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That dog has definitely eaten a child before.


It’s probably eaten someone’s grandparents and other animals too.


I'll take the 10 opossums


The eat the ticks and rodents they are very useful unfortunately they love trash as well.


Who doesn’t love trash pandas ?


I'll fucking fight you for those adorable little bbs 😅 watching opossums eat is literally one of my favorite things to watch 💜💜


There’s a possum family who eats from my compost pile and it’s the highlight of my week when I get to see them, they’re soooooo cute


I love them so much


I have seen a young kid pick one up and also a young woman pick one up. I heard they are docile animals but I would be way too scared, unlike the kid and woman, to ever get near one. Does anyone know if it is safe to pick one up, or even pet one? I'm obviously talking about opossums, not pit bulls,lol.


I’m a bit late, but opossums generally have too low of a body temperature to get rabies, and their vision is poor enough that they very rarely bite unless your hand is directly in front of their face. They would more likely play dead, and when an opossum plays dead, it (involuntarily) goes into a near-paralytic state, so it cannot bite. I still wouldn’t pick up wild animals, though, unless it’s for their own safety or yours.


Not too late. Thank you for your time. I know I asked but I still think I would be too scared to even get near one, mostly because they definitely are indeed wild animals.


Using that dog as their pic its no wonder why the adoption numbers are so low


Right... They could have at least used a pitbull sitting and well behaved.. Instead they have this picture that, even if we believe it's a happy well-behaved dog, is just a reminder of how they get right in your face, creep on you constantly, are humongous, and are always in your way when you try to move about.


Aye. 10/10, you want people at your shelter? Put a cat on. Or, you know... a labrador, which if any dog could be considered a 'nanny' dog, it's literally THE poster dog for families.


To be fair, that's a more honest representation of what's in shelters.


That dog looks scary


Needs more flower crown


To hide its maimed ears


…and a pink sparkly tutu


A tutu for Lulu!


Pitbulls are just so fucking ugly


Seriously, what's the appeal? Savior complex?


So they have nearly 200 dogs on site that are ready for adoption? Holy shit they need to cull that down.


I agree. It deeply frustrates me how it’s okay to cull literally every other animal, but not the holy doggo


In agriculture you’ll see sometimes that they killed thousands of pigs because of some health concern, they’re smarter than pitbulls, and it doesn’t even make a blip in the news unless you’re searching for it.


It’s not normal to have nearly 200 dogs at every single shelter. Animal shelters are supposed to be last ditch resorts for animal surrenders. When you look at the other pet, they make up a tiny portion of the shelter. Their numbers aren’t even comparable. And this is what every shelter looks like. Some are even worse. What will it take for us as a society to get to a point where we become adults and admit that there’s too many damn dogs—most of which are undesirable breeds like pitbulls—and we need to start being ethical towards these animals.


I think they more readily euthanize cats over dogs


Probably. Cats are disposable to shelters. Dogs are untouchable. I’ve never heard anyone seriously say “we don’t deserve cats”. It’s a mental illness, I swear.


Yeah I get a lot of people don’t like cats and I understand why, I just don’t get why their lives are worth less… they arguably provide more use to society by way of pest control. Maybe it’s a happier story and the unadoptable cats are adopted for cheap as farm cats. Edit: not to ignore the damage to the environment cats do but they are valuable pest control on farms etc.


I honestly think cat owners tend to be more responsible. Maybe I’m biased, but none of the cat owners I know have unaltered cats. You don’t see them have litters after litters to turn a buck like many dog owners do (primarily pitbulls, but I’ve seen my fair share of GSDs and Huskys to know their owners tend to be bad as well).


You’re so right there too. I totally agree with this.


Comparing owners of the two statically speaking those who prefer cats tend to be smarter and have high iq’s than those who prefer dogs. So yes it very well could be that they are more responsible because generally speaking they are also more intelligent and probably used to keeping on top of their responsibilities like desexing for cats or dogs. Where I live unless you’re a registered breeder it’s illegal to own a cat or dog that isn’t desexed or registered because of the amount of strays of both cats and dogs. It’s a real problem here. Yet it’s not really enforced because who is gonna go and check, if they aren’t reported no one is gonna go and check the each house has its pets registered and desexed.


Pits are unadoptable dogs. They need to be put to sleep instead of warehoused for ever.


Please save those opossums and guinea pigs.


Save them from princess!


That dog looks ready to eat your face off.


Why do they always the ugliest possible photos for these mutts I swear to God.


No kill shelters are cruel.


Most of them just get that status by shipping any overage to kill shelters. So it’s a no-kill shelter in the sense that Charles Manson wasn’t a murderer.


Agreed. Like yea it’s sad when an animal has to be euthanized but it’s better than sitting in a shelter for years


You say that until you’re in a situation where you are choosing between dying or be in a miserable situation


Dogs don’t think about death in the same way that we do first of all. second have you seen kennels? I’d rather die than rot away in one of those for a large portion of my life


I don't get how someone can look at that thing and say, "yeah, gotta have that!" It just makes no sense at all. The thing is hideous.


Ikr? My partner watches one most days out of the week and he's so unruly.


And potentially deadly. 🤷


This is more of a pit specific problem than a general dog problem. They account for 80% of shelter dogs cause they’re constantly being given up for being violent or destructive No kill legislation has led to over crowding shelters that lie about the background of the pits to make sure they get adopted out They also have massive litters and for some reason get neutered at a much lower rate than pretty much any other type of dog


Agreed. Pit bulls alone have singlehandedly destroyed the entire shelter system across America. Gone are the days when you could just go to a shelter and pick up a perfectly suitable mutt. Instead it's pits pits pits. Shelters exist just to warehouse pits in search of unicorn homes and shelter staff will pull all sorts of sneaky and underhanded means to get them adopted, from lying about the breed, downplaying aggressive behaviour and withholding bite history, peddling sob stories and emotional blackmail, slashing or eliminating adoption fees for pits, and bribing adopters with gift cards. In some cases, pits with significantly aggressive behaviour and bite histories are transported across state lines and given new names to hide their history. There are numerous examples of pits still being up for adoption even after attacking staff and previous owners, or killing other dogs and cats.


This practice needs to be severely punished. It is putting so many people at risk... The people who force adoptions through lies and manipulation are just disgusting.


How is it less cruel to an animal to lock them up for their entire life than to put them to sleep?


People used to adopt from shelters because there were breeds other than friggin pits. Now almost every shelter dog everywhere is a pit and every shelter has like hundreds of them just rotting in cages… and the few non-pits are usually shepherds and huskies which have a lot of requirements to keep sane.


That’s so ugly..fire your social media person.


Time to end the No Kill movement. It’s caused more harm than good.


I'll bet there are lots of 4 yo dogs in these shelters. People who got dogs during the Covid lockdown, then the "fun" wore off (or worse).


the other day i was shopping with my husband and when we came out the store this lady was asking for donations for something called "paws on deathrow", i thought it was some noble cause to help wrongfully imprisoned inmates or something. nope, it was a dog(pitbull)rescue initiative. she handed me a pamphlet, pointed me towards a tier list of what my donation would do and gave me some spiel about saving all these dogs and how my donation would help send them to another state so they could be united with owners who were willing to adopt them. my first thought was "if the new owner can't afford to come get the dog ytf are they even allowed to adopt it?", but before i could say anything my husband pulls out a 20 and gives it to her. but then she had the audacity to ask for more bc her "tier" only starts at 30$. she told me to "help your husband out and give 10 more dollars" and I tried my absolute best not to say something rude in response and just left. these shelter ppl may mean well but its not the publics job to keep hundreds of pitbulls from being euthanized just so that one of them can maybeeeeeee be adopted by some random redneck in wichita.


I'd take the guinea pigs instead. Thanks


Guarantee that 99% of the dogs are pit bulls and pit mixes the best thing they can do if they need space is to put the pit bulls down because nobody is going to adopt them they are over bred.


Really? *That's* the pic they chose?


You’d think they’d choose a photo of a dog that actually looks cute? Like a Bernese mountain dog? Or even a husky? I donno, maybe it’s lying about the “stock” but let’s be real the shelters lie all the time


No dog is cute, but I'd agree that pitbulls are the ugliest. Huskies especially are not cute. They're crazy-looking and always look just plain dumb and mindless.


I don’t like dogs at all. But whomever made this ad couldn’t at least used one more appealing 😂 Hell, just use a wolf at that point. Theyre all descendants of wolves right?


More like nobody wants shitbulls


One of the unfortunate reasons why there are fewer cats is that a lot of cat owners will turn their cat(s) loose outdoors instead of surrendering if they don’t want it anymore or move to where they can’t have them. It’s actually a huge problem in a lot of places.


they shouldve used a cute cat instead not A pit that looks like its abt to chase you down and eat ur face off


Save the guinea piggies


Can I take the 2 ginnea pigs? Like... The rest of the animals you have on site are all hunters and killers (no offence to cats) and those are two pray animals. I have 5 ginnea pigs, a pairing or 2 boys and herd of 3 girls... Mind you saying that I'm a hipocrite because I have 5 ginnea pigs and a cat but the cat isn't allowed in the ginnea room and I'm assuming they have the same sort of rules.


It's because people never listened to Bob Barker and people that are terrible pet owners to begin with. Leave dogs on the streets or surrender them and their puppies. Add puppy mills and people who buy dogs for holidays or presents and then realize they are hard word and you have to he responsible surrender them.


It’s because people that think they want dogs don’t have the knowledge and/or capacity to handle one.




Poor baby hasn’t eaten a toddler in days. 🥺