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https://x.com/bungiehelp/status/1800656703979184550?s=46&t=aP7z7wyp-S_FwPSfnuP9Cw > Overthrow's Taken Servitor boss has been re-enabled. Players who previously had their Motes of Light removed after defeating the boss will need to go to Orbit for the Exotic Mote to appear in their Consumables Inventory. That issue will no longer occur for future players


No Khvostov exotic meatball mote fix :(


These all look like bugs that were known last week, so hopefully late this week or next Tuesday because I also want that bad boy.


I sure hope so... It sucks seeing the gun in the wild knowing you can't play with it. Though, part of me is worried it won't be so swift... They just said they're looking to fix it in a "future update"... Which could be quite some time. I would hope they got as many hands on deck for something like this.


> They just said they're looking to fix it in a "future update"... Which could be quite some time. I think it's just safe language at a moment when they don't have any clue what the cause is and don't want to be too confident a fix will happen soon. Some of these bugs are so strange that I bet the people that wrote those specific systems don't even have strong guesses as to the reason behind it.


Wish they would just make it 16 motes. Or give that 17th mote out somewhere


I don't think they'll wait too long or at least I hope not considering it's one of the most anticipated weapons of the expansion of majority of the player-based being locked out of it would not be a good look.


Especially after going through such a long freaking quest for it


Izanagi was almost unobtainable for 2 months when it was meta back in season of the undying never forget lmfao


At this point, they should just make any Overthrow boss have a *chance* to drop a mote. I've been stuck at 16 motes since they disabled the meatball. Annoyed af.


Or just auto-complete that mote for everyone since it's broken


Just not require that mote, its just a boss that if people played place enough would have beat it already…. They are fast fixing exploits but not stuff like this…


The subreddit bot just added a tweet that's stickied above you saying it's fixed now.


Man no meatball fix really sucks, it’s crazy that they’d let an exotic released in the latest brand new DLC just be unobtainable. Seems like something they should really be making their top priority.


They probably needed all hands on deck to make sure the raid went smoothly. I'm sure they'll get around to it soon


I mean, who says it's not? These kind of fixes take at least a few days to bake and generally more. What we're seeing here is likely all the stuff they were fixing before that issue was discovered.


I’m sure they’re looking into it, I really just expected a faster turn around time to fix something like this, which is one of the main exotics they’ve advertised for their latest DLC. Just need to make the mote spawn under the boss or by the chest for the meatball boss. I highly doubt it’s a complicated fix.


> I really just expected a faster turn around time to fix something like this, which is one of the main exotics they’ve advertised for their latest DLC The thing is, how important a thing is to fix doesn't actually mean a fix can be found sooner. Some bugs can be found quickly once identified, even with the devs reading the issue and immediately having a good idea where to start. And some can be like "how in the heck? what the fuck??". If they can't replicate it, then it can be even more difficult to solve! I would hope they'd just find a work around. Like make the motes only need all but one, so we can get it without the meatball even being fixed. or choose some midpoint like 9. Who knows. But fixing the bug itself can be more complicated...


They can fix it right now by giving everyone a Mote.


I agree if it was some like hidden exotic or whatever and the question where it was messed up I'd understand a bit more but this is like one of the showcase guns this is one of the ones that is like the highest anticipated weapons of the expansion and the majority of the player base is just stuck without being able to do anything for it. I really wish they would just say forget the 17th one All you need is the 16 and you can go get it


to be fair, some lost all of the motes after killing it, so it wouldn't be fixed for them...


Yeah that’s true, I don’t think you could reacquire the traveler ball motes. I assume they’re going to make the exotic mote automatically sent to your inventory to prevent this issue. Idk how they’ll remediate it for those whole already lost their motes tho.


The fix for the issue is probably relatively simple. The harder part is definitely the clean up for everyone who's already encountered the issue. They could release a partial fix that unlocks everyone not already impacted, but then you A) have people that are upset they've been "forgotten" and B) potentially increasing the number of different valid account states that need to be addressed


Hotfixes exist...


Just give everyone a mote or something, make it 16... This is pretty bad. Most of these changes really should have taken a back seat to the unobtainable weapon. "Fixed an issue where the cost for purchasing the Legendary version of Khvostov 7G-0X from collections was lower than intended." A mob spawning bug where you can just restart to work around it, beats a literally unobtainable new exotic? Priorities.


The last time I looked to see if you could even buy the legendary one from collections it said you can't pull out random roles so it wasn't even allowing me to purchase it from collections.


> Most of these changes really should have taken a back seat to the unobtainable weapon. bungie has more than 2 devs though.


I had the same issue. Beat the meatball and didn’t get my final mote - explored the area and it wasn’t anywhere. Couple days later I went and beat the Tormentor boss in Impasse (already collected mote before) and it dropped the last mote I needed. Not sure if it’s a workaround but that’s my experience. Edit: the final mote was the exotic engram that dropped from it. In case that helps.


are you sure it isn’t because you already beat the meatball and got the mote and it was just the tormentor boss you had left?


>Fixed an issue in campaign Lost Sectors that would prevent combatants and objectives from spawning. I'm passed it now, but holy crap that was annoying. Each LS had to be restarted about 3 times, and then had to be done super slowly to give all the voicelines time to play out. >Fixed an issue where certain elements of the Liminality strike would not load upon entering the first area of the Abscess. This got us too lol, had to restart the strike twice. Can't see any reference to resetting perks, so looks like I get to keep my modded godrolls for another week. I'll miss 'em when they inevitably go though.


modded god rolls? mind telling me what thats about while bungie isn't looking?


for an hour or 2 after final shape came out, you could change the perks on weapons in inventory manager apps to their curated rolls


Damn, I saw that in DIM but never tried to see if it did anything.


i tried applying the curated perks via DIM around launch, but got an API/server error. also looks like this patch fixed the overzealous DIM wishlist thumbs up, that was flagging guns even if they only had 1 desirable perk.


Can’t do it anymore. Dim was showing curated roll perks as well as existing perks. You could apply the curated perks on dim that you didn’t have eg. I put disorienting grenades on my wendigo because that was the original curated mag perk


Too late. You could select perks from the curated roll using DIM for a hot second. Wish I had caught it, could have given my ALH+Recomb mountaintop spike and hard launch.


I was wondering why DIM was showing multiple rolls that I didn’t have. Stupid me didn’t think to exploit it


It's still showing them for me, it just doesn't let me select them. My barrels are also still jank and won't show me what I actually have on my weapons.


It was an API bug from the very first day of TFS, you could use DIM to adjust perks on your weapons to curated rolls that appeared in the API such as being able to change your Igneous Hammer to have Precision Instrument even if you didn't have that before. They disabled changing perks using the API within a few hours.


Damnit, I didn't even think to look.


Unironically it’s a good idea to have notifications turned on for Cheese Forever on YouTube. He instantly posts stuff like this as well as the infinite core bug pulling khovostov from collections.


When Final Shape first released, there was a 30-45 minute window where you could go on DIM and modify perks on weapons that were enhancable because of a bug with the API. It has since been patched and bungie disabled being able to change perks through 3rd party applications. Any rolls you modified get to stay that way as long as you 1. Don't manually change the perks and 2. Equip a loadout the changes the perks on the weapon.


Is there an ETA for the weapon enhancement issues? Thank you for the updates!


What are the weapon enhancement issues? I enhanced my edge transit just fine yesterday.


Some weapons can be enhanced just fine, like your Edge Transit. However, some weapons, like the Multimach, that are supposed to be able to be enhanced, are incapable of being leveled up. This makes it impossible to enhance your traits.


Theres also a bug that happened to me where you level a weapon up to 17+ and spend the materials to enhance both perks but nothing happens


adding onto this, there’s ALSO a bug where on a shiny weapon (seems to be only falling guillotine to me and my clanmates) it takes away the 2 perks you didn’t have equipped. only seems to be sometimes though bc i have a shiny missing perks and a shiny with all the perks


They can be weird sometimes and only one perk will enhance


Is it known that void hunter cannot use melee to go invisible?


People have posted about it on the official forum multiple times and they're acknowledged it's being looked into. It doesn't SOUND intentional, but really does need to be fixed ASAP. Pretty damaging to Void hunters.


No shit we have Trials coming up lmao.


Non-functioning smokes for invis made day 1 much more challenging.


Had to scroll through so many Khvostov posts to find this one. This one messed up many hunter builds, as a support ability or otherwise. I speculate it was intended.


if it’s intended, it should be removed from the aspect description then — the aspect description still says it will give invis to players. i will be horribly upset if this is the case, however :/


It cannot possibly be. What about Omnioculus and its interactions with smoke bomb? And just in general, the stealth removal of melees would be horrible balancing, and this instance alone would single-handedly destroy void hunter if intended.


The funny thing is that this is the second time it's happened. I believe the last was witch queen


It canNOT be intended!!


Idk how removing the functionality from an entire aspect could be intentional


Either to encourage players to try prismatic. In other words "It's ok that your old toys are broken, you have a shiny new one". Maybe not an intentional bug but certainly not a priority fix for that reason.


I was wondering about this myself. It made me go through the campaign on warlock.


Hmm.. Nothing on the Motes not turning into their larger component at 5 stacks nor any mention of the khvostov count bug.


That mote bug is incredibly annoying


For me deleting all my light fragments and doing a cyst as part of the alone in the dark quest worked.


I did this and the first alone in the dark quest gave nothing. Going to be running a second soon. Hope it works.


try running a different one. i had this bug and no notes dropped from 2 cysts but did for the third. i think i read somewhere that not all cysts have the glowing enemies at once.


Wait what motes turning into their larger component at 5 stacks? Motes of Light are suppose to change into a larger item? Or do you mean the memory vestiges? I thought you needed 10 for those to combine.


These are two separate things yes. Motes are for the Khvostov, Vestiges are for facets for prismatic.


So what are the motes supposed to do? I currently have a stack of 10 of them, is that not right?


you need 17 to get a combined version that lets you get the exotic khvostov, one of the bosses that drops a mote is currently disabled because it was bugging out the mote its supposed to drop.


Is there any way to see what you’re missing? I have the triumphs for all 9 bosses, and I’ve collected all 8 Traveler visions, and I’m sitting at 15…


No, the triumphs are bugged and you can advance them by repeatedly doin the same boss so they are unreliable


So I’m gonna have to do every single one again to find the two I’m missing, huh…


Open up notepad and mark down what you've killed: Ir Okmarr, Devoted to Savathûn (The Landing) Nolakh, Star-Eater (The Landing) Mharuk, Sky-Stealer (The Landing) Voxelos, Taken by the Witness (The Blooming) Kholon, Taken by the Witness (The Blooming) Koftiks, Taken by the Witness (The Blooming) Rhuna, Subjugator of Chasms (The Impasse) Rhaska, Subjugator of Thresholds (The Impasse) Araaxen, Reverent of the Witness (The Impasse) Start with areas you havent been farming over and over. Once you get to 16, you just kind of sit and wait until bungie finally fixes the quest. Also some guy on youtube claims if you do it solo, it should basically rotate a new boss each time, vs rng with randoms. It seemed to work for me doing them solo, but people jump to wild conclusions all the time so who knows.


If you’re referring to the memory vestiges then it can be fixed if you delete down to 9 or 4 in a stack then go to micah 10 and pick up the alone in the dark quest. Don’t fully complete it, just get to the step that makes you go into the Cysts. You should get glowing enemies again that will convert your memory vestige next stack. At least that’s what worked for me


Note that claiming vestiges from the postmaster doesn't cause them to combine.


Khvostov fix where?


>Fixed an issue where the mote counter status UI would sometimes not appear with the mote collection encounter in The Impasse location. So i guess they did not fix Kvostov?


It’s only been known for a few days and this bug fix update was likely finalized last Friday.


Bungie acknowledged the issue last Wednesday (6/5). Not saying that is enough time to fix by Friday but it will be a week tomorrow.


Has there been any mention of the epilogue cutscenes not playing out on the repeat playthroughs of the Excision mission on Narrative mode?


Did they fix vanguard being spelled “vangaurd” on the engram counter?


Literally unplayable.


Ha I noticed this yesterday and let a buddy of mine know.


Onslaught balls still not tracking?


Oh man, no Khvostov obtain fix? I was really hoping for something quick and dirty to fix it, like just having the last mote in Postmaster or something. Khvostov is my favorite and I was really looking forward to using it, guess I'll wait a bit longer.


No Khvostov fix? 😢


Soo... are class exotics out now?


Also wondering




Another day, another week without Kvhostov


What do you mean "another" week? My brother in the light it has only *been* a week. **edit** [WHERE'S MY MONEY](https://x.com/bungiehelp/status/1800656703979184550?s=46&t=aP7z7wyp-S_FwPSfnuP9Cw)


They mean it will be at least another week before a patch comes out that fixes it.


Eh, could be a hotfix that comes later this week.


Can't it be a hotfix? Edit: Imagine fucking that. It's back.. without a patch...


I could be wrong but the Kvhostov issue is kind of two separate things. There are people that are stuck at 16 motes with no hope of getting the last one and there are people that have 0 motes due to the boss throwing their finished mote in the garbage. If they hotfixed it to say allow the chest to open with 16 motes, it would not help the people that lost their motes to the meatball. I am guessing the fix they will issue will fix both problems, re-enabling the boss for people with 16 motes and putting the legendary mote in the postmaster for whoever was able to obtain it. Could be a bit more involved then a simple hotfix.


More than likely not, I’d imagine, since it was a physical drop from the boss. That, and those that had their Motes taken away in their inventories can’t reacquire them in any way. It’ll probably have to be an actual update.


Given that they pulled the boss without pushing an update I’d assume they could add it back in a hotfix and I hope they do


It's unlikely a bug like this would be fixed on a patch that isn't alongside the weekly reset on Tuesdays. So they're saying that the next 7 days will be the another week without it. The fix could be some point during this weekly reset though yes.


And now it is another


Meatball fix? I want my khostov 😢


5 updates remain until the fated update!


What's the fated update?


No fix for the boss disabled in Overthrow? Sadge..


fix the meatball goddamn


I was so sure they were going to fix Void Hunter's melee. And nope. So a big fuck you into Trials then? I mean what the hell lol?


No 3D audio fix 😢


Just lower the requirements to 16 motes goddamn it Bungie


That won't do anything for the people whose motes were deleted


Yeah but the motes being deleted will take awhile longer to fix I assume. Roll out something that fixes at least part of the issue now and the other part later.


Khvostov fix ??


Too bad that the Khvostov wasn't in Eververse, then it would have been fixed within one day.


Precious Scars still works with kinetics and not Solar, huh?


players are still soft locked out of equiping prismatic


Any word on the issue with the boss in the Blooming for the exotic Khvostov quest?


I really think if they can't fix the Khosotov quest soon then just make it one mote lower for the exotic and be done with it lol


They should just do away with the mote count requirement and just allow you to open the chest once you have the Legendary Khvostov and the 8 Visions of the Traveller. Grinding 9 Overthrow bosses only to miss a drop that won't go to your Postmaster is asking for trouble.


Is there a patch to download for this?


Manually update, just in case you wait in queue only to get Cat(error occurs if game is not updated)


Still no fix for Snare Bomb not working?


Did we get the activity for exotic class items yet?


Everybody talking about Khostov. I was hoping for a fix to the titan rocket exotic.


Has anyone found out anything about how we get the exotic class items yet?


They fix the guardians becoming invisible due to server issues yet? Depending on my playtime or activity I either turn invisible (fail to load gun/character model) or become unable to see other guardians (again fail to load character models) or be able to inspect them in the tower after playing activities that has a large amount of active guardians at once. Biggest culprit being the new 12 man activity. Only way to fix at the moment is to restart the game on PC, and that only delays it.


Khovostov and Precious Scars still broken :(


We need fixes for Khvostov exotic lock out. The mote system is awful as we have no way to track which ones we have and don't. I am stuck at 16. Precious Scars doesn't work on a solar subclass and solar weapons There is some weirdness with the prismatic activation on a non prismatic class. Sometimes nothing happens on activation and I have to recharge it


Also the TFS end cutscenes don’t play after excision. I wanna see them again damnit!


There is a pale heart triumph for each of those bosses. However it is bugged for some people too haha.


Meatball bungo!? Bungooooooo???


Damn no diamond lance fix.


What’s the issue?


They don’t shatter crystals


Doesn't shatter crystals upon impact with them.


The lack of consideration towards the time we invested in the stupidly lengthy Khvostov quest. That fix should be in this patch.


Lucky Pants cooldown swap fix is pretty funny given that there’s way easier ways to nullify the cooldown than swapping armor. Or did they stealth fix that too? I haven’t tried it yet in TFS, but was using the ghost method on Zero Hour up until the last week of Lightfall


What is the ghost method?


I need my khvostov please fix it Bungie


It's not listed but precious scars is fixed for me. Just tested.


No Facet of Hope fix :(


Well... Only if I could log in...


Here's hoping the Cryoclasm bug doesn't become the next Celestial Fire bug. I really love that aspect, but it's so clunky now that it can only be used by stopping and restarting a sprint.


No Consecration Stasis Crystal interaction fix ☹️


No mote fix for one of the main selling points of the dlc? cringe bungie


No mention of the curated brave weapons enhanced perks bug. That’s a bummer.


No kvostov fix??? Really?


No fix for precious scars?


Even though the majority of comments here are about Khvostov, there are still a bunch of other issues. Here are the known issues: https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/27062192032404-Destiny-2-Year-7-Known-Issues-and-Vital-Information If you see something that is not listed here, post it on their help forums.


Have they fixed the Stasis Shard issue for Warlocks yet? Been avoiding some cool new builds because it wasn't working at launch


Is the sparital audio fixed or whatever


Nice, still cannot unlock prismatic on my Hunter. Thanks


pls bungie let us rewatch the final cutscene of excision :(


Still no meatball? 


Depressing...no changes/fixes to pressing matters. (except for the unlocking of the subclass)


No Khostov fix?!?!


Cool, glad to know I still can’t get Kovostov, literally one of the featured exotics for the expansion, why is that not a priority fix


Do we know it’s not a priority?






Is the khvstov even good? Not sure why so many are so upset they can't get it yet


Because its a long quest just to get stopped at the last step and told no sorry its broken teehee. Plus its the khvostov a lot of people just want it


No meatball No weapon enhancement L


It seems that the meatball is the true Final Shape. Was really hoping to get my Khvostov today :(


Major selling point of the expansion still blocked by an object not dropping. This…. should go over well lol.


No mote fix, no Ghost shader fix. Lovely.


What’s up with shaders?


Apparently, the shader Ghost offers is supposed to be Reaching Within. However, he instead offers a Lightfall shader.


Correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't the perfect fix for the Khovostov mote of light issue just be having the mote of light automatically go to the players inventory instead of dropping like an engram?


>The sky has now changed in the Pale Heart after the events of Salvation's Edge being completed I wish Bungie would learn to make these things happen *after* the player completes the campaign. Like I get y'all wanna have your evolving world state but it's a bit of dissonance to the story to have it happen regardless of whether you're at that point. It wasn't as big of a deal before but this changes the whole feel of the zone I went into mission replay to make sure it wasn't just an open destination thing, and the sky is different there too. So is nobody from this point onwards going to see the original state of the sky even if they're just starting the campaign? Just absolutely no ominous looming monolith to set the tone? That's wack


Is the Pale Heart still and empty and lonely place?


No kvostov, fuck me


Bungie where tf is my khvostov


Is warlock stasis still bugged that they don't receive the slight healing from stasis shards?


Witness fix? Booted after every 5th wipe or so mannnnnnn that cooperative mission is not worth it rn..


Does the mote counter ui fix mean I need to redo a boss in the impasse if Im sitting at 15 motes of light? Been trying to figure out which one im missing other than meatball for days. Help please.


not fixed the wrong shader in the ghost vendor ? Meh


Really hope we see a fix for trappers ambush soon


I swear my missing mote is from the Tormenter in Impasse, not the meatball. So I wonder if this fixes it for me. 


Commenting to add visibility for the interaction between Facet of Mending (Grenade Final Blows Cure) and Gunpowder Gamble being broken for Prismatic. The interaction works as intended for Solar.


Does anyone know what was going on with the bow?


Sooo does Echos come with new exotics?


Are they aware of Hazardous Propulsion buff being overriden by radiant?


I’m pretty sure that was Shaw Han in the season intro cutscene replacing the guardian sitting next to the vanguard.


Fixed Iconoclasm crash...yeah thanks After 2 hours yesteday, we got to the witness for microcosm and crashed.


What changed with the damage profile on the bow? Is it better or worse?


What’s the nightfall weapon?


No fix for narrative mode not playing the end cutscenes after the 12 man mission? :(


What about 3D sound? Really gotta disable it every time I hop on D2?


No broccoli fix?


No meatball fix and no feather fix makes me big sadge.


Anything about stasis warlocks not gaining health on stasis shard pickup?


The real question is did they fix the spelling of Vanguard on the engram tracker? Was pissing me off all week.


Diamond lance doesnt break stasis crystals.


I love the Tuesday after a raid or dungeon release because I can finally see the weapon rolls


Khvostov or we riot


No tab fix yet either :( 


Embarrassing. A third of the exotic weapon quests just doesn't work :)