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Looks like you forgot this is Reddit. Sorry bud, but the mods are after you now. Better sleep with one eye open.


Just run 3 blocks fuckers are fats asfuuu


living higher than ground floor is enough


Not if there's an elevator rated for more than 4 people


I’m a mod elsewhere and if this is true then I’m the 1% that isn’t fat af. I run…Sometimes… plus my mom said I was cute growing up.


Dude if yo are somewhat capable of socializing don’t mod xd unless it’s a puppy subreddit lol


Just become trans and you will be immune to any future offense


Gripping your pillow tight...




Eeeexit Light!


My wife really appreciates this. . She's constantly doing this to me. 😂


Disagreeing with the hard line of acceptance at all costs = bigotry here


Please enlighten us in how disapproving while accepting makes someone intolerant. I don't care you'd be into scatophily but I don't think it's right and i wont do. Does that make me a bigot or is it only when it comes to LGBT?


I've been banned for being in random subreddits.


Shit, am I alright to upvote then? They do have a point...


RIP they got him


You guys are so brave 


I don't think chopping your dick off is even a prerequisite.


To be a Reddit mod?




What did he say lol


I’m sure you can guess. Considering anybody that disagrees with them gets censored. It’s such bullshit man. GOTTA AGREE WITH THEM OTHERWISE YOULL BE DELETED


That sucks


Oh you don't mind people making changes about their own bodies? How honorable love you, thanks for the permission


Passive aggressive trigger, love those 😚😚


They are free to choose but it is the consequences are the consequences


Well done for completely ignoring the whole point of the thread.


That isn't good enough for you?


Sure is sport. I don't mind you existing either


You are going to be very disappointed in life if you expect the average random person to care about you past the extent of "I don't mind you existing". And when I say you, I mean literally anybody ever, not LGBTQ+ people specifically. Jesus, get over yourself.


You seem upset


>How honorable love you, thanks for the permission This you?


Gee if only there were a way to find out. Doesn't seem like a comment from someone who's raging but you do you


You missed his point. What he minds is patent unfairness. You can't undo LGBT persecution byaking women compete against trans women.


You sound like an insufferable narcissist with no clue how to decipher context ![gif](giphy|PrrWbQenTOFyRlYrO3)


Aww, seems like I hurt you. It'll be ok


Yep. I'll call her a woman and use her preferred pronouns. But that doesn't mean she's female. In competitive sports, they should just use "male" and "female" instead of "men" and "women" for categories. That way, you may transition, but you won't be categorized as the opposite sex, which creates the current issue.


Why enable mental illness


Only T alright...


Lmao glad you don’t mind. Your approval means the world!


Actually I don't approve, I accept. See that's the importance of semantic, I don't care (acceptance) but I don't think it's right (Disapprove). I guess that makes me an intolerant bigot


That’s correct.


"Actually I don't fuck badgers, I make love to them. See that's the importance of semantics. Pssh, I guess that makes me a dirty old rodent-fucker."


Well no...you said u make love to them.




It’s up to various sporting organizations what rules they have. Whether it’s an amateur competition or professional. What the sport itself is and whether biological sex confers different advantages. I recall a meltdown that Caitlyn Jenner was now classed as a female golfer. I’m like, uh ok?? Where it matters, sporting organizations don’t allow transwomen to compete. At the high school level, it’s just kids playing sports and we have deranged parents falsely accusing girls who beat their kid of being trans. Let’s just leave the politics out of it 🤷‍♂️


High school sports is not just kids playing games. High school sports are some peoples only way to afford college. This is messing with kids futures. The fact you think its just playing games is the whole fucking problem.


It’s really not buddy. We’re not talking about tryouts for college, literally just no-consequence games people play in schools and we have parents and elected officials harassing and sending death threats to teenagers, who aren’t even trans. We’re living through a new moral panic. This was in Utah. As a reminder, in the debate over banning all trans kids from participating in any level of sport, it was revealed that there’s only 4 trans kids out of 75,000 and only 1 who’s into sports. Is one kid worth legislation? The hysteria has gone well beyond any reason. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/teen-girl-faces-harassment-utah-002247782.html


If even one female lost an opportunity at getting a scholorship and not going to college, that is 1 too many. As you said, if its ONLY 4 people why cater to them? If we accept it now, it will be more, because money follows sports. This will set back womans rights back way farther than your narrow thinking mind can handle.


A perfect example of what I’m talking about. College athletics is already following the policies from Olympic committees so your hypothetical is false. Why would a college give a scholarship to a high school trans athlete for a sport they can’t compete in for that college? Yet the hysteria is such, you just believe it without thinking. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that 1 kid is worth you losing your shit over. They’ll play sports in high school like millions of other kids do, then they’ll move on to something else in life. I don’t think it’s worth all this opprobrium just to make life harder for an infinitesimally small number of kids who just want to kick a ball around in school like the other kids 🤷‍♂️


The female never made the team because the trans athlete took their place. Do you not understand how hard it is to get elite spots? Your thinking is just so narrow.


I can repeat “your thinking is narrow” many times too. Now what? Are you going to address what’s actually being said 🤨Whoever is telling you to freak out about which team a teenager who is trans gets to play on, is not telling you the whole story 🤷‍♂️


Im not freaking out, but the ones effected directly by it have every right to absolutely lose their minds.


If you really think she did that for career purposes…


She sued the committee so she also considered it for career purpose.


Before doing the sex change?




No, but why should she compete against cys females. Set up a new division for trans women and trans men. It's completely consistent with the idea that there are gender-specific divisions.






I got banned from r/interestingasfuck for saying basically the same thing What’s happening to free speech this shit becoming like North Korea💀 (Also its reddit and they almost moving like X so)


Free speech doesn't and never has applied to private companies such as reddit 


Ah yeah that’s very true Although reddit themselves don’t moderate every single subreddit it’s other mods though that decide what or who to ban?


Free speech protects you from government prosecution only and no subreddit is moderated by them. So it doesn't matter who decides to ban you m your free speech will not be affected 


it does affect your free speech dummy. It just does'nt affect your free speech as the government can restrict.


Never forget Fallon fox. Cringe just to remember what they allowed


dont ever edit add to appease these clowns. we all with functioning brains knew what u meant from ur initial statement. majority of people dont mind what people do, as we are for freedoms, but we all agree about what a true woman/man is. its funny how this has yet to go the other way yet.


Don’t trip backpedaling


He didn’t cut off his dick. He still falling intact.


>Just coz you cut off your dick does not make you a woman. Sorry LGBT people, that's just fact. I used to think like that too -- that you've got either XX or XY chromosomes, and that's it. But if you'll indulge me for a second, there was an interesting study I found watching [a Stanford lecture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ&t=6s). I'll the link the study in an edit. The gist of it was that there's part of a brain that can accurately predict a child's gender, a sort of a bridge between two lobes. In post-mortem studies of transgender people you can find that in almost all cases that particular brain structure corresponds the gender they identified with, not the their biological sex, This also plays into the fact that men who have lost their penis because of a disease or an accident. have a what you'd call a phantom limb feeling from their penis. .... but not transgender people, They don't feel it post-operation. All of this would indicate that even biologically speaking you ***do*** have people who have their body and chromosomes from one gender, and their brain from another. Which means that the question is no longer a biological one, but also philosophical -- if your brain structurally corresponds that of another gender, are you then that gender? What is the you inside -- your brain or your genitalia? You can make the argument that cutting your penis off doesn't make you a woman, but reversely just because you have a dick, doesn't make you a man. Trans people go through a lot of anguish and pain in their lives, I wouldn't dismiss their feeling of being a woman so easily, even from a biological, scientific standpoint.


The important point you raise is the philosophical/biological case. She may feel as a woman and her brain may be set to woman but the body is biologically male. Sports separates men and women because when it comes to physical abilities, it'd be unfair to women in many cases. So tho she feels as a woman, her body structure is still closer to a man's. In 1000 years, when an archaeologist unearths her body, he will analyse the bone structure and will conclude this was a man. For this reason, I do believe she cannot compete against women.


WOW…those parents must be so proud of their twins. Wait…what?


Seems fair… let’s see Lebron spend his last few years in the wnba, bet ya he can get better ratings than Clark.


Horrible analogy. Lebron does not need to play in the WNBA. Its someone like me that would not even make a mens high school team, but can certainly play in the WNBA.


But he wants to be the GOAT somewhere!!!


Lmao if u aren’t making a men’s high school team u aren’t getting into the WNBA this is delusional at best. “Someone like me… that can certainly play in the WNBA” sure buddy


I dont think you understand the skill differences. The five best WNBA players would not score a point against the five worst NBA players. To add, a mens prep school high school team will destroy that same WNBA all star team. Elite middle school mens teams will beat that same WNBA team.


Said like someone who’s never picked up a basketball. You’re clueless buddy, there’s plenty of women out there who are legit ballers.


I did not say there were not legit woman ballers. What I said is the skill level as you rise in the ranks + the available talent pool is just not comparable. That is why what is said is reality.


Didn’t Reggie miller admit his sister was better than he was? One of the best shit talkers of all time admitted his sister was better than him.


If you believe him then you should probably be wearing a helmet. If his sister is better than a HOFer then why are there not any women in the NBA? They could make 10,000x as much money in that league


Then why didn't she play in the NBA and make millions?


A 15 year old boys soccer team routinely trounced the gold metal winning women's team. The difference is athleticism and physicality is undeniable and insurmountable. A good boys high school team would wipe the floor with any and all WNBA teams, past, present, and future


Kinda looks like Thomas Panke!


Who's Thomas Panke ?


German Lego YouTuber that became famous for his legal battles with Lego. Huge Streisand effect thing. Now everyone knows just how garbage Lego sets have become and how good other brands are in comparison. Through him Lego massively boosted its competitors in German speaking countries. Now millions watch his videos just for entertainment and he is the source of a bunch of memes.


This dude is a freak.


He a FAN he a FAN he a FAN




Dudes rock


It always amazes me that people on the left who have progressed women's rights have now looped back round to taking opportunities away from women because some men want to play cosplay outside of comic con. It's all become the Orboros now.


I'm left but I still don't believe this is right, in the end trans women aren't women they are TRANS women, it's literally in the name. Also many trans people feel this way as well, they're not trying to be the full gender they know they are different. There is nothing wrong with that


Look at how I'm being criticised on this thread by our own. I'm not saying trans people shouldn't exist. I'm saying they need to compromise that they can't do certain things like compete in women's sports and be in women's spaces by default. The big difference between LGB and the T's is being gay doesn't take away opportunities and rights away from women like Trans men does because it's fashionable to support them right now over everyone else. The fact this story went ton for as long as it did and seeing the women get absolutely fucked over for this one man sets women's rights back decades. Yet the LGB community cheers and sings for the man while the women suffer. We've utterly looped back around.


red wine isn’t wine it’s RED wine


So let's just call them Men then because that's what they are.


It always amazes me how people on the right will continually be so hateful.


While the Left are so innocent? Thats hilarious thanks.


I'm bisexual and have never voted Conservative and truly believe we should've ended LGB at the B. Anyone under the age of 18 should not be taking hormones"treatment" or having experimental surgery to remove body parts at the expense of the general tax payer. Buy it yourself like you have to for plastic surgery (in the UK). 18 and over I'm OK with whatever you do to your body, you're a legal adult and can suffer the consequences for your actions. Don't start demanding women who have been suffering in society far longer to bend over for a man in cosplay. The trans movement has continuously taken opportunities away from women and now they've seen special treatment and check boxes over women also. I will be happily hateful of mentally ill men taking advantage over women's progress and demanding them to submit it to them in society while hiding under the veil of the LGB community.


Thank you for this!


People would've called you mentally ill not too long ago, champ.


Most of the world still does. Doesn't mean we allow everyone to have rights just because one certain group eventually did. Where do we draw the line next after Trans, MAP? Bisexuals never started demanding straight people date and sleep with us like Trans men do to our lesbian sisters. If Trans men didn't demand regression of women's opportunities and rights for themselves then I wouldn't have an issue. But they have done and continue to. I chose to support our sisters over mentally ill men who have taken the most extreme way to come to terms with themselves. Ultimately it's sad to watch.


It's amazes me how much you seem to hate women


Oh yes, trans people and those that support them hate women. Ok.


Yes it’s actually normal to hate bad stuff


Another win for the boys! This is what men do, we dominate, we keep winning!






Lia was ranked 44th, nationally. But let's not get lost in the facts


You are right! Let’s make them fix this to show ranked 462 for men and 44 for women because that’s only an improvement of 1050% just by swapping to the female ranks.


Lmao, both sides of the meme are fake. When competing in men’s, he could have been ranked top 10 in certain events. She was never ranked #1, just won one race. But don’t let facts stop you.


You're re-fucking-tarded. That man wasn't even in the top 500, then shot to stardom (set records in the 500 free) as a woman. Stfu, only a dipshit would argue it.


If you really believe he was only top 500 as man, then you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. You have your facts wrong. Don’t call me tarded when you can’t even use the right numbers.


It's information extremely easy to have. He was ranked 462nd nationally before switching to a woman. I have a lot of friends in high places, but none of them can adjust the facts on the internet. Sadly. They're not democrat:)


So if you’re still wrong about those facts, will you admit you’re the idiot?


I'm only as wrong as the internet. I've looked into this multiple times. Since it began, actually. Was a hot topic brought by a student in class. The meme is accurate. Idiot? Hmmm, some people are cool with HIM doing this. Other people, not so much. Which are the idiots?


https://www.swimcloud.com/times/?dont_group=false&event=11650&gender=M&page=1®ion=division_1&season_id=22&team_id&year NCAA 2018-2019, Men, 1650 Free, SCY, Division 1 Lia was ranked #32. This means that Lia was a highly competitive male swimmer and was far better than solely ranking #462.


That's the year she came out to her family as a freshman.


Also, she didn't swim under that name. I'm laughing pretty hard at all of the hashtags in the link, considering the topic and reality.


But, you're not wrong for arguing I said "not top 500", which is my bad. He was clearly within the top 500.


Bold words coming from someone blindly trusting a meme fact. >In March 2022, Thomas became the first openly transgender athlete to win an NCAA Division I national championship in any sport after winning the women's 500-yard freestyle with a time of 4:33.24; Olympic silver medalist Emma Weyant was second with a time 1.75 seconds behind Thomas. 1.75 second difference. Truly the unfairest advantages of all. She has also lost swimming comps to cis women but eh ignore those too because they don't matter when we have meme facts


But the meme is accurate, so...bold words off a meme? Some people are against this. Others support it. It's that simple.


The thing is that they are comparing different things. The right comparison would be 65 to 1 in an overall ranking, not the place of a competition (which I thought that was obvious)


The year they won the NCAA title, they were 5th in the 200, 1st in the 500 and 8th in the 1,600....all freestyle. Personally, the fact that there isn't a trans category is mind-boggling, which I thought was obvious.


And... I didn't deny your first point. But they were 65th in 500 mens and 1st in the 500 womens which is a more accurate comparison to whatever the OP did. >Personally, the fact that there isn't a trans category is mind-boggling Yeah man I wish there were a lot of trans athletes so there could be enough of them to create a whole other category and that would make everyone happier but sadly there isn't enough support for transitioning individuals.


Bet you do. A little over 40 at NCAA level, way more than that at high-school level. Interesting, isn't it. It reminds me of the very young in dance, the littles, and swimming. There aren't more than 40, yet they still get their chance and category. To me, trans should have their own category. If there isn't a trans athlete to compete against them at a meet...they don't compete.


You want to delve into track?


You also said that she set records but she didn't? Lolsies


They only didn't break any records during the tournament.


And what record did she break exactly???


I would also argue that breaking it down by time against women just shows why they were ranked 462 before switching:)


When was she ranked 462 exactly? Also literally no one would transition just for a win but yeah your logic definitely makes a lot of sense


What is the need to put cis in front of women or men?




Yeah, no, he was definitively mediocre in men's events. Like the definition of mediocre. He liked to swim. That is what people would say of him. "Leah" was crushing women. Absolutely crushing them. They coached "her" to back off to let other women win in certain events to make "her" claim seen more legitimate. Why isn't "Leah" on the women's national team if "she's" so dominant? Because "she's" a man competing in a women's sport. And the only way you can cope is by lying to yourself that "she's" not a man because, well, I don't fucking know why. Maybe it makes yourself feel better for like a second? No one cares who "Leah" has sex with, but people should care what "her" mental illness makes "her" think "she" is, especially when "she" is trying to capitalize off of it in legitimate competition. It is a lie that "she" is a woman. The concept can not win because it is just wrong in every aspect. You can not force people to believe in something that is a lie in the most basic natural sense, no matter how much you want it to be true. It is like asking people to believe that unicorns are physical animals. They aren't, and "she" isn't a woman. The quicker we go back to recognizing and appreciating the complimentary differences between men and women in society, the better.


>In a race during January 2022 at a meet against UPenn's Ivy League rival Yale, Thomas finished in 6th place in the 100m freestyle race, losing to four cisgender women >In March 2022, Thomas became the first openly transgender athlete to win an NCAA Division I national championship in any sport after winning the women's 500-yard freestyle with a time of 4:33.24; Olympic silver medalist Emma Weyant was second with a time 1.75 seconds behind Thomas. There doesn't seem to be as much as a difference in cis vs trans people but eh surely memes on the internet are a definitely real way of checking facts!


These stats prove otherwise https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/a-look-at-the-numbers-and-times-no-denying-the-advantages-of-lia-thomas/


Is it really the place that matters in these? Imo the time taken for them to finish it is more important. Lia won by 1.75 seconds when she was first place. She finished 100 freestyle in 48 seconds, being the last out of 8 swimmers. Lia also didn't break any records in NCAA. If she had an unfair advantage, why not break any records? Are the other winners trans aswell? Also, it seems you don't know about the fact that the more someone trains, the better they will become.


The fact that you don’t understand the basic performance enhancements an athletic man transitioning to female has over natural female athletes blows my mind. You can very simply compare the times Thomas had as a mediocre male athlete and move it too the female times. In the article I linked, you can see the times compared.


Yeah such advantages yet she didn't break any records. Mind blowing really.


Don’t need to break records to dominate


Her not breaking any records means she is not above average of a woman. There are many that have passed her


If she isn’t above average as a female then why should they consider her for the women’s Olympics in the first place? If she isn’t above average swimming against women then why is everyone so upset that they won’t let her compete?


Also comparing the men's team vs the women's team, it looks like UPenn's men's team has more points than women's team which explains why she was able to rank that high when she transitioned.


Compare the times


What does the times have got to do with my comment?


You are getting off track. I claimed that Thomas benefited just by swapping genders in swimming. I provided an article that neatly shows Thomas best times as a man compared to the times of woman in the same category. It even provides percentages gained just by swapping genders. If you want to debate these facts, go for it. I’m not comparing points.


During the last season Thomas competed as a member of the Penn men’s team, which was 2018-19, she ranked 554th in the 200 freestyle, 65th in the 500 freestyle and 32nd in the 1650 freestyle. As her career at Penn wrapped, she moved to fifth, first and eighth in those respective events on the women’s deck.


"By the conclusion of Thomas's swimming career at UPenn in 2022, her rank had moved from 65th on the men's team to 1st on the women's team in the 500-yard freestyle, and 554th on the men's team to fifth on the women's team in the 200-yard freestyle."


You're right, for arguing the semantics of a bullshit situation? Lia set records for women in the 500 freestyle. 5th in the 200 and 8th in the 1600....wtf is your point? You're cool with it? Just say it then.


Here’s a link to actual data https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/a-look-at-the-numbers-and-times-no-denying-the-advantages-of-lia-thomas/


During the last season Thomas competed as a member of the Penn men’s team, which was 2018-19, she ranked 554th in the 200 freestyle, 65th in the 500 freestyle and 32nd in the 1650 freestyle. As her career at Penn wrapped, she moved to fifth, first and eighth in those respective events on the women’s deck.


On the men's swim team in 2018–2019, Thomas finished second in the men's 500, 1,000, and 1,650-yard freestyle at the Ivy League championships as a sophomore in 2019. During the 2018–2019 season, Thomas recorded the top UPenn men's team times in the 500 free, 1,000 free, and 1,650 free, but was the sixth best among UPenn men's team members in the 200 free. Thomas began transitioning using hormone replacement therapy in May 2019, and came out as a trans woman during her junior year to her coaches, friends, and the women's and men's swim teams at the University of Pennsylvania. She was required to swim for the men's team in the 2019–2020 academic year as a junior while undergoing hormone therapy and then swam on the women's team in 2021–2022 after taking a year off school to maintain her eligibility to compete while competitive swimming was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia\_Thomas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_Thomas) Did you forget to mention that she competed in the mens category while on estrogen and testosterone blockers? Or her performance before hrt? Or did you ignore that?


I wasn’t claiming that she was or wasn’t on blockers as a man.


you left out that uncomfortable fact though because it is actually important in this context


It actually doesn’t help your argument. If she was nerfing her abilities by taking hormone blockers while competing against men, then her time continues to decline when swapping to women but manages to be a top woman’s athlete?


Is Trophy bigger than your identity ?


Not as big as her penis.


for a second i thought they are couple


Still called Thomas. Not even trying to hide it!




Thomas is a mans name!


No its a last name in this case




Pretty sure that's their last name


And I'm pretty sure that was a joke.


Ranked 462 in men's swimming *while on estrogen and t blockers*


It's an unfortunate thing. There's not very many ways to get around this. Women and men are just built differently so it's not fair to have someone who's transitioned switch sides. No matter how much hormones you take or don't take in the end it won't be a complete change. And unfortunately you can't really make a separate league for trans Olympic/sports players since there aren't really enough of them to make that viable.


I'm LGBTQ+ to the core, but this fucker is absolutely taking the piss.




> I support trans people > him You don’t support trans people.


I think I focused so much on her biological sex (like I should) that I unconsciously used the wrong pronouns, all apologies since it wasn't on purpose at all.




You mean the ‘women’ he competes against.




Disrespectful or aggressive behavior towards another individual or group of people


Why don’t we just classify sports as “People born with penises” and “People born without penises”?




Hey you accidentally left out the part where she was really fucking good at swimming before she started taking estrogen. *Thomas began swimming on the men's team at the University of Pennsylvania in 2017. During her freshman year, Thomas recorded a time of eight minutes and 57.55 seconds in the 1,000-yard freestyle that ranked as the **sixth-fastest national men's time**, and also recorded 500-yard freestyle and 1,650-yard freestyle times that ranked within the national top 100. On the men's swim team in 2018–2019, **Thomas finished second in the men's 500, 1,000, and 1,650-yard freestyle** at the Ivy League championships as a sophomore in 2019. During the 2018–2019 season, **Thomas recorded the top UPenn men's team times in the 500 free, 1,000 free, and 1,650 free,** but was the sixth best among UPenn men's team members in the 200 free.*


It's just a meme, it's not meant to be a reliable source of information. It's satire.


For a silly satire post it sure has a lot of comments agreeing with the "satire". I see comments on your other post like "as a liberal who has sympathy for trans people, I've always thought this was atrocious", "if I was a women's swimmer I'd be pissed" and "how can they let this happen?". All near top comments with no hint of irony listed right next to all the normal teehee funny jokes. Maybe consider your """satire""" still has an effect on people? Maybe comment on any of them to correct them and let them know what you left out? Weird that you only responded to me about this.


I have already removed aggressive or disrespectful comments, but thanks for the suggestion




your comments are being automatically marked as harassment by the spam filter. Tone it down please




I took a quick scroll through your comments. All it is is just awful attempts at "triggering" replies, and you created it 6 months ago. Is this your burner account for mid comebacks that you're too scared to post on your main?


Oh wow CONGRATS little man


Wait, I thought Lia Thomas was banned. How can she be ranked #1 if she isn't even allowed to compete?