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I'm given to understand warcry/underworld warbands aren't going to be in 4th ed across any faction They are absolutely gorgeous figs though and excellent choices for hag or slaughter queens or gladiatrix. As are the arenai


That would be so sad...


If they remove the shadowstalkers from dok, I wonder if that might not pave the way for a faction of shadow elves from Ulgu with Malerion.


I thought the non-daughters-of-khaine Dark Aelves in Cities of Sigmar where the followers of Malerion


I'm largely out of loop with most of the Underworlds fluff, but I believe Morgwaeth's Blade Coven and the other older warbands are still canonically out there doing their thing. There might have been some mentions of some of the warbands escaping the Katophrane Curse, but I'm not sure if any specific groups have been mentioned. About lore details... Now it has been quite some time since I've read Morgwaeth's story in Direchasm novel, but if my memory serves she had been chosen and sent on a holy quest to Beastgrave by Morathi to seek a shard of Khaine. During the journey she starts doubting the legitimacy of the quest, thinking that she actually wasn't chosen for a holy quest to retrieve the artefact, but been sent to die in there instead as a form of punishment, as she had openly doubted/accused Morathi somehow before. If her story is ever continued beyond the Underworlds stuff I think there could be a path to anti-Morathi camp for her, if someone manages to persuade her a little bit, and the Melusai member of the warband is taken care of (Morgwaeth and Kyrae had bitter rivalry between them, with the latter trying to undermine the Hag Queen's authority and take over). I don't know much about the rules, but Morgwaeth's Blade Coven used to have Hagg Nar keyword. In the upcoming 4th edition the subfaction keywords are going away so it might open some options in the army, if the warband doesn't get deleted/retired first along side the Warcry warbands and whatever. Personally I would want to use Morgwaeth's model as a Hag Queen proxy, but unfortunately the base sizes do not match.


Thanks, I didn't know all of this about Morgwaeth, I supposed she was 100% loyal and that's why she was travelling alongside a Melusai but now that you say it, it's logical to assign her a loyal agent to keep her in check