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because the items were perfectly good before the vaal orb, not a baseline balance point


Tempering is the first thing you do, so an item instantly bricks with no backup. Vaal is the last thing most people do.


But that makes a bad vaal more expensive. By the time you vaal you have invcested a lot in the item. If you brick tempering at least it hasn't cost you much/anything yet.


But it also is less necessary. Most people don't corrupt their items except for gems or uniques, because the benefit doesn't outweigh the risk most of the time. You can make an awesome item with all the crafting options that the game provides, and corruption is just the cherry on top that may or may not poison your cake. In D4 you risk it all with the cherry as the first thing; you can't even begin building your cake without it, and that feels bad.


Feels even worse bricking at the end,the beginning not so bad..


You missed the point. Vaaling items is the cherry on top. Not the 99% use case for the item. The vaal corrupted implicit that you get is a very small marginal benefit.


You don't need to risk bricking the item, you vaal an item in a few scenarios in POE 1. Its a unique and you are just vaaling many of them to get what you need. 2. You have two items of equivalent value and you vaal one to see if it makes it an upgrade. 3. You are about to stop playing the character/league so you YOLO a bunch of stuff to see if anything exciting happens causing you to play a few more days. It isn't a standard part of your crafting process, in D4 your item is worthless without a temper and can be bricked by the temper, those things are not remotely the same.


Don't worry Blizzard will nerf Tempering and make it unlimited soon I'm sure,every drop should be 3A as well and when you log in get a choice of what Uber you want..


I have no idea who you think you are responding to because I didn't say anything remotely warranting that idiotic response.


But you don’t temper with no backup that’s just silly , you have your main weapon and then side projects that you work towards getting an upgrade


Bingo. I temper my next in line gear before even spending money to imprint my aspect. If the tempering is successful, THEN I get it imprinted, and THEN I swap it out with the older gear I’m replacing. Maybe not in the first 50-70 levels because my gear is constantly being replaced anyway, but when it comes to gear that matters, I can’t imagine someone swapping out a piece of gear, selling/salvaging whatever they had been using, then bricking the new item. If that happens, then that’s the player’s fault.


What are you talking about you have to temper any item you are going to use after like level 20


/s i assume?


I didn't temper until I was like 82 because I didn't even bother watching videos or guides on playing and I had a lot of fun whilst still being efficient so idk wth you're taking about


I mean you weren't efficient though, you gave up a significant portion of your power by avoiding 4 minutes of down time every 20 levels.


Yah bro a significant amount of power when everything was dying in seconds anyways in helltides lol bro you've got to get real. After 85-90 in t4 then a need for the extra stats became apparent


Yeah "bro" I definitely mean a significant amount of power, but hey you keep being "efficient" by ignoring 30% of your power enjoy.


Lol. No. I started tempering only after hitting t3.


Sure I did too, that was about level 20


I don't remember when switched to t3, maybe in 40. But the thing is. Everything just got deleted, even without tempers. There is no way you need to temper at lvl 20 x)


A godly item with bad temper is useless compared to a standard item with good or even low rolled right tempers. So you can’t even get the best out of it for masterworking. Make it so that a godly item still has value but is not trash after tempering.


Key words are NEED vs WANT. You need to temper your gear, you do not need to corrupt your gem to lvl 21 or to corrupt your body armor to get +2 skills. Corrupting in PoE is a risk you're willing to take, it's not a step you must take.


I don't play POE, but could you not say tempering is a want as well? It really depends on the type of content you want to do overall, unless in POE you can complete all content in the game without corrupting your gear?


You can certainly do all content without corrupting gear. That said the corrupted gems are pretty cheap usually. Certain common uniques with a specific corruption can also be cheap. Crafted gear with a specific corruption is beyond luxury. Though I think they're more attainable now due to hinekora's lock but still beyond overkill.


All content? Even Uber bosses and T17s? I haven't been playing PoE that long, but the gulf between T16s and normal bosses to T17s and Ubers seemed GIGANTIC to me.


Yep, mind you theres a large gap between the best builds/skills and the bad ones. Also note some builds lend themselves more to boss killing and to map clearing. Doing ubers and T17s on a budget really limits the amt of viable builds. IIRC builds that can clear t17 and ubers (and im pretty sure t17s are harder) run like 20-100 div? Back in the day you could run the hardest content for like 10c with the right build :x


Wild, last league I gathered about 50d, and put together a poison SRS necromancer with it, supposedly one of the best boss killers in the game, and got absolutely floored by the Ubers, doing pixel damage while dying to a gentle breeze.


I think that there are some similarities for sure, but given that a tempering can add 300% damage to bash or what have we, they translate into something being much more of a requirement. Instead of adding 20% more, which you for instance to get out of getting another skill rank on your skill gem or something. Had the temperings not been so over-tuned, this wouldn't have been the same issue. IMO


You do not need to perfect temper 3 GA item first try for any content whatsoever, that’s total BS.


Yeah. You don't need perfect temper, but you certainly NEED a correct one. The rng is just awful and can ruin a perfect item.


So you keep using your other item that isn’t perfect. Move on from crying that you want BIS first try.


They're not the same. You're expected to temper your items and if you don't you're losing out on a massive amount of power. In POE, you can complete the entire game, t17 maps, uber bosses etc without needing to vaal a single item. Vaaling is done once you've "completed" an item and you're looking for a hyperspecific outcome. You can also mitigate the outcome of vaal orbs by vaaling uniques and then just rebuying the unique if it bricks. Even rares can be mitigated through hinekora locks.


Corrupting in POE is nothing like tempering. You don’t need it at all, except for rare cases like the resolute technique implicit for splitting steel tricksters, it’s completely random (tempering is heavily weighted towards the useless affixes, just like enchanting), and it’s mostly done on regular uniques that drop fairly commonly. That being said, the POE community is very different to the Diablo reddit community, one wants actual challenging/interesting gameplay while the other wants a perfect loot generator with infinite resources and bosses than you can one-shoot and respawn instantly.


First vs last step in an items journey. Val is something done at the very end, if you want to chance it, to push an item to the tip top. The item has a journey, had use, and provided a build a ton of value up to that point. Tempering is done as the first step. You get a dope 3GA sword, which would bring a ton of value to your build even before starting to masterwork aaaaand. It bricks on the first step of the item progression journey. It's a massive womp. feeling and prevents you from getting literally any use out of that great find.


Corrupting on Poe is endgame shit literally to squeeze out that last bit of dps or survivability. To push a few percent. Tempering on d4 constitutes most of / a lot of your dps. These aren’t the same bro.


This is a lame comparison, seeing as the two aren't really similar in how they effect the gameplay.


> effect It's *affect*. Common mistake, don't sweat it.


I'm not, you must be for the comment lol




You can also use a Hinekora’s lock, albeit expensively, to see the outcome of a Vaal orb.


Most corruptions are done on uniques where it's fairly trivial to go buy a backup and try again. People typically only yolo corruptions on BIS rares & chase uniques when they're ready to quit the league. There are very few corruptions that have a significant (20%+) impact on some builds, and none of them would be build defining -- most affixes are just a 'nice to have', some worse than the implicit affix that was already there, and there are other sources available for ones like 'curse on hit'. Something like Bash bleed barb -- if you miss the Bash temper on your 2H mace that's a 50% damage loss and you never had a chance to enjoy your 3GA weapon. In POE if you have a GG crafting base, there are a lot of ways to settle for a portion of the power (bench crafted affixes instead of chasing T1 affixes) and still have it be a huge improvement. Also corrupted items are still tradeable, so if you don't want to engage with RNG you can just pay someone else for their risking it.


Diablo 4 is very basic and linear and I think people basically assume you will get every item in finite time. Including the best items in the game. Like you would in call of duty or something


I hope they make it easier to brick items with the absolute frenzy it puts reddit into. 50% chance for an item to disintegrate when you click on it.


Poe players have to replay the campaign every league and again if they want to level an alt. D4 players complain that waypoints aren't automatically unlocked at the start of a season.


You cant compare those like you do. Tempering is a thing you always do and if you "brick" it, the item didnt get worse than before, you just bricked tempering. Vaaling is a thing you risk occasionally, its very situational. And if you brick it, it really is bricked a lot of times.


Is corrupting, unlike tempering, actually random?


Yes, Vaal orb produces a random effect on it with no possibility of going back. As per its definition on wiki "Vaal Orb is a currency item will corrupted an item, causing unpredictable and possibly powerful results." Obviously, I will choose randomly from list of possibly outcomes for given item type, but it is still a lot tery.