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Underwater mining sounds like a great way to turn your GPU to mush.






Ahhh a snake, oh it's a snake!


It's an older meme, but it checks out


It's so old, it predates the widespread use of the word "meme"


Where do you find the mushrooms? I never have seen one before


In fungus bogs, I'd tell you which mushroom in particular but I think it's funnier to make you ping every mushroom you see untill you find MUSHRUM!


I have never liked any water levels in any game ever. Water/swimming sections always makes a game feel incredibly tedious for me because the controls almost always feel janky (except for Subnautica because it’s completely built around it)


Subnautica is the standard


https://www.reddit.com/r/DeepRockGalactic/comments/130pkpr/what_kind_of_mission_would_you_like_to_play/jhxuky4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This proposal won't be hard on gpu


But that isn't underwater, it's just low oxygen, low gravity, and a visual filter.


well how do you think you simulate being underwater in games?


With really impressive physics. If the dwarves could swing a pickaxe just as well underwater as above water, if bullets functioned the same underwater as above water, if fire/cryo/sludge functioned the same underwater as above water, etc etc would you really call that being underwater, or simulating being underwater? Try throwing a baseball underwater, and then imagine that's a grenade. That's not actually the low gravity modifier. Low gravity as implemented makes them fly farther, but if you threw them underwater they wouldn't hardly go anywhere due to friction. Yeah, you can float around a bit, but friction has increased notably. Loads of stuff would have to change, which is why the devs have previously said underwater isn't happening.


Also fire weapons and electric modifiers should behave differently, imagine a greenbeard driller going with a stock loadout and not being able to do anything but i do like the idea of adding water in some levels, also they could add fishing, i love fishing


Also are most underwater level a giant pain in the ass


Plus underwater digging sounds too much like bathing to a dwarf.




Against what?


Bugs in mechsuits


You have my vote.


bigger rival corp mechs might be fun


I had a stroke and somehow read that as “Dwarves in Massachusetts.” Time to go back to bed


Good night brother 🛌


Mission name: titan pesticide A dreadnought has evolved into it's next stage; a formidable glyphid titan. You and your fellow dwarves must go into the caves with a set of blueprints and an industrial assembler the size of a refinery, and feed it enough titanium for to make you the ultimate anti-glyphid weapon, "The (can't think of a cool name but it's a mech-suit)"! When all of you are inside your mechs and are ready to battle, you will press the button on your assembler to release pheromones that will attract the titan, and have a glorious battle! Once you defeat the titan, your mechs will deactivate and you will have to run to the drop pod before it leaves.


that sounds really fun, i imagine it being kinda like a combo between point extraction and on site refining, with a sprinkle of elimination on top. have both the heavy mineral collection and infinite waves of point extraction, for the metal to make the mechs and infinite bugs because we're on their home turf, with on site refining for mech fuel, and then of course the elimination part is self evident, lol kinda lends itself to the deep dive mission structure, tbh


Imagine if it would be an extra game mode, parallel to deep dives and would take as long as a deep dive.


the deeper dive, lol


Oooooooo, cherry on top is the mechsuits are the dwarves cranked to 13. I.E Driller mech has dual flamethrowers, Scout mech can grapple faster and/or grapple other dwarves to where the Scout is, Engineer mech can drop Leadstorm minigun turrets and fires nades with hyper propellant and fat boy qualities, and Gunner mech is a walking A-10 with so many bloody bullets XD. Only ideas, but some seriously fun ideas.


It'd definitely tank frame rate but I like this idea. The mechs also copy your overclocks, making them even more op.


Could be very fun


What if u run thunder is this than al bell fed 37 mm tank gun


So.... power rangers


Fuck yeah!


I wanna be the red one!


I wish I could give my upvotes to you, since I had the same premise as you but not as well detailed.


Well you gave me the idea, so kudos to you!


Rock and stone to you!


Rockity Rock and Stone!


But that raises the question of why deeprock sends down poorly armed dwarves with zero backup and a high chance of failure, making the whole mission a waste of resources and a negative in profits... When they have super awesome mech suits that could fix all that.


Well the mech-suits cost a lot of money. The assembler doesn't build them from zero, he has the more complicated and expensive parts already inside him. We're mining raw titanium, which is what the armor and most of the mech is made of, because it would cost a lot of money for DRG to send that too. After the mechs serve their purpose, DRG sends an extra large drop pod to collect the mechs and dwarves and leave.


They all sound good apart from the water mission


My first reaction was “oh so just a mission type to take the crown of most annoying then”


With my hardware barely able to run drg as it is I don't feel like an under water mission would exactly be good


They will never make underwater caves. The devs don’t want to deal with the physics of it.


Could just have it be a mission modifier like low oxygen. Just slap a filter on your vision and give things low gravity to simulate water with an oxygen on your tank that drains proportionately to your exertion. Add a filter to audio to make it sound underwater. No messing with physics aside from a modified application of the low gravity modifier


So the dwarves can swing a pickaxe with as much force underwater as above water? The flame thrower's sticky fuel works underwater? Underwater enemies can be ignited?


ngl that sounds like warning that i'd avoid like the plague


honestly good. No water level is infinitely better than a subpar or bad water-level. And water-levels in games not specifically focused around water as a theme tends to suck majorly.


Endless arena. Waves of bugs increasing in difficulty. Bragging rights cosmetics and resources as prizes.


Like underwater caves, infinite caves are not happening in DRG due to technical reasons :/ But a dwarf can dream


Not an infinite cave. An arena, like a stadium. Waves of bugs as long as the team holds up.


So like the first point extraction i played with my friends. We had do idea that there could be resources in walls so we just ran around looking for those damn aquarqs untill all the nitra in the mission had been used


Point extraction on haz 5 is an arena with infinite spawns that keep increasing in size.


I wonder how nitra would work. If it were limited, you would be forced to run extremely ammo efficient builds to be competitive. For example, thunderhead with NTP. Unless maybe bugs dropped like 1 nitra each? That would you could still slowly get more even in late waves


if lootbugs are included in the waves, a few of them would be enough for a resupply


Oh I like that idea. That would make more sense than glyphids dropping nitra


Its called point extraction


No, just play point extraction because those have fast and infinite spawns(especially after 20 minutes) and it's not as entertaining as you may think


Those don’t have cool rewards though.


Jeez you guys want a boring grind game or something?


People like different things. Not very rock and stone of you to be rude about it.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Good human.


and they can already do this by going into a point extraction and waiting 20 minutes for spawns to max out. It really isn't as fun as you think and I wouldn't want something so out of the games loop to be tied to nice rewards edit: random block but "ok dude"


Ok dude.


Sometimes this just straight up happens to me in solo mode. Not the increasing in difficulty part, but on haz3 during Aquark missions, sometimes glyphids will just keep spawning endlessly for the entire mission (on top of the periodic swarms!) I've had it happen twice, and I have no idea why. Haz3 doesnt normally do that hahaha


That's what happens in that mode, after x time (20 min?) It just doesn't stop. That is it's "thing"


Which mode? Haz 3 or Aquarks? Because I often play both of those and I've never seen it happen until recently.


Extraction (aquarks) eggs have there swarm on certain eggs, escort has when it stops for gas and so on. Point extraction has a never ending wave after x time.


Ahh that makes so much more sense haha. Guess I just took too long


I want to be able to join a mission, where basicaly we aid another real team of dwarves if they were having trouble or something, I think that would be cool


I came to say this. Someone came up with this idea a while ago and I think about it way more than I should.


Sunbros but rock and stone sounds awesome.


For Karl!


I want to go mining for lost kegs. With the option to have a few drinks on the way back.


I like the thought of finding an injured dwarf deep in a cave and slapping him on the back of Doretta. Then her walking straight straight up to a vertical shaft on the ceiling to get to a drop pod with him screaming all the way.


I pictured Molly instead - stuffing a dwarf in molly like he's going in the trunk of your car, dwarf screaming every time Molly goes up a vertical wall 😂


"This is worse than flying!"


Lol why did I put Doretta instead of Molly? I couldn’t remember her name I guess. The mission I described sounds lame.


Having a mission where you find giant open caves with either more bugs than we've ever seen and/or fully matured dreadnoughts, or even bigger threats coming up from the deep. This could be for the areas that are technically off limits or out of range, but they're changed to being over run with bugs/big bug. We would have access to crew served weapons ie artillery pieces, anti tank guns, heavy flamethrowers, or heavy machine gun platforms that two players need to operate for loading and firing, or player controlled vehicles with similar functionality. Something that would make it feel like a horde mode but with a clear objective, maybe call it liquidation. Maybe even make it so you can use or need two teams of dwarves to do the mission so long as the game engine can take it.


A nest raid where you have to kill like, 2000 glyphids in a neverending swarm with limited Nitra would SLAP ngl


It's a giant mining rig set up by enemy faction. Pipelines are all over the map already. We have to kill them, then hack the drilling platform and each pump. Maybe they have a drilldozer or like vehicle we can operate to drill through some hard substance to then set up additional pumps. Or they have a storage facility on site, and we have to make a landing area for a ship to come and get it all, using the new vehicle makes it quicker for the team but the driller and pickaxe can help also.


All of them


Glyphid queen fight where players are having to find compressed nitra chunks to load into a huge artillery piece in order to break through her armor. Then they can man some mounted machine gun turrets to blast her to bits. Essentially a cross between the dreadnought and caretaker fights with some interactive stationary weaponry


It would be cool if there was a mission to get sent into the lithophage meteor to destroy it from within


(other, a little) Mechanical suits or robots for raid Queen nest


I would have invest fully in to the game if it had an endless wave/ levels mode where you just kept fighting harder and harder enemies. And then got a reward based on floor completed. It doesn't have to be something where you do like 300 floors it can be pretty difficult. But something mindless to grind loot and cosmetics where you can just kill and not worry about objectives would be cool


what you describe has me picturing a bottomless deep dive, where it just keeps escalating in difficulty until you decide to return to the space rig, or get downed. bonus points if there's a leaderboard


I was thinking something along the lines of a sonic device that's reads local minerals but attracts mobs. Every time you extract then continue they get modifiers but the reward goes up. + Hp or damage % more in swarm more big bads.


makes sense; still want a leaderboard, lol


ok, so, the rival corp has all those robots, right? those have to come from somewhere. we should go blow up that somewhere. corporate espionage, but this time, we're taking it to them. rock and stone!


All of them!


All of the above




All sound really good 😁


What about gas harvesting mission? There will be multiple gas pockets behind terrain that can be located using a terrain scanner, setup gas harvesting machine of some kind (maybe portable one like strapped on molly or something), turn it on, clear multiple waves of bugs, then go to the next site.


All of the above, I have ADHD I need variety, give me the variety damn you!!!


lost miners rescue, 5 people in one room, one would be randomly picked as the lost miner, don't have a pointer and chat and map and with very low ammo. objective is to found the lost miner then fix some thing and get back to droppot


Underwater level. Didn’t even have to read past that. ALWAYS pick the underwater level.


Dude I can’t wait for underwater caves in S4!


2, 3 and 4. 2, Driller is already by far the strongest class for croud control, having water could make things more complex, so I'm all for that, plus the idea of flames underwater like mario fireballs will never be topped. 3 is self explanatory, dreadnaughts are just too much of a pushover, I want some REAL big bugs to shoot. 4 because I'm a masochist that loves industrial sabotage


Like the geonosian hives in star wars


I just want to go in at haz 1 and pop endless amounts of squisshy bugs whitout mods


All of em!


Can I say all of them?


All of the above


There is only one way you could make an "underwater" mission in DRG and the quotation marks are important. 1 - Reduce gravity by ~90% and invert it, so you always "float" to the top. 2 - Add infinite double jumping and also invert it, so you could "swim down" by spamming it. 3 - Have a blue filter with bubbles cover the entire screen. Congratulations, you are now "underwater". Adding water physics to randomly generated fully destroyable terrain would melt down NASA's computers. Plus you would need to add an entire new species of enemies since mactera can't fly underwater and glyphids would still walk on walls so you could just "hover" infinitely and be invincible.


Except how do the dwarves swing a pickaxe underwater with the same force as above water? What about all the fire builds in the game?


Yup, even more reasons it couldn't work/wouldn't be fun.


also grenades would be utterly useless as they only go 1-2 m at max before they sink like a rock. Hell, bullets would be a lot less useful and I don't know how plasma works underwater, but I imagine they will not work as well as it is still a heat-focused projectile. All in all, water would basically ruin all forms of combat with the weaponry we have.


Trying to get as much resources and get back to the start within a set time window.


Lost Miner rescue could be fun, even if its just recovering their bodies. Makes me think you could also easily include a little Lost Vikings easter egg :P


>Glyphid Nest Raid Isn't that just dreadnought missions?






Gosh cant pick theese all sound so good


Last stand against overwhelming grunts and small ghlypids. A small depot of ammo but it will eventually run out, all the while the team of four is split in two; one defending against the horde while the other is having to accomplish puzzles to help the opposite team stay ahead of the horde.


Paleo/archaeological expedition, because despite my dwarf’s insistence, I really *do* like nature ~~Also I get to dig more holes~~


Nest Raid (or Extermination), but it needs to be different enough from elimination. I’m imagining a linear cave (like morkite missions) where the swarm is near constant. The caves are riddled with what looks like clusters of dreadnaught eggs, where you plant explosives. You go deeper and deeper planting explosives. Once you plant the last one you have to begin the detonation sequence from the deepest bomb. You need to be there, because you’re the bait. The swarm starts in full and you must escape to the drop pod as the explosions are blowing in a daisy chain fashion (picture the meteorite warning circles). It’s a hectic run/fight to the top while you hear/the tremors of nukes under your feet. If you’re dead or living body gets caught in a nuke, it’s over for you. There’s no reviving you because the area is lethally irradiated. Might create some extra tension.


Another boss fight would be cool. I always imagined something like a Hoxxes Dragon, a giant eyeless reptile with six legs and a long acid coated tongue like an anteater burrowing through the depths after hibernation. Could start the mission with the dwarves following it through the tunnel it digs out before entering its lair, which leads to a multi stage boss fight with the dragon. Killing it allows you to harvest a special jewel from its stomach, which you then have to take back with Molly to the drop pod.


I commented this on another post, but I thought maybe a straight up purge style mission to just fight your way through a heavily infested area and blow up bedrock tunnel caps to progress to the next area. There may not quite be as much mining but I think it'd make gunners a little more useful. Not that they aren't, but I personally feel that everything I can do with gunner can be done with other classes with little difficulty.


The nest raid sounds awesome, but I want to see what a fully formed Dread looks like.




tbf i would kinda like a underwater cave biome and the glyphid raid and some other option would be to recover data from buildings inside the caves made by drg that has classified documents (beers recipes actually) inside them


If anyone here played the game "Natural Selection 2" back in the day as a mech suit marine then you know why i chose the nest raid


Fully formed dreadnaught


damn having lost miners be on a timer like an inverse drop pod clock


A weekly multi stage Destiny raid style mission just killing lots of bugs and some simple puzzles and eventually, a boss queen that drops special loot would be amazing.


Ooooooo, there should be a giant glyphid queen the size of a Caretaker in the nest.


All of them


Fight a Mactera queen


Maybe smth like a megamission where you have to get minerals, use the minerals to repair mechs and then do a bossfight


All of these?


I once had an idea for a research and development mission where you're sent to find a super rare and valuable beer ingredient called a golden groggfruit. Each groggfruit is unique and needs to be researched to be brewed into beer. Step 1: find the groggfruit. 2: call down equipment: a scanner, a pair of research robots, collapsible defense turret towers, a mineral mixer, and an omnibrewery (a machine that can brew beer in a couple minutes). 3: set up area, place towers, collect a mineral called platinitra and deposit it into the mineral mixer to build walls from tower to tower. 4: begin scanning and research of the groggfruit, get ready the scanning process causes a reaction that makes a smell that attracts bugs. 5: once research is done pop the groggfruit into the omnibrewery to begin brewing, yep you guessed it the smell of the brewing attracts bugs. 6: nice job for your good work you've earned the first taste, everyone gets a mug of golden grogg. 7: call the drop pod and get out of there, and if possible please hurry mission control guy is thirsty too.


wheres the All of the above option


I personally wouldn't mind a horde mode like run around and build fortifications and load turrets for endless waves of bugs


Anything but underwater please in the name of Karl no


I would love a survival mode where you just holdout for as long as you can. Something separate from the standard mission kinda like deep dives where it has its own terminal and you can select it. That would be really cool imo




Just imagine, exploring a large, rundown, old mining facility deep in Hoxxes, now inhabited with Glyhids making nests there, old teams Morkite stashes, Aquarqs, and canisters of Liquid Morkite. A giant building, made for larger and longer mining missions, lost to Mission Controls scanners due to... plot reasons! (I dunno what could've hidden them for so long) Anyways, get in, grab the already mined minerals, (And if you so choose, beer!) and get out! Premade structures would be interesting to explore and potentially memorize, randomizing them might be hard but I dunno, basically a grab bag of a mission type, with the previously mentioned Alien Eggs, Aquarqs, and Liquid and Solid Morkite Deep Rock wants you to reclaim!


I want some endless fighting with endless ammo like survive til the extraction gets there but something delayed the pod.


I want a Cybergrind-esque gamemode that gives unique cosmetics for hitting milestones.


ALL of them




Building a huge structure over several sessions, like parts of a long ass drill or an a MEGA DORETTA Fighting a huge ass glyphid, times larger than the Caretaker


Entering a fully grown dreadnoughts corpse to mine it's heart


All of them


Everything here sounds rad Except the water level


Meteor mining in space


These all sound awesome, but lost miner, underwater, and underground structure all are top tier ideas. Love how much work and passion goes into this game. Rock and STOOONE!


Archaeological site would be my second pick


Any one But throw away the underwater mining exploration


I like the idea of under water mission and best raid but I feel like nest raid would mean there an end to the game like an rpg more then just it’s own kind of game atleast I think so


With the rescueing of lost miners i think it would be fun to have a randomizer pic a random teammate to be lost in the Cave and he would try to Survive until his Teammates find and rescuie him.


I had an idea of not a mission type but of a modifier. Cause we allways just rescue mini mules why not have a modifier where we are the ones with 3 mini mules but each can carry only a certain amount of resources


Since DRG will be going till season 5, I hope that in the final season Karl is alive, and we get to go rescue him. For example, we all thought he died, but instead he was captured by our machine rivals, and we get to bust him out of their holding facility deep down in Hoxxes. We can do things like turn on the power or deactivate a security system as "the game" part of it, and then have a mad dash to the extraction point.