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Bc the gov loves that we are so split in two, to keep the people divided we are easier to control, they create the illusion of right and left so won’t realize it’s us vs the gov


This is the answer right here. Its so we are distracted enough to ignore the bullshit we're living in.


No each party is self interested as F.


ain't even us vs the gov it's class war. the owning class controls the livelihood and values of the working class. motherfuckers are bouncing between government and private industry, paying to make the rules. the rest of us are cattle. moo


Or sheep! Some of us are sheep. Baaah.


Our political system is setup to create an illusion that we have control through voting, but in reality that has no effect, it’s like setting up a toy steering wheel in the car for the passenger to give them the illusion of driving, while the driver is actually in control. Decision-making was taken by the government and corporations, and it needs to go to the people.


It needs to go to the people but it can't go "back".


Before western civilization spread around the world, there were many civilizations that organized themselves with people in charger of themselves, instead of centralized power.


America was/is a Republic run by the people! It was what you describe until it wasn't.... We are not doing our job to keep it with the people because we are willing to trade freedom for security. The most secure is the least free.


No, it was founded by a ruling elite and designed in a way to prevent the people from ever being able to have power.


This is 100% not true! Edit: Its what it has turned into though...


The government is not a monolith; it is comprised of people who engage in many of the same tribalistic behaviours as everyone else. The right and left aren't illusions: people have genuinely differing opinions and everywhere on earth there are opposing sides in politics. There can be more than just two parties in multi-party systems, but the essence is still the same: People band together in order to more efficiently reach their goals, and different groups (parties) that have conflicing goals will end up in conflict, at least over those issues. When faced with a choice between who you want to support you have to make some generalisations and it's a natural human behaviour to do so. Unfortunately this can often lead us to believe falsehoods about "the others", but it's quite clear to me that partisan animosity stems from our own psychology and social instincts, not a cabal of manipulative rulers. The way you type makes it sound like the US has a tyrranical government like Myanmar or North Korea. I sincerely hope you don't believe that.


It's people who work for a living vs people who own for a living. The ruling class owns the government.


We are the government…


There is only one party, evidently, the Business Party.


Vs the elite*


Agreed. It feels like the only time the Left & Right work together is to crush any resemblance of a genuine third party, which our country desperately needs.


Divide and conquer.


What if more independents started to run for office? What would it take for you to vote for an independent over whatever party you typically identify with?


Gun violence is proof of this. The right to bear arms was intended for killing government agents. Not our own neighbors! They even managed to still let us have guns (I'm not a fan, but the point is still stands) and we shoot each other instead.


No. Not even close. One side literally profits from the problems that the other side is trying to solve. Climate change, guns, healthcare. It's not some cartoonish plot for vaguely defined "control", this is what the profit party wants people to think.


They have different ideas about what causes the problems & different ideas about what the solutions are & who should be applying them.


Exactly. Many people like guns. You will NEVER ban them. I’m totally for banning anyone with mental health issues or any criminal record from ever owning a gun. I’m all for 7 day waiting periods. But I’m also all about the constitution. Feel free to change it. That’s the beauty of it! Also, we had much more lenient gun laws and gun stores in the 70’s/80’s. Where were the mass killers? Something is different now. Have no idea what it is though


This. Both sides want a solution. It’s just that these solutions contradict each other.


The solution on the left is more gun control, the solution on the right is more guns (good guy with a gun idea).


Both sides also see the issue itself differently. The left uses school shootings as a major reason for gun control. The right argues that school shootings represent a very very small amount of gun deaths and shouldn’t be the basis for gun policy.


Suicides being the number one. And then they refuse to fund mental health Care expansion. But I'm sure there's some totally explainable good reason for that too right?


Solving depression is way more complicated than funding mental health care. It has more to do with increased use of social media, decreased religion, and most significantly, increased social isolation since the pandemic.


Oh so we should just make laws based on your lay person's personal opinion and not the opinion of professional psychologists? Your ego can't let experts make laws. Cuz you feel you're just as important. You, like all the rest of the conservatives have an inflated sense of importance. You talk out your ass like it's fact. Back up your bullshit claims


Because politicians jobs are to keep the people divided, not to make the world a better place.


Possibly there’s money to be made or at stake To vilify their political opponents To get attention focused on them personally I’m sure there are others Wish I had the answer that solve this and 98% of everyone agreed on but I don’t.


I’ve been saying this for years now. If you’re speaking on mass shootings specifically, people have been bickering over gun rights for decades, with very little to no changes, while children and innocent people die. Why don’t we just come together to find a solution that everyone agrees on? If half the people at the party want Taco Bell and the other half of the party has sensitive stomachs, do you fight about Taco Bell for the rest of the party and go home hungry or do you just find somewhere else to go that you all agree on ? It’s just common sense. Just put more security in schools, fund more mental health programs, put more emphasis in community etc. After 9/11 happened they went crazy to put hardcore security in every airport. Little kids have been dying in schools for years and no one’s done anything at all. It’s ridiculous.


Based on what I have read and heard, I do not think the R's want One Tiny restriction for Anyone (mentally ill, waiting periods, past "violent" convictions". So how can anyone agree if one baby step is vehemently opposed?


Because people just blatantly don’t agree. You’re saying that they should take baby steps to compromise for your way of thinking but you shouldn’t do the same for their way of thinking. Just do something everyone can agree to


And if ones goal is to not have anything done at all you just refuse, and then people like you end up on their side complaining that the other side needs to do something. How do you not see that your entire system can't work if one side simply refuses to budge a single step?


There’s already thousands of gun laws on the books. Pro gun people have budged many many times over the course of many decades and it hasn’t fixed the problem.


Boy that goal post moved pretty fast!


How ? I’m simply saying why the idea that no one’s ever compromised isn’t true. Can you address that? Or are you just going to attack my goalpost??


But you're misrepresenting what I say. Quote where I said "no one's ever compromised" and we can have a conversation. Why would I ever converse with someone who does that to me?


They did that to me too.


Thank you for letting me know you see what I'm talking about. I'm sorry that happened to you too. I hope you have a good night.


What is it with people lately? Its amazing the imaginary version of my opinion or how they think my mind works etc, that comes from someone else whom I have never encountered. I would say maybe you have ESP, but your opinion is not correct. First I am not anti gun. (Shocker, I know). According to you, you think I want to force my beliefs on others. But heres the thing. First, we are a group of people that have to coexist. Second, we have an enormous problem. Third, yes, there should be an intelligent meeting of the minds to come up with a solution. That is what people do when they have a group and need to have a solution to a big problem. People can not even send their kids to school anymore. No one is safe. If I had a kid, their lil ass would have been pulled from school a long time ago. What steps to a solution do You think should be done, or do you think we should just let the kids keep being shot?


Uh...actually, if you have ever had a background check you would know that each of those things (mentally ill, past violent convictions) are disqualifiers, and there are already waiting periods. One problem is law enforcement agencies reporting information to the NCIC, which is the database for information that background checkerss use to see if an applicant is eligible.


Um, ackshually, the shooter in Nashville was known to be suicidal and was still sold a firearm


Was that information given to NCIC? Probably not, because if it was, she would've been disqualified. That would explain why if he "was known to be suicidal" and was still able to but a gun......Which proves my point. Thanks for that. And you misspelled 'actually', but I guess that's secondary if no one takes you seriously anyway.


*self reported. If you are dumb enough to answer yes that you are addicted to drugs then you will be denied. Are you standing here with a straight face arguing to adults that simply putting a checkbox on a questionnaire is actually looking into it?


No. Not just checking a box. The law actually says they have to actually check with NCIC. That's what it's there for. And if you check a box and get caught lying, not only are you permanently on a do not sell list, you might also catch a felony charge. Once again for those having trouble with the concept.....if a law enforcement agency or hospital doesn't report an issue to NCIC, it allows someone who should not be allowed to have a firearm to get one. As was stated earlier, her parents knew she had issues. Had she been diagnosed with a mental issue, and the hospital or doctor who diagnosed her didn't report it, they're responsible for that. It has been shown recently that many law enforcement agencies have been lax in their responsibility to report issues to NCIC. Fix that one thing and it would reduce the number of incidents, but considering the sarcastic tone of your comments, I doubt you are being sincere in this conversation.


So, serious question. What solution do you propose for children being murdered at school?


Are you talking about the school shooting? Do you not understand why one party doesn't want to solve this problem?




Because they rake in money from the NRA, and gun manufacturers and sellers rake in money after mass shootings.


Follow the money.


If we are talking about mass shootings, it's because one side doesn't want to solve the problem. Making guns illegal, just like most of the developed world has done, is the only way we are going to make our schools, churches, etc. safe. Their solutions range from arming teachers, arming *students,* allowing more concealed weapons, getting rid of gun free zones, are all geared toward escalating the arms race, which enriches the gun manufacturers. To give you a sense at how bad this is....in the first three months of this year, there have been almost 4,000 Americans shot dead. 398 under the age of 18. If you include suicides that number jumps to almost 10K. That's over 100 killed on average a day. This is typically the slow time of year for shootings. But a lot of people seem to think this is an artificial divide. It's not. One side of this country is severely under-educated to the point that South Dakota had more Covid deaths than South Korea. And these people don't want their kids to be educated. They are fighting to have evolution, gravity, World War II, Shakespeare, and multiplication thrown out of the public school system.


False. Just add security and metal detectors. Problem solved. But the panzies want to ban guns and leave us sheep to the slaughter against our tyrannical government and foreign invaders.


Easier to blame than it is to fix the problem


I believe humans can’t help but to split into factions and blame the other side. To be honest, I listen to people I agree with and I disagree with the other side. I think there are groups of people that are doing good and bad things. Being aware of this, I go to trusted sources that I disagree with. Sometimes it’s physically painful to listen. This is being human. It always has and will be. The fact is, if you believe your right and someone else is wrong, then there is a good chance your already there. There’s all kind of scapegoats we can imagine like race, class, tribalism, party politics, government, teenagers, internet, but if you blame them..,,your already there, split into a faction and blaming the other side.


Due to a complex phenomenon known as tribalism, or us-versus-them mentality, or groupishness. It’s been instilled in all humans through millions of years of evolution and at a first glance, appears to be a net negative… but upon closer inspection, groupishness is largely responsible for our success as a species. News media are aware of our built in urge to demonize the outgroup and out of pure greed, capitalize on it. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the government who wants to divide us; to find the culprit, you need only follow the money.


If you follow the money it leads right to the government and their donors.


So let's unite against the money class! (But that makes you left wing!)


Who is the culprit the money leads to if not government?


Because no one wants the responsibility of calling out the real underlining issues... lobbying. All major decision makers are paid off by corporations. NRA, Sugar, Alcohol, Pharma,... etc. Guns = death. Period. Sophisticated nations know this and don't have issues like the USA does. Processed foods = death. Period. Sophisticated nations know this and don't have issues like the USA does. Health care. The USA is not even close to the healthiest nation in the world. But Pharma sells their drugs, and doctors stay busy, and insurance companies can look good paying for their million dollar Super Bowl commercials. People are no longer valued. Profit is. It's all about greed and mind games for the people to think they matter.




Tribalism. There is a tendency for people to cluster into opposing groups, an in-group and an out-group, and then blame each other. Blame is quick and easy. The leader and mouthpieces of each group want to maintain power and fulfill their vested interests, so it's better if things are divided.


Division is control.


The WHY is simple, READ the Constitution then look how many times either side keep introducing LAWS that neuter it and to get those kind of LAWS you need well established sophism's to propagandize the infringement. N. Shadows


Because the real solution to violence in America can’t be less violence without also being less America.


Welcome to the United States. I see that you're new here....


It's only with tragedies that are man made as both parties think all societies problems are caused by the other side.


isn't that what you're doing too?


Not true. Gun control reform and better access to health are very much solutions. The left supports them. The right doesn't


The problem is when these bills involving serious matters like what you mentioned, there are so many other things lawmakers throw into the bill that have nothing to do with the main cause.


For example?


Last year one of the "Green Energy" bills had a clause that allowed them to donate several million more dollars to the Ukraine War


So do you have an example of **gun legislation** having a bunch of unrelated stuff in it that the GOP just can't get behind? Do you think the war in Ukraine has zero effect on energy policy?


Absolutely, several gun bills have also called for the restriction of firearm ownership for those who consume cannabis. I don't agree with that either. And the war in Ukraine definitely has less of an impact on our energy policy than the current administration who canceled the pipeline that would of greatly bolstered our energy independence.


Because we all know what the solutions are...they just aren't getting done.


And what, in your opinion, are the solutions?


There's literally one thing that the US is doing differently than all the other countries in the world that don't have this problem. Can you guess what it is?


I don't play the "Answer questions with questions" game. Have a good night.


And I'm not much of a fan of the "Ask a question, when you already know the answer, but still pretend to not know the answer" game. Being willfully ignorant just makes you look stupid. Everyone knows the answer to this question. We just don't *like* the answer, so we pretend like it's some kind of weird, esoteric mystery, that can't possibly be solved.


Nice job evading a direct, and even politely asked, question. I don't know what your opinion is, and there's a huge divide in this country, so I cannot assume to know what you are thinking. But instead of answering the question, you chose to be a dick. Congratulations, you are part of the problem.


Dude. It's not a politely asked question. It's an insult to any normal, sane, rational human being. It's like asking why it's dark outside after the sun goes down. If you were 4 years old, I'd call that a good question from a curious mind...but you're not 4, are you? You're just being disingenuous.


You're just really, really digging in your stance that this person is supposed to just know what you're thinking. Whatever you're talking about might seem really obvious to you for whatever reason, but it's not to everyone— especially when you haven't even eluded to the types of opinions you hold. There's a lot of this kind of thing going on and then people are surprised nothing ever gets done. Be willing to have conversations with people without being hateful and shutting down differing opinions and you will begin to see wildly different results.


The Dens have provided the damn solution: ban certain guns, better background checks, red flag laws, etc. Republicans don’t want that and they prevent it from happening. Those are what’s actually going on. It’s not a blame game or a conspiracy to “distract”, those are facts. Even a Republican lawmaker said they’re not going to fix it. Stop “both sides”ing this bullshit. One side is the actual problem.


What guns in particular should be banned, and how would the banning of those particular guns prevented this from happening?


The ones that are mostly being used in shootings. It’s almost always the same kind of “rifle” type weapons. There have been bans before any they worked. Gun manufacturers and crazy gun nuts just don’t want it. Granted, I don’t think the shootings would go completely away, but it would go a long way to minimizing them. Increased age for buying and selling, red flag laws, greater background checks, faster response for threat assessment: it took them 5 *hours* to send a cop out in response to the person who called 911 to warn them about this latest shooter. A serious checkup could have prevented this person from doing what they did. There’s so many ways to help either minimize or solve the problem. Thing is GOP lawmakers and gun manufacturers don’t want these changes and so obstruct all laws to resolve it. Get rid of gun manufacturer lobbying, the GOP entirely. They don’t want progress for our country for utterly selfish reasons.


Anything semi-automatic. If it has to be explained to you why repeating arms are more effective at killing you aren't old or mature enough to be in this conversation.


Just asking the question out of curiosity. So does that include all handguns?


No, not all handguns. Because not all handguns are semi-automatic. And that's only if you're interested in having the most efficacy. Generally speaking you would go to the number one source of the problem if you're trying to solve a problem.


Ok, but you said anything semi-automatic, so does that include semi-automatic handguns? I'm just trying to break down your thought process and where you are saying the line in the sand would be for this gun is legal and this gun is not. Also curious about what you would say to do about the millions of guns that are already out there.


If you want to solve the problem, you have to go to the source. There is no agreed upon position in any political party or gun control group/movement. What I'm saying is, if you're asking how to truly solve the problem I'm giving you the answer. I am dispassionate about this topic and come from data analytics. There's a direct correlation between killing efficiency and fire rate. The graph is linear. What you do about the guns already out there is a political decision. We have some examples of other countries in the past and can implement infinitely many different iterations of them. I would need more data to give you a clear answer.


That's their whole plan unfortunately and both sides are as bad as eachother


Because they are both selling narratives where violence is justified, except it is BS hyperbole.. neither side wants to be held accountable for their rhetoric.


I don't get why anyone expects a solution from the government. Do you need the government to tell you that you need a umbrella if you don't want to get wet when it rains? Maybe just build better schools that don't have glass doors.


They keep us divided to keep us weak. And we are definitely weak for letting them do this. The reason we have violence is because people are damaged. People are damaged because the division had permeated our society with negative energy. If we turned off the TV and started focusing on one another we would render their entire scheme dead in a very short matter of time, but people are addicted.


The left's solution is for the right to be the one giving up freedom and rights.


And the right’s solution is thoughts and prayers.


There are a lot of lefties with guns.


Yes, because trans folk are just drowning in freedom right now.


The left is trying to come together with a solution. Ever since Obama was president, Mitch McConnell has publicly vowed to stop whatever the democrats put forth, and the Republicans have never slowed down. It's unprecedented in our history.




Half the people in this country are terrorists?! Shit I better get outta here…


Who told you half the people in the country are conservative? A conservative??? Lol


This kind of thinking is why shit happens


One side has a solution.


And that solution is...?


Different from the solution the other side proposes


I don’t think more guns is a solution. We have more guns than any nation on Earth. When does this solution start kicking in?


Because many people are stupid. They are unnecessary.


Because that’s what the majority of voters will tolerate. Well, that and everyone is pretty sure they’re 100% right about everything. Guns is a great example. Event: Latest Mass Shooting Left: Maybe fewer guns would lead to fewer gun-related tragedies. Right: Only more guns can lead to fewer gun-related tragedies. See? Both sides are perfectly logical, so they’ll never need to work with the other. /s


NRA lobbying of the Republican party attracts sycophant ammosexuals groomed into their protective roles. Preventing any meaningful dialogue from ever beginning, or any solution based legislation from being considered.


You can't come to a solution if you don't see a problem. Take school shootings, since I'm guessing that is what prompted your thought. One side thinks the problem is access to guns that are really efficient at killing and the other side thinks the problem is that there aren't enough guns in the school. On one hand, we have data from when we had an assault weapons ban and very few mass shootings in schools and then we see the data since the ban was lifted. On the other hand, the same people who don't trust your teacher to teach them about history, gender, sex ed, or what books to read also want to give teachers guns? I lived in Texas during Uvalde and the entire police force was too chicken shit to go and save those kids precisely because of the gun which the mass shooter was using. What exactly is the solution you can come to in this case? I'm not saying there are not situations where they do the blame game while doing nothing, but it isn't so black and white - things rarely are.


This question can only come from a centrist that doesn’t actually know what each side is proposing and assumes everything is vaguely “political”.


Because the way they have been taught and infulenced is encouraging conflict, not solutions. The reason of this is "one stick weak, many sticks hard to break". Its impossible to keep people poor, oblivious and controllable when we are all united for common good. It is manufactured conflict based politics.


They’ve been tricked into it


honestly good fucking question


We have become desensitized to the incompetence and grift of our own leadership. Resigning to ‘no good choice’ or ‘lesser of the evils’. We just need some of these old farts to croak and maybe some less farty folks can get involved.


Someone’s tragedy is another person’s opportunity to get ahead. Your party could control the house or the presidency for the next four or eight years.


Because thats how they can both keep getting paid, while keeping us distracted with manufactured opposition.


Because it’s easier for them to to divide and conquer us and it’s unfortunate that people fall for it. I don’t even like to think in terms of left/right but rather just sides. Mostly there’s two but there can be so many more to a situation, especially on a national scale. Looking at ourselves in such a plain, black & white way will continue to divide us and we’ll never be able to make real change here.


As a foreigner I have no skin in the game but I think the idea of banning gun will never work. America is founded as a rebel nation, guns are intrinsically part of your culture and your DNA. Your 2nd Amendment requires a well trained and armed populace to serve as a check against governmental tyranny. There will be no simple solution to this problem. Having armed guards or making schools a ‘hard target’ will mean that the shooters will pick other targets like hospitals


Because Americans have been brainwashed to do so.


Because neither side actually care about finding a solution.




As others have stated, the government promoting division is the reason why we waste so much time playing the blame game. To take away the focus from them. But also! I think social networking is to blame as well for the divide. They are the ones who control the flow of information these days, and have the power to skew and manipulate footage and information to fit a certain perspective, so you have two different sides of the story, instead of one whole. Once social media and the person's in power are held accountable, and more people leave their meta-space bubbles, we might have a chance to have stronger unity again.


Propaganda to split us into micro groups so we don’t realize we’re all part of a larger group being exploited. That’s because if we all worked together they would be doneezoooo


cause the country is divided, and opinions influence the vote (to each side)


Divide and conquer. It’s us. They’re continually fueling the divide between people so the rich can continue to do as they please while we little people get caught up in the storm they created. The heart of all the issues we really have in this world is classism.


Welcome to the two party system


In history it's common to force a split between the people eventually leading to a societal split ultimately culminating in a new political party seizing power and subsequently making that particular place slightly shittier to live in. Mostly because they disagree with each other and seek compromises. So gains n losses occur but the financial situation of the country remains in the hands of the most wealthy anyway. Tldr: you're to poor to consider that maybe you are the cattle.


The solution is difficult while blame is easy.


Because they aren’t paid to find solutions, they’re paid to stretch the problem out, cause division and panic and drive people to buy more of whatever their corporate overlords are selling.


Divide and conquer. We're watching and experiencing it in real time. It's by design, and we're all playing into it exactly as planned.


Thats all they know how to do, obviously.


Because that’s how America works. Unfortunately. Same with others I’m sure.


Because we have a solution but we are pretending we dont to enact change. If you stop punishing crime you get more crime. They have relaxed all gun punishments to increase gun crime so they can create new gun regulations and legislation to eliminate guns from everyone not committing crimes.


Division sells.


It's by design.


It’s the most effective way to maintain the status quo, while sounding like you’re trying to do something. There is one party in this country, the Capitalist party. The “fight” between the parties is an illusion to ensure the dominance of capitalism in perpetuity.


The political bipartisanship is a farce meant to conquer and divide and keep people in the dark while giving them the illusion of free will.


You don't even get to bring up the topics that you are really concerned with, it's always what they want to see rise to the collective conscious. It's all a means to keep you distracted.


Actually, Uniparty! Welcome to post-truth.


Because our solutions are exact opposites. The left wants - further restrictions on owning firearms The right wants - allow teachers who want to to carry, more armed cops in schools Furthermore, each side is convinced the other sides solutions will make the problem worse.




Politics are a sporting event for those in power. I know there are some politicians there to make positive change, and some people on each side genuinely believe that it’s the other side’s fault. It keeps people within your sphere of influence. If I tell you that this and that is all this person’s fault, you are more likely to end up sticking with me, especially in our two party system. If either side were to try to reach across the isle to find real solutions, that is one less thing that this side can use against the other side. And the other side can say “look! They are just trying to avoid guilt and blame something else!”. Problem is, the real solution requires self reflection from all sides. Blaming each other does nothing but produce media clicks. It’s all in the name of profit for the media giants.


They will never miss an opportunity to slander the others point of view


How can you come up with a solution if you cant even agree what the problem is?


Because the other side are morally deranged inhumans. You can't logic your way out of it faith goes beyond logic and that's exactly what is at work in these debates. I don't know how many times I've been attacked for being a centrist on Reddit.


So deep


Schools should have better security


Why does it take children dying for people to realize how retarded this country is


In this case, one side has tried to pass legislation in n an attempt to address the problem and the other side has always blocked it. DO SOMETHING!


Except we know what works. Every other country has already done it. Republicans have been blocking action for decades. The false equivalency here is incredible.


Greatest hustle in history. If they keep us mad at the “other side” then they never actually have to do anything.


Because one side absolutely refuses to consider the solutions that have worked in LITERALLY EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. This is literally the only country that deals with this problem on this scale.


Because a divided populous is easier to control.


Because they seek votes not solutions. Dems want the anti gun group votes republican want the pro gun vote so nothing gets done. If they wanted solutions they'd look at other alternatives in the meantime like bullet proof glass or tint, armed security in schools, just making schools safer and more difficult to get into with locking doors etc. Instead it leads back to talking points it's like we're stuck in an endless campaign


Bc there are a limited number of issues they can divide the populace on. They cant fix them faster then new ones are created so they just shift from topic to topic dividing people before any are fixed so people dont even discuss how we have a worse wealth distribution than that of pre revolution France and that might have something to do with why everything is going to shit.




Well because the right flat said, there is no solution. Watch the news, read the paper.


Look at the current right wing in the USA. When’s the last time they’ve actually proposed policies that would fix something? Trump ran *with no policy platform*. Since the last election all we’ve seen the right do is enact anti-abortion laws, book bans, and restrictions on speech.


Because they're feeding into the culture war that keeps all us poor folx fighting with one another so we don't notice the class war we're massively losing.


2 words: divide and conquer. It was true in Caesar's day, it remains true today.


Because that's the only function of modern politics it seems.


The left wants to ban guns but that can't happen because of the 2nd and they don't want mental health care while the right wants people to have more guns and want mental health care


In politics, it is better to blame and condemn than to be useful. Do something that might help and it goes wrong, your to blame. Propose a bill you know won't work in reality, it gets voted down, you tried and the evil other people are to blame. Win win for a politician. Also subjects like this are hard to actually solve. The obvious answer of more gun control works in theory, but in practice tends to not do a whole lot. Mental health is a big issue, but pharma pays big money to not have anything done about it other that over medication. Both parties take money from these groups and so, even as a "opposing parties", they are beholden to the same cash cows.


They're corporations who have to market themselves 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because they come to wildly different conclusions about the same events. You’re not gonna come together on the solution when you have radically different opinions of what the problem is.


“Deep thought”. r/showerthoughts


Plenty of left out out suggested solutions. Some have become bills. this one is not a "both sides" issue.


Progressives are the future, if there was a future with no media monopolies and lobbyists that is.


“You can always hire one half of the poor to kill the other.”


there's no money in the cure


Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. JFK


Media and corporate interests.


If the problem is solved then the politicians can't use it as political ammunition.


Pepsi or Coke? Nobody ever chose both or Dr. Pepper. You give a person a choice between 2 options.. they will choose either or but never both.


Because neither side cares about mental health. Sadly.






Its easier


its not that deep. to keep us distracted. as long as we are fighting each other, we wont rise up to all the atrocities in the world.


Because we humans like drama


The solutions are political is why. Left wants stronger gun restrictions, right want looser restrictions, stale mate.


All about the class war...


The longer we fight this meaningless fight the more distracted we become from the real enemy. The 1% who is slowly buying control of everything and working to make everyone their slaves through capitalism.


The public will never allow the 2nd amendment to be amended or removed.


Real solutions are expensive and force those in charge to self reflect and take real accountability. Much easier and cheaper to keep on deflecting and pointing fingers


because neither of them give a flying fuck about us


Because the right doesn’t want to come together for a solution because it means taking away their guns, which apparently is worse than dead children.




Because neither wants to accept their share of responsibly for the mess we are in.


Because the solution is some form of gun control and the other side won’t negotiate.


The right want to arm teachers and or guards; but don’t want to pay for lunches. So they’re willing to pay more for more guns, or reduce available funds for education. The left wants to further regulate or remove guns from the population. Both sides criticize the others solution.


Because there is no solution. Life isn’t fair and life is sad.


They both dont wanna be wrong


"The left"? If you're talking about big political parties, there are very very few countries with such parties. And I'm not talking about China, North Korea or Cuba, that's not "the left" either


Because if they happen to stumble upon a solution then what would the fight about come election time. They don’t give a crap about solutions. All they care about is staying in power for as long as possible. Term limits now!