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To me the root of the issue isn't stuff being stacked together, but priority. The game should prioritise anything objective based (like having to dunk something or interact with a terminal) over a temporary weapon. Likewise, resurrecting someone should be prioritised over picking up a tangle etc. Stuff stacking on top of each other will always happen in various contexts, rather than trying to fix every single instance of this, just fix the issue at its core. And this is prioritisation.


Yup, Elden Ring has a button so you could swap which item or action you want to prioritize. Easy as hitting a button to swap your focus.


Sonic Adventure 2 has a button that lets you change what action you want to take. Especially useful in the chao garden


Yussss! I miss that game, and solid point/example! Shame that a popular MMO in 2024 doesn't have such a simple yet important function.


Holy crap! You just brought a core memory back to the forefront of my mind. I used to no life that game 🥹


This is too much work for Bungie, maybe in some major expansion they will fix this. Make a trailer about it and all. D2 moment.


I don't know why this guy is being downvoted. His comment rings true. This is the same bungie who's kept that janky ass "contact Eris Morn" step in shadow keep with no visual clean up for years.


I don't think i'll ever forgive myself for queenswalk during first season of Lightfall in which i generated a Tangle right next to where the player who had the heart stopped, causing the heart to drop next to the tangle, me to go and grab because it was my turn as carrier, only to run off with the tangle and wipe us.


That's amazing 😂 I wouldn't even have been mad, I'd have been too busy laughing at the dumb luck of the whole situation.


Speaking of dumb luck did you see the guy who grappled a piece of glimmer as it spawned while trying to solo golgoroth during the pantheon 😂🤣


No, but now I have to find it 😂


Trying to teach some friends to complete DSC and 4 balls on taniks is a whole new game with Twilight Axes, tangles, and frost lances everywhere.


Cue me throwing tangles at the EDU every time since onslaught released


>EDU Ah yes,the European Dead Unit


Cousin to the Australian Dead Unit


Or just make depositing automatic if you go near the thing, like is the case for many orb dunking mechanics, e.g. in the Arms Dealer strike.


> The game should prioritise anything objective based (like having to dunk something or interact with a terminal) over a temporary weapon. Absolutely. I hate that it prioritizes pickups over objectives. Kill the tormentor in the first raid encounter near the timer chest with the new titan super? Gotta pick up (and throw away) 3 axes first before you're allowed to dunk your buff. Kill any miniboss in the pale heart with that super? Gotta pick up 3 axes first before you're gonna get your loot chest.


doesn't help that dunking is already incredibly glitchy lol. day 1 was certainly an experience when it would only dunk in certain positions


I was running strongholds because I just got Throne-Cleaver craftable, and I was running it with some friends in expert mode Breach, so when I went to rez him, I was blocking with Strongholds and instead of rezzing, I picked up one of his stupid axes and nearly died instantly since it took me out of block lmao


They should just add a context menu. I mean even fucking Tarkov has one when there are multiple elements you can interact with, just scroll your mouse wheel to hover over the right one and press interact. It is completely unobtrusive and the lists are in descending order of what players are most likely to want to pick.


I mean or just don't have every single interaction be mapped to a single button. Navigating context menus sucks on controller when you're in the middle of a fast paced fight I don't know why they insist on having all interaction be mapped to the X/square button. I guarantee people will understand if their emote buttons get overridden near an objective to pick up or dunk something just so that we can avoid this


Definitely not as quick as a mouse wheel, but 1-2 clicks on a d-pad is 100% faster than grabbing the wrong thing, dropping it, then positioning yourself to interact with the right thing. The best controller specific solution I can think of is putting items on an emote style wheel that populate based on what is there. I don't think it would easy to categorize items for dedicated interact mapping on controller. In any event, it stinks now and I would like it to be better for everyone regardless of input.


or they could just use the crosshair - interact with the thing lm aiming directly at, not the thing behind me and to the left


That would be a wonderful idea….for pc….still leaves console with the issue though. And NO console does NOT need another menu to scroll thru especially when it’s during a busy activity.


D-pad or emote wheel type of deal. Both are as fast or faster than picking up the wrong thing, having to drop it, and then pick up the right thing.


True, that makes so much sense.. 💯


The UI in this game is so damn cluttered, it's no surprise. I've counted 4 different things, mostly text boxes, overlapping each other before.


Don't even get me started on Crota's end. Trying to do the first encounter triumph with the artifact mods that made elemental orbs. Oh let me take the chalice, nope pick up a ball


Crazy that they haven't fixed this yet. Or given players a priority option. Absolutely pathetic tbh


1. It prioritizes quick button press actions over actions that require holding down the button 2. I feel you, but then what? If they prioritized the terminal then how would we pick up the weapons? It's not an easy issue solve


prioritize dunking the objective, the prioritize weapon pickup, the  prioritize interacting with the objective without the full data backpack 


It is and doesn’t need some complicated fix. All it requires is moving the relic spawn point away from the terminal


I think it’s because they didn’t expect the weapons and stuff to be there like they honestly thought people would be picking up and using the scythe and spear etc but didn’t realise their damage is garbage compared to our actual weapons so they just float there being all sad and obstructive, like an ex boyfriend


That Void Peanut is so damn bad I got killed by a pack of red bars with it because it took like 5 seconds to kill a single one with this trash


It's sole use is to get some damage on the tormentor when you're out of heavy lol


It's decent for charging your super


Mainly use it for this purpose. It's at least able to hit a crit spot, so I'll give it that lmao.


The nut is pretty good against the Tormentor or when you're poking the Hydra across the arena because you'll get popped if you try to close the gap. I find it's actually the best because of that. Maybe the spear, but it's worse against the Tormentor.


the hydra room is absolute bullshit. They hard lock you so much and youre completely unable to get away from their damage- dodge, jump, blink all you want, youre target locked until youre dead.


I think the splash damage is the biggest issue. Multiple hydras (assuming your random matchmade teammates shoot all the boxes immediately, which they do) and cyclopes from multiple angles even make playing cover unsafe unless you're all the way in the back of the room, and even then you still take splash damage around the corner most of the time unless you're in the most passive spot possible. When you're underleveled on legend (or "expert" or whatever) and die to a couple shots, it's really tough. Most weapons to fire and forget with also don't have good enough TDO, and even dragon's breath, which would otherwise be a good fit, doesn't really work because the hydras are all floating. The stuff with really high TDO and range like whisper and retrofit need you to be constantly exposed, which is now death even with a well. I think (?) you're power capped pretty low, so I'm really not sure how you're supposed to do this cleanly/flawlessly besides maybe double ursa titan? If AoE splash doesn't hit through the shield, that is. Might just be a skill issue on my part, but I cleared SE on contest and nothing there was as hard to stay alive against while actually doing something, except maybe the left side of herald.


1. Modifiers to airborne enemies. This should feel better this week, if we ever get to login. 2. You can just sit up on the spawn ledge and plink away where they cant splash you at all.


The spear is great for kiting the tormentor with the teleport if your blueberries keep dying to it


If only the void peanut was anti-Barrier... goodbye Hydras!


You can use that to shoot the portal objectives instead of waiting for minotaur to drop arc craniums


The void crystal I feel like is ok-ish, it's basically a slightly weaker void LMG, but man that synaptic spear is downright bad, it deals only a little more than a single 900 rpm LMG round and throws at a rate of 3-5 business days per spear


It does work against the bosses if you hit crit. I never use anything but the scythe for ad clear


Literally only reason I use it is when I run out of special and heavy and even then I think I should just farm adds with special finder


Yeah I play Hunter, so punching is better than using the peanut if I'm out of ammo


is it a peanut or an almond like the OP said?


Not sure, I haven't tasted it yet


Lmao what an apt comparison.


The Synaptic Spear and Scythe aren’t the worst on the higher difficulty one and the burns match


Scythe is good but everything else sucks.


Ain't gonna lie, when they first showed the scythe I thought it would be a new Hunter super, Solar 3.0 released on the same season


The scythe still puts out really great DPS. The other 2? Nah, those aren't that great.


Synaptic Spear is so damn fun tho with those infinite warps


The Scythe is stupidly strong and can actually put out monstrous amounts of damage if used right. The spear doesn’t do much damage but it homes in on things and explodes, it’s a good safe distance weapon, it has its place in the activity The void nut though is still shite though. That thing has no use aside from popping a minotaur shield, and at that point, just use one of the many void LMGs


Is the best scythe combo still to do two light attacks and then a heavy? Trying to remember what it was back in Haunted lol


you joking ? most of them outright melt. People, probably you too in this case, don't utilize them. synaptic spear is ridiculous for ad clear and bosses, also the void crystal for hydras is incredibly strong. the scythe things (can't rem the name) needs a bit of finesse but they too are very powerful in the right hands. As per OP's issue, you just pick the first weapon in front of you, as soon as you pick, you'll be able to deposit, after that you can drop the weapon if you wish to.


The only genuinely bad one is the void nut


You're crazy, the nuts the best one. it crits and generates tons of super, its great in the boss encounters.


Yea the Spear goes crazy for at least clearing a bunch of trash adds


They all suck except the spear. Like who TF uses them lol


Underrated comment.




My new favorite is somehow having a vex head and a tangle also occupying that space,lol.


I grabbed a Tangle and the traveler's light in the Excision activity somehow. I guess there was one in just the right spot. Dunked and was holding the tangle all confused. The Relics in breach are annoying as can be though. They need to double the distance those things spawn so you can still deposit without needing to spend 30 seconds trying to move all the relics out of the way.


some titan drops some axes a tangle and a diamond lance there lol hf


So that’s what the go with the axes is


Bungie really needs to buff the scythe/spear/crystal so they'll be more useful than our weapons.


The scythe is actually viable. If you play a solar subclass, because it inherits some of the perks. And makes things ignite very fast.


I grab the spear just to blink back to one of the geysers faster lol


The only one of those that I pick up intentionally is the scythe, it's actually nice to use, the spear is sorta pathetic and the purple almond is a water pistol.


As a Titan I like picking up the spear to do the blink jump.


the almond might be the most baffling relic choice to put in that activity. did bungie just forget the aegis shield exists? good damage prevention, shoulder charging stuff is fun as hell and it's a legitimate minor ad clear option if you remember to block and retreat if there's a major enemy around


they wanted something void to go with synaptic spear and scythe


slap a few more shots in a null cannon and give us that if we needed a void relic, the nut is garbo


Spear is nice if you want to warp around quick (it's blink has a high uptime so can move fast). I grab just for that reason and then drop it lol.




there is more than one spear :P


"It is blink has a high uptime" makes no sense regardless of multitude of spears


Of course it doesn't make sense. It's was a sarcasm dudes. Jeeze, you must be a lot of funs at partie's.


Has anyone tried the purple almond on the bosses though? I feel like it's pretty good at the end with the hydras


That’s what I’m saying. I can hit him from far asf and melt him super fast with the void nut. I never use it against ads as the aiming is janky and can only really hit 1 at a time


Definitely, and correct me if I’m wrong but it also doesn’t feel like it has damage falloff. I can beam the boss from a safe distance far away.


Definitely doesn’t feel like it


Does it happen to have innate anti barrier? That would definitely make it a lot more useful against Hydras since it's another season where the only AB weapon is fundamentally short range.


The issue is that they spawn directly on top of the fucking terminal. All they need to do is spread them out further away from it or have the terminal depositing take priority over picking them up.


Not crazy, I found myself doing the same. It would have been better if they were just a bit further forward


So much this. It’s drives me insane too 😂


Yesterday was the worse. I would have a chain going to move every weapon and arc cranium from the area just to pick up the javelin thing and right when it was free thos hinter would come up and pick it up. We stood there for a minite just staring at each other until he gave it back


I've found that if I try to jump on top of the dump point and start holding interact, then it takes priority and lets me drop stuff off without moving things.


All it would take is play testing this activity once to see how terrible it is. Bungie doesn't play their own game and you can't change my mind.


They did the same thing in the derelict leviathan


It was like that in the leviathan activity during Season of the Haunted! Kept picking up a scythe instead of refilling my heavy ammo.


Every. Single. Time.


Yep. :). Still miss that activity though. I enjoyed it - that, and the location.


I really liked that patrol zone. Some secrets and collectibles and a rotating activity. It was a nice season for me.


The worst is in the co-op missions and your next to your teammate with fracture and you can’t reload


Do you have reload and interact in the same button what?


Same binds on controller


Oh right I forgot console lol. That sounds annoying


Why are they there to begin with like, those weapons are from previous seasons and were trying out new prasmatic builds like cmon bungie ?!


they're there to semi-synergize with prismatic builds, the spear is arc, nut is void and scythe is solar, i assume bungie was thinking people would pick them up depending on what kind of build they were using but... no? sunshot, grav lance and trinity ghoul exist, im not putting any of those down to pick up a 20k dps nut


Does anyone even use them? They feel pointless and redundant in such activity.


The scythe is somewhat good. It ignites quickly and interacts with scorch/ignite verbs.


I end up picking up each weapon and moving them off to the side, but I can only do that so many times AND stay alive. Terrible mechanic / design. Hopefully they relocate where they spawn in


I wholly agree, even down to the purple almond lmao


I know console/controller players are basically out of keybind space but holy shit a hotkey to cycle through prompts in your immediate area like in From Software games would be a massive QoL change now that we can do things like spawn diamond lances and tangles right on top of each other.


There’s a greater issue of there not being enough immediate context clues from the text to know if you’re dunking or picking something up. I can read about as quick as anyone but when you need to do something *right now* it would be nice if there was a little icon or font change so you know what you’re doing, at least generally.


This was a problem sometimes all the way back in destiny 1. It loved prioritising pickup weapons above other interactibles and making their range MASSIVE In rise of iron it was especially a problem because they gave you loot rooms with an iron battleaxe in the middle and a chest on either side. It was really awkward to grab the chests without picking up the axe. You could always grab the axe, open both chests, drop the axe (i literally only cared about it for a weekly bounty anyway and the easiest way to do that already gave you axes without picking up the loot room ones), but it was very annoying to deal with.


Did this get silently patched? I just ran 3 in a row and the only thing that spawned in were ammo crates.


Did they fix this all I get now is heavy ammo loot drops and that's refreshing.


If true based


I literally do not deposit anymore because it doesn’t actually seem to matter. This is such a major oversight, I am really worried this first episode is going to be a big let down. You just simply cannot have tedium like this in content that is meant to be replayed. I have already sworn off the season because I have enough to do in other areas, and I do not like weekly story bits anyway. Hopefully, they fix it, so I am actually rewarded for waiting.


Yea its annoying, I've lost count of how many times I died picking up that stupid purple rock


I’ve just gotten into the habit of actually just either using the weapons on ads or at least picking it up while I’m right there and moving it away as I head back to the main area. Saved me, and hopefully the randoms, a lot of headache already.


I like the spear for avoiding the tormentor boss. But that's all tbh


That one terribly designed fight where two hydras are blasting you while fighting trying to deposit and usually just die 😂


Nah they just fired the people in charged of item placements before shipping this content.


I agree with you but at the same time, you've got some serious skill issue. The rage makes it even funny.


I don't think it is a huge deal I just move around until I get the prompt to deposit. Lot of better things to complain about like the void peanut being a joke.


That's similar to one of the battlegrounds where you have to kill wizards and whatnot to get 1-3 balls that need to be thrown at blights, except that the wizard invariably spawns at the edge of a platform so good luck trying to get even one of those balls before they roll off and into the void. I swear, we spent 30 minutes in that area last time just trying to get those blights.


You act as if Bungie plays this game.


Just look down at the baseplate or crouch, they sure as shit are no fixing or adjusting it any time soon so


Yes this needs to be addressed Also, the placement of tangles right next to Stasis spears is a problem too. Overall the issue is important actions all having the same keybinds, most notably anything having to do with activating or grabbing things. Not sure how they could fix it [for gamepad users] but it should be addressed


I had this exact conversation to myself last night while doing a few clears


Yes, the answer is yes.


Wanna rez nah take this wtvr the F was next to them. With like a 5foot pick up box. Just gave up.


Also can't reload your weapon if any other interact possibility is on the screen. Doing the co-op campaign and each time your team mate is next to you, reloading is impossible


Or what you could do, and I might be the one taking the crazy pill, is stop making it more complicated than it has to be. Stand in the same spot and don't move. When you deposit you may pick up a weapon, totally fine, just deposit now that you're holding the weapon you picked up. You don't have to move them out of the way you just have to wait half a second for the deposit prompt to pop back up after picking up the weapon.


A purple almond is a great description 😂


Well, why dunk if there's already an artifact to grab? GraB the the artifact, use it or move it, and then dunk.


You can dump with the weapons in hand so I’d just grab, dunk, drop.


Buddy, it’s not fucking rocket science grab the deployable then deposit. jesus




I think that every time I play it ,and then get sniped with full data trying to move all the pickups so I can drop lmao


The other day I tried to deposit and picked up all three weapons on the ground lmao. Was pretty funny tho.


So before you go set it down you can deposit it while you're holding a relic. So just deposit then set it down. I've found the purple almond works great on the hydras. That's the only one I use though otherwise I'm trying to get bounties done 😂


Also I've started the exhibition encounter by grabbing the relic (which wasn't even my role) while I was just trying to switch dead messenger to solar 😂


Yeah this happens in apex as well reloading next to a door...interact or reload are the same button so choose which to prioritize


You can also banner-block your teammates in the campaign co-op missions if you have the fractured by the witness debuff. Pretty funny


Yes, they are stupid (personal opinion). I mean just look at whenever you revive yourself and you respawn extremely far away from where you died (where you had to be). It’s honestly inconvenient whenever Bungie respawns us in the worst places.


Never understood how people have so much trouble with this, the weapons are spaced enough apart from the terminal that you'd have to be trying to grab a weapon to accidentally grab one, just walk closer.


You can be right on top of it and it'll still be close enough to pick up the weapons instead, any closer and you're literally eating the thing. The weapons are too close. If you don't think so then I guarantee it's because someone already moved them for you.


My favorite is how depositing does nothing for us but get weapon items that nobody is using….. but were still depositing them.


I honestly thought that is how you proceeded thr activity.


I think it is except for boss fight


You also get specific boosts depending on the modifiers, like more solar damage/ignitions from your normal weapons, more stasis damage, etc. the best one I found was your class ability recharge as with hellion I had a constant mortar turret


depositing data doesn't do anything except give you those weapons, only depositing yellow cube gives you time


Gives you ability uptime / damage depending on the modifier, and also gives you more rep with failsafe.


Because there's no reason to dunk data in most of the areas? In cyclops area the objective is to shoot the fruit not dunk data. In Minotaur area it's shoot the loops, not dunk the data that drops. In the lower area it's close the breaches.


It doesnt benefit players so it will take a whole year for them to get it fixed. Or longer.    Imagine if those weapons 1shot everything due to a bug? It would have been fixed or just removed in 1 or 2 days.


Ahhh the entitled destiny crybabies are back full circle


I don’t think this season, sorry episode was very well considered.. at all. Quite concerning. It’s garbage so far IMO




I don't disagree about the play another game part, but the episode so far is pretty mediocre


I don’t want to. And I’m allowed have an opinion. Thanks. Where are all these glowing reviews for Echoes? Must have missed them.




Lucky you to be able to log in. Lol


I mean it's kinda obvious Breach was designed by interns while the rest of Bungie was cooking up The Final Shape. Absolute dogshit activity that reeks of fisher price my first drag n drop gamemaker bullshit.




The entire arena feels like a cheap asset flip you'd find on Steam half-built by AI. The last mission this week was "do bounties and events on Nessus, idk bro"