• By -


Who's "we"


Just me


Toxic people stuck in toxic behavior score bracket that report other people for no good reason at all.


Sounds like you’re exactly where you belong lol


Maybe stop reporting people for playing bad and only report people for comms/behavior reasons as the system is intended. It's no wonder this happens in low BS/CS games, y'all just report anyone and everyone for playing poorly. News flash, everyone plays poorly at times. You shouldn't report people for that as long as they are trying and not flaming.


12k is heaven, I can go 0/20 but as long as I’m just being really bad and not intentionally feeding, nobody ever reports for that. 


Yeah it's a godsend for sure. In my experience people have also been so much more willing to accept off meta picks and are much better at building for specific comps / timings. In game coms have been so much better too. Today in a game I got mad at my team for missing a timing to take Rosh and was pretty rude about how I told them. Rather then just yelling back and it turning into a fight everyone just went "Oh shit you might be right" and then we kept playing. No one took it personally. Before the new queue I feel like it was pretty common to see someone literally grief after a heated interaction like that.


It depends on what exactly your "really bad" is. If you keep going somewhere alone and dying on a core for no reason, you team asks your 10 times to group up and you refuse and keep doing that stupidity, I will report. Doing bad things is fine but refusing to ever listen to your team and feeding alone is something I will absolutely report for, even though I realize the person is doing it because they are just so fucking bad (and stubborn).


Absolutely agree. I can miss a few pulls or lasthits and no carry or support players would be madly pinging.


I am at 12k on EU west (archon 2) and people still get toxic if you are not having a good game, idk why but turkish players seem to be leading in that department.


So is immortal bracket, I grief games like 1 out of 2 and still 10k bs xd


Exactly this. Everyone has bad games, or just games where you are up against a massive counter draft. Let mmr take care of the bad players.




>the system works. System was better before Quinn's tears got it nerfed


If someone dies in matter of few min in same location or go alone I report them . I don’t report people if they die in team fights . I will report people if they continue to miss their spells it’s a grief if you in higher mmr


This is legit so funny, OP falls into behaviourScore hell.


Nah players who tilt in game get the crab bucket.


How do people even get this low of a behavior score? Do you just have literally 0 self-control? Anger issues? I'm worried for you irl and it seems like you probably have much bigger issues as a person to be worried about a video game number.


The average dota player has no communication skills whatsoever and hide behind the mute button. I'd hate to see what these people do in the real world where you have to actually deal with conflict like a grown up.


Yeah it's pretty hard to get that low but there should be an Avenue to raise your behavior score no matter


Few abandons and it will snowball down there. The lower you go the more reports you will get per game so it is an exponential process. But i think it is mostly abandons. Probably bad PC or bad internet.


I played an account from 1 to max behaviour score, no problem at all.


How many games did it take? Even if you got 1000 per 15 games its still 180 games


18x15 games, increased around 700 behaviour score per 15 games.


The only way out if low behavior score is to figure out how to win. If you are not winning then you will be reported every game. You are not doing things conducive to winning if you are mass reported like this. If you think you are doing everything to win and losing then you are the problem or your skill level is so low you cant tell what is useful and what is not.




having 4 friends of similar skill that play dota is a miracle I've had maybe 10 that I convinced to install and tried teaching and only 1 kept playing. And I'm not about to go try to find randoms in a discord


Every one who isn't playing in party has Social skill issues, got it


Give all the animals unlimited reports and they keep each other locked in their cages so we don’t have to see them, actually genius system by valve.


They should punish for false reports, with punishments reaching from disabling reports on the offenders accounts to low priority and eventual bans.


You're complaining about how you achieve low behavior score but openly admit to deserving that behavior score? I'm pretty sure reports from people with low bs already matters less than reports from players with good behavior score. Maybe don't be a dick and quit reporting people for playing bad. You're literally the problem in the dota community.


If you get bellow 6000 behavior score, maybe you should never be allowed to play with us anymore. Imagine how many people you pissed off in the process of reaching that behavior score


Lol I'd hate to play with you


Considering the kind of people that have non-max behaviour score, I feel conflicted. On the one hand, I support everything that represents the distinction between them and civilized humans, such as taking away features like reports. On the other hand, capping low BS reports would make the already trivial BS even easier to climb. And the system is already way, way too lax.


Nah, if you're that low you deserve to be there and if you continue to be reported then you are toxic. I was that low because I was toxic, made it back to 12k from below 1k, and I reported toxic people the whole time and commended people who weren't. The system works, you shouldn't be able to climb out quickly or people could just have a good week or two and then regress and ruin high behaviour score games. If you aren't mentally tough enough to handle a dota game without throwing a fit, griefing, flaming, feeding, etc. Then you should be low score and you should have to grind to earn the right to play with people who have proven they can play the game as intended.


I noticed that your behavior score increase is related to how many players you report. I had a summary where i reported 2-3 people every game and i got 0 reports 0 abandons but still my score increased barely. I reported for comms to make them muted but now i just mute without reporting. I think you should just report less and try to not report anyone at all.


i have 10K and in game I got ur scores below 6k message, why?


Sometimes people get premuted for the remainder of the game if they received alot of communication reports in said game. You can't communicate for rest of the game & only ping once every like 30 seconds. Pausing is also disabled. Will go away after the match.


Low bs people ping every death time, ping every mistake u made even though u r silent 




In Low BS score people expect you to play like pro they see on Twitch . Best advice just don’t afk even if they report you system atm already knows to ignore a lot .


I used to be in your situation before the behavior score rework not because I was really toxic, but because I was doing a lot of off meta builds that would get me reported by my teammates. This new system seems to be working for me because I went from 6k to now 10k and only going up from there. I truly believe you have to be nothing else but an unpleasant player in games below 7k bs.


I was 2K, now I'm 6K and rising. Unlimited reports is not the problem.


I'm under the impression that reports are already taken more seriously if you have a higher conviction rate on your reports. Like if I report every single person In every game valve takes that less seriously then if someone reports 1 person every 50 games. -is this not true?-


I have made 3 reports for griefing, 1 for comms behaviour and about 3 for cheating since this new thing started, all 3 of my griefing reports and my comms report have had the ‘action taken’ thing on them, i don’t know if it just means they looked at them and made a decision or if they found they were guilty but either way it shows that something happened which is a 4/7 rate of action on my reports from a >10000 behaviour score


I am 12k and I report usually a player every 3rd game and almost always find action taken next time I log on


and of course 'action' can just be -20 behaviour score or something, doesn't have to be a ban - but its still so nice to see lol


Idk but it may only look like that since if you only report when someone is doing reeeeeal stupid stuff then probably everyone else is reporting that guy so he is more likely to be taken action against, so you are just an accurate reporter i think :\]


Nope. Once u fall under low threshold it is crabs in a bucket situation. That said I love abusing the report buttons on anyone I don’t like.


So people shouldn’t report you for playing bad that’s unfair you just had rough brood games but you should be able to report people for having bad games?


I think the argument was people at low bs shouldn’t have unlimited reports because they do report for bad games, op included.


one should abuse the report system and report everybody for everything since it's so fucking broken. maybe they will fix it after.


dumb esl poster


Agree, toxic people will report out of hate and not reason. But reaching 6k behavior is kinda hard these days... I mean you have to be quite toxic for that. Maybe limit the reports from 7.5k or so.