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Wow. Owning that dog is a full time job. Why the fuck would anyone do that to themselves? And not only are you doing it for free, you are actually PAYING for the pleasure of having that rancid smelling, perpetual obligation machine inside your house. Wild


Have you ever seen someone's house who owns 7 dogs ? They don't get taken care of very well.


Actually no, and I hope I never do šŸ˜‚


I'll tell you one thing, you'll never forget the smell. šŸ¤®


I don't know if that is smart. It sounds like they have a pack of dogs & that is not SAFE AT ALL.


Pure delusion


needs a unicorn home. they all need them. just put them to sleep instead


It's disturbing how tortured these animals are for years before they are eventually euthanized all in the name of being kind and being "no kill". There really should be a punishment for backyard breeding. Those assholes don't care about animals or the cruelty they cause for a quick buck. Shelters are over flowing with aggressive pits and people are breeding more of them and charging hundreds and thousands for the opportunity to turn neighborhoods into danger zones.


i 100% believe that backyard breeding should be considered animal abuse, and people caught doing it should be given a large fine and lose the animals. spaying and neutering should be more enforced too.


Hey anyone want to adopt a dog who humps beds nonstop?


Yeah I threw up a little bit reading that. First itā€™s blankets and beds, then itā€™s on me. Who willingly lets their dog smash their dick everywhere?


Yeah itā€™s okay because it ā€œbrings him great pleasureā€ šŸ¤¢ I donā€™t want to even think of it


I think he was talking about the leash biting for that part


And has zoomed with its teeth until it passes out from exhaustion!


Of course it's a shitbull


Why are they the one breed with so many long, sad backstories?


Seriously. They love to make these dogs act like itā€™s a marvel comic hero that the city turned on


"It's society's fault that everyone hates these vicious, soulless monsters!"


Because of the type of people who want them. Theyā€™re garbage dogs for garbage people


Because it is the most aggressive breed, causing numerous injuries, killing animals and people. Unfortunately these mutts have a whole list of mindless fans defending them and pushing the bullshit about nanny dogs to the unaware dognutters. As you can guess, they will pity them and adopt one because they are feeding their ego doing that. The biggest problem is that in some countries these dogs are not BE even after killing a human.


Wanted to comment that too. Just another shitbull post


"Dog really deserves a chance. He's a GREAT dog, which is why I won't have him around my children in case he *accidentally* bites their faces off. He won't bite yours off though. He'll be a proper good boi, just for you."




I bet they can hurt you significantly just with the muscle strength of their jaw. I wouldnā€™t risk it tbh, when they bite down on your neck it doesnā€™t really matter if thereā€™s teeth or not when the force is strong enough.


Second this.


My father owned a vicious dog, who bit two children and several cats during his life. The dog didnā€™t like my paternal grandmother so she asked ā€œwhy donā€™t you just take all his teeth out?ā€ I think she was onto something. No one wanted to admit it but she was right.


American anti cruelty laws. Plus, that wonā€™t solve the body slamming issues. I donā€™t like pits, but I donā€™t believe any animal deserves that treatment. But losing teeth or being euthanized is an ethical question I canā€™t answer. However, we donā€™t have to get into philosophical questions because itā€™s just flat out illegal. Itā€™s illegal to remove all your dogā€™s teeth if they donā€™t have a medical reason to do so. Behavioral issues wouldnā€™t fly with a licensed vet, and an unlicensed vet is likely to kill your dog through shock. If they survived the procedure from a back alley surgeon youā€™d definitely be charged with animal abuse.




Itā€™s not a stupid question to be honest. I have a cat that have had this recurring infection in his mouth that causes inflammation for some years now. It led to some of them all of his teeth removed. The inflammation has returned a number of times and he gets special treatment every time. He still lives perfectly fine and eats mostly wet food, but if heā€™s hungry enough or in the mood heā€™ll gulp up dry food. Sorry for the long story; but I wanted to say if my cat can do it, then a dog should be able to too. But as someone else suggested itā€™s probably illegal to do unless deemed medically necessary.


I had a cat with severe FORL that required him having all his teeth removed. He was a large, beautiful black cat who moved and acted exactly like Toothless in *How To Train Your Dragon,* so it was fitting, I guess. Anyway, once his mouth healed, he preferred eating dry food! FORL (feline orthodontic resorptive lesion) is a very painful condition for the cat, so removing his teeth was done for his benefit - he was not a biter or in any way aggressive, before or after the surgery. Removing healthy teeth from a healthy animal is just too much risk (anesthesia is always a risk). I know you probably know this, but adding this for the person who originally asked.


Nope, not stupid at all! Hypothetically if it was legal and safe it would be a way to keep a hyper aggressive dog. Though, even if it was, dogs bite for a reason. If you take their way to be aggressive theyā€™d probably become timid and hide which is still not ideal for a pet. Probably wouldnā€™t count as a quality life Oh, pitbulls can be huge. This one is only 65, I personally have seen an 80. People have posted on this page ones that are over 100. Even if you took a large dogā€™s teeth, they could still do some damage by body slamming, using their mass to knock over and hurt you. If you could remove a dangerous dogā€™s teeth and keep them as a pet, it would be a great alternative to euthanasia. I wish it was possible.


Pits absolutely deserve that treatment. Why do people think they don't when they rip babies apart?


Pits deserve to be euthanized. We are not monsters, we do not torture living creatures. Animal cruelty is not justified. Why would you think itā€™s acceptable to inflict suffering on a living creature and keeping them alive? Pits shouldnā€™t exist, but no animal should be forced into a life of suffering.


I agree with you, I don't see any benefit to animal suffering. I just find it really really hard to give a shyte when it's a pitbull.


I can understand the anger. Itā€™s not ethical but human suffering causes empathy.


2 young children growing among 7 smelly dogs are the only victims here. Poor kids.




They have 7 dogs...What a nightmare home that must be.


Imagine the smell of that home


Why wonā€™t my infected leg wound heal? I canā€™t understand!!!!


And 2 young children..


Surprised neither of them have been mauled yet..


Maybe they have been


Why is this sub in my recommended, you guys sound so fucking miserable


Happier than someone with seven dogs in their house, surely


Then mute the sub. You can do that, just tell Reddit to stop suggesting it you donā€™t need to bitch at me.


Dogs and dog owners are misery makers. Dogfree is the life for me.


Living with a filthy dog sounds like the very definition of misery to me!! I love my clean, peaceful home and my life is blissfully dog free. No misery here!


We probably look like we do nothing but complain about dogs because itā€™s one of the only places one can complain about dogs in peace. Anywhere else, I so much as say I prefer cats to dogs and people look at me like I just proudly declared myself a Nazi. I had to make a special profile just to participate here because I didnā€™t want people coming after me on my main account for daring to share my negative experiences with dogs. You know what I do when Iā€™m constantly recommended one of the apparently hundreds of dog subs on Reddit? Mute it and move on.


Just a place to concur about disgusting dogs


Did anyone else catch the - 'my leg is broken in 5 places' comment? Did the dog do that? and if not, why is it mentioned? Did she hope that would get more people to feel sympathy for Cujo? Did she not read her own post and realize that his dog is not able to be rehabilitated and the best thing is to put him down because it sounds like he is miserable in its own mind?


Her leg is broken in five places, which apparently means she's good to own SEVEN dogs. She can't own an eighth dog, though. An eighth dog would clearly be too much, it's just not an option.


I take the leg was broken by this since she mentions the dog zooming and playing a wild tug of war


Plus Cuddles canā€™t be around other animals or children, and needs lots of time, space, and bedding to hump.


I was wondering if the leg was broken by the dog. If it was, it must take some mental gymnastics to be describing that as "mild" behavioural issues.


Itā€™s Simba! , 100k views itā€™s the sweetest dog ever, just donā€™t try to stop him when heā€™s humping or you miss lose a limb or two.


Thatā€™s the first thing that jumped out to me too! I wonder if itā€™s an attempt to get other nutters off their back. Itā€™s the one thing thatā€™ll keep people from saying ā€œso what if you have young children and 7 other dogs? Cage and rotate!ā€


Their mouths really do look like open wounds, how grotesque


Yes! My exact description. Except contaminated with dirt.


Youā€™ll need the ā€œpatience of a saintā€ to deal with his ā€œshark frenzy.ā€ What a great pet! šŸ¤£


At least a pet shark will be kept in its fish tank and will not be mauling anyone or humping beds.


Nice photo choice. Thank you for placing your dogs asshole on the same surface people eat off of.


Oh hell naw. Another shitbeast pibble needing a unicorn home to deal with its' neurotic self. Just do everyone, including the shitbeast, a favor and put it down for good.


What "potential" is this nut job talking about? It sounds like the best anyone could possibly do is barely keep this monster from committing total destruction. It's never going to become a beloved family pet.


ā€œhe would never hurt someone on purpose..ā€ oh really? ā€œ..but when he gets in the zone NOTHING redirects himā€ šŸ™„


Her poor kids. Seven dogs?!


So he's aggressive and humps everything in sight? I'm guessing that they didn't neuter this toddler muncher?


ā€œEveryone is on his side but nobody wants to take him!1!!ā€ Well I guess even pitnutters arenā€™t stupid enough to take in this troublesome sack of crap.


Supply and demand. Lots of people want dogs, but there are plenty of other dogs for them to choose from. The animals aren't exactly in short supply.


Also experienced dog owners typically already have a dog šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Even pitnutters pick pits that havenā€™t shown aggression YET over ones that have.


> When Simba was abused at our local shelter and just days away from being killed It's lines like this that really emphasize just how deeply delusional these people are. The idea that everyone at this shelter, all of whom likely went into the job with some desire to help animals, were all abusing this dog for the sake of it, it's just too far fetched. If I had to guess, I'd suppose that the workers weren't able to safely handle the animal at all, and would have to muzzle him and/or restrain him with a [rabies pole](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/416buDO1kOL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) in order to go about their daily tasks. The sheer amount of time, space, and resources that would go into safely caring for this one dog without having to restrain it would be far beyond the capabilities of any animal shelter. The foster says it herself, that they'd need someone with "the patience of a saint", a person of near mythological ability, to handle this animal. Since the dog was removed from the shelter, now it'll only be euthanized once it mauls some people. There are plenty of alright dogs out there, so why do so many people want to move heaven and earth just to save the irredeemable ones?


Leg broken in 5 places is a minor issue..., two children in danger...


I found the post on fb and the comments are actually logical. I'm relieved. I'm pretty sure this story is going to have a happy ending. šŸŖ¦


Why are pitbulls the only ones that seem to have the most checkered pasts and colorful backstories? I've never read anything half as dramatic as this about literally any other breed


To be fair abusive people seek out this breed like a moth to a flame


Itā€™s true. My grandma uses a bug zapper on her pit bull.


What the fuck? That dog is going to snap one day.Ā 


I don't really get why they expect someone to be an "experienced, patient owner" that also has zero other pets and plenty of spare time. In what world does that experienced dog owner, who wants to get a dog, and has seemingly endless free time, not already have a dog?


These people don't get it. Pretty much like bringing home a newly released prisoner that has permanent PCP in their system to their children and other pets, and expect it to reform and become a part of a normal society.


That list reminds me of the pissfingers copy pasta.


Not even a saint person I mean sane person would want that dog šŸ™ƒ. That dog is wild and well what must be done must be done as itā€™s too big of a liability.


Sorry, I'm still stuck on "We have SEVEN dogs."


Pit owner: mild behavioral issues. Pentagon: we have confirmation your shitbeast has breached a nuclear silo and has entered coordinates for Moscow, Shanghai, and Taiwan. Pit owner: mild-to-middling behavioral issues, then.


"Absolutely cannot be around children or other pets. Needs full time care and training." "His only problem is he likes to bite his leash." šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


ā€˜He would never hurt anyone on purpose BUT when he goes into shark mode he will only stop when heā€™s ready toā€™. Coming to a neighbourhood near you!


If it ended up euthanized, you most definitely did NOT fail it


Haha no thanks... I like my cats


This is utterly irrational and self-destructive behavior for a human being


It's all about choices. Let them deal with the consequences.


Imagine all the wonderful things this woman could accomplish if even half her pit energy would be redirected towards human children in foster care. She could actually be making a difference in the world.


Someone call CPS because I doubt those children are being taken care of properly in a home with 7 dogs.


I'm sure the owner takes care of all 9 of her children equally. /s


Poor kids are probably covered in fleas.


Ya i dont get it. My MIL has a rat terrier that has gotten somesort of serious illness that it shoots shit out its ass every 20 min and is litterally dying of starvation from shitting itself to death. It has had thousands spent on meds and tests, and requires 24/7 monitoring. Meanwhile her husband is dying from caner and needs help, but she is more focused or almost solely focused on this dog and trying to save it. This has been going on almost a year now, and I even took it in my home trying to get her to focus on taking care of her husband , and thinking a more stable atmosphere would help. I had my vet run various tests and now to the point it need biopsy as that is one of the last tests we havent resorted to. It was exhausting for 5 of us to keep up with caring for this dog..I told her it needs to be put out of its misery ( it can hardly even stand it is so weak and just lays in his own shit so baths everyday) and she flipped and drove hours to come get it as soon as I mentioned it. I think it is some sick avoidance of not facing her husband dying and keep this dog tortured because it is going to starve to death soon. I have his brother who is healthy rat terrier and buff as shit at 17lbs compared to shitter at 7lbs. I feel so sorry for the dog. He doesn't deserve to go through this.. He is skin and bone. She keeps force feeding it and dragging it out though.


Thatā€™s awful.


Ya, I hate seeing animals suffer. Even humans should be able to choose a dignified death through euthanasia imo. This dog needs to go to go to permanent sleep. It is just an animal so there is an upoer limit to what I will spend because i would rather help a child with medical care than waste it on a dog if it is getting excessive. I had a client that spent 30k on surgeries for his dog, and it absolutely boiled my blood thinking how that could have paid for a surgery a child needed instead, but i bit my tongue because it is not my money or place to tell my client how to spend their money.


Did the dog break his leg??? I know thatā€™s a leap but itā€™s a weird thing to include specific details about an injury if theyā€™re unrelated.


Look at the end of the day this isn't mild behavioral issues. These are dangerous behaviors that are not able to be redirected safely. This dogs life is extremely stressful and behavioral euthanasia needs to become more common. Needing intense mental and physical stimulation so he doesn't absolutely lose his shit on someone isn't safe.


ā€œShark Frenzy ā€œ in a dog is not a good thing


So many dog owners are martyr types. ā€œoH nO! i fAiLeD hIm!!ā€ šŸ¤ŖšŸ™„šŸ¤” Seven dogs with two young children sounds like mental illness to me. Why the hell would anyone want seven dogs? Even if you like dogs, even if you love dogs, seven??


That family can adopt a child instead, which will be less work and more fulfilling.


They're SOOOO smart!!!


This is more about the nutcase trying to guilt everyone else into taking this dangerous beast. No one with a functional brainstem would want that thing. The smart thing to do would be to trot it straight into the back room and give it pink juice therapy. šŸ’‰


I found the page. A professional dog trainer offered to do an evaluation and MAYBE board and train Simba. Post was made about an hour ago. I wouldnā€™t be shocked if thereā€™s another post next week saying the evaluation ā€œdidnā€™t go as expectedā€ and now they ā€œneed another miracle.ā€


Amazing how I correctly guessed the breed b4 I saw the pic lol


I got a headache going through the list of necessities in order to keep this shit beast " under control " just leave it in an empty field šŸ‘


Please don't leave it in an empty field. We don't need it attacking joggers.


Yes thatā€™s literally the worst idea possible, thing would wreak havoc on the area and any living thing that crossed itā€™s path, put the stupid thing to sleep itā€™s a brainless unnatural animal and waste of resources.


Drunk Frank doesn't make the best comments šŸ˜…


Sometimes you just gotta put Ol' Yeller down


A professional athlete packed into a 45lb Pitty... A fighter maybe? I don't see Simba playing basketball or Tennis.


A professional athlete who humps everything.


I donā€™t understand why Simba and Nala are common dog names, those are cats!


SEVEN dogs and 2 young children? The majority of some are not getting the attention they need/deserve. I'm willing to bet by her arrogant and ignorant post that her kids are part of that majority...


Why donā€™t pitbull sanctuaries build their facilities like big cat or other large animal sanctuaries? Large cages, plenty of space to run, other animals around for the ones that can reasonably interact in a pack. Forcing an animal like this to try to fit the mold of a family pet is a lose-lose for everyone. The people in the home will never be safe and the animal will never be happy being forced to be something itā€™s not. If you donā€™t want the dog to be put down and you want the shelters cleared out, this seems like the best way to go, or at least a little more productive than guilting strangers on the Internet into taking a ticking time bomb into their home.


>Why donā€™t pitbull sanctuaries build their facilities like big cat or other large animal sanctuaries? Large cages, plenty of space to run, other animals around for the ones that can reasonably interact in a pack. Easy, because they would kill each other within a few days.


Self-limiting problem perhaps?


Oh I wonder why he can't be in a home with young children, curious


Hell no, 7 DOGS?! I bet that house smell like 7 cans of BOUNCE-THAT-ASS


"Mild behavioral issues", jfc...


To his credit, he seems to actually know how to train dogs and deal with aggressive breeds, but he can't because he leg is broken at the moment. I respect that he didn't say "Oh he's the biggest little baby sweetheart and he loves small children." He was honest about the fact that the dog requires an experienced trainer and has behavioral issues.


"Mild behavior issues" No other pets. No young children. House needs to be an unbreachable fortress. Owner needs to be a dog expert. Not leashed trained. Will randomly and uncontrollably maul whatever living being is in reach. Humps everything in sight. Not mentioned, but I bet that lovely beast isn't potty trained either. LMAO Just do what needs to be done here and stop trying to dump that thing on someone else.


it seems like the dog may actually have some brain issues. would probably be kinder to think abt putting it to sleep


Put it down. I like his triangle ears tho.


I mean, at least they were upfront and honest about everything. No lying not really any sugar coating.


Probably got in trouble for lying before and doesnā€™t want get sued again. That thing is a living liability and would get people seriously hurt if she lied about it.


"Mild" issues, yeah, not sugar coating at all. šŸ™„


This seems kinda mean to laugh at. The woman is very honest and trying. Why does someone feel the need to screenshot and make fun of her efforts. Just straight up mean


Anyone dumb enough to try and toss this dangerous dog onto anyone dumb enough to take it into their homes are both people to laugh at. Not only must it be miserable for the dog to not be wanted because nobody (rightfully) wants something dangerous in their house that has been bred to be aggressive, but if she manages to find someone to take it, theyā€™d be bringing a ticking time bomb into their home. If the dog is dangerous to her, what makes her think itā€™s okay for everyone else? Itā€™s just laughable how these kinds of people desperately want others to take this dangerous dog, moping about ā€œhow cruel the world is!ā€ and trying to insert sob stories to make naive folk feel bad enough to decide they want to ā€œsaveā€ a dangerous dog. At this point, if itā€™s dangerous enough for her to start scouting for someone else to take it, then maybe it shouldnā€™t be in anyoneā€™s house at all. Almost no different than housing a lion in your home, except people donā€™t typically make sob stories of lions because weā€™re aware that they can be dangerous.


Because theyā€™re laughably futile. This thing needs to be put down and thatā€™s the end of it




Because she's trying to sic it off to someone else and bullshitting?




Are you dumb? It's clearly not a safe dog. She literally states it's not safe for her, but tried to downplay it for other people. She can fuck right off.




Her efforts is guilting an impressionable audience to take on a dog that could irreparably damage or straight up MURDER them. Yes fuck her "efforts"


Yes actually you are so go away


Everyone's crazy bu5tyou, that's about what I expected your world view to boil down to the way you talk.


She's asking for an owner at the convergence of so many implausibly perfect conditions for this animal as to be functionally non-existent


Why is every post on here about dogs? I thought this was supposed to be a dog-free zone?