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This looks great, but don't tag it official news.


Sorry. Although I did get permission from the Undertale team to do this, so I guess it's sort of official.


The Undertale team? You mean like, actual Toby Fox, or the subreddit? Also sidenote; this is the deltarune sub-


I emailed him and one of his team members replied.


Oh? Very interesting, do you have any proof? :O ~~Also the mod flair doesnt work bc it aint a deltarune mod \^\^;~~


It's not interesting nor unique, it's a standard reply to a support email lmfao


Me when this releases: Yarrr matey!!


Tra la la matey.


So its just a animated undertale.Uhh


Animated, voice acted, and orchestrated. With a brand new control system.


So its a game or just animation?


It's a game with animation.


So its just normal undertale with animation? Or you can like choose what to do with voice or what im just curious


You play by selecting end cards at the end of each video. Many of the more dramatic scenes will be animated.


ohh yeeah like sr pelos underpants videos ? lol. Good good


I have no idea what you are talking about. 😅


Huh weird. I thought everyone here knew who pelos was, if not from the underpants stuff atleast from the Spooky Months stuff


I recognize a few of the animations in the trailer. Just to confirm, youve gotten permission from the artisits, right?


Yes. 100%


Lol. Sorry, but no.


Sorry for being strict, but you must not use the "**Official** News" tag for a **fan** project.


I’m curious. What disabilities would make it easy to watch videos but hard to play video games? My first thought was epilepsy, but you’re gonna be seeing the lights regardless, so I’m stumped.


Motor function disabilities probably


Yes. Also, reading disabilities are taken into account. All of the diolog is voice acted, including narration. We have quite the internet celebrity as the narrator.


Who is it, if I may ask? Man on the internet?


Bettina Levy


Epilepsy is not triggered by light in general. Just flashing lights, like strobe lights. There will be none of that in this project.


*Photosensitive* epilepsy. I have epilepsy that's triggered by waking up "wrong" and it triggering a seizure, not fun stuff to be greeted with in the morning I'll tell you, haha! But flashing lights just give me a bad migraine, no horizontal unwilling death tango, here.


my dad is gonna love this (not disabled he just absolutely sucks at video games but loved the characters)


That is part of how this project started.


Omg this is also my Dad lol


Oh, so a 'choose your own adventure' series of animations? sounds fun!


Now you're catching on.


Sound cool, though I wonder why you used animation from this channel without source. https://youtube.com/@SpectroliteAAA?si=gn4aAq_qXLf2a9Hm Edit: oh wait I just looked at the description of the video, nevermind lol.


Yeah. I stupidly forgot to add SpectroliteAAA as one of the tags, and now it's too late.


Atleast my comment can make folks here aware who made the animated bits. That said, hope you & the team the best!


Thank you. And I really hope that people see your comment.


Is SpectroliteAAA apart of the project. Like are they also doing the animation for the game, or are you having a different team of animators?


Different team of animators. But SpectroliteAAA did give their permission to use their animations and character designs. I'm always on the lookout for animators, if you know any.


I love SpectroliteAAA so much, I watch those three videos so much


I was honestly expecting it just be regular undertale, but there's just subway surfers footage to the side




You know, those tiktoks that's just subway surfers gameplay with some reddit posts being read by a text-to -speech bot


Yeah. This isn't one of those. Where are you seeing subway surfers?


Near the start, when it was talking about how "watching a heart move around in a box" is boring, and subway surfers gameplay is usually used for boring tiktoks to keep the viewers attention


Oh. I see what you mean. No. A lot of the battles are going to be animated.


Yea, this still looks really good though!


Why don't just watch someone play the game?


A. It's not voice acted. B. Watching a heart move around a box isn't very entertaining if you aren't doing it yourself. C. The 16-bit music triggers some people. D. It doesn't cater to people with disabilities. E. You can't make the decision yourself. Any other questions? I am fully willing to answer them.


A) Watch someone that reads the dialogue (don't watch a silent playthrough) B) The gameplay itself isn't all that good tbh C) I know a guy who doesn't like the pixelart... so ok D) A big chunk of what makes undertale good is it's music... I'm terribly sorry to all deaf people E) Yeah u right, like you could watch diferent routes but you can't control every interaction the youtuber makes, fair enough. Makes sense. It's a good cause. Thanks for explaining! Wish you all the best\~!


Just want to clarify a few last things. A. I've seen that sort of thing before. I even participated in a live one for Deltarune. But the Undertale Accessibility Project is being done at a much more professional level and with much higher standards. There are around 30 voice actors on the team so far. D. I agree. Undertale's music is INSANELY good. I listen to it all the time. However, I do know a lot of people who absolutely hate the 16-bit style music. For some people, that kind of music can cause stress, irritability, or, in extreme cases, seizure.


Does the project have a page or something?


[Undertale Accessibility YouTube channel ](https://youtube.com/@UndertaleAccessibility?si=Bjrm9G8BB2QOYGfn) [Undertale Accessibility Reddit page ](https://reddit.com/r/UndertaleAccessibilty/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


> A. It's not voice acted. Neither is your trailer. If this is for people with visual impairments who might not be able to read the text in the game, they also wouldn't be able to read the on-screen text in your video. The text also doesn't accurately describe the product, but that's kind of a separate problem. Also, Youtube is already *brimming* with Let's Plays that read out every single piece of text, often with distinct voices and everything. > D. It doesn't cater to people with disabilities. Neither does this. It really just feels like you're using "accessibility" as a hook to try and promote your fan animation project.


https://youtu.be/-H7My5q4w00?si=pRgOsOcxUuyT15Oq This is a bit of a teaser for the voice acting, orchestration, and new sound effects.


There is no narration yet. But it's coming. This was just a teaser for Asgore's voice.


Are you working with any groups or communities that specialize in disabilities for this project? If so what groups/communities?


I've spent my entire life close to a lot of people with disabilities. I don't work with any specific groups, but I have a lot of friends, personal connections, and background knowledge. I also have my own reading and writing disabilities.


Yooo, this looks so cool!


Thank you. Not all of it is animated. But it is all fully voice acted.


[Undertale Accessibility Reddit page ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UndertaleAccessibilty/s/uA4RuCEGBx)


Sounds good like, the undertale animations are amazing but like ya lnow this is the r/deltarune O think if you post this in the r/undertale it would be better but ok and good luck


This is cool and all, but my brother in christ, this is the deltarune subreddit


I posted it in both. I figured that Deltarune fans would like to hear about this, too. Ironically, the post is actually getting way more attention here.




this is actually peak/fire/amazing. good job man


Thank you.


Damn, this is very cool. Do you have a release date planned, or is it still a lot of work left??


Still a lot of work left. But there will be a demo released of just the ruins.




Do you have other online accounts i can follow you in I don’t use reddit that much tbh if you do please reply cause this is amazing work keep it up👏




We have a YouTube channel. Look up Undertale Accessibility.


Someone from the Sega CD/3DO/CD-i era is currently giggling at choose-your-own-adventure games coming back.


Susie's Chaotix when?


You should call it Undertelltale


Lol. Sorry, but no.


Hey, I actually remember that death by glamor video


The animation will be completed in the Undertale Accessibility Edition.


I need to be tagged when this drops


I recognize alot of these animations so I just wanna make sure, did you get permission to use these? This project looks super cool!


Yes. I did get SpectroliteAAA's permission. I may use their animations and character designs as I see fit for this project.


Thats awesome! I’m sorry if my comment came off as hostile in any way, can’t wait to see the future of this project!


No worries.


Genuinely curious, why frame this project specifically around the theme of accessibility? As others have pointed out this is essentially a fan-made animated adaptation of the story of Undertale, including the essential mechanic of choice that drives the narrative. As excellent of a concept that is, its primary purpose or motive being accessibility is strange. Yes, to people with physical disabilities its more easy for them to just press on a video, but that's like saying books are more accessible to deaf people than movies are: its a true statement but its kind of an overstatement. If your willing to share more about what makes this project directly relating to accessibility, I would like to learn more.


Sure thing. Part of it is the music. Some people get triggered by the 16-bit style of music, and it can cause irritability or even seizure. As a result, all of the music in this project is orchestrated. There are also certain sounds that can set people off. A good example of this would be electric guitars. So, we try to keep those to an absolute minimum. There will also be no flashing lights that could be problematic for people with epilepsy. All of the diolog, including narration, is voice acted. This helps people with reading disabilities, such as dyslexia.


While the animation is great. You really shouldn't call this the" accessibility mod". It doesn't make it easier for any disabled people to play Undertale as much as it just replaces it with animated cutscenes. As the added effect of clogging up the search results for actual accessibility mods. For actual accessibility I would consider things like. * Auto walk * Movement speed options for heart and attacks * Color blind and photosensitive modes * Audio description * Etc


I don't think that you quite understand what this project is. It was relabeled as a mod by an admin, but that's not the case. The Undertale Accessibility Edition is played through YouTube. Players will not be moving the player themselves, but they will be able to choose where the player goes via YouTube end cards. A good example of this system can be seen here. https://youtu.be/IMCHntPmj94?si=KygAezCMLH9_wGNK


I get what you're going for, and wish your team luck with it. My issue is the name. Calling it the "accessibility mod" and centering disabled fans, when it's simply not that is kind of weird.


It's not a mod. It's a separate edition of the game.


I understand that. I'm confused as to why you're selling your video series under accessibility and bringing up disabled fans when it nothing to do with that.


All of the differences are made with disabilities in mind. Also, I'm not selling it. This edition is not monetized and is entirely free.


This feels, uh, disingenuous? Calling it "Undertale: _____ Edition" like an official thing. Trying to tag this post "official news." Pretending this has anything to do with accessibility when it's literally *no* more accessible than any of the billion Let's Play videos that already exist. The weird hashtag spam at the bottom of your post as if that fucking does anything here. Trying to bill this as a "new control system" when you just mean it's a branching Youtube playlist thing. Like, not to say the work is bad, but what you're delivering has nothing to do with what you're describing.


The tags are just because I am new to Reddit. Official news was just the closest thing I could think of, and there is a lot going on inside this project that isn't revealed yet. I understand your concern, but I think that you will just have to trust me.


that would still suck. you’re still just watching a video, the player needs to feel they’re actually involved in the game


Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to do that. My team and I are trying our best. If you don't like the project, I don't have a problem with that. But please don't post hurtful comments. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. I'm always up for some collaboration.