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Course it’s a pitbull


That's what I wanted to say. People here don't hate dogs. They hate pitbulls. And rightly so. Fucking hellbeasts...


I dont hate dogs...I do think putbulls are dangerous dogs that are only owned for status and should not be pets. ...and people who use the term "furbaby". I REALLY hate that!




I don’t hate dogs I really don’t even dislike them (except pitbulls hate them with a burning passion) I just like the funny memes people post here


I don't hate dogs *per se*, I hate the dog culture I am cynophobic, tho


Also the people who try and force you to interact with their dogs like if I wanted to interact I would of asked stop shoving your mutt in my face


I can’t stand most dog owners especially the ones that don’t pick up the shit like there are some that actually do but so many don’t and it’s gross


Cynophobia is described as an irrational fear. It is often caused by a dog attack. How tf is that irrational? I enjoy some dogs, but some act like they want to kill me. There's nothing irrational about that. Treatment is supposed to be exposure therapy, aka torture. Just keep the mutts away from people who are uneasy around them. Dogs get better treatment than humans often. I hate people who treat dogs like royalty.


When I was 4 a doberman almost took my left leg. When I was 7 a dalmatian almost took my right arm. So yeah, I AM scared shitless when I sense the slightest intention of attacks, or the freaking things advances towards me. No matter the size.


So irrational! /s


All phobia is described as irrational yet I don’t think most phobias are irrational if you have a reason for them


Its rational to be wary of a dog, but there is a point where it becomes irrational People who have cynophobia display irrational responses around dogs that do not accurately reflect how a normally rational actor would deal with their environment


Normal means what? Dog means what? Experience is relevant. Breed is relevant. Traumatized people are relevant. Enironment ... you know what a dog nutter is ....


By the way the other redditor phrased, I guess the normal response would be offer the neck, lay on the floor offering you organs or let the dog mount you


I hate dog culture too.


Exactly the same here.


I remember someone here once said that you don’t need to hate dogs to like this sub cause it’s good to laugh at yourself sometimes


I'm the same.


Hate is a strong word but I do genuinely dislike dogs, they stink, they slobber and they’re not meant to be kept in houses


They're better than cats, that's for sure.


How though? I never hear people dying by getting mauled by a house cat. Vs you hear pitbull attacks every other week nowadays


I don't take my cat for walks just so it can shit everywhere. My cat doesn't make a fuck load of annoying noise all day every day.


Wrong 👎


I don't hate dogs nor do I hate pitbulls. I don't think pitbulls should exist and I dislike all dogs. I hate dog culture though.


I don’t hate dogs. I hate pitbulls. I hate dog culture.


nah I hate dogs across the board


No, you’re wrong, they’re just the worst. You’re a nutter. Edit: keep downvoting, dog nutters, and go sleep with your mutant!!


It's how they're raised and trained mixed with what they're physically built for. It's like an unresponsable gun owner with a rifle (pit bull) vs a bb gun (a beagle or something) Edit: I realize this argument only works if you support gun ownership so let me get back to this.


Raising and training have absolutely nothing to do with it. The fact of the matter is that they were bred for bloodsports. Therefore, it's in their genes to attempt to kill, and that whacking them is just fueling them. They're not suitable for pets period.


I get where you're coming from but a major difference between a dog and a gun is that guns are inanimate objects. A gun cannot hurt anyone unless it's being used by a person. A dog can hurt someone without any human agency.


Very fair point there.


And no leash in sight.


Poor baby is probably leash reactive


Do I need to spell it out this is called sarcasm the only people who downvote sarcasm are people who don’t understand sarcasm or people who take offense to what’s being said so Who’s the person who doesn’t understand sarcasm Or who’s the dog owner that walks their dog off leash in Public and thinks it’s ok


Is anyone capable of using words to explain what’s so offensive to you guys about a joke MAKING FUN OF DOG OWNERS


Who is the idiot that downvoted sarcasm


Someone didn’t like being called out I see


I thought a humor sub would be able to understand humor but the evidence says no


Yeah i don’t believe a humor sub is getting this upset over a joke


That's why I get off and walk my bike past dogs keeping it between them and me. I If its off leash the mace is out too (good ol' liquid leash pointed at their dog's face the whole time to make up for their lack of leash). I got speared by a dog at speed once and really ate shit on a hard dirt road. Totally not worth the risk.


On my morning runs, I have to stop running and walk past dogs now because they jump at you. I was on a run once and an off leased husky jumped on me, I'm a small woman so it knocked me over with a surprising amount of strength. Caused me to break my ankle on the concrete. 😕


Such a responsible owner 🙄 Blame the owner, not the breed. That's the saying, isn't it?


oh here's the funny part, they will go absolutely wild when their own argument is thrown back at them. Just say, "dog deserves a better owner!" Because, that is true and you see said owner go primate


Oh, in this video in particular I can see they all ganging up to blame the dude in the electric thinguie... "He saw the poor pupper! He should've braked"


because saying "wow I should actually think about the safety of my dog, especially when I can clearly see that there is something coming at the general direction" is too logical and caring for their own pet


Have you ever seen how insulted they look when you ignore their dogs? It's as if you should idolize it as much as they do.


These people are w i l d I swear. They turn neanderthal anything about ^(spaying and neutering)


Yeah... I heard a dude say he wouldn't spay his dog because if he did the dog wouldn't "defend his home from bandits"... They live in the same apartment complex than I... With 24/7 security... If they did invade, the freaking dog wouldn't be a deterrent


what a smooth brain


So what are they trying to say about the average pitbull owner then? What common factor do many of them share? 🤔


That they are great nanny dogs and love unconditionally


I hope that dog is fucking *my lawyer has adviced me to not continue this comment*


>I hope that dog is fucking *my lawyer* Wow I'm glad this sentence improved after this point.


Wait, are you telling me there are idiot pit nutters in France?


They’re supposed to be muzzled, as they’re a restricted type, but pit nutters are evidently the same all over the world.


Notice how it’s always either some dude with a massive ego and nothing to show for it or an insufferable emotionally unstable woman


Its spreading.


You should be lucky the heckin’ good boi was excited to see you! We don’t deserve dogs. 🙄


Put it down fuck.


The guy on the scooter thing is very clearly in the wrong here. He should've known that scooters and other light duty electric transportation apparatus are very triggering to dogs. He deserved every bit of that, faceplant and all. Some people are so cruel, I'll tell ya. Nobody understands the plight of poorly disciplined canines


It is sad because it is true.


I’m surprised. Usually a dog owner’s reaction to such a thing is to laugh like crazy… this reaction was somewhat refreshing lol


remember, it’s always ok to do whatever you have to do to protect yourself from these mutated things


Why is she recording it... Did she know this was going to happen? Did she not say sorry? Lol wow at least say sorry...


It's staged


i hope the dog is not okay <3


What a fucking stupid creature. "Oh look, a fast moving vehicle on my left. OVER TO THE LEFT I GO!"


yeah and their fans swear they're intelligent. ...I don't think so. I think they're dumb as a box of rocks


This is why I carry a 12 inch blade


Are you fighting bears or ninjas?


Why is this so funny omg, like why is a blade necessary in this situation lmao


It would hurt a lot if you fell onto your own knife from this scooter lol That dude is wilding


Dude, a pocket knife would be more than enough to deter an attacking dog. No need for 12 inch blades there Rambo.


At least the caption and the video aren’t made by the same person, according to the context. Not that this excuses their inability to control their animal, but I saw the excessive emojis and thought they were really laughing at their dog potentially injuring a bystander…


No, ça definitely does not va after that fucking crash.


Ban them


Pits they fucking suck.


Another stupid shitbull and it's dumbass owner not using a leash. Same old story


if my dog did that, it would go through hell from me


I ride by people slow, especially if they have pets


Hope that monster was hurt badly!


To be fair , the dog attacked the scooter. He didn't seem to go after the guy riding it.


80 comments from hateful bedwetters and only 3 them even come close to acknowledging that going really fast really close to animals you don't know is a bad idea.


The dog should be on a fucking leash. He's going down a path which is his right to. Just because you own a dog doesn't mean people should change their life to accommodate you


yes, you're technically allowed to do the move only an idiot solipsist would do. Thanks for pointing that out, keep up the great work