owned. Thanks Elon, youre truly history's greatest industrialist.


I built a motorcycle with scrap and a 56 year old engine. THAT has more miles than a single crybertruck


Thatā€™s one way to tell us about it. Thanks?


Gung Ho is the gift that keeps on giving. https://youtu.be/Om3C1EpHLGs?si=lX_sqzutIYXZv1Do


Jeez, this scene is eerily reminiscent šŸ˜­


Truly the modern day Howard Doarkā€¦


PS - Can you please begin work on robotic wives and children? Mine keep dying in your beautiful creation.


Iā€™ll take things that never happened for a billion, Alex




I thought we were all being obnoxious and pedantic?


No, you were just missing the fact that obviously the commenter wasnā€™t dumb enough to actually buy a CT - you didnā€™t need to point that out - all the normal people in here got it immediately from the sarcastic tone. If you like Elon it makes sense youā€™d miss emotional cues


Itā€™s the reddit hivemind. Not very ā€˜normalā€™




I thought the point was to be obnoxious and pedantic when answering a post that was obnoxious and pedantic


Went through a Cyber Truck today and I can say with certainty itā€™s a POS..Cheap all over and a shiny exterior that looks terrible with fingerprints all over it šŸ˜¤


It's the only vehicle in America that comes with a full-time job as a car wash attendant.


Itā€™s a dirty looking grey - not sure if itā€™s just bare aluminum or a crappy paint job. Sounded cheap when I tapped it so probably a lot of dents from other cars parking close




Whatā€™d you tap it with that made you struggle to differentiate Aluminium and Steel? Itā€™s also bare stainless, like a deloreon. I know the cyber truck sucks but your post is written like a troll.


I mean itā€™s obviously steel visually but are you suggesting you can hear the difference between a panel of steel vs aluminum? Iā€™m a machinist and barring a side by side test I couldnā€™t possibly tell the difference based off sound especially not knowing the thickness of the panel.


Iā€™m suggesting if youā€™re testing metal with your hand to see how it feels, a steel body panel would feel a lot different than an aluminum one. If itā€™s something like a solid bar and youā€™re not able to gauge weight I can see it being a bit more difficult, but a car body panel should feel a world of different.


No it really wouldnā€™t. The thickness of the panel plays a far larger role in the acoustics and stiffness/hardness. To the human hand aluminum and steel feel effectively the same. Hard. If you have a metal tool to tap it with things might be different but not by knocking or rubbing.


I never had an issue distinguishing what Iā€™m about to drill into with a center punch confirming, and pillars/beams have a lot more variance than a car panel which is all within a relatively similar thickness. Maybe the metal just speaks to me, but they always feel so different and its way more feel than sound.


With a hard tool like a center punch itā€™s obvious. To a well trained hand thatā€™s worked with the specific material maybe but a thick aluminum panel will feel just like a thinner steel panel to 99% of people. But you might just be the 1%, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s impossible itā€™s just not clear in this case especially to the layman and definitely doesnā€™t rise to the level of snarking someone for it.


The exterior is the most impressive part of the vehicle. Not sure how you couldnā€™t tell that it was stainless steel. That body will hold up longer than any other car (except possibly the DeLorean).


stainless steel wont hold up forever and certainly not longer than aluminum which oxidizes itā€™s own protective layer like titanium. Out of all the stupid reasons to get this stupid truck longevity is among the stupidest.Ā 


>That body will hold up longer than any other car Stainless=/=stainproof, and Tesla isn't even using high end stainless. People were reporting rust on the panels *on delivery day,* they're not going to outlast the myriad cars made from aluminum.


Lmao stainless can and will corrode. Especially if itā€™s 304SS. One winter with salt and this things done


They DO tend to corrode when birds poop on it. Or it gets rained on(and you don't whipe it clean....


Itā€™s not aluminum and obviously not painted. If youā€™re going to criticize something at least get your facts straight.


I thought buying a black car and a white car in Florida was asking for trouble. Never would have thought of making an even worse decision.


Just needs some bartenders friend


Truck should come with a 55 gallon barrel of it


There is nothing luxurious about a Tesla interior. They feel cheap and only getting worse every time Tesla finds another way to pinch pennies.


Agree my relative just sold his Tesla since he said it is Cheaply made ā€¦


Driving a m3 is like driving a 5 year old hp laptop.


Ehmā€¦ okā€¦.. I donā€™t know what that means. I donā€™t try to drive my laptop.


What conversation did you think you were in here? M3 or laptop-humping?


Was there any change in the cupholders at least?


I donā€™t understand why these people ALWAYS have to say ā€œi love my ____, but it almost killed me. ā€œ


It's a cult of morons, that are way more enamored in the status of owning that POS over any common sense to drive a proper vehicle for your needs (yes I'm talking about most pavement queen 4x4's and massively jacked up anything. They're a menace and very unsafe. Oh yeah, just like a Cyber Truck...).


Itā€™s the H1 hummer for the new generationā€¦ everyone is laughing at them but they still think they look cool driving it.


I think an H1 is fairly badass and those who drive themā€¦Tesla is just idiots buying into the hype. (No I donā€™t have a hummer)


I think the H2 hummer fits better with the cybertruck. All of the fake looks but no offroad capabilities.


H1 was a legit HMMWV in civilian clothing. It wasn't designed to be efficient on the highway or the city. Not a design priority for a military vehicle meant to operate as transportation where roads are unpaved, scarce or non existent. Ā  H2 and H3 while "pretenders" have been long surpassed in their excess, and were good offroaders in their own rights. They were poor targets of the gen 1 Prius stans.


I think itā€™s because theyā€™re in a group that would reject them if they didnā€™t profess their admiration first. Any fair complaint could be seen as an attack on the brand and the fanbase.


ā€œPretty pretty pretty not good.ā€ Is this how the average cyber truck owner talks?


He just needs to Curb *His* Enthusiasm.


The cybertruck is literally wired like a set of dollar store Christmas lights. So if one part of it stops working everything that comes after it does too.


Thatā€™s untrue. Itā€™s repeated by people who donā€™t understand how power over Ethernet works, or networks in general.


When you dump 80-100k on a car, I guess family/biomass is expendableā€¦:


ā€œLosses are within an acceptable range.ā€ Elon Musk, probably


"forget about your family, Tesla your family now"


I canā€™t wait to hear the Elon ball washing after this new development.


That tow truck is sexy AF compared to that Pontiac Aztec


Hey now, at least the Aztek was practical and actually worked. I dont think the Cybertrash deserves to be up there in the same category


Looks of the Pontiac Aztek, safety of the Ford Pinto, Chrysler reliability.....Cybrertruck!


There was an account on Twitter that tracked deaths in teslas due to fires against the number of deaths from the Pintos going boom, if the stats are correct tesla has made the Pinto look like one of the safest cars to ever see the road.




[Ford Pinto in Top Secret](https://youtu.be/4-Qj58o87sY?si=UmYzbJc_SKcbAJGt)


Thatā€™s what you get for buying anything associated with that traitor.


Losers got to lose so they have something to complain aboutā€¦


This dude probably bought a cyber truck HOPING it would give him a reason to tweet @ Musk. Notice me senpai, it's an emergency. My wife and kids need you Batman, please!




Damn railway dust.


Concerning šŸ¤”


The Schadenfreude is strong here. I hate myself....a little.


Imagine the *redneck* satisfaction seeing it on the side of the road with the poor tech family. Surprised nobody's shared a shot. :)


Hell, they took pictures of my Ford truck when I had a glow plug blow out and I was waiting for a tow. They're a merciless bunch.


Well you have to be a total moron to buy one to begin with so...


Does Darwin award apply to poor consumerist instinct?


I need more info, how did he not crash it?




So not catastrophic?


Could have plowed into the car in front of him at a moderate speed without the steel body giving. Donā€™t get me started on how fucking retarded that body design is.


Fun fact instead of crumple zones itā€™s frame casting basically shatters


I imagine that's just the way the "check engine" code displays, as a means to indicate the vehicle can not continue to be driven. Some check engine codes allow for continued operation. Some are "catastrophic." A true catastrophic failure would have resulted in a crash.


I have lost brakes on a car with a single cylinder MC. Exciting yes, fun no, blew through a red light, but I did not crash was able to get off the road and not wreck anything.


"I love my car because I can't drive my car!"


Steer and brake by wire...... sweet, until it isn't....


That is the most useless ā€œtruckā€ Iā€™ve ever seen


Iā€™d be willing to bet the pie chart of cybertruck owners and those who think the election was stolen is a circle. Donā€™t believe your eyes and ears. Believe what we tell you.


The wall wasn't about the wall. The Cybertruck isn't about the Cybertruck. MAGA isn't about making things great. The TEA people didn't care about taxes. States rights wasn't about states rights. Small government isn't about expenditures. Family values have nothing to do with families. It's personal values, deeply truly held personal values. And that value is racism.


Doesnā€™t look very crashed for no breaker and steering .


A post like this would get you banned in Teslamotors sub! Fuck those fanboys


The truck for the apocalypse wonā€™t make it to the apocalypse. How surprising for a Tesla product lol.


What was Tesla like rhwme Hudson a flash in the" Pan"


"Family nearly died due to a critical failure with my car today, but it's all right because the ugly and ridiculous vehicle makes me feel special."


I mean, this shit happens with every make and model out there. Tesla just gets more of the negative media attention.


They are trash. Another fraud grifter selling things on an ā€œimageā€ of genius and innovation.


This dweeb witnessing the Hindenburg crash: "Oh the humanity! This is pretty, pretty, pretty not good, ladies and gentlemen"






I'm old enough to remember when a catastrophic failure of steering AND brakes would be enough to put a car company out of business. Now, it seems like business as usual šŸ¤¦ Why do we consumers keep settling for crap?!


Did Matthew Chiarello get the #MattTaibiTreatment (#YoureDeadToMe) from his personal lard and savor?


Cyber F**ked


It almost killed my family but I still love you Elmo! Cucksā€¦


lol what a bunch of jerk offs. Stop worrying about what other people do with their money.


This sub popped up on my feed. Amusing to say the least. I have a 4runner myself.


ā€œIā€™m sorry, Sir. Thank you for sparing my family. I still love you.ā€


Tesla Fanatic: bAThtUB CurVE!


I still canā€™t believe people bought the thing. It looks like every drawing of a vehicle I made in first grade.


Cyber truck is tbe first fully steer by wire vehicle. You're another tesla experiment.


But what will Elon and the other treehouse boys say?


Boot licking turns into draws lickingā€¦


they are cutting so many corners to stay afloat and his bet is on machine parts and we all know thats a slow death


Youā€™re also talking about a mostly non-mechanical tech bro. Catastrophic mechanical failure could mean anything. Who knows if he tried to bomb it off a boulder and snapped a tie rodā€¦


Road trip in an electric car lmao


More like cyber cucks


This is the part where everyone needs to wake up and understand that EVERYTHING in the vehicle is electronic. Brakes, steering, etc. No power, BIG PROBLEM!


Like the Trump fans, theyā€™ll continue to suck him off even if he was actively murdering someone


I hope the idiot s who bought these things are getting the attention they so desperately wanted on the road.




My suburban lost the pitman arm nut and lost all steering on an offramp...twice. My chrysler 300 came new with a bent engine craddle. My durango and jeep caught fire. My Ford Focus couldn't seen to keep interior panels on. My Chrysler 200 lost drive in a snow storm with only 10k miles. Point? Shit happens to all cars all the time. Especially initial production runs. The tesla hate is just ridiculous. My teslas have been really solid cars.


And it looks fucking ridiculousā€¦ and is completely useless as an actual truck!


The Cybertruck is incompatible with US guard rails. As in, they donā€™t work because of its weight, etc. if thatā€™s true and this kind of thing happensā€”yikes! Can you imagine if Fords or Toyotas were doing this how up in arms people would be?


Tesla wouldn't be around if Martin Eberhard had anything to do with it and Musk is an Engineer by education so to criticize a CEO/engineer who bought your free speech right to hate is of every low educational awareness of what Musk has done to take on government corruption and made the auto industry sustainable against their will. Steer by wire, 48V low voltage architecture, rear steering, bulletproof stainless steel, acoustic glass, FSD 4.0, waterproof batteries able to be submerged, Space X calibration, Supercharger network electricity sourced from renewable resources FSD 4.0 and 12+ And most importantly the new Roadster 0-60 <1 second are all industry changing standards the market loves. Just because someone uses the word "catastrophic" is hyperbole for effect in an echo chamber of hate when this is a simple warranty claim and gives no other explanation for the issue.


Whatā€™s even super weirder, is the fact that all these other giants of car manufacturers have had there own catastrophic failures as well. Iā€™ve worked at ford, Buick gmc caddy and guess what. ALL have fucked up lol some way worse than others. Ope air bags donā€™t deploy on impact recall everything. Ooops keys fall out of ignition while driving recall everything, ooops my car suddenly catches fire.


And this is the EV company sitting high atop all others on a throne. Gosh, can't wait for disruptors.


Isā€¦is this a cyber truck hate groupā€¦ā€¦šŸ˜ hello fellow cyber haters


just a little bit :)


Itā€™s just the most awful thing Iā€™ve ever seen and they act like itā€™s the holy grail I just canā€™t


It's just like Apple fanboys (and fangirls). It literally does not matter how objectively bad it is or how much it hurts them, they somehow still think it is the greatest solution ever. The Musk cult is almost as bad as the Jobs cult was. Members of the Musk cult has tried using the competition at least once.


Dude sounds like heā€™s apologizing to Elon. Itā€™s ok, dude, you got scammed.


Legit the entire reason why people bought those things was for one of three reasons. 1. For the status of owning a Tesla. 2. For their love of teslas. 3. Cause they thought the truck looked like a deception. Doesnā€™t mean that they are trust worthy or even remotely decent. Reliability is more than often the things that donā€™t need continual praise.


I just wouldnā€™t buy a car from a company whose CEO bends over for Putin every chance he gets.


Can't say I will ever trust a vehicle that uses sensors to tell the wheels which way to turn. A steering column that not attached to the actual steering, is going to fail in some way, at some point. I can only guess this was the sort of thing that cause this to happen.


Why he speak like cave man?


this car is new it shouldnā€™t be breaking down šŸ˜­ took them this long and somehow it doesnā€™t work


I just donā€™t get it. I swear these weirdos are overcompensating for their downpayment they made years ago.


"Pretty Pretty Pretty not good"...Bad is the word you are looking for.


Fucking Deathtrap are the words heā€™s looking for


i love the tattoo of a cock and balls i got on my forehead when my buddy Kegger double dared me during our junior year at Arizona State ! i mean, im 45 now and have never had a job but still love the tattoo


Tbf you're a dumbass, borderline negligent, if you put your family in a Cybertruck. There's no crumple zones. That being said, one time I'd call a fluke. Curious how other owners are enjoying their experience with the truck.


They are crap like musk. He needs to be sanctioned for his helping russian fight Ukraine


Firestone tires on ford explores in early two thousands killed people. Yet people still use Firestone tires and ford explorer. Your cute Honda CRV just had a massive recall on steering columns just failing and had my mothers crv get replaced itā€™s a newer model. The air bag recall that can send shards of metal into your face or not deploy at all. Thatā€™s been going on for over 10 years covering a whole lot of Japanese and American made cars. Has taken hundreds of lives yet people still own and drove these cars. But yea musk fan boys are dumb for being victim to what all car manufacturers have done before.


You just explained the main difference between established companies with QC and follow through, and Tesla. Which is the main reason people still drive those vehicles - acceptance of failure, and recall/replace. With Tesla you get a shitty comment from Elon on "X."




No defending Cybertruck. There are plenty of subs where that is encouraged. Go there.


Meanwhile, other car manufacturers have impeccable safety records.


Tesla is the ONLY car that will reboot its entire OS WHILE the car is running, after which it takes up to 10 minutes to come back online. Thatā€™s pretty fucking awful any way you slice it. Other cars donā€™t do that, elonstan.



