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Dinosaur is dinosaur. End of discussion.


And Dinosaur cool.


Man see dinosaur. Dinosaur cool. Man happy


Also correct answer


and badass


Correct answer


Bro. I like the regular spino more than the JP3 spino. It’s one of the coolest animals ever.




Fr imagine if it really was just another theropod Nah, Spino built different


Hot take (should be a cold take really): no dinosaur is overrated, each of these animals are fascinating and unique in their own ways. each and every one of them deserves the utmost respect


the generic green dinosaur in the dollar store though....


It's not a real dino.


Yeah I’ve never liked the term “overrated,” but it especially rubs me the wrong way when it’s used for something not man made


accurate spino is honestly the underrated one. but its popularity is well, one of the largest theropods, it has a large weird sail it has a weird jaw with presure receptors (like crocodiles). for its size it had solid bones. its tadpole tail that is insanley long


I do have a soft spot for Spino simply for its weirdness! It's one of those hyperspecialized animals that are simply perfectly designed for their niche. T-rex is also equally bizarre, it's absurdly to bust and equally matched to the giant prey it evolved to deal with. Tbh, if they shared space I doubt they'd compete very much - They simply wouldn't be hunting for the same food. I'm sure spino could take land based prey if it needed to, but those jaws could not hold a thrashing mega-hadrosaur, and Rex was built specifically for that. On the flip side, Rex wouldn't have the sensitive snout or precision strike needed for grabbing fish that were darting past. They're equally matched but in totally different departments


I like all dinosaurs on an equal level.


I think calling a real animal overrated/underrated as if it were a fictional character is all kinds of stupid tbh


As a spino fan, I think part of the reason why we like it other than cool, big, swim, and sail, is because we have a lot less fossil evidence of it than Tyrannosaurus so we always wish to know more. Oh also personal opinion I think it's cute and pretty.


My Spino fascination did start from the movie, but that's not the reason I love it. I love it because of the Enigma it is. The more we discover about it, the more of a mystery it becomes.


I feel the same way about T rex most days. I work in a fossil prep lab, and there are only so many trex skull bones you can 3d print before you want other species.


I agree... but SPACE spinosaur is so cool!


A ton of carnivorous dinosaurs had short or even vestigial arms. Spino is one of the only carnivorous dinosaurs in its weight class with full arms


as far as I'm aware, the largest Torvosaurus and Saurophaganax weighed just as much as Spinosaurus. I agree that most theropods had tiny limbs but not to the same extent as Tyrannosaurus, the only animals that can compete with the shortness of arms race are Abelisaurids.


Literally no one: Oxalaia & Sigilmassasaurus: wut about us? we cuul? we good?


Bow down to accurate spino




Did you just say Spino isn’t unique? Please tell me any other dinosaur that has a paddle tail. Probably webbed feet. Huge freaking arms. Long thin snout with tons of teeth, some of which were huge. Has a thin crest in the middle of their head. And a massive sail. Sure, spino isn’t The most unique thing, but the majority of other known dinosaurs have features that we associate with groups, rather than individuals. At least three of the features I mentioned for Spino, is unique to it.(At least until one of its closest relatives get some better material).


I never said it wasn't unique 😭 if anything, the opposite was stated cus i mentioned that there were other dinosaurs that could be just as unique. You cant be just as unique as something without being unique in the first place. Also Irritator has a large hump on its back, not to the same extent as Spinosaurus but it was there and has Pelican jaws as well as those other features and probably actually did lead a genuine semiaquatic lifestyle as I dont think there's any evidence against Irritator swimming.


“It’s not especially unique”. And you made a lot of assumptions there based on a species with very little remains, and is closer related to other spinosaurids that as far as we can tell are not as well adapted for aquatic lifestyle.


I made zero assumptions. Irritator is more fragmentary than Spinosaurus, sure but the pelican jaw split study was done literally 2-3 years ago and Irritator having a small sail on its back is also backed up by some evidence. Also the entire point of having the word "especially" in there is to imply that Spinosaurus is still unique. Furthermore Irritator is in Spinosaurinae, making it more closely related to Spinosaurus than an animal like Baryonyx. Yk what's being hotly debated as semiaquatic rn? **Spinosaurus.**


Deinocheirus? A fan?


My second favorite after Achillobator! :) Edit: got downvoted for saying my second favorite dinosaur is Deinocheirus. Reddit moment.


I find it very strange that you say one of the most unique and bizarre dinosaurs in the fossil record is ‘overrated’ and then go on to defend the most overexposed famous dinosaur of all time? What a bizarre post. I take it you still have a grudge about JP3


If Tyrannosaurus were on the other end of this spectrum then I'd be saying the same thing about it as well. I don't care about the JP3 fight because I love the Spino in that movie, it made for an awesome protagonist and a good successor to Rex. I also said that this applies to people who extend their knowledge past the most famous dinosaurs and in most cases, there are a lot of people that will dislike the Rex in favor of, say, Spinosaurus.


Agreed. People like it because of how it was portrayed I'm Jurrasic Park 3, which wasn't particularly accurate. I believe one of the technical advisors had some weird thing against Tyrannosaurus and just wanted something to kill one in the film.


They probably just wanted to establish something even more dangerous. Nothing better than their big bad killing the most dangerous dinosaurs established in the previous films.


I stopped watching Jurassic movies because of Fallen Kingdom, but I slowly could feel them slipping in JP3 because of that damn Spino. I have never been comfortable with the innacurate stuff about Dinosaurs in those movies, they were always way too silly.


I think your overrated 


I agree. Yes, Spinosaurus was very long, but that's about it. Tyrannosaurus Rex was probably the most impressive sight when it comes to theropods, because of it's bulkiness.


Rex is the theropod definition of "absolute unit"


I just love Spino and hate Rex.


Love or hate Rex, you at least have to acknowledge that it's the most well known and documented dinosaur to ever be discovered. Also (I hope there is no one like this) imagine hating Rex so much you ruin your kids birthday because it was t Rex themed.


I don’t even care anymore


Every dinosaur is cool though right? There is no such thing as a bad dinosaur




That fight was bs.


Rex fanperson complaining about something being popular? Is that period of the month again?