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Another tip for when you trigger a DH - don't run around trying to shake it off. Find a corner and just block, that way your team can actually hit the damn thing and maybe, just maybe, save you before it kills you.


Another tip: don't just stand there and block, the Daemon Host's combo can actually be dodged. You just have to dodge sideways instead of backwards and he'll miss. Think about it like he's spamming very fast Crusher overheads.


Actually if theirs a bench or table or like a barricade u csn ring a round the roseie her while your team can kill her


Yeah, pretty much. I can’t count the amount of times someone triggers DH and runs all across the map with it, straight into a pack of gunners, a Crusher and a few ragers. I want to try and kill it but this makes it pretty hard to do.


Learned this the other day and honestly was a huge lifesaver. Running usually gets you downed pretty fast. Instead just sat and blocked, then triggered a rally as it recharged to get back toughness. Rinse and repeat while team melted it.


People don't really kill the Demonhost anymore unless they're specifically going for the 1 shot kill before it even attacks back. Before, you (the team) were invested in killing it so it didn't take out half the team, but now that it only kills the person who aggro'd it, people just leave that person to their fate because from a practical point of view it's not worth corrupting the entire team. I don't think i've seen a single person try to save a demonhost aggro since this change.


I dunno, I usually have a crack on general principle, then others join in more often than not. I'm not chasing it around though.


Right? It's not that fucking scary. Chillax, peeps.


Indeed - I had a clutch get fucked because an ogryn entered the game, immediately charged a marked and obvious DH, then quit - returning it back to clutch status but the DH then changed targets. I'm good, but I'm not solo a DH during a horde good.


Fr, as a psyker if this happens I accept defeat, ain’t shit we can do vs a demon host and a horde on auric 😂


The days of infinite dodges are long gone, unfortunately. It's probably for the best though.


If they removed infinite dodged then bake deflector into force weapons.


What? They removed infinite dodge from force weapons ages ago.


Ooops sleep deprived mind. I meant that deflector should be baked into force weapons to make up for no infinite dodges.


I got eaten once by a beast of nurgle then spit up into the daemonhost setting it off


Had that happen twice. Really happy I was playing hammer zealot, erased the thing with my two dash charges and electrified charged heavies (thank goodness for Thrust IV). Other time it happened I got murdered immediately because I was on Psyker. Luck of the draw.


My last DH trigger was a barrel exploding me into it.


Oof that’s rough buddy


Last time my team triggered it was actually quite easy. The Ogryn pulled him, and ended up just sitting in a corner with his shield up, and we unloaded onto him, flooring him pretty quick.


Happened to me a couple of days ago. DH was triggered by a Psyker by accident in that one spot on Hab Dreyko. No way we were going to save him. He bots out and it switched to me and I got annihilated then the Psyker rejoins the game. That was it for me. Wasn't going to get rescued by someone who did that so left the match and took my buddy with me. ~ alemander


Doesn't it kill only one dude now?


When someone drops, rather than dieing the DH changes aggro to another player. So instead of having three players needing to rez one, you are left with two players and a bot needing to rez one.




I had my first pushing the DH off a cliff today. Massive satisfaction.


CMV Demonhost should be reverted to targeting 2 players. Too many noobs have been poking DH even though I marked, used quick chat to fire out a warning. But nooooo I must charge into the mist surrounding the mean green horned lady under daemonic possession.


I had that happen one time …. Sadly he Insta quit and agro on the other teammate that was close to him :/


I just block dodge and pray to the god Emperor with my zealot. My vet she just dies and I apologize profusely for the trigger which is usually caused by a bad dodge of a mutie.


I did this with my zealot and it had not a chance to fight back. Our team then completed the mission.


Heavy stubber goes brrrrr.


For some reason I find it only ever kills the person who triggers it now lately. Typically before it would kill more but lately, hasn’t happened. Odd.


That is a deliberate design change that was in the patch notes a couple of months back. On all difficulty levels they now only ever kill one person. [https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/patch-17-notes-live-now/91924](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/patch-17-notes-live-now/91924) is the patch notes if you want to check it out yourself.


When I accidentally trigger it and it’s clear we don’t have the dps or there’s too much else going on for my team to be able to kill it quickly enough for my blocks to hold up, I just take one for the team and run it away from them and die so that they don’t get stacked with corruption. Just get it over with lol. Sooner I die and the more health the team has remaining, the sooner and more likely I’ll get respawned. If I’m on my knife zealot, I can tank it basically forever until I get corrupted to death. But my dueling sword psyker only has like 2-blocks blocks and then I’m toast.


I kill them shits with a hammer.


You can dodge a dh in circles if your holding the right weapon, just hope your allies know to use ranged attacks if they dont want to take damage.


Literally. It’s not even a game ending mistake anymore like it sometimes used to be, when they used to kill two players before leaving. I didn’t even mind it back then tbh. Made them more risky.


I dont even understand DHs tbh. Sometimes ill be shooting at an enemy and it just spawns while im shooting and aggros killing me, sometimes ill see it, mark it from far away then it somehow aggros while im not doing anything and kill me, sometimes im behind my teammates someone marks it and somehow still aggros me despite the fact im not even in the area and kills me


This still happens ?


\*Looks to see that game is still playable online with other people\* -> Yes. Yes it still happens.


Also, don't panic. Block and dodge without pulling too far away, your team will have enough time to dispatch it if they can be bothered to. (And if they can't then tbh imo leave and sic it on somebody else anyway)


> (And if they can't then tbh imo leave and sic it on somebody else anyway) Like the cowardly carried player they must be? If someone fucks up and wakes a DH, they find a corner and die - there is no other honorable way to handle it. Even if they have a slab shield they need to take the same steps.


Only if the team doesn't have the honour to fight the thing. Yes, avoid triggering them, but if somebody does trigger it then you try your best to save them. If you leave them to die when it's not even risky to help them then you're worse than they are.


> Only if the team doesn't have the honour to fight the thing. Yes, avoid triggering them, but if somebody does trigger it then you try your best to save them. Demonhosts are instantaneous team DPS tests. Most times without a shield ogryn or thunder hammer fury/backstab shroudfield zealot the team doesn't have the DPS to kill one.


> Only if the team doesn't have the honour to fight the thing. So you're going to suggest griefing because the team doesn't bail you out of *your* fuckup? Talk about main character syndrome. This is a co-op game, don't wake up the DH. > If you leave them to die when it's not even risky to help them then you're worse than they are. The corruption damage is always risky. If I can take shots from safety I will do so, but unless that player has thus far been exemplary, I am not likely to enter into melee range, especially if it was a marked and obvious DH. But, shit, 99% of the time they are already downed before I can even line up a shot. Anyone good enough to not be downed should not have triggered the DH in the first place, and they should take the fuckup they have earned. Chances are, if you've woken up a DH you have just demonstrated to the team you are not worth saving.


I disagree with the griefing too but let’s not act like triggering a DH by mistake never happened even to hardened players. Most of the time they are pretty obvious but sometimes you can really miss them.


Sure, mistakes happen, and if you own your mistake stoically, that's how you demonstrate that *you* know it is a mistake. It doesn't happen much (and when it does, it's often due to a mutie toss) but when I wake a DH I never expect to be saved. It is welcome when it happens, but the motivation to do so is gone. I don't quit because I am not a heretic.


Yeah, if someone triggers a DH I will always help if I can because it’s always better to be a four man team.


There's safely shooting helping and getting in there and melee helping, and if someone is forced to dodge tank you are not likely to contribute much damage to the DH the safe way. It might look like you are helping, but that person will still die.


Ah, yes. Let me apologize for Fatshark messing up spawns. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/5X2p0hHMY3 https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/zEKLfw04V1 https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/Lk8DyPlyfz https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/GGVmHXlyrz


Doesn't matter; if other shit is going on you take it off to a corner. This isn't a net removal; it takes time and is risky. That said, well over 1000 hours in and I feel like I had a truly unfair DH spawn exactly zero times.


Just because it doesn't happen to you, doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all... I'm just trying to make a point; Fatshark fucks up sometimes. Maybe stop trying to pin it on players, when I've demonstrated visual proof that it isn't always the fact? Sure, bring it to a corner and die with it I guess, but like... It's still not that players *mistake* . Surely we can agree on that?


Mistakes happen. I'm not trying to wake up the DH and 99% of the time I won't. I'm sure the same is the case for you. But if you do get caught, I'd help you out, but you'd leave me to die if it was me. I just think that leaving players to die there is mostly just a way to shame new players out of the game and to help the community start to death spiral.


> I just think that leaving players to die there is mostly just a way to shame new players out of the game and to help the community start to death spiral. Many teams don't have the ranged monster damage, and if the player can't remain stationary (unless they are a slab shield, that's not likely) they will have to melee, and the corruption damage can be far more than it is worth. I've seen teams kill a DH in less than a quarter wound (out of three) of corruption (two bayonets, one of them mine), I've seen teams take almost 2/3 a bar of corruption, and that was a terrible mistake, win or lose. Also, sometimes they just take all that corruption and still fail to save the person. Depending on what else is going on this is not wise. Essentially everyone was now on their final wound after the fight, and the person that woke the DH didn't even survive.


You talk of honor, yet will alt+f4 when you, The Main Character, aren't treated as the A #1 at all times. Incredible


No, if the situation isn't right then I don't mind being left to die. It's just if you have a team that can clearly kill the damn thing, or if I'm seeing somebody else getting caught and being able to survive if we would kill the thing, and people just decide to punish the other player for it anyway, it fucks me off. I have never alt+f4'd to sic a daemonhost on somebody else for not helping out, but after spending time on /r/darktide and seeing everybody advocate abandonment, I'm strongly considering starting.


I am dealing with it ! ...by leaving the game and rage uninstalling darktide