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Car cover. Moving blankets.


Moving blankets saved my windshield and panoramic sunroof last night. Car took a beating but no broken glass, which is all I was praying for


Same. Dents all over but no window damage. I can live with dents but not broken glass


Check with your insurance company, there’s a good chance they’ll cover the hail damage if it isn’t “totaled” in their eyes. I took my Subaru in last month and the hail company they partnered with did a free quote/inspection. Long story short geico covered the full cost of the repair from last year’s major hailstorm in June and the hail company paid the $500 deductible on my policy.


I also have GEICO, thanks for the awesome advice!


Who'd you use? My car got pelted from the storm last night, so looking into doing this now.


Elevate Hail and Dent repair


Thanks! I'll look into them


Elevate is good or TipTop!


Same. Just took it in today. My dealer works with them too.


Another vote for moving blankets.


Just be smart about how you put them on the car! My husband cracked the windows with the blankets inside to attach them to our cars last year. We didn’t end up getting hail—just a LOT of rain. Flooded the inside of both cars. 😂


I couldn’t find my moving blankets and i panicked so i just grabbed my summertime comforter that had just come out of the dryer 😂 I’m sure my neighbors were scratching their heads at the floral pattern covering my vehicle.


Now there’re jealous!


They wish they’d thought of it. I’ve used blankets to cover my car during hail storms. Anything that prevents broken glass


My job used to get deliveries that were covered in moving blankets. I'd always take a few. When we'd have hail coming I'd toss them over the top, secure them in the doors and hood, and that always protected me even when I got hit. I live elsewhere now and we had a hailstorm forecasted. Much rarer here. I covered the car in blankets and people at work were actually taking pictures of it in the parking lot. When the storm came everybody's cars ended up looking like golf balls except mine.  Moving blankets 100%


Bruh….. Moving blankets is such a good idea


Until they get soaked and then fall apart. They are one time use only


I'll throw in there, moving blankets, some bungees to hold it down, and some pool noodles to add space between the blanket and the car for more absorption.


Air mattress and a car cover is also great… back when you could buy really cheap air mattresses from Walmart or goodwill but those days are gone I fear


I've used a big cardboard box (broken down) on my windshield. Cheaper and dries faster.


This comment section is wild


I mean you can put a cover over it every time you park. But this storm was out of nowhere so unless you do that it’s hard to anticipate. Sometimes you just gotta hope and pray.


Denver & Front Range Weather predicted this night time hailstorm this morning. He provides a ton of great info.


Came into the thread to rec Kody, glad to see someone already did! He’s my only reason for a Facebook account at this point


Good tip. I usually just check my basic weather app for highs/lows and if it's gonna rain. Absolutely nothing indicated if that's all you monitor which I think is how most people do it. Didn't realize there would be golf ball sized hail until my car was already getting pelted unfortunately. So if it really concerns you, OP, I'd say just monitor decent meteorologist channels on the daily and keep a cover on standby.


Kody was warning about the potential for large all for most of the day. He has a website that he updates daily with his forecast, but it's not as good as his Facebook page. I stay on Facebook just for his forecasts https://kodythewxguy.com/colorado-daily-weather-forecast/


I have alerts set for the Clime weather app and My Radar; anytime I get an alert I check Chris Bianchi’s Twitter.


Anything predicted today? I drove my old car to work just incase




1000% agree, Kody who publishes Denver & Front Range weather takes an amazing range of detail into account about the wind effects from the mountain and plains boundaries and he’s light years ahead of most forecasts, plus he updates constantly. He’s my weather guru.


He’s a grown man trying to act like a cool teen. Can’t stand him for that. “Snur?” And talks like a two year old. Go ahead and vote me down. Don’t care.


Man you need something else to worry about


Old man yells at cloud energy


Hey expressing big feelings can be hard


Awe poor baby


I’m here for the weather, I couldn’t care less if he has a big personality when it comes to my needing accurate information. I do know from past discussions that he’s neurodivergent so maybe cut him some slack for being a human being and recognize that temperament may also be part of why he is so good at obsessing over weather, which benefits us greatly.


Yeah some of my neighbors booked it outside. I was thinking "Dude, it's not worth getting hurt for." Then I saw what they were driving. Then I thought, "Oh... That's totally worth getting hurt for."


That moment when you realize you’d do the same exact thing 😂


I'm gonna be hoping and praying insurance doesn't screw me when I file a claim lol. Thanks though


If you have full coverage, your insurance carrier cannot raise your rates for filing a claim, as hail is considered an act of nature. They may raise rates, as a whole, for the specific area, due to all the claims, but that would happen regardless if you file, or not.


This is not true. Colorado law states that an insurer is only forbidden from raising your rates due to a collision with an uninsured motorist. Comp claims are fair game for raising rates. §10-4-611 for reference.


You can't be penalized individually for acts of nature on comprehensive claims. Any other comp claim, yes.


Insurance algorithms rate you based on what they know about you. If they have no claim information from you then they lump you in with general demographic grouping aligned with your available credit and area data. Once you start filling claims they begin to paint a picture of you and this draws you out of the general group. This means, and you won't be surprised to hear, that it usually becomes more expensive for "unrelated reasons".


Acts of nature raise rates all the time and it is allowed. Making a claim and being higher risk of using your insurance raises the rates too. As for hail with an automobile, if someone has full coverage insurance (meaning comprehensive and collision) they should always file a hail claim and get it fixed. These rates are independent of your use and if everyone around is using the insurance and making claims your rates will go up too.


Correct. You cannot be targeted specifically for a rate increase for filing a claim, but everyone's rates in that area *may* be adjusted, even if you don't file. Best to just file the claim, and get the repairs done.


I love how people on Reddit now just drop this little anecdote of something pretty important to the discussion at hand and then just disappear for hours. Like I understand it’s fucking Reddit, it’s not a job. But it’s funny as shit to me that people are so quick to make an initial comment but they won’t like “finish” the discussion. Which leaves a third party reader such as myself in complete suspense… I’m like is OP right or are they right???


They cannot raise rates but you will lose a claims free discount if you have it, so a hail claim can absolutely cause your premium to go up in practice. You're right about the minutia but a lot of people will see their rate go up from losing that discount.


I'm not sure if true of not, but I've had more than a couple hail claims, and rates DID NOT rise due to them. I did lose the "zero claims" discount though.


False. ETA because I guess I’m TA. I had to replace my roof due to hail and searching through r/Insurance quickly gives me the impression that *any and all claims will be used against you.* Additionally, there seems to be an overall consensus that insurance companies do not recognize “acts of god/nature”.


I have 16 years experience in storm damage claims. Piss off.


Damn you get hail damage in your insurance




They're going to say "you live where?" And reject your claim.


What? Where do people come up with this. If you are paying for comp coverage, you’ve been rated in some part based on your location and your insurer will not deny your claim for living in Denver.


Def not out of nowhere. It was predicted.


AccuWeather warned me twice, starting early in the morning. It was definitely predicted.


I don't know if it was out of nowhere. I was getting severe weather alerts for about 3 hours before it happened at my house


There was literally an emergency alert put out like an amber alert an hour before hand. Not really out of nowhere 🤷


Huh, I usually get those but did not. 


Honestly concerning if not everyone is getting those warnings.


I got nothing. My new car has a bunch of dents now.


More worried about people or pets that got left out in the storm. Cars can be repaired or replaced.


I hate it when I accidentally leave people out during the storm


What a joke 👏, did your boomer Dad tell it to you over a cigar and Budweiser? The people that were left out on the warning yes, and outside at the were left out in the storm. Along with the mass number of homeless in this “city”.


He did actually yeah


I didn't get anything on my phone


I got the NWS notice 20m before the hail hit. 20m is enough time to get to safety in most cases.


Interesting. We got the notice about 10 minutes after the hail had started (Central Park).


Big pieces of cardboard are great for this.


Hey at least you don't have to worry about roofing or siding. To answer your question get some of those moving blankets from harbor freight. When on sale they are like 5 dollars


Wait to file your claim, you have up to a year. Document this hail storm date and time, but wait until the end of hail season before having it repaired. Would be a shame to go through it all a second time this summer.


This is not true either. Lots of insurance mis-information in this thread. You legally have 3 years to file your comp claim in Colorado, though if you wait that long it might raise some questions and your insurer might dig a little deeper.


Always seems to be some "folk wisdom" when it comes to insurance that is just blatantly wrong in these threads lol


I didn't know about the 3 year thing. When I did my hail claim from May 2023, the agent (Geico) specifically told me I have up to 1 year to file. Are they trained to lie to customers or are they basing that statement on something not specific to Colorado?


To be honest I'd just attribute it to them maybe not knowing themselves and guessing. It unfortunately will happen with people who are more focused on making a sale than retaining a household. But GEICO/progressive is also usually not the best place for advice as they are call center and not a true agency owner like Allstate or State Farm have. Those agents are usually more knowledgeable than whoever Geico can get to answer phones.


3 years is the legal statute of limitations in Colorado. Whether your own policy has some sort of special provision…. I suppose that’s possible but IMO unlikely. I don’t see how they can enforce a shorter SOL. I work for a different major auto player and I’ve never heard of this personally, granted that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Plus the people asking what their insurance covers, like they expect us to know. And how do they NOT know??


Also if there is any additional damage because you waited to file (like if your car starts to rust) they will not cover the additional damage and it can be a really big headache. Make sure you document everything very well and take any precautions to avoid additional damage.


Not sure if this is a gimmick or actually works. [https://hailprotector.com/](https://hailprotector.com/)


It actually works, but it needs a power source to stay pressurized - unless you're only running it for an hour or 2, you'll need AC power.


This has saved my car multiple times since it was totaled and repaired in last year’s storms. It can run off of the cigarette lighter in your car too.


Thanks ill look into this


Haha, car pillows, what a world we live in!


I saw a dude glue plywood onto fun noodles and strap it to his roof. Absolutely brilliant! Also this will prevent your car from being stolen 🤣


Yoga mats and duct tape.


Pool noodles strung together! Yoga mats are probably easier to store. But the noodle blanket looks so fun!


Honestly this is the only reason I shelled out for garage parking when I rented. Hope u have that option


Buy an ez up from Costco. They have ones you can set up yourself by pushing up the middle section. Practice this daily for at least a month so you are nice and fast at it. You can secure the ties to each wheel so if it’s windy it won’t blow away. Then when you sense the hail coming run out there (best to wear a large hat like a sombrero) and use your newly refined skills to keep your prized mode of transportation safe! Or just park under a tree or something


Make sure your insurance has hail damage included. Honestly, hail can be really random and sudden in Colorado. Unless you are putting a hail cover over your car every time you park it, there's no assurance. My car got totaled in the hailageddon in 2016 in Wheat Ridge. That hail was so big my car really did not stand a chance. Insurance is really the best option.


See if your car insurance offers hail damage protection. Mine does and it’s less than $5 a month for the peace of mind. It may be covered under comprehensive coverage but I like knowing I have a specific avenue for repair just for hail damage. Otherwise-moving blankets, heavy comforters & praying to the sky gods


Pinpoint the nearest gas station.


Pool noodles+duct tape...


I've always been interested in this. But you have to be aware it's coming and have a couple minutes to set up https://hailprotector.com/products/hail-protector-system?variant=44886170861787&wickedsource=google&wickedid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADrKfrEViqtMqd4xhWsjn3IS5Aimqn-HkJ0UtqAHcRguYNxOhS4wVbkaAh0mEALw_wcB&wickedid=101385799160&wv=3.1&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADrKfrEViqtMqd4xhWsjn3IS5Aimqn-HkJ0UtqAHcRguYNxOhS4wVbkaAh0mEALw_wcB


Anybody here had a car out at DIA landside employee lot? Mines been there a few days. Trying to figure out what to expect when I get home


i don’t park there, but coworkers have been saying cars at landside are ok!


Thank you!


I was at home but coworkers posted lots of pictures with dented cars. Baseball sized hail was reported in the lot


Damn it. Any glass broken?? I could care less about the dents. It’s a $4k cash car I kept exactly for this reason.


Not that I saw


Thanks! That’s a huge relief! 😮‍💨


I’ve seen mattresses used before.


Put a helmet on it


Pay to park in a parking deck when storms are coming. I used to live in Boston and it was required to move your car off your road in snow storms. Same deal, check the weather, move your car. Moving blankets work too.


As other have said follow Kody the wx guy on Facebook . I think it's "Denver and front range weather"


I've used my patio furniture cushions to protect my car glass. Also depending on the size of your car, you could zip tie a bunch of pool noodles together. If you live near a park and ride or any other parking garage, that would also be a good safe place to put your car temporarily.


Or sit it out in a car wash


Y'all got hail?? When didn't notice anything in Hamden area If you have a driveway or something private but not covered, harbor freight sells car tents for not bad prices


Did this hit the Wheat Ridge/Lakeside area hard? Been out of the country for 2 weeks…


No, it hit further north and moved east.


One of those inflatable car covers.


If you realize you need to protect your car if it’s not in a garage then its already too late


This… you either park your car in a covered area or risk getting hail damage. You don’t want to be outside trying to throw blankets on your car with 2” hailstones coming down.


This was me last night lol


Time to put on the hard hat, football helmet or baseball helmet




The NOLA sub is pretty wild






😂 they make it too easy


Don’t forget the racist femcels


This is Colorado, man. There are two types of cars: those that get hail damage and those that will get hail damage. Don’t want your car to get hail damage? Don’t own a car.


False. Move somewhere with underground parking 🤣🤣🤣. I have a loaner with only liability rn. Thank fucking god for underground parking


DIA has a gargantuan underground parking garage that is available this time of year as our Alien overlords leave in their spaceship around this time of year and won’t be back until winter.


That great when you’re at home. But what about when you go to the grocery store? Or work? Or Walmart? What then, Mr. Fancy Pants Rich McGee?


I work construction ..I’m as broke as it gets


First apartment in the region and I lucked out getting a parking spot in the garage under the building as opposed to the surface spots. Covered parking is now near the top of my priority list when it’s next time to look for a new place.


Covered parking is not "luck" any more than 2 bedrooms or a dishwasher is - it's part of what you're renting, it's a choice you're making. Same with the people on here who consider it "bad luck" that they don't have comprehensive insurance to cover hail damage, that's not luck it's a choice they made.


… no. My building assigns parking spots randomly by what’s available, and I got a garage spot. Also coming from Florida, I was unaware of how convenient it is to not deal with snow or hail on the car. So yes, I lucked out.


You should re-read your lease, that would be VERY unusual - property management can (and usually does) charge more for covered parking, if that's all they had available they probably didn't explain that rent would be cheaper without it. Not to mention, you picked that apartment building in the first place. Even if it's truly random, you could've moved somewhere that it's not.


My building has a garage and includes one space in your lease with your rent, no additional charge for parking. Once I confirmed I was getting a garage space I was good to go and signed, sight unseen from out of state. Both cities I've lived in before every building that meant underground parking. My own fault for not confirming it would indeed be a covered space, but they stuck me on the roof of the garage which I didn't realize existed and they refuse to move me to a covered space despite almost every brand new resident I meet telling me they got a covered space without even asking. Seems to just be luck of the draw At renewal time I'll be telling them option 1 is move me to a covered space and I'll renew and we can all be happy and not have to do anything or option 2 is we can all do a whole bunch of completely unnecessary work with me moving and bad mouthing you and you needing to flip the unit if you'd rather do that than move my parking space down a level


Parking not included in the lease, just a flat fee for a spot.


I promise you it's a different fee for uncovered vs covered, but they only had covered available so they didn't bring up uncovered. Even the dumbest landlords aren't going to miss that chance for an upcharge. Also, are you suggesting you had no choice but to live in this specific building? Even if what you're saying is true, you could've moved somewhere else that does explicitly include covered parking. It's not luck.


“I promise you it’s a different fee for uncovered vs covered” “Even if what you’re saying is true” Which is it? lol. Are you this person’s landlord? You seem to know things that are impossible otherwise.


Which is easier to believe - that there's an apartment complex here who gives out covered vs open parking at random even though they could charge significantly more for covered, or that this person doesn't understand how their apartment complex is managed?




I’ve lived here almost 15 years, have yet to have a problem. Just need to be smart, and always have garage parking ha.


Hail doesn’t just fall when you’re at home.


Pizza boxes taped to the windshields is a good cheap option. One time use tho


Buy comprehensive auto insurance.


Not that you shouldn't have it but filing a claim for hail ends up hurting all of us with higher rates. Not to mention it's still a PITA to deal with when you do make a claim.


So people shouldn’t use insurance for what insurance is for?


They should if they think it's worth it.


I’m glad I parked under a large tree this afternoon, to avoid heat from direct sun. Just checked my car and it’s okay - maybe branches/foliage helps?


Until a branch falls off, glad it kept your car safe this time!


Usually worse to park under a tree due to branches breaking.


Have insurance.


Well, the hail storm is over so I’d say it’s too late


I've used 2 old hammocks and some old pillows under them to protect my car from the bad one we had in 2014. Doesn't take up a ton of trunk space either


In my complex I saw a bunch of people with cardboard and torn apart foam toppers on theirs


bounce house for car


I used a comforter haha


Blankets and broken down boxes!! My husband and I rented for years up until last year when we purchased. Even then we didn’t have access to the garage for several months due to it needing a full door & motor replacement, so we used moving blankets and boxes we partially broke down to lie flat. Anyone with hail damage should see if they have coverage on their auto policies. Hail is considered an “act of God” in Colorado, so most companies will cover the body work.


Yeah I have coverage but it's still a pain in the ass


Park in a car wash and ride it out.


Aaaahhh, that sweet sound of golf-sized hail cracking your windshield in summertime Denver


You let it happen, make an insurance claim, get your car totaled out, get the salvage title, and boom. No more car payments. It’s wonderful


I'm lucky enough to not have a car payment as it is


Yeah keep moving blankets in the trunk and be prepared to run out and cover the hood, top, trunk. Parking under a big full tree can help if that’s possible.


I do street parking and always try and park under a tree. Idk if that’s smart as my car is littered with leaves and branches


Just park in the covered and secured locked parking ramp basement that is provided by the apartment building. Easy.


Tape on a flattened cardboard box might help besides the blankets


Someone gets pissed at “snarky weirdos” when they ask what they can do to cover a car. What did you expect??? How many different variations of “put something on it” were you expecting lol….literally google it


Use some of the $1000s of dollars you donate to your insurance company each year to pay for repairs. Or use a carport if available.


The great thing about using trash to cover cars is one cen just drive away with it on. When it blows off it will naturally blow east to the dump (Aurora).


Only rent from places with garages lol (I’ve always done that, garage is higher priority than in-unit washing machines when I was renting). One bad hail storm will offset all the costs of the garage, let alone the peace of mind.


Pay attention to alerts and warnings to precover your car. I watched a lot of small brains running out in the hail pulling recycling out of the dumpster to cover their car. So there’s an option if you’re fine being pelted and risking head injury’s. Or be like the guy that ran to his car and sped off to try and “avoid” the hail as it’s failing, alittle too late imo 😂 I’m assuming he went to the self service car wash near by because as soon as it was over they were back.




Thoughts and prayers


Park under a tree Edit: IDK why the downvotes. I always try to park under tree when I know severe weather is possible. Saved me from major hail damage in the past.


High wind and hail can make trees/branches fall on your car.


I have an assigned parking spot in a place where parking is sparce. On top of that I had no idea it was going to storm at all.


Then strictly from the standpoint of this question, your best option is to move somewhere with covered parking. A lot of people in here are acting as if their parking situation is like their eye color and it just happened to them, when it's actually a result of choices they made. If moving isn't a good option, the only thing you can really do is cover the car when weather is incoming. They make padded car covers for this purpose.


Idk what you're looking here. If it's unexpected and you're assigned a parking spot, there's not much else you can do other than cover your care every time you park it.


I have to park my truck outside since it won’t fit in my garage. I know where your closest supports that are covered they are close to me are and I watch the radar when I know storms are coming. If there’s a chance of hail hitting I run to covered areas.


Have you ever thought of a blanket? Seriously, OP...


If only I was as smart as you!


Yea, then you wouldn't be posting this stupid shit. I keep one in the truck and the trunk of the car. Thought you wanted advice?


Nothing, take the L like a man


Buy a CyberTruck.


First 4 letters of your name are accurate for sure


You (and 27 other people, it seems) might wanna get your sarcasm detector recalibrated 🤣


Gives it character


Move out of the front range to somewhere better.


So bitter and sad!


Yeah lived there too long. Moved out and the grass was definitely greener where I’m at now


You can get insurance


Already have that pal. I'd like to avoid the whole filing a claim still