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Lock: Apotheosis + Battle Harmony/Verity's Necrotic + Star Eater Hunter: Foetracers + Star eaters Assassin + Liars/Synthos Galanor + Star Eaters (mostly to test how much hitting 3 precision shots give back) Assassin + Gyrfalcons Titan: Eternal Warrior + Star Eaters Severance + Contact Abeyant + Horn Those would be my dream rolls, but without any form of targeting i doubt i will see any of them soon, i did the mission twice and out of all combinations possible, i rolled Assassin + Vesper twice on my lock....


Save yourself the pain and suffering and just roam around in matchmade overthrow and collect chests.. right now im averaging a exotic class item every 22 chests


i mean, i was averaging 25mins on the mission with my friend, so unless its 1 chest per minute kinda thing, i think the mission still might be faster?


Just saying, no pressure, no comms. Just relaxing crusing around on your sparrow collecting chests


Probably easier with the chest ghost mod on.


plus a sniper to scope in and see every chest in the patrol zone


Do you have to complete the mission first, though?


Yes you need to complete the mission and unlock the exotic in order to be able to passively grind on that class


Also good for ergo sums, red borders, glimmer, pale heart engrams & gunsmith engrams


Yep! I just got my last redborder that i wanted as I got the roll i wanted on the class item.


Not gonna lie... I'm an extravert and have zero problems in mission, with anyone. It's a you problem dawg.


2 to 3 chests per minute they drop every 15-20 minutes for me


Why matchmade? You may miss chests that other people open 


Matchmade lets you breeze through Overthrow, with a decent team being able to simultaneously clear 2 events at once and just grab both event chests and level up quick. Also, apparently the Overthrow chests have a higher chance of dropping them, but it’s impossible to confirm so far.


I don't think the chests thing is true, seems the same chance across all chests


Yeah I’ve gotten two to drop from normal chests. Zero from an Overthrow chest.


(Not confirmed) I've heard it has a sort of build up system where it guarantees you will get one after X number of points are obtained from opening chests, with normal chests counting for fewer points and overthrow chests counting for more. Still higher likelihood you'll hit your points on normal chests bc you are opening them more often, but the overthrow chests make more progress.


Makes sense. Overall doesn’t feel too terrible to farm. Sometimes I hit a long dry streak and other times I can hit two within 10-20 chests of each other.


Necrotic/Star Eater with arcane needle sounds incredible


I have it on my first drop. Just need to create a build around it to see how it does…


It's probably a more efficient use of your time to run around in patrol and open the hive chests, I'm getting one roughly every 10-15 minutes by opening those as often as I can :)


Interesting, which area of the map you doing it in?


I like the landing the most because it feels like the easiest to quickly traverse. I used the wombo detector with a sniper so I can spot any chest spawn from any point in the landing.


do you have to go back to orbt if you open all of them to refresh them?


Nah they respawn every few minutes or so, I like to go around and open them all then I do the overthrow chests while I wait for new ones to spawn :)


If you get used to all the spawns you can just run all the chests, fast travel back to The Landing LZ and wait 30-40 seconds or until the flashes start happening to show enemies are respawning and run the same route again. Scout rifles do the same as snipers with less range but more zoom than an AR or Handcannon. It's noticeably faster than doing the mission since there are more chests to rinse and repeat, also you can bring a third and grind out the other rewards from overthrow+the chests.


aren’t there only 64 possible rolls for each class. 8 possible perks in each column and 2 columns


You get at most a single bar back or close to it with Galanor + Star Eater


Yeah galanor sucks dick this time round. Maybe for ad clear supers its better?


Erm I may have been a bit lucky. 2 drops so far on lock and they are both the ones you mentioned…..


Rolled assassin + gyrfalcon last night. Would have really loved synthos/liar but at least I can run my void build on prismatic now.


whats about liars and caliban?


Just got a reworked Ursa unbreakable aspect in the left column and armamentarium in the right column. Perfect synergy and it feels awesome. Extra charge for your shield and it restores a decent amount of super.


Only one I’ve got so far is osmiomancy/synthoceps which feels hilariously pointless on a devourlock. Ideally want an inmost light/star eater, an assassin/star eater, and a necrotic/verity for strand hijinx


How much energy gain is the osmiomancy perk? I was really hoping it would be noticeable but I haven't had one drop yet to check!


It's very good, about 50-70% with vortex nades


It’s pretty good but if you’re already running devour or getaway buddy build it won’t really contribute much more than you’re already getting. It’ll be great if you’re running something else, especially with bleak watchers


if ur using green bug grenade it givrs a lot back


I have osmiomancy/verity on my warlock and can get a damage boosted storm grenade fully back from hitting four enemies with it


I've got this roll too..wasn't sure about it so I hadn't used it yet


It’s good, it seemed to work weird with vortex grenade though, didn’t seem to give as much as storm or cold snap


I've been feeling Thanos with Arc Souls turrets devour, I am not sure if any of these rolls surpass that build.


Arc soul with stasis turret? I totally agree! that build is busted and none of the possible combinations from the class item seem that good at all. and certainly not better than this.


Apotheosis and Scale Eater for DPS bosses but I still prefer Arc Soul for neutral game. I am getting Trascendance in zero time with Arcane melees and tangles.


Does spirit of the necrotic still interact with the weapons of sorrow, do you know?


It does! It spreads poison from any poison kill still. The only thing the spirit doesn't do is give +30 AE to weapons of sorrow (oh no)


Actually it doesn't apply the scaling damage of the poison, either. So it barely does any damage in endgame content.


Oh :(


so *this* is why I hated this combo


Wth, bungie why.....


What do you mean why? If they kept that one we had really no reason to use necrotic grips anymore. The spirits of the exotic perks are supposed to be not a total substitute of the exotic item


Just wanted to say that the scaling does apply with Osteo. Weirdly not with the other weapons of sorrow though oddly enough


Got an armamentarium and inmost light Titan mark. Seems good


Does armamentarium give you two prismatic grenades? Or is it still just the one


Bro, class items exotic is for prismatic only,  for sure it gives 2 prismatic nades.


On my hunter I got my personal god roll in Caliban + Gyrfalcon (because Buried Bloodline). Strand melee is absurdly strong ad clear coupled with Caliban, as the delayed ignition also blows up the tangle that is formed from the melee kill.


Really really like this roll


I just got this to drop from my first run. I've been running prismatic. If I don't have buried bloodline, you think it will work fairly well with Graviton?


Yeah, it should work just fine. Damage-wise, it’s on par. But you’re losing devour, so you’ll want to make up for that with Recuperation mods, or the fragment that heals on melee hit, or something.


Warlock, Apotheosis+Star-eater seems to just make me a DPS monster.


Right now I only have an assassin's/swarmers and a Verity's/osiomancy. Haven't really messed with them. Assassin's might be fun with swarmers but stasis nades aren't the best damage-wise so idk about the second one. Unless I'm misremembering and shatter damage from a nade counts as a nade?


I believe spirit of osmiomancy applies to all grenades not just stasis ones, that's one of the rolls I really want :')


Correct it works on any grenade. the more hits a grenade does the better it is. I have been rocking a Osmiomancy/Starfire roll with devour and a Brave weapon and I'm getting grenades back in under a second. With the fragments I'm running I have transcendance up every 5-10 seconds. At first I wasn't too sure if I liked that combo class item roll but it's pretty good tbh especially if you like grenade builds


I just got this to drop. Do you think it outclasses getaway artist?


Probably not but it also depends on the build you want to run. I was bored AF within 48 hours of the Getaway build. It was good but it wasn't for me.


Got unlucky with a Severance Enclosure and Khepri's Horn Titan mark. Looking to get an Ursa/Armamentarium roll in the near future.


I just got HOIL/Synthoceps as a Hunter. Spiderman time I guess.


You liking it? Just got this roll too.


It's fine, but it does just feel like ability spam with grapple being the only thing I'm really getting out of it. Your melee and dodge are free returns in a punch build, and using other options doesn't give much in terms of regen. I pretty strictly run my Galanor / Star Eater stuff in most normal level content right now for free supers.


End game viability? WR first encounter maybe?


It doesn't add much that isn't better served by HoiL/Liars is all. It's fine, serviceable, but I'm not running it often.


On my hunter I have heart of inmost and wormhusk which I feel is incredibly fun with a combination blow melee dodge build, I'm throwing grenades so often


My rolls and impressions. Hunter: Caliban + Liars = God tier. It’s as good as everyone says. Truly broken beyond belief as long as there are enough enemies to feed your stacks. Renewal + Cyrtarachne = my favorite “never die” build. The combination of devour (via buried bloodline), frost armor, constant woven mail, invisibility, the renewal bubble, and all other small resistance buffs makes it almost impossible to die. Inmost Light + Gryfalcoln = a weird combo, but extremely fun. I excellent for ability spam and constant volatile rounds. Titan: Assassin + Synthoceps = my only Titan Mark but it’s extraordinary. Not nearly as good as the melee build on Hunter because almost nothing is as good, but still extraordinarily fun. Adds a ton of survivability to the already powerful consecration slam build. Warlock: Osmiomancy + Harmony = Extremely strong. Osmiomancy gives almost 100% uptime on your void grenade as long as you get solid hits, and Harmony’s super regeneration buff with Sunshot allows you to have your about once every minute. Perfect for the Prismatic grenade as well because it makes the already speedy uptime almost instant. Inmost light + Verity = a ludicrous grenade spam build. Honestly Osmiomancy would be much be much better, but the double buff to grenade damage makes your void grenades do almost as much damage as a nova bomb. Necrotic + Starfire = Eh. The love necrotic but starfire seems a little underwhelming. I haven’t done much testing on this. It seems reasonably strong with Thorn and Necro, but idk.


A friend of mine got Apotheosis/Claws and I want it so bad to go with Song of Flame and Lightning Surge/Arcane Needle.


lightning surge doesn't work while in song of flame sadly


I think you might have misunderstood. Arcane Needle has 3 charges. Claws gives it another when out of Super, therefore giving Lightning Surge a 4th charge. Song of Flame with Claws gets 2 snaps, and you can throw both back to back in between each wisp. Apotheosis after the super boosts ability charge rate so you can spam Lightning Surge even more. Combine that with Hands On and Heavy Handed to generate more super and orbs, Facet of Purpose for Restoration from the orbs, Facet of Balance to feed back into your melee and Feed the Void for Devour to feed into your grenade. Using coldsnaps you can also slot in Facet of Ruin for more shatter damage and Facet of Courage for more Lightning Surge damage on frozen or unraveled targets if you throw an arcane needle first.


Claws was not giving me a 4th needle fyi. I was very sad


That's a bug then. IIRC claws was bugged on lightfall launch to not give arcane needle on strand a 4th charge, which Bungie eventually did fix. If spirit of the claw isn't applying to arcane needle on prismatic it's likely the same bug cropping up.


Ive only used calibans+liars. It is really funny but probably not optimal; im gonna try it with bigger ignitions and abilities while transcendant cause explosions for maximum boom, maybe use threaded needle as well (even thoigh it does nothing with liars)


I have Assassin/Gyrefalcon. The extra invisibility on top of the already insane amount from effected enemy kills is awesome. Add in the constant volatile rounds from gyrefalcon and you’re having some fun. Not my top choice, but certainly not the worst option I could have acquired.


That basically seems like an upgrade to me! Sure you lose the finisher stuff from gyrfalcons but I feel like that's not even the main appeal of running it. What other aspect goes well on prismatic? Obviously one you'd use is stylish executioner


Yeah it’s certainly a bump up. I also just got a renewal/cyrtaranche. Very helpful for survival


I got the hunter cloak last night, once from exotic mission, and another from chests in the Pale Heart (regular map chest while doing Blooming overthrow) The first cloak came with: Spirit of Caliban - Powered melee final blows trigger an ignition Spirit of Gyrfalcon - Void weapons gain volatile rounds after you emerge from being invisible. Second cloak came with: Spirit of Caliban - Powered melee final blows trigger an ignition Spirit of Verity - Weapon final blows with a damage type matching your grenade, grant a grenade damage stacking bonus. For the first cloak I figured this works super well with Stylish Executioner. I was using Stasis Shurikens, with melee dodge restore. Grenade can be either Solar for more ignition props, or Grapple for mobility plus a second source of melee triggers (I do believe that grapple melee triggered Spirit of Caliban!) Equipped volatile weapons in energy and power slots, used a primary weapon that had pugilist perk to help restore melee in a pinch. Basically just throw shurikens as often as you can and watch the fireworks. I only tested during Overthrow mission while chest hunting. Haven't seen how viable in other activities yet. After typing all of this, I wonder if I can make the second cloak a dusknade build with Verglas Curve (my pet exotic weapon) maybe if you get kill stacks with Verglas...and get the grenade bonus for Dusknades...maybe the grenade would actually kill...


Haven't done the activity yet but I want a HOIL/Armamentarium on Titan. Cooking up a glacier grenade spamming build.........


I've got Abeyant + Khepris, which is nice and all but I only use Thruster on prismatic, which also makes my other two class items not like to be used. Abeyant + Cannon Brace, and Hoarfrost + Verity's


I got ophidian and vesper. Such a pain


Got Inmost Light and Liar's on my Hunter. Basically an upgrade from the Liar's build I was running. Since you dodge every time before you melee the bonus from Inmost Light is basically always active. Now looking for Calibans + Liar's/Synthoceps


So far the best one I’ve gotten for my Hunter imo is, Spirit of Renewal (Allies inside the Duskfield grenade field gain Frost Armor and targets inside the field deal reduced damage) + Spirit of the Cyrtarachne (Gain Woven Mail when you use your grenade)


Got syntho/hoil on Titan, with Khvostov in hands and transcendence, pretty fun build  ngl you can loop consecration and use it maybe 10+ times in a row, but not for endgame type of content. Even Gundam titan with new rocket exotic feel better.


I got osmio/star eater for my warlock amongst others. It doesn’t seem to regenerate grenades as often as I’d hoped, might be better specifically for harder content with tankier enemies to drop arc/void grenades on. I’m personally going to keep trying for the HOIL/ synthos roll because they’ve been my funnest exotics for titans and I think they’ll pair well with warlocks needle teleport melee thing, which will then keep my grenades spamming to boot.


Apotheosis on a song of flame warlock is awesome fun to just keep transcending, supering, ability spamming, repeat. This with synthos and the triple arcane needle for the melee arc fragment are nuts. Most fun I’ve had so far.


On hunter Spirit of ophid with wurmhusk. First roll was ophid with counterpunch so not bad. Now to farm.


My friend got his 2nd class item today after getting the first with me earlier. Its Inmost light and synthos ON A TITAN. Im so jealous of the bastard


Has anyone got a Caliban roll from a world chest? Legit got like 20 class items an not a single one has had that perk


Yeah got one with Calibans + Star-eaters from a world chest yesterday.


Thanks for the reply. I’d take Calibans an anything at this point lol. I got Spirit of Asassin a Liars which is. Nice combo, but really wanna try a Calibans. My personal god roll like most is the calibans liars


Best I got was HoiL with Liar's which works pretty well, not sure about assassin since you already get invis from stylish executioner. I'm still hunting for Calibans and Liar's as well! Hope it doesn't get nerfed cause it seems insanely strong.


Yea with the roll I got, since it has asassin, I keep winter shroud a put on threaded specter instead. So I slow on dodge, leave a specter but can still punch an go invisible 


Oh yeah that sounds pretty good actually, didn't even think of talking stylish off lol


I just got Inmost Light and Gryfalcon and didn’t like it at first but after using it, realized it’s an add clear MACHINE. Not my perfect roll but it’s really fun to use


The star eater and apotheosis veil combo came for in a chest today. Excited to give it a try


I really like caliban syntho on hunter and assassin synto as well for hunter


I got spirit of apotheosis and spirit of starfire, any good?




Dragon shadow + liars with melee dodge and arc punch. Reload on every dodge. Stylish + freeze on dodge. Invis every punch without cowl. If you wait for too stylish to go away.