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I'm so going to steal your design. I don't have enough room for a regular nightstand and my pet rats eat through cables. This is perfect on so many levels! Awesome idea, awesome creation.


Thanks! The rats won't climb up and eat them? Glad you like it!


Only the expandable and harmless usb cables. The high voltage cables are safely hidden behind the headboard. Also the fact that they can climb up is good for them. I might even go as far as to add thatch carpeting on the side for them to use as a ladder.


Ah yes. As long as they can survive 5v DC haha. PM me if you want a cad file I'll try link one tonight.


Sure looks purty




Thanks a lot!


Pretty awesome. Does that board half under the pillows ever cause discomfort? Joke question after spending too much time at r/pcmasterrace, but why no RGB?


Hey thanks! Haha. It doesn't though since when you actually sleep you pull the pillow down a bit more into the bed. RGB too hard since you need a specific controller and I wanted the power supply to do the usb too. Plus rgb light? Yuk! ;D. Thanks for the comment!


Could have used an RBGW strip with a built in controller. Takes 12v.


Maybe they didn’t want RGB...


Very Cool design!




those records aren't even in distance from the ceiling. driving me nuts.


You're right! Welp. I should fix that


Nicely done!


Thanks a lot!


This is really well done. Now I just need to convince my wife to let me copy it.


You'd be most welcome to copy! PM me if you want a cad file of the design.


nice picture of Thom Yorke on the left


You got it. Can you get the other one? :)


didn't even see that one! Is it Badu?


Sure is! 2 from 2 haha. A guy at the local market sells them. I like Radiohead and my wife loves badu so we got them.


well, they are really cool. And so is your DIY project! You guys seem like people my girlfriend and I would hang out with. :)


That's nice of you to say. We live in New Zealand. How about you?


Southeast US. we both love badu and radiohead, and especially projects like that.


Nice. Don't know much about that part of us.


the barbeque is good. people tend to be warm, and so is the weather. sometimes common courtesy can get in the way of the natural procession of things. when there is a 4 way stop sign, we all wave each other on to go ahead, instead of proceeding in the order we arrived - creating confusing scenarios. would love to go to NZ someday - it looks like a fantasy world.


Sounds much the same. Chilled out polite people and good barbeques :P It's pretty great except for the trolls and hobbits. little bastards. Hope you get the chance to come!


This turned out wonderfully - great job! I like the color of the wood too. Also: cute kitty! And is that Thom Yorke? :) You have excellent taste!


Cheers. The wood is just dressed pine :P I wanted a fairly pale colour so didn't stain it. Thanks for the kind words!


Good job! I know you were trying to make the most of the material, but to my eye the change in grain direction on the side pieces compared to the top is really jarring. Just something to keep in mind for future projects.


Hey thanks for the cc. I see what you mean. Will definitely keep that in mind! Cheers.


Very cool idea, but maybe you should change the another quilt and pillow? that color doesn't match your nightstand...Just suggest :)


Yeah I'm aware the blood red is a bit much :S Red goes well with dark wood but not light (IMO) One thing at a time :D




That's a bloody good question!!! For some reason my wife's Iphone won't charge... Everything else does but Apple appear to have done something strange (I can only imagine in order to make their chargers more expensive and proprietary?) I'm researching this at the moment so that I can fix it and make sure Iphones will charge off it. If anyone knows why this is I'd love some advice! Moral of the story.... another reason why f*@#k Apple.. haha


Update.. The iPhone charges when it's powered off. Apple seem to have added an arbitrary circuit to the data pins to provide a small voltage which IOS reads and says "you may charge me". IOS can't read it when its not powered on though. The circuit appears to serve no purpose but to limit which chargers you can use. So yeah... thanks apple.


That's awesome! Did you make it so you could switch the ports out if you need to? I'm wondering if you will regret those ports like like 5 years when everything is USB-C.


Yeah you could take them back out pretty easy. You'd have to repeat the mounting and wiring up the USB ports process but that's not too bad. Since it's charging only and not data you'd only get fast charge as an advantage with USB C. hopefully USB A ports don't become obsolete for device charging too soon :S


I suppose you could find and leave plugged in dongles temporarily if needed. The idea of USB A not being relevant for a whole lot longer is part of why why I don't get outlets with usb ports in them. I don't know if that would be easier or more difficult to replace than what you've done. Regardless, it's really cool looking and I'm pretty jealous. I bought a silly thing (similar to [this](https://www.amazon.com/Balt-Table-Outlet-Charger-66675/dp/B00TZ731KU)) that attaches to a night table to get a similar effect, and it's not nearly as attractive.


Nice work, very tidy. If the metal clips bother you too much try sinking a screw from the rear of the side table into the bottom shelf, then once its fixed, remove the two lower metal brackets and use some filler and sanding to tidy it up. Looks good though.


Yeah good idea. I guess I would just have to be very accurate drilling from the back into the shelf. I'd hate to miss it and end up with a screw sticking out! :)


Measure and use a square to mark the middle of the bottom shelf in from the edge. Or pencil mark top/bottom of lower shelf and remove it to drill through.


Where is your linnenbox refurbishing post?


Maybe I'll see if I took enough pictures.. :)


Looks like someone is planning on being a cam girl lol




It's a shitty joke that cam girls have led lights around their bed.


That makes a little more sense now and is less creepy haha. Was like WTF you say about my wife ****?!


You would know 🙄


Sleeping must be a bitch with the lights shining down on you like that.


If you left the light on yeah.. it comes from so far back that there is no glare though too.