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Titan main since D1 beta. I did play all three classes for a while but then life got busy so I've been a titan almost exclusively.


This. In D1 did all three (Titan main). D2 was dedicated to Titan. Only went to the other classes for raid loot. Kid and work got priority.


The true struggle. Work and life always gets in the way of priorities lol


I punch. Therefore I am!


Same here, first was Arc Titan than Sun breaker and never looked back.


When I unlocked Defender in the beta, I was addicted. Second I hit level 15 in D1, I switched over to Defender mid-story and needed to redo a bunch of missions to grind xp so I could have grenades and jumps I needed to finish the Campaign. I maxed it out long before Striker.


Me when I unlocked blade dancer


*BOINK* amplifies


This is me as well.


Hit the nail on the head for me. I would play all 3 classes more but there’s so much to do and so little time to do it. And then there’s life beside all that. Titan main all the way


Same with me except I’m a hunter, my other characters are basically just there for grabbing spoils now


Same Titan always has my heart. It feels weird not playing my Titan


This. And I'm still playing the same Titan I made the day D1 came out. If you count importing the appearance when D2 came out, that is.




We punch good


I was positive I was going to main Hunter but was eager to play more since I hit level cap during Alpha. I still remember *exactly* where in the Cosmodrome I was when my first Titan powered melee attack connected and immediately thought “This now my main” Still pretty much exclusively Titan 10 years later


Looks like most of us have the same story 😂 Divided by distance, united by circumstance.


"Of course I know him, he's me." Started as a Titan, went multi-character for a time, now simply a Titan again the last couple of years.


This is me, word for word.


Same. D1 beta titan here too. I am the wall against which darkness breaks.


This is my path as well.


I’m on the same boat. Might be sitting next to you. Or are you me?


Equip helm of innermost light spec into aftershocks no exceptions no I will not provide bubble dps boost


Same.solar titan through and through. I do try to hop between alts, especially in the beginning of a season to get the most of pinnacle rewards,but at time I dust off my hunter,and die so much because they are so squishy.


Same. Started Titan and never stopped. I will see this through.


Also Titan main. Dipped in to Hunter and Warlock but really couldn't be bothered doing everything x3 all the time.


I made some other characters but deleted them after a while. Titan is the only one for me


i remember playing on my brothers d1 account and him letting me create a character. saw a dude with a cloak and a knife and was like "thats me fr". years later he stopped playing and here i am.. still rocking a cloak and knife. hunter for life.


That was me with the warlock, the trenchcoat and space magic just got a stranglehold on me


Yep! I was like, sure there's a buff guy in armor and a cool guy with a cape, but this guy looks like power incarnate. The brute, the ninja, and wizard. Naturally, I go for the wizard haha.


I am the wall against which Darkness breaks. Always have and always will be.


I once was the wall. Now I'm the light that shines behind the wall, that the wall may never tire. (support warlock)


Tire, what's that? Nah, bruh. You let me cast this shadow further out to reach the enemies of the city and those who need our protection.


I have been a solar warlock the entirety of the game. From day 1 of D1 to last night


For us solar warlocks, it feels so right that radiance is returning for this final battle


Hunter main, but I made a warlock purely for radiance. I was playing D1 on Sunday just so that I could do that and spam solar nades everywhere.




The d1 solar super essentially. Just without self rez. Don't remember exactly, but I believe when cast it gives you + allies radiant, increased ability regen, and a special grenade that appears to have some form of tracking. Edit to add: there is also a new solar aspect that will give you a solar buddy. So all subclasses, apart from strand, can have a summon of some kind


>Edit to add: there is also a new solar aspect that will give you a solar buddy. So all subclasses, apart from strand, can have a summon of some kind Technically strand doesn't get a buddy, you get buddIES with strand in the form of perched threadlings.


Ya know, my strand warlock build is pretty much entirely threading based and that didn't even cross my mind that they'd be buddies as well.


How dare you neglect our buddies like that?


New solar super. Like default radiance from D1 with the song of flame perk picked and not self rez.


poor Threadlings. just because they're a bit more self sacrificing than usual they aren't considered buddies :(


Laughs in self rez. 🙏


Don't need self rez if you have Feed the Void 👈😎👉


Geez I get being one class - but not even using the new subclasses when they come out lol? That’s another level man


Sometimes a playstyle/class fantasy just hits the exact spot. I spend 90% of my playtime on solar hunter and have done since y1 (never played D1). I'll dabble in other builds to mix things up but I always return to my yeehaw lucky pants cowboy. I imagine this is more common with people who prefer to get immersed into a character (i.e. rpg gamers) than people who play D2 for the loot (I only ever chase guns that "fit" my character and the aesthetic I'm going for).


Yeah this. I feel as just (especially in d2) the warlock drip and exotics were trash. The sun shot, sunbracers and flaming swords of justice just gave me everything I needed


This. I have always loved Destiny for the story. Even when it is sometimes all over the place and has disparate narratives, the premise…the expansiveness…its promise has always kept me engaged. I’m in the game for the PvE, and spend very little time outside of that. In that vein, MY Guardian is THE Guardian that is Becoming Legend. And as someone with not a lot of time like I used to have, I have little to no interest in repetitious content just to get another class/race respective perk or subtle tweak in dialogue.


I’ve been a void lock about 80% of my 1100 hours and solar lock the other 20%. I probably have less than 3 hours combined using stasis and strand.


As a void lock. I never even finished the light fall campaign. I don’t have strand nor care to get it lol


You should strand on warlock is a lot of fun


Strand lock is soooooo fun....I mained void lock since d1


Alright after I get prismatic I will.


I’m not even a warlock main, but the strand threadling build is pretty fun.


Warlock strand threadling build is super fun but still doesn't hold a torch to good old Banner of War titan 👌


I was almost always a void warlock, but I've rarely taken strand off since it came out. Necrotic grips with the warlock melee on top of unraveling rounds? Fun way to clear waves of enemies


I was a solar warlock all through d1 and early d2. Around season of arrivals i started maining Titan, but for the Final Shape I'm going back to warlock.


Started as a Hunter and I'm still a Hunter to this day


Same warlock character since day one on D1.


Went from warlock to hunter back to warlock back to hunter


This is exactly me. I was a Warlock on D1, eventually decided that Hunter fit me better so I changed. Brought the Hunter through into D2 then eventually realized I wanted to go back to Warlock. Did that for a while and now have switched back to Hunter again.


Same! Started as a Hunter in D1 Beta but I like to imagine my character just became a scholar and decided to turn into a Warlock.


Void titan! For I am the wall against which darkness breaks!


Hello, fellow void titan enjoyer. It's quite sad to see that our species has been slowly dying off. Hopefully we'll come back stronger than ever with the new aspect and super!


Whilst I hear the aspect is sorta ok, the super I feel like we're gonna have a lot of fun with Might have to break out the ol' Monte Carlo/Doomfangs combo


I love how the barrier makes me almost unkillable with its rapid heal + overshield


I have always been a Warlock. Mostly because I asked someone to pick between 1, 2 and 3 during my first day on D1. They picked 3, thus I am Warlock.


Ironically the most Hunter thing ever


as a hunter, i concur


Started as a Titan in D1 day 1. Played for about a day until I saw a warlock player nova bomb a group of dregs in the cosmodrome. Can still remember where that spot is, clear as day. Fell in love with warlock right there. Was a heavy voidwalker main (shatter nova bomb was bae) throughout D1 with Sunsinger a very close second. Been warlock 95% of the time in D2 according to one of those emails bungie sent out a while ago. Hunter was 3% and Titan was the last 2%.


Hunter in D1 and Hunter to start D2. Switched to Titan because I was playing with a group of all hunters and warlocks, no titans. Now with a group that has more titans so I went back to the Hunter I love awhile back. My warlock is only ever used for the all same class raid triumphs.


For the first 6 years I was a Hunter main. I’ve been a Warlock for the last 4 years and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.


Yes. Titan was the first character I created in D1 and it's still my main all these years later. I did cheat on him a little bit by playing mainly hunter in the second half of this extended season. Just because I was getting tired of always running strand titan. Solar titan bonk cooldown feels like ass, arc titan got nerfed into a glass cannon without the cannon and void has been in a bad spot since forever. Hunter has so many more viable endgame builds. Brought some much needed variation in this long season. But now I'm going back to titan for TFS campaign.


Hopefully twilight arsenal will give some real endgame firepower, I’m also very exited for that rocket exotic


Always been a Hunter main in PvE. Mostly been Hunter in PvP as well. However, those two seasons right when Arc 3.0 launched, I had to give in and switch to Titan in Crucible because that first Trials weekend it was immediately obvious that I was throwing away winnable games trying to play Hunter.


Been a warlock the whole time. Always knew I had a place in hard content cuz of well lol.


Yes Titan since D1 Alpha. Although I now have a Hunter (PvP) and Warlock (don’t use)


I have. Been a Titan main since the D1 Beta. But I've always dabbled with the other classes.


Always. Made a Titan to goof around with throwing hammers, but the Cloak is home.


Hunter since Destiny 1


I hate them equally in the crucible.


No, I was a Titan in the D1 Beta and launch, but sometime before Dark Below I made a hunter (Just for Swarm Grenades btw) and have never went back. D1 I kept that Titan but never played it and had two hunters. Now I use all 3 but still main Hunter


No because only playing one class is handicapping yourself from experiencing 2/3rds of the rest of the game.


I was a titan main until ttk because i like bows, thats it, no other reason then the hunter super was a bow lol


Voidlock through and through, from the beginning of D1 to now


I changed to hunter, as when getting back to the game after a gap on the other two classes I had to relearn jumping 🙈


I started out with 3 Warlocks. Sometime after VoG release in D1 I deleted 1 of them for a Titan and have been a Titan main ever since. I even switched to triple Titans for a long time. For me the jump is the nr1 most important thing on the class and for me personally switching from Warlock to Titan felt like I just got a jump upgrade. A lot of people love the Warlock jump but to be quite honest I just suck with it and it made me fall off the map too often.




I always played as a Titan the 6 years I played so far. Got Destiny 1 secondhand a few years ago and also play Titan on there.


3 Hunters all through D1 and planned the same until we realised it didn’t work the same so made 1 of each. Always said I’d go back to D1 to make a Warlock and Titan as maxing out a subclass on each are the only achievements I’m missing, needless to say I haven’t done it yet.


First character was a Titan in forsaken. Wasn't a huge fan of the class so I made all 3 and have been majority warlock main for all of d2


Yup, maimed Titan since the Beta. Recently had thoughts of switching to Hunter or Warlock but I’m pulling through with my Titan in the end.


I am just a warlock. My other characters exist to get exotics and other things for my warlock. Lol


Hunter D1 to D2 Season of the Chosen, switched out to Warlock from until Season of Defiance, Titan for a little bit then back to Hunter for Wish and TFS


I started as warlock and moved to hunter sometime after beyond light because hunters just felt better. But I think I will do my first campaign completion of the final shape as a warlock cause I want to start and finish the story as my original subclass


I don't have a specific main, but I love playing support, and used to main warlock during solar 2.0, until its supportive capabilities were hamstrung in solar 3.0. I love all 3 classes now, but my favourite specific subclass is Sentinel, for the supportive/defensive playstyle. I'M SO HYPED FOR UNBREAKABLE!!!




I’ve dabbled with each class but I’m a Hunter main from day 1.


I’ve been a Warlock since D2 launch but I did briefly convert to Hunter-main during Forsaken. I’ve been loyal to the locks ever since though.


Been playing since D1 Beta, I've been a Warlock for 8 of my 10 years playing the game. At the launch of D2 I wanted to try something different and tried hunter for 2 years, I didn't rock with it, and promptly went back to my Warlock. Been my Fireteams support ever since. I will never take off the speakers helmet :)


I started as a Hunter in D1 just before The Dark Below. I mostly played solo, but when I went from PS3 to PS4 I suddenly had a clan and did my first Nightfall, and then onto my first raid. The jumping puzzle in Vault of Glass irritated the shit out of me, so while my friends were at work etc I started a Titan and levelled him up to play with them later. I've mained that Titan since.


Started as a titan cause they were big and cool. Switched to hunter around the taken king and didn’t touch my titan again til 2020. Hell, I didn’t fire up a warlock til 2021 and it’s my second most played class. Titan just doesn’t click for me. Floaty / hip hoppity guardians just feel better to play.


Yes. Mages are typically what I gravitate towards in the classic warrior/rogue/mage trio that you often see in RPGs so it should be a surprise I'm a warlock in destiny. I have enjoyed the other classes as well but I have always vibed with warlock better than the others, even if we've gotten the most hideous armour sets more often than the other classes.


I only very, *very* recently made a Titan after being a Warlock since 2014, and I absolutely love it. Have every Titan exotic now and I’m absolutely crazy about Pyrogale Gauntlets. Not *entirely* done with Strand yet but I’ve been running Banner of War with the Lament and the exotic arms that buff your sword guard and I’m practically immortal, so I’m having a great time with that as well.


I've been a titan since I started playing (in the dark below era). I kinda want to try others but the thought of needing to grind for exotics and good armour again on a different class is daunting 😞


Solar Titan since Taken King


Originally an awoken hunter then became an awoken warlock so- Yeah idk many people who made the switch from hunter to warlock haha


I started a Defender main, moved to Sentinel when it changed over, and have been on a Sunbreaker tear the past year and a half since my solar fashion is in tribute to Rasputin (and it's just good looking otherwise), but I've always mined my Titan. I also made my Titan not hideous... 10 years ago, so while my Hunter and Warlock have changed their faces, Titan remains untouched and perfect.


Almost always warlock main. During solar and arc 3.0 I switched to titan for that seasons. Since lightfall I am using strand hunter and strand titan a lot more but sunbracers warlock is still my most played during the last year


Warlock in D1 & D2. Was Sunsinger in D1 and when the scrapped that for Dawnblade in D2 I was slightly disappointed. Then when they made solar 3.0 I switched to void. Glad they're bringing back Sunsinger in a sense.


I started as a Warlock but fell in love with Hunters during house of wolves. Tbf, all the classes feel great.


Since I started playing, I’ve been a warlock main. Honestly it’s the best class for group content and it’ll always be my favourite due to being support and that’s how I like to play the game. However, since I’ve started doing solo content I’ve found myself using Titan more and more. Strand Titan is so busted I could probably do 95% of content in this game mindlessly. It’s just so much easier to pump out damage when you have a damage super worth using and the appropriate kit.


I started as a hunter. But this last year I been using warlock more. And cursed everytime I walked off the edge and couldn't get back up. But the power fantasy of being able to heal the fire team and buff them using boots of the assembler was so clutch that I don't mind running healer.. I will always love hunter, but there is something about warlock that I just can't deny is fun and satisfying


Titan main since D1. Saw my journey stats the other day, main kinetic weapon was bygones. Damn you sunsetting for making me delete it. Hope to get one back.


I had individual seasons when I'd play more as a Hunter or a Warlock, but for the overwhelming majority of the time- I played as a Titan- with all its subclasses.


Titan main since d1 alpha


real guardian plays all three classes.


I’ll always consider myself a hunter main but I love my Titan and warlock, too. My playtime on each will fluctuate based on the season, and when I play in a group I typically use whatever class will help my team the most.


No, I used to be a titan main all the way back in D1. But I switched to a hunter main in D2 because I wasn’t liking most of the titan armor looked at the beginning, so I switched to hunter


Ive played warlock since beta, but in Taken King I did make a titan that saw a little more playtime through D1Y2. Went back and forth in Y3. Now in D2, I've been 95% warlock because Wellock is easy.


Hunter only in D1. In D2 I’d say 1900 of my 2000hrs are Hunter, with 80 on Warlock and 20 on Titan


Titan main here!


Titan pretty much all the way, even if I only started mid-Shadowkeep.


I was a hunter originally when D1 first launched, had a brief phase of warlock during ttk, and then from D2 to now back to my original hunter I made when I was 12. We finish this together.


First made a titan in D1, played all three classes there. Didn't play D2 straight away, but made and played all three classes. Then decided to main warlock for the first bit of witch queen, then permanently swapped to hunter


I’m a late D2 joiner — started playing late in Witch Queen. …I did, however, technically play D1 for about two days shortly after its release before putting it down “for just a little bit, maybe a week or so.” (Oops.) So technically… yes. Titan main for 10 years, and Titan main plus actual active player for 2. And chances are I’ll end Destiny 2 the way I started it — by punching an alien in the face.


I changed numerous times haha, D1 beta - Titan D1 launch - Hunter D1 crota - Titan Rise of Iron - Warlock D2 - Titan Curse of Osiris - Hunter Forsaken - Warlock And since after forsaken I have been a hunter main and barely touched my other characters til last season 😂😂


D1 I was a voidlock. Most of D2 I was a titan main. I have been using hunter the most in the last couple of months.


Yes. Made a Hunter in the Beta first, tried the others, but Hunter stayed with me from that first “Guardian?” To now. Reason being is, that was the choice, character creation I tried my best to match me, so that is my Hunter. Sounds cheesy, but I’ve run this dude since day one, and I can’t leave him now… we started this, we are finishing it.


My first class was titan, and I consider myself a titan main. However my most played class is apparently hunter, which is my least favourite. My most played subclass is void warlock. Since banner of war came out its my go to for everything. Fun and powerful.


I started Destiny 1 a couple months ago (I only had a pc for a few years), I started Destiny 2 in 2018 and I've always been a titan


My main class was Warlock, but I’ve been maining Hunter since Beyond Light


Titan Main D1, started Striker until TTK, swapped to Sunbreaker until RoI, swapped to Defender when I started doing raids regularly. D2 remained Titan but swapped back to Solar for the debuff on raids. Flipped between Arc, Solar and Void when Thundercrash and Weapons Bubble dropped. My main build is One-Two Punch Hammers but I swap to the other subclasses when they're neededm


Was a hunter for the first couple of hundred hours, switched to Warlock for well over 1K, and then back to Hunter for another 1K+ hours. Sticking with Hunter, decided I like the space magic gunslinger fantasy the best. ETA: Also created a Titan (in D1, for raids, etc., and in D2 just because) but the class never gelled with me. Probably the most fun I had with Titan was in D2 as a Thundercrash Titan (and it happened to be my first exotic on that character).


Yes, despite all temptations of how bad Hunter exotics have been and how good Titans and Warlocks have looked recently, i have never strayed from the path.


Started D1 as a Warlock. Played most of D2 as a Hunter. Finishing D2 as a Warlock though


I’m a Destiny main. I play all three.


I’ve mained a Warlock since self-res was a thing.


Arc titan. Itd be nice to see twilight gsrrison in TFS


I started as a Hunter but had all 3 classes that I played consistently, but in dark below the Warlock started being the one I had most luck, so I switched to that


I started with the D2 beta since i didn't have a PS to play the first title. During the beta I was undecided between hunter and titan. I always play a tank and the titan seemed to reflect this fantasy; on the other side, a rogue type and... capes. In the end i chose hunter because of the jump. I absolutely despise both titan and warlock jumps (if you can call whatever it is they do a "jump"). Been a hunter for 7 years, don't plan to change.


Yep, 99% of my time has been on my Hunter, hoping to change that once account-wide power comes in


I've mained all 3 at some point or another


Started as a Warlock main, moved to Hunter, now currently a titan main. I seem to change my main every 3 year


Titan then I discovered hunter. Hunter ever since.


I have not, started D1 and D2 as a hunter main, but then transitioned to being a titan main. I’d say right now though I play all of them fairly evenly as of this season.


Always titan. Arc is my favorite but change if another subclass is performing really well in that particular season.


D1 Beta I tested warlock first. Saw a Titan ground slam some poor dreg in the cosmodrome and that’s all it took. I’ve played my Alts for extra chances at loot or to tinker with builds for fun. But I’ve been a Titan since D1 beta.


I first started with hunter and really enjoyed it, but wanted to try Titan, I still main both but Titan wins out I’d say 60/40 split. I would have mained hunter more if it had more interesting exotics but Destiny 2 hasn’t been kind regarding hunter exotics.


I started as a Void warlock for the 1st year of D1. As soon as TTK was released, moved to solar titan and it has stayed that way ever since


Though I only played d2 I've always been a warlock, solar more often then the others.


Titan main in D1, was hunter only in D2 up until like last year. Guess I just wanted to try something new lol


Was hunter main until lightfall. Completed the legend campaign on titan and normal campaign as warlock, didn’t care to do it on hunter. Since then I have played much more on titan and warlock.


I play all 3, switch constantly, not only class, but subclasses as well. Game gets boring for me if I play only one class for an extended period of time. I have 100's of builds saved on DIM.


I’ve been a warlock since D1 launched. For the last 2 seasons I did start playing a hunter a bit more, but that was simply for mindlessly punching things with assassins cowl. Still played my warlock tho. No real reason for why I picked and stayed with them. Probably just because I started with them and couldn’t be bothered leveling up another class for almost all this time.


I've started at Red War with a void hunter, found the stomp ees quite fast and I was never able to play anything else since...


Titan, I do work on my hunter and lock if needed in raids / GM’s etc, or if I really want X or Y weapon alot.


Titan and warlock. Like them both.


Actually no. I was a Titan for all of Destiny 1, and switched to Hunter in Destiny 2. Why? Because I was always jealous at how strong Hunters were in D1 PvP. Ironic really, considering D2 Titans are a Crucible powerhouse these days.


Started out as Wellock, now purely Hunter/Titan :)


Yep, Warlock since day one. I still play the other classes by my warlock is definitely my main.


I was a Void Warlock in D1 but ever since I came to D2 I'm shadowless I graduated to Titan. Just a mental shift in my playstyle that has caused me to appreciate the tank role and bruiser character type. I'll be punching my way to the witness.


I swap mains every season basically. The email says void hunter is my overall most played though which seems right


Hunter but I’ll happily play any role.


D1 Alpha titan. Titan mained ever since but total playtime split 40/40/20 T/H/L now going Warlock since prismatic looks boring imo


After Beyond Light I decided to start cycling between the three once per season so I’d spend a season on one and then switch the next. Probably the best decision I’ve made in the game. Ultimately it’s really unlocked my game knowledge and helped keep things more fresh.


I've been a solar hunter main since D1. Tripmines, throwing knives, golden gun, it all just hits right, in PVE and PVP. I play everything, but my default pick is solar hunter.


Hunter I've dabbled I'm some warlock but back to hunter I am. Don't touch titan I have a titan friend that can do all the titaning and carry me


Always hunter. Played a bit of the other classes but they just don't quite feel right to me.


I feel like I spend equal amounts of time on my Titan and Warlock while my Hunter sits in the corner watching. But if I had to pick between the 2, I'd probably choose Warlock.


Warlock for all of Destiny, except during Rise of Iron, dabbled in a bit of Titan.


Yep, Hunter main all the way through. That said the power changes will make maintaining my alts a ton easier.


Hunter since the day I saw the first ever Destiny 1 trailer over 10 years ago.


Based on my username, the answer is yes.


Will always be a Titan Main. Be strong and hit stuff.


I’ve always mained Hunter but I do play the other 2 classes sometimes. Usually for hitting a boss CP of a raid/dungeon but I did use Cuirass Titan for Atheon Master when MVoG came out because hunters were useless lmfao


I started destiny as a titan, all till taken king then i became hunter main. Now its hunter, titan then warlock.


I began as a Hunter in the *D1* beta, and mained that alllllll the way until Season of Arrivals. At that point, I got curious and tried Warlock. I've mained Warlock ever since. That said, I'm probably going to play through *The Final Shape* as my Hunter for old time's sake. It feels appropriate with this being the end of the first major story arc, and with Cayde being back.


I actually briefly started out as a Hunter. Once I discovered that Solar Warlocks of D1 had self rez, I switched to Warlock immediately and never looked back. I do occasionally play the others (Titan, mostly, followed by Hunter). Edit: I also prefer the jump on Warlocks. Better trajectory control.


Mained Titan in D1. Started D2 on PS4, started Titan there. Jumped ship to PC at release (pre-crossplay) and started again as Warlock. Then at sompoint in the past, Shaddowkeep I think I shifted back to Titan. I played a fair bit of Strand Warlock this season but will be starting TFS as Titan (probably Solar).


Titan since day one


Been a titan main the whole time. Started playing warlock a lot more a few years ago because it felt like they were just more versatile. Still mentally titan main even though I’m probably 50/50 now


As a main, yes. I’ve done a thing or two as the others for bounties and such.


Started with a Human Warlock December 2014 when I got the first game for Christmas. Just because the armour (Long red cloak) reminded me of Star Lord's coat from the first GOTG movie which I was obsessed with at the time... February 2015 my cousin made a cool Exo Hunter I've used ever since while he went and became a Human Warlock, so, there is that I suppose.


I started halfway into Witch Queen's year. Class wise, I was a hunter main at the start, but now I main Warlock. I find Warlock's movement better than hunter's funny enough. Hunter's movement feels kinda meh to me, and I kinda wish they did more with them. Subclass wise, I've been jumping around until Prismatic was revealed. Arcane needle with lightning surge, that sold it for me. I do wish they implemented an ionic blink air move, maybe onto lightning surge aspect when you have blink equipped. But it takes up one blink charge when using it.


I’ve always been my hunter. I’ve played other classes for raids, but I could never surrender my cloak


Started as a Titan in Red Wars. Moved to Warlock a year later to support my friends. Now I main my Solar Warlock.


I joined D1 during Rise of Iron as a Warlock. When D2 came out on PC, I switched to Titan since my character didn't carry over and stayed there until around Warmind. Now I main Hunter.


I don't really consider myself having a main. I play and enjoy all 3 equally. But I will be going into the new campaign with my titan because he was the first of the 3 to wake up in the junkyard on Cosmodrome 10 years ago. It makes sense that he should be the one to finish the journey.


crayon yummy - Always mained a Void Titan in D1 until Solar Titan was introduced, so have always jumped between them and now... It's all green baby.


Hunter has always been my main. Was purely a fashion choice for the cloak in d1 and I never switched.


Started as titan. Switched to warlock in d2. Because it was simply easier to find raid groups.


Titan, always.


Bordering between Hunter (main) and Warlock. Strand and Stasis Hunter are the coolest to me, but the Arc and Void Warlock are creeping up quickly.