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Tail docking is typically done when the pups are just a couple days old. With that being said it looks like your boy is missing hair at the tip of his tail which could be from him licking it frequently but it's best to have your vet get eyes on it just to be safe.


There should be nothing sticking out. I'd say visit the vet. It might need to be fixed. Especially if it's irritating /painful for him. Which could be the case if he licks it a lot. Best of luck.


Hard to tell from pictures, what does the vet say about it? I always thought tails were docked at a very young age, are you sure it wasn't injured lately?


His vet said nothing, like didn’t even point it out at all. I didn’t bring it up but this is honestly before I noticed how weird it looks. 😭


Get a second opinion from another vet


I definitely get another vet


I've seen docking that is that long, but it shouldn't be. That doesn't mean it's a problem. If he's licking it a lot it must bother him, but that could be the reason for no hair. It's defo something to discuss with the vet.


There are different lengths of docking. Generally show dogs get a show dog docking, which is longer. Working dog, such as hunting dogs like Springer get a shorter cut for their safety in the field. As long as it is done within two days of birth, it generally doesn’t cause pain later. If you wait till the dog is older, it can cause a lot of discomfort and amplify to pain. I’m just sharing the knowledge. I personally would not Dock any dogs tail or crop their ears. That is my personal choice. When OP got her dog, the tail had already been docked.


it looks like the people who docked his tail waited till he was older instead of doing it at birth. And my opinion this is botched. Always best to have a vet look at it. And yes it can be painful. Imagine having half of your thumb cut off.even when it heals there is still pain due to tendons shortening.


I am genuinely curious and I understand it’s controversial - what are the benefits of docking a dog’s tail?


For working dogs, it can prevent injuries caused by tails/ears getting in the way. For example, long-tailed dogs that herd cattle could get their tails stepped on and broken or even pulled off. Long-eared dogs that protect livestock from predators could get their ears ripped off by coyotes.


A lot of people injure their feet too so it is probably a good idea to get your baby’s feet cut off at birth


On top of that tails are very vascular, a dog wagging with a tail cut would spray blood everywhere and the constant movement means it can have trouble healing


Historically tail docking was to mark a working breed as "tax exempt", and to "prevent Rabies". It is now done to preserve the "breed look". Ear cropping isn't even done on livestock guardian dog breeds, and is entirely cosmetic. Dogs with a health issue should be evaluated by a vet on an individual basis to see if surgery is the best option, not pre-emptive amputations to avoid some perceived chance of later injury. The American Veterinary Medical Association opposes this practice. https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-welfare/canine-tail-docking-faq


100. They don’t want to hear this though


Ear cropping is most certainly done on some livestock guardian dogs. Kangal, Central Asian Shepherd, and Cane Corso are traditionally cropped breeds used for guarding livestock.


I feel like with this small dog, it was only done for looks which always give me the ick.


https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/animal-health-and-welfare/animal-welfare/canine-tail-docking-faq None. It is illegal in many countries, and the AMVA is opposed. Cutting off body parts on the off chance it could prevent later injury is generally considered unethical. 


Maybe try a numbing/calming spray or cream available at a pet store or feed store. Ask an attendant for their recommendations (I’d go to a feed store as they’re usually much more knowledgeable). Like Tractor Supply. You can at least keep him comfortable until it gets sorted. If there is any visible open wound make sure you’re keeping it clean with a saline spray. Also available at a feed store. Dogs also can develop normal ole hot spots on their tails. The hot spot sprays are great for skin calming as well. TLDR: get a numbing spray but be careful if there is any indication of an open would or developing one from the licking. Get a wound wash/spray to keep the area clean if he’s licking and messing with it he will most likely develop some irritation and broken skin. Wash with the wound cleaner, then apply numbing spray or cream (I’d go with spray since it looks like a good bit of fur is in the area). Also make sure the area is staying dry. If he’s breaking the skin, go ahead and shave it because so much bacteria can form in a moist environment and it will be impossible to keep it dry and sanitary with the fur. Also. YOURE DOING GREAT WHAT AN AWESOME THING YOUVE DONE TAKING HIM IN. Good human. GOOD HUMAN!!


Okay because I’m paranoid I called my vets emergency line. He said that it’s most likely scar tissue and that his hair will eventually grow over it. He also said there’s no such thing as a “good” docking job. He said to look out for bleeding if he’s licking it excessively because then it could become infected if he creates a new wound. And even though he said he’s not worried he said I can bring him in Monday for peace of mind.


I would for sure have it checked at this point. Not sure what I think of your vet since there are 'good' docking jobs for sure, especially on dogs that have had tail injuries. If they cannot do that I would watch what I do allow them to do. But I do take my dogs in to my vet for initial checkups and then for conditions that I notice later. I always wanted the vet to be aware of any normal or unusual conditions on my dogs in case something did come up.


I’m adding that docking can mess with the nerves in the remaining tail so he could be responding a nerve fizzle and licking it. It’s one of the problems with docking tails. Also he is absolutely adorable. Glad he’s with you.


The hair never grew back on our vizsla’s too short dock


Glad I’m in the UK where this is illegal!


Awww he is too cute!! I zoomed in on the second pic and that can’t be right especially if you think it bothers him. Best of luck 🤞


I hope by now you have taken him to the vet. This appears to be a problem for him. I dont think the docking was correct and it needs something that a vet can help with.


Thanks for reminding me. I took him in yesterday after Monday when I called, the receptionist said they were too slammed. Anyway I’ve been sitting with what the vet told me and not sure what to do. He said it definitely was done at home, and not done properly but it’s not the worst he’s seen. Most likely the hair won’t grow over that spot, the skin is really dry and there’s quite a bit of scar tissue. But he said it happened when he was very young and that it doesn’t seem to be bothering him. I mentioned he does have dandruff and he said it could just be dry skin causing the licking, and that licking will inevitably make it dryer. I got some Palmers for pets and I’ve been spraying it on him. Now this is the part I’m conflicted on: he said he can correct the dock if it really seems to be bothering him, though it’s not a procedure he normally does outside of medically necessary amputations. My immediate reaction was NO, but he’s getting neutered on the 20th and told me to just give them a call next week and they can probably fit the correction into his neuter. I’m torn because I don’t feel like it’s bothering him enough to put him through even more pain. I also can’t tell based on y’all’s comments if my vet is downplaying it all because he doesn’t want to dock the tail again. What would you do??


I would have the correction done as it does bother him and since it was a home job it needs correction by a vet. People should never assume they can do at home what a vet can do and as for docking it is for cosmetics and I dont understand why except for looks. When it is botched like this it needs correction and not just for looks you said he is licking and the vet said it is creating dryness-if not corrected I am saying it could cause sores and infection. Have it corrected when he is neutered


Have it corrected when he is already under anaesthesia for neuter. It is a botched home job. There may be a piece of bony vertebrae that was cut or left or nerve exposed. It is easy to correct


Yes his tail was docked. It is very painful, whether it's done as an adult or when it's usually done at a few days old. Thank God his ears don't look cropped so I don't think they are. That's far more painful because they are cut off and glued to plasters at 6-14 weeks old. People need to STOP mutilating animal body parts for their own selfish reasons, like the breed standard or pet shows. It's sick. That poor dog... The abuse and pain he had to suffer


Ask your vet!!!


Im so happy docking is illegal in Canada. This makes me sad.


It's not illegal in Canada. It's illegal in \*some parts\* of Canada but not across Canada as a whole.


Tail docking makes me so uncomfortable. When our babies were born I couldn’t image ever doing anything like that them


As others have said, check with a vet That said - sometimes dogs with docked tails don't grow fur on the end, and so get dry skin there. It will be itchy or irritated. Try putting a little "nose butter" or coconut oil on it and see if that helps.


People who mutilate their dogs for a “look” should have a hand removed. Fuck those people


Pretty baby 💕😘😘


Looks botched to me, OP. We can't say for sure what's wrong, but it's something and it should definitely be looked at by a vet. I'd definitely get a second opinion and let the vet know ahead of time what your concerns are. At the very least you'll get a lot of peace of mind, right? I hope everything turns out ok!!