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Why get a dog if you’re not able to spay it


Because dogs need it??? To complete their lifecycle or something




This is actually really funny of OP’s dad because if you look at wolf packs, typically only the alphas mate. Dogs don’t have the same inherent like drive/need to breed that we do lol.


Also, does the world *really really really* need more of these dogs anyway? Especially coming from a mother already exhibiting unstable, dangerous behavior?


I like dogs (and own a Staffy) and my answer is STILL no lol. Look at any shelter and it’s overpopulated. Anyone who breeds dogs casually is not a dog lover. Period.


I'm GenX so I'm not sure if this is still a thing. But coming up, the term *backyard breeder* was derogatory and definitely not the place you'd want to get a puppy from. Do people still use that today? It was derogatory enough people wouldn't want to admit they had gotten a dog from one, or admit to being one, and it was def an insult to call someone one.


The dog is a violent mutilator bred to kill and maul. Sorry girl, the dog is just being her true self to you.


What you mean? Clearly it’s racist. 🤣


That had me laughing, too. All logic points to the dog hating it’s darker skinned owner. “It’s not the breed, it’s the owner” taking it to a whole new level.


Pitbull people live their entire lives with their heads so far up their own asses which is good I guess makes it so their awful murderous dogs can't rip their throats out.


Every time a pitbull apologist tries to claim their dog is different I just imagine that meme of Obama giving Obama a Medal you know the one


Lmao thanks now I'm gonna see that every time


What with this “battered wife” like behavior? “Why won’t it love me?!?” JFC why do you need it to SO badly?


Right? And unlike a battered wife’s situation where she might not know where to turn for help, removing a dog from your life is easy as pie.


I just don’t understand what these people are gaining from having a dog like this. You can’t even walk past its bed without fearing it’ll attack you? Idiots, pure and simple.


Oh my God, it is quite pathetic, isn't it? A bird is an amazing pet from what I've seen - the bond between human and bird can be even closer than that of dog and human. They should just get a bird... You can leave a bird at home and you don't need to walk it. A bird won't kill anyone. It doesn't stink. It would fill the void they obviously need filled by an animal.


Most of what you said is accurate but birds are emotional intelligent animals. I wouldn’t subject one to a pit owner.


Yeah you're right


Have you tried fixing the damn dog after 5 years that’s ridiculous unless you are a legitimate breeder you have no excuse not to fix


It might be that OP still lives with the dad, and if the dad is the one who signed up with the vet, OP can't do jack. Idk where OP lives, but if the vets go by the same rules as here in England, then unless you're the one on the dog's vet records, they won't even tell OP what flea medication the dog is on without verbal permission fro mthe dad. It's a matter of privacy, in order to prevent incidents where, say you have a cat you've had since your teens, it's pretty old, and your new boyfriend/girlfriend moves in and they don't like the cat. They take it to the vet and try to get it euthanised. In the past, it was 100% possible for them to do that, but ofc the issues that causes meant that vets had to set things up so that unless you're the person who signed the pet into the vets originally or you have audible/in presence permission from the one who did, you can't do shit. If OP were to ring up the vets, she'd have to supply the name of the pet being fixed and the name of the owner, and ofc the moment she says that, they're going to ask if she can get the dad on the line to confirm she has permission from the registered owner. Which he isn't going to agree to do. And because spaying and neutering actually has a chance to fail either completely or partially, not to mention have serious side effects, such a potentially the stitches rupturing inside, taking the dog to another vet and getting them registered there in order to spay is NOT something anyone should ever recommend, because it'd be very, very difficult for the dogs usual vet to fix.


When that person posted this sob story, every single comment should have ripped her apart the way her dog is desperate to.


It was posted in a sub called Pit Bull Awareness 🙄(recommended to me so I decided to lurk). OP was being coddled in the comments of course.


Pit bull owners are rarely ripped apart because they stick together. Truth might kill them quicker than their pit bull would!


The sub I found this on is infuriating and weirdly entertaining all at once. There’s a cult mentality surrounding these dogs. That’s the only explanation. The community mimics everything cult like. One of the biggest signs is that they all repeat the same talking points over and over. Like hardcore brainwashing.


Yep! I agree on the infuriating part. It's utterly ridiculous and my daughter's grandparents, who don't even care for dogs(!), decided to tell me how hard done XL bullies were, for having to wear muzzles. I was like, really??!!


No way. They definitely need to be muzzled and if I’m correct that’s not always enough. I seem to remember a story in which a child was badly injured by a muzzled pit.


TIL Walking near a bed is suspicious. Got it 👍


I guess it is for a neurotic shit beast. Time for pink juice.


I’m surprised it’s not triggered by the fucking breeze at this point.


Cracked me up.


They are always SO SURPRISED when dogs created to kill want to kill! If you want a dog that loves you, there are hundreds of breeds that weren’t created for bloodsports.


Ugh. They always have to graft complex human feelings onto an animal that is STUPID AF. They eat things that will kill them and run into traffic. What's the reason it's only this girl she attacks? Who knows? Does it *matter*? The bitch bit you. Off to the rainbow bridge with her.


Honestly, only reason I can think of is she probably did SOMETHING to legit piss the dog off if the ONLY person who that dog legit attacks is her. She could be lying ofc, but if the dog is genuinely only going for her, ain't no way she didn't do SOMETHING. If a species of dog well known for snapping at random is only going after the OP, and only when all its hormones are raging, she doing something.


I get what you're saying but some dogs are very unruly. Especially pits. And that's coming from someone who has never followed the pit stereotype. The dog is more than likely the aggressor here and needs to be taken care of. Whether training or more severe routes, that is up to OP.


That would track IF the dog was aggressive towards everyone. The issue is, the owner herself is saying that it's never aggressive to anyone else, but is putting out there the dog attacks her. That means the dog is not twigging onto anyone else as a target, which is the hallmark of an unruly and aggressive animal. When a dog or any other animal zeroes in on one person and one person only, it means that this person has created a negative link.


I was saying that the dog was the aggressor. I'm not disagreeing. Ive been dealing with an unruly pit just about every day, as of lately. I know how they can get.


I don’t understand why people go to the trouble of getting animals and then just never get them fixed.


Yeah this is why kill shelters exist


i can't imagine a life where i'm constantly scared for my life. and it's a dog why do u wanna love it so bad or even need it it's not like it's going to miss you. this dog been around and no one fixed her?


If I were to say tell a group of people that there was a human in my home who was threatening me constantly, the advice to get away from that person would be unanimous. No would say it’s not their fault. No one would expect me to adjust my life around such behavior. But when it’s a dog it’s every excuse in the book to try and work it out somehow.


For the love of sweet jumping baby Jesus, shut up about your bitchy little killing machine and get it spayed. Clearly that's your answer, and we can all sleep better knowing one less sociopathic-by-nature canine will be producing murderous progeny. Get her spayed, duh! And *maybe* she won't end up mauling you. Or anything else. And good luck with that. I mean, *honestly.* I would not allow a human in my house to do what you're describing; why you're agonizing over a freaking killer dog is beyond me.


Honestly, this. Like, if it's genuinely not attacking OTHERS when it's being driven mad by hormones, but it's attacking OP? She did something to piss that dog off, and she needs to fix it. The only issue is the dad, because most vets won't even tell you the flea treatment the dog is on, if your name isn't on the contact information at the vets. This is why, with my cat, I also have my carer listed as a co-owner, so that if anything happens while I'm out, she can ring the vets and get him the help he needs. If OP wants to be sneaky about it, they need to convince their dad to go to the vet and sign her up as a co-owner. Then OP needs to convince her parents to go the fuck away for a week, and sneakily sign the dog up day 1 they're gone for a spaying, that way she's recovered and the cone is off by the time they get back. It's not like the dad's gonna notice by that point once the cone and bandages are off, and if he does.... we all have our answer as to why that dog's unhappy, and for once I'd say it'd be the pittie in need of rescue. I mean for real, if you're obsessing over ya dog's junk, I'm sus.


You're right. It's a bunch of non-problems being thrown up as the reason why the obvious solution can't be enacted. But to be 100% honest, I don't think spaying is going to be enough.


Absolutely not. The dog's too old, she's already likely had multiple heat cycles.


they think that dogs are friends and not wild animals that they need to domesticate…


Calling a dog a “rescue lady” says it all.


I think those are supposed to be 2 sentences, as in “Our dog is a rescue. A lady rescued from people that beat her …” Is anyone surprised that this person writes so terribly?


But it says “Our girl is a rescue lady rescued from people who beat her.” I took that to mean that exactly. I have heard people call their dogs “lady baby” and cringe stuff like that.




Now the dog is abusing her.


That is exactly it. Any negative behaviors and they jump to the previously abused excuse because heaven forbid you hold the animal accountable because then you’d have to hold the current owner accountable as well.


How would they know it was abused? Do people that return dogs tell the shelter they beat the crap out of it before giving it away? Sounds more like a lie the shelters tell to try and help it get adopted


Yeah this is why kill shelters exist


I always share my food, let her on the couch 😭😭😭 Nggh she's my baby😭😭 Wtf does nggh mean? Is that a whine of frustration? Like a kid makes? Weird....


It wants to kill you because it’s a Pitbull. That’s what they’re bred to do. It’s not your fucking “baby”.


“Nnghh, but she’s my baby! I love her so much, but I couldn’t be assed to go a vet to get her behavior checked out! What if she hates me?!?” What the fuck is that attitude, please neuter your pets. She doesn’t genuinely hate you, you idiot, she’s frustrated because she’s in heat and you were dumb enough to not get her spayed!


To be fair on OP, if the dad is the one who signed the dog up to the vets and it's under his name, OP can't do shit even as a full adult. If you're not on the dog's info at the vets as owner or co-owner, the vets won't even tell you the flea medication the dog's on, or let you pick up perscribed medicine if they're on any. OP needs to get smart, convince dad to take her to the vets and sign her as co-owner, and convince mummy and daddy to go the fuck away for a week so she can get the dog neutered day 1 they're gone so she's out of the cone and bandages by the time they return. To prevent noticing the shaved fur, just take the dog to the groomer's and get the rest of her fur cut, then lie about her rolling in tar or some shit. If the dad notices the scar in that location.... then that's a pitt that needs rescuing from its current home, because something sus if the duude's looking that closely at the dog's bits.


Yeah this is why kill shelters exist


Just spay the dog. Trust me, it helps


This, absolutely. If the dog legit doesn't attack anyone else, then it's clearly got something to do with that one person + the raging hormones.


Simple answer; it’s a shitbull.


If I was the vet spaying this bitch I’d ‘slip’ and cut its throat. Do society a favour


My old vet wouldn’t even accept pits. He treats a lot of chickens and other small animals so he wouldn’t even allow them to enter his office. I’ve since moved and go to a cat only veterinarian. But he was a real one. He wouldn’t see those beasts at all.


What a dead set legend! Good on him.


“This dog is racist y’all,” no I’m sure the dog is not racist. The dog will maul you if you or white or black. Equality.


Reminds me of when my friend suffered a terrible cat attack from his cat in heat. His arms still look like he got attacked by a bear. Thing was only a kitten too, imagine if this went wrong! I don’t even want to imagine if some pit bull were to pull the same shit


As someone who loves dogs, the only thing that strikes me as moronic is the idea the dog is racist. You're really going to pull the race card with a damn animal?


Give me sex you moron owner


Where's Nikki when you need her?