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I hate to be the “rug” guy but… rug. Great looking room though, love the albums.


Starting with rug, yes! Also: * Closed storage * Art * Plants If the green walls are a color you've chosen, then I suggest you go with an eco color theme: creams, beiges, browns, and natural greens. For closed storage (open storage makes your place look cluttered) you could go with some woven baskets on the floor or on your shelves, a [caned shoe storage cabinet](https://www.wayfair.com/storage-organization/pdp/bay-isle-home-boho-natural-rattan-shoe-storage-cabinet-w009603636.html), a [closed armoire](https://www.wayfair.com/keyword.php?keyword=wicker+armoire) in the same style, etc.


thank you! any suggestions on color, style, size, or location?


https://preview.redd.it/8ohy1r7wqr1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd373d2adcf9a553696e980d5eddda22f90370b9 Size/location: The picture; also the green side should be tucked a little under the couch legs. Colour? Honestly you could go with something light OR dark. But make it one-colour because you want to avoid the room looking messier, especially since you have a lot of things on display. Style? You could try a plush or fluffy rug, something that feels soft and comfy on your feet. You could also go with something tufted. Another tip: this goes against everything people in this sub stand for but sometimes dissatisfaction with living space can stem for a need for more minimalism. Obviously not completely but for example, you could try moving all your displays to one bookshelf only. However, it’s important to note, this may not be the case for you whatsoever. It’s just something I’ve experienced and is part of some literature on home design.


They need to switch the couch and bed areas and place their bed so that they can lay looking at the stars.


You should really use these decor posts to learn more about [rugs](https://simplykalaa.com/decorating-with-rugs/), [living room plants](https://simplykalaa.com/living-room-plants/), and [how you can select art](https://simplykalaa.com/how-to-choose-art-for-your-home/) for your room.


Username checks out lol


What a lovely room. I’d say rug and plants.


The bed seems to be in a weird location. Try turning it?


I'd either center it on the wall it's already on, or switch out the couch and bed areas so that the bed is where the clothes rack is now. That way, you can lay in bed and look at the stars!


Might be a head clearance thing.


I read a bunch about feng shui at one time. This seems like a feng shui thing. Your head is in a corner, under a low eave.


It you cover the white space to much it will close the room more. This is a dope space, I’ve never seen any room like this- I live in CA. I would add a rug too actually in that spot. Maybe a small little table even. Or- move your layout and furniture completely and it may seem like you have a whole new room.


The lack of symmetry with the bed is what gets me... is there room to center it with the ceiling peak? You might have to change the nightstand to something less wide.


Declutter the shelves and add a nice rug!


too many things are exposed, so it never looks orderly, try to hide some in closed boxes/cabinet/console.


This is the major thing they need to do. Invest in some storage so that there are a few big containers to look at rather than a bunch of little things to look at.


Rug. Plants. Cozy floor / room lights with smart bulbs (adjust colours, brightness, timer)


Definitely some rugs...or even A rug! If you can get your hands on an affordable Persian style rug-(perhaps even a second hand authentic one,) in warm colors like reds or rusty oranges, that would elevate your space and look great with what you already have-see photo. [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2e/c0/af/2ec0afc5b6745b20641996eb044f73b9.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2e/c0/af/2ec0afc5b6745b20641996eb044f73b9.jpg)


Rug for sure. Also, buy a 2” memory foam [twin size topper](https://www.amazon.com/Airdown-Mattress-Topper-Infused-Memory/dp/B0BX798S3K/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=3SBHYYSI8SNKG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yKdkrcL-yGLAEHOTR4GvwuG20nAF8oNnKnvFbF9siLY2SB22hJDsKgAF3uy9u3Id0Y9NRO2zx7B-RPNCI35qzY6ywsqeNIqqJGI8X4TTB0wLb7cR1Ohlt3Cfj0ShEODysU4NzCTixNxlgASAarNwlXGbe38JNHaZWAeTOMKOZlUuruOQMbmznTFDSNj8jHqInqf6aVOp5wMLiBJCZL5duKkr-c301LfJvQTzpE5evyZqqmsBL2tLIJiQ7OsPFybwg6sz8h-inOlliw5tyl5uzlvqCn6L2SmvjUKjT-e6tW4.pZU9C7gynRWRnm451HhnysODvHxWjiTJkNZHtG_sd74&dib_tag=se&keywords=2+memory+foam+mattress+topper+twin&qid=1716305135&sprefix=2%22+mem%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) on Amazon. Cut the foam to the size of the cushion and stuff it behind the original cushion. It will give new life to your sofa.


Think it needs a rug. A lot of hard edges, needs a little texture to warm/soften it up.


A cat


Closed storage and an organizer


Maybe paint the white on the walls? Makes the room feel very short. I think if you brought that green up and stop short of the true ceiling, it would make a world of a difference


It’s hard to hang things when most of the walls are slanted. I’d suggest hanging a plant.


I would paint the ceiling the same color as the walls. Add a rug and some plants.


At the entry, I'd find some sort of low cabinet to hide all the shoes/clutter, maybe with a bench top so it feels like a proper landing spot. I'd get rid of the second, white desk and chair and move the clothing rack over there, perhaps switch to a closed armoire. Seeing less stuff will help the room breathe—that goes for all your open shelving as well. Add in some bins to hide clutter and only display your favorite things. So, where the clothing rack is now, put a console table and your TV there. Upgrade to a low profile sofa and add a rug to define that space. On that bump-out where your TV is now, plants! in the bedroom area, add a rug to anchor the bed and a bedside lamp or wall sconce. Maybe a trunk or bench with storage at the foot of the bed to hide shoe overflow. I'd also replace the track lighting with a more modern version, at least switch to smaller heads with LEDs for less heat. If possible remove the track altogether and use lamps. I'm not an overhead light person, but if this is a rental, that may not be an option.


I'm going to suggest an entire redesign.  Hear me out then ignore everything I say if you want.  Bed: center it on the same wall it is on. Get a floor lamp for the side without a bedside table. Then take the bookshelf that is against the long wall and use it as a room divider about 3 feet from the foot of your bed. Decorate as needed. Place the TV on top of that, if it fits (ceiling clearance?).  Couch: place a rug to define the space. I would even consider angling it or turning it so you aren't looking at your "closet". If that doesn't work I would find a landscape type curtain or really cool art type curtain and hang it in front of the closet so you're not staring directly at clothing.   Entry: put the shoe rack against the half wall and cover with hemmed fabric on a rod so you aren't staring at shoes. A fabric store would be my go to here.  And yes. Plants. If the white ceiling space is bothering you, I would suggest a crawling plant and string and have it grow around the wall to fill some space.  A high shelf near the ceiling with plants could accomplish this. 


String lights


do you have a budget? are you allowed to paint? I would do a bright peel & stick wallpaper behind the bed [https://tinyurl.com/yckwht64](https://tinyurl.com/yckwht64) visually it is very cluttered, a Ikea shoe cabinet [https://tinyurl.com/3u5zfedv](https://tinyurl.com/3u5zfedv) a solid coloured cloth shower curtain to go around your clothes rack. cover your two book shelves with the same solid colour shower curtain use cup hooks to easily screw in hooks to hang the curtain [https://tinyurl.com/4jmw5f6w](https://tinyurl.com/4jmw5f6w)


You're in dire need of a wardrobe.


A floor rug with some green in it. I would paint the ceilings green too to avoid that cut off look. The art is lonely. There’s nothing under it to anchor it to the space. Relocate it somewhere where furniture sits below - maybe over your bed.


Oversized rug and coffee table in front of your couch. A hanging pot plant, maybe a pothos os similar hanging near the skylights.




I wish I had your room


Bedside lamp




Area rug












Area rugs, runners.


I don't like where you have the TV. I get it's to see it from bed. Maybe rotate the bed 90° and hang the TV from the opposite ceiling? Or put the TV where you can watch it from the couch. Also, rugs. Several.


The only thing I'd do is get a room divider for the end of the bed, make it feel a little cozier. 


Plants somewhere around those nice big sky lights


A closet




Plants! The answer is always plants


can you move the office part somewhere else and put everything that needs storage, in that nook? or the same with the bed ? you have the largest in terms of space, and the [ second? ] longest use in terms of time, smushed in the corners.


Rug, art above your bed, and some plants!


As others have said RUGS!!!


Another Pikachu


Fiddle leaf fig plant


So what have you decided to do bc there were some Amazing ideas posted ?!?


A closet? Several nooks you could enclose in.


You need more shoes blocking the door .


This is difficult to see the whole area from the pictures, but I would do this: Purchase two rugs, one for under the bed and one for under the couch. Move your wardrobe to the wall where the head of the bed is. Move the bed to the long wall facing the stairs, with nightstand along side. Move the two bookcases side by side about two feet from the bed to block off the view of the bedroom area. Move the tv to the short wall where one bookcase is currently, with the couch facing it and the computer desk behind the couch, making it a work/sitting area.


I would add a rug like people said and a small table lamp next to the bed.




Color. Cohesiveness. Tie it all together with a color


Paint it a color you like posters , pictures, rugs, maybe different storage and move it around. I never care for the way that type of room ism. It's also so hard to work with . Cuz of the angles on walls and how short they are. Is that a sitting room ? Game room?


Pitter patter of tiny paws?


I love how you arranged the room, I wouldn't change a thing.


Rugs, plants, you could put some flags or fabric pictures up on the ceiling and tact them to the ceiling to add art and color


It's organized chaos. Everything is put away, great, but you can see EVERYTHING. Get some storage that hide a bit of your stuff. Not everything should be displayed.


Organization would help.


Get rid of all the clutter first


A rug. Maybe two.


There is definitely a lot of white space, Perhaps you might find some cool tapestries that you can pin up on the slanted walls.