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WoW's pandemic all over again. The Corrupted Blood Incident never truly ended.


Single best event in WoW by far. It was a wild, crazy time and if Blizzard ever tried it these days their office would get burned down by an angry mob. I miss that era of WoW... Classic servers are a farce though, so I'll just have to live with my memories.


Classic is a farce because you can't just undo 20 years of Internet progress. Of guides, addons, macros and tools. Of individual player skill being vastly superior to the old standard. Of new ways to communicate people in faster and more efficient ways. The only way to re-live Classic is inevitably technologic regression.


Solar flare when?


Even then a good amount of it will survive on organic hard drives.


Barrens Chat and the Grizzy Hills Music (WotLK) is honestly my favourite things.


sadly i most likely will never get to experience what it was like the first few years of wow. before internet guides, youtube and twitch. where you had an actual conversation with a person in game about an item they had and how they got it. wiping on raid bosses for days figuring out fights. no best builds and meta. gone are the golden days of multiplayer video games.


I'm sure this is an uncommon opinion but say it anyways. I am of the opinion that we do need to regress in some ways. Technology is a great and wonderful thing. The problem is who controls certain types of technology...... Of course it's always going to be the rich and powerful, they've already done been proven to not be trustworthy. 🤷


Wasn't the spread of the corrupted blood in WoW partially an accident? Like it was meant to spread during the raid but they didn't account for players leaving while it was active.


Yeah iirc it wiped the debuff off of *players* when they left the zone, but not *hunter pets*, so mr dwarf hunter could take little infected kitty to ironforge and.. well...


Oh my god it was a zoonotic pathogen


The emergence of it is what makes it even better. Such a unique moment in gaming.


Yeah - if you dismissed your pet, the debuff wasn’t cleared from them when you left (and didn’t expire, as it was a disease that lasted a few seconds). Resummon the pet back in town, and they still have it. 


It being accidental helped make it such a good situation to study.


To add what others said the Plague had a Timer and as mentioned was wiped after battle ... but not unsummoned Hunter Pets. So if a Hunter pet got the Blood Plague and the Hunter recalled it before the plague ticked out the debuff stayed. Captain Grimm actually made a (hilarious) Video talking about it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZHAknb5q34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZHAknb5q34)


Some college books used it as a study for the spread of infectious diseases too I think


Yeah. My ex-wife and I played WoW. I was into it before I met her and she ended up liking it. I do remember there was a lot of unique things about that game. Times were different back then. Now unfortunately we have to worry about certain delusional parties bugging out over aspects of video games. 🤷 They just can't get enough with their (unnecessary) trouble instigation can they?


Corrupted Blood ackshually requires deliberate griefing by the hunter player. I wonder if a DD2 player can knowingly infect as many pawns as he can and Capcom has not accounted for that.


They accounted for it. Once your main pawn has infected at least one other pawn, they themselves are cured of the disease. This means the maximum R value of dragonsplague's infectivity rate is 2, but apparently pawns are fucking trees because they don't have an immune system, so they can catch Dragonsplague again and again and again. This unfortunately means that Dragonsplague is an undefeatable pandemic. You can always get it from the natural environment (drake mesmer) but you cannot inoculate the affected population. The most you can do is act like a Black Plague doctor, and burn the bodies. The Brine (hitherto referenced as The Red God) is the most efficient- and indeed only- way to effectively remove Dragonsplague from the population. If a pawn with dragonsplague passes on the disease, or dies in your world, they're cured even in their master's world. Thus, the most effective method of curing the plague is bringing pawns into your world, throwing them (and your pawn) into the loving arms of the Red God, then sleeping to update information. Repeat until we've wiped out the pandemic and ready yourself for the REAL wave. From what I've seen, most people are currently around lvl 20 or so in game. With thief, I nearly beat a drake at lvl 28-30ish. Thief seems like one of the easiest classes to kill bosses with, so I'm betting the ideal drake range is level 40-50. We should hit that as a population within the next week- and THAT is gonna be a shitshow. Don't even invite pawns from the rift, only use pawns that walk around in your world. Practice pawn Distancing. Do your part in inviting pawns to throw them to the Red God's temple. And pray that Capcom reduces the rate of infectivity from drake to pawn, or better yet, add an immune system to the soulless bastards. Until then, All praise the Red God!


>Once your main pawn has infected at least one other pawn, they themselves are cured of the disease. This means the maximum R value of dragonsplague's infectivity rate is 2, but apparently pawns are fucking trees because they don't have an immune system, so they can catch Dragonsplague again and again and again But can your main pawn get the disease from other pawns? Because if so you could send your infected pawn into the rift where they could infect multiple other pawns simultaneously.


Man I remember reading that on Wikipedia when I was like 7


it is funny that just like how all nukes will never be dis-armed in another game, the plague won't be eradicated here either. for the same reason


That's a depressing thought but true, the plague will never go away in it's current form and will most likely dominate the majority of pawns.




Seems pretty obscure. Right now the onky cure is to brine your msin pawn if they have it


It being obscure actually makes it more promising.




I've been meaning to try ring of repellency as well. It's meant for tarred immunity but idk, there's something about the first part of the text for it that seems odd for that purpose alone: "A ring that dispels malign powers. Completely prevents the wearer's tarred value from accumulating."


Nukes won't be disarmed because people cheated and gave themselves so many nukes that it's impossible for all of them to be disarmed, different scenario to this


That's not the reason. It was actually uncovered that Konami was butthurt about a clan of people doing their best to disarm (or maybe it was hackers, I'm not 100%, but Konami is the reason it's impossible to really do it now) and they had some server protected "dummy" nukes that couldn't be disarmed since they didn't exist, it was just a number. It's impossible now and you'll only see the cutscene when it glitches, which does happen occasionally. I've seen it a few times, once when I logged into to dismantle my nuke before some dickhead could steal it. I might not be reporting this 100% accurately as it was kinda confusing, but you can Google the whole thing. It was really interesting


They hacked the nukes to 0 to trigger the event because Konami refused to fix the fault in its system. It was impossible for the clan that was disarming all the nukes to do it since Konami kept banning people. Banned people's FOB's couldn't be invaded so their nukes couldn't be disarmed. There was always going to be nukes in the game unless someone cheated them out... so they did. haha


Also there are dummy nukes that will always exist


Metal gear, right?


Metal gear?!


Psycho Mantis?!


You're that ninja.


Can't be eradicated because it comes from fighting drakes


Your pawns can get it from fighting dragons/drake, it is not some failure of human cooperation. Unless you want all players to just forfeit a PVE element which is fighting dragons/drakes.


you 100% can chuck your pawn into the ariver after a drake fight. you do not need to forfeit anything lmao.


Which is extremely stupid and adds nothing to the game. The plague is tedious, not frightening or threatening (outside of the threat of wasting your time, which isn't really a *threat*), which is part of the issue with people 'not checking before resting' and whatnot. It's also tying a lot of stuff to the inn, even though the inn is *also* intended to be your only manual/'safe' save slot. That's just fucked IMO. I respect the concept, but in practice it's something that isn't particularly *fun.* If it led to something like an Ur-dragon fight, that would be neat and make it threatening early game (and something you'd have to flee), while something that still encourages people to interact with online pawns in general late game as well as *not* wanting to necessarily eradicate the plague. (And keeps people in it) That's on top of the fact that the 'cure' is murdering your pawn.


That’s my overall opinion. This as an idea is not without merit but Christ is it executed in the most ludicrously ill advised way possible. It’s not even like it’s hard it’s just annoying and requires constant vigilance while at the same time having an extreme punishment for screwing up. I wonder if whosever brain child this was, was angry at people from back in the pandemic not taking things seriously, or it could be meant to ridicule people they thought took things too seriously. Outside of pschyo analyzing a dev, an alternative system would be to have infected pawns potentially go feral in town requiring the player to actively have to put them down. This would also encourage players to only hire pawns they feel they can beat in a fight and not hiring someone super oVERleveled (basically Pokémon with its badge rules)


It can't be eradicated because your pawn gets it when you start a new game plus


How do you know this? Are people that far already? I'm still grinding sidequest and I "moved to new Zealand" the day before it released. I do have a pawn I hired that's holding her head and I'm not too sure what that means yet. I might have fucked up, i heard whispers about it but I assumed it was like pokerus or the dragon forged shit in the first game.


>I do have a pawn I hired that's holding her head and I'm not too sure what that means yet. Time to give that pawn a good ol' Brine Rebirth.


Baptism in Rook.


The reason rook immediately gets brined is actually just the game telling you what you need to do to your pawns




Pawns: Oh boy I sure do hope the Arisen checks on us and doesn’t rest in the inn unless he’s made sure we’re free from dragon-borne illnesses Arisen: 🗿 🛌 🐉


Pawn rumors also state that the pawns just stop obeying orders, not that they become a nuke.


They stop obeying orders and get super sassy with you


Unfortunately, some pawns are sassy by default, and I can't trust them.


It's a bit more aggressive like " don't tell me what to do" but eyes are the earliest and easiest symptom to spot


And you are supposed to intiuate from this that they must be killed. You must be a bad slave owner. The games makes it the morally correct choice.


The tutorial straight-up just tell you to kill them, you dont need to "intiuate" anything. Pawns aren't mortal humans, they dont die, they just get yeeted back to thier world when they fell. You are supposed to switch pawns like the way you would change clothes.


"it's completely ok if I die" is one of the first lessons a pawn teaches you even


The tutorial tells you to do so and the very first pawn you meet shows you that it's not a big deal for them to die since they're essentially immortal and respawn


They say that it's dangerous to themselves and others and a sign is that they stop obeying orders. Idk why people assumed the danger to others part was something they could just stop retroactively when this game repeatedly shows you that if something says "people will die if you do this" and you do this people do die


The game gives you several warning texts that infected pawns can become a "devastating calamity". You cannot avoid these warning texts, they literally pause the game and force you to read them. Devastating calamity sounds pretty nuke-y to me.


Would be nice if you could quarantine your Pawn without throwing them in a pond though lol


If covid taught me something about humanity is that in the times of a plague it's always SOMEONE ELSE'S fault. And people can't follow simple instructions or be bothered to do something as small as wearing a mask/cleaning you hands. Or in this case regularly throwing your pawns into water. I don't know about you, but I regularly chuck mine to check whether the water is deep enough to kill or if I can make the jump. Or just taking a shortcut.


you know the brine can't kill you right? you just appear on the shore like the tutorial says. it just kills pawns and monsters.


It takes a big chunk of your max life away, though. If he's smart about it he's just double checking spits he thinks he can cross as a just in case measure, not yeeting pawns into every lake and river he passes.


Shit my save game is gonna get ruined by an infected skank isnt it. Oof


Watch for symptoms


For real. The game bashes you over the head with warning signs, yet we are inundated with potato brain noobs whining that their pawn nuked the town "for no reason."


I'm level 32 and haven't had anything like this pop up yet. When does it start occuring?


Anytime you either hire a pawn that's infected or fight a dragon. The fighting the dragon part is not a 100% chance though so you gotta keep aware just in case. I fought a dragon and didn't notice any of my pawns coming down with it.


Someone legit tried to argue with me and say it comes out of nowhere and the symptoms are basically impossible to notice.


Covid or D-Plague?


Who would have guessed that itsuno's vision was to create a medival pandemic simulator?


För real every time i hire new pawns and come out the rift, 95% of the time they talk about it to each other. Like the game throws it in your face at every turn at this point. I wonder if the more it spreads, the more they mention it? Because ya know, rumors spread, word gets around.


Preventative action is a heavy rock or a long fall, just imagine if we handled the pandemic like thay


In a way, it was _easier_ to handle the pandemic. Keep a sensible distance from people, wear a mask, and get vaccinated to reduce viral load; No culling necessary. We couldn't even do _that_, lmao.


America kind of did.  The dipshit president of the time said masks were for wimps and helped cull up to a million of his voting base lmao.


And caught a lot of people unfortunate enough to be near those idiots (the anti-mask and anti-vaxxers, just to be clear) as well.


so what, you get it from fighting drakes and the like?


Seems to be 2's version of the thing dragons/drakes did in 1 where they take control of your pawns. Just this time they make them a sleeper agent.


No they can still grab one and turn them against you


That's the going consensus, yes.


i've killed like 10 drakes at this point with no signs. ![gif](giphy|mEEPcFRrfMdEcwf1N5|downsized)


Well if your pawn starts being an asshole, you know what must be done.


Just to make sure real quick. the plague has to progress to a certain point before they go john Arisen on the town right?


There are a lot of signs. Your pawn will seem agitated, ignore you, become an asshole, clutch their head as they're in pain, and have glowing red eyes. It does progress over time, but a lot of people have talked and though they are hiring pawns, sleeping, and having the city destroyed.


Now, is it possible for it to happen before the pop-up? I went outside of the town today and I saw a Drake even though I’m only level 19 and it challenged me to a fight in dialogue. I proceeded to run the hell away from there, though my pawns stayed back a bit. A little while later and play my main pawn started acting strange and making little snide comments. Though I do have them set as an aggressive disposition so I didn’t know if that was where the lip was coming from. Regardless I didn’t get any pop-up message. Through them into the ocean just to be sure though.


If they give you lip, give them a dip.


If they’re mouthing off, toss em in the wash.


Specifically, it happens when a pawn gets grabbed by a drake during a fight with one


And it's pretty obvious when Pawns are infected, they literally act like you are not their boss. When a Pawn yells "Stop giving me orders all the time, I can act on my own", you should know they are infected.


This has been shown to unfortunately be inconsistent. In the literal OP here they talk about how several of the physical symptoms were not be represented even after they knew their pawn got infected. Likely a design bug or some meta commentary on being vigilant even if you don’t see physical symptoms


If I got $1.99 for every time I’ve seen someone at the airport bathroom not wash their hands — even after years of Covid — I’d be able to buy DD2 DLC for this entire sub…


Why are you hanging out at so many airport bathrooms


Uh what??? I hired a higher level at a broken riftstone and she's holding her head like she's got a migraine? Is this bad? I'm like lvl 19, avoided this sub like the plague for spoilers but reddit decided I needed to see this anxiety inducing shit. A random pawn told me about the plague but my dumbass thought it was like pokerus, an extremely extremely (I stopped playing after diamond so maybe it's not as rare now) rare disease that actually helped you but few people ever saw it. I haven't seen a dragon and don't want to read more. Is this a problem? Y'all are talking about this and saying it's dragoncovid. What the fuck.


Did you receive a tutorial about the plague? Check your tutorials. In all likelihood you should send that pawn away.


I would bet my life savings theu and tons of other people did get the message and just clicked through it.


100%. I'm a teacher, I can put what to do on the board in massive bold letters and still have half the class ask me what we're supposed to be doing... People just don't read anything anymore.


Amount of times I've watched a game streamer running around lost because they clicked through instructions or ignored a quest giver explaining what to do.


It annihilates cities, careful friend


It is Dragoncovid but when it happens, it is actually a nuke. Send that pawn away if he has shown the symptom. If your main pawn show symptom (they can contract the plague by being proximity of other plagued pawn when other summoned them), toss him into river and give him a baptism in brine. Not kidding.


The symptoms for DP are so incredibly obvious. It's boggling to me how people can miss it. They'd have to close down the gigantic tutorial message without reading it that tells you how to deal with the plague. Ignore the pawns discussing it and the symptoms. Ignore the drastic change in how pawns respond and talk to each other. Ignore the glowing red eyes (or perhaps if they're colour blind then that's fair if you don't see it) ans ignore the repetitive pain animations the pawn has as well as their dialogue about not feeling well. The people who go all shocked Pikachu face when Vermont gets torn to shit by their sick pawn are the same people who don't wash their hands after COVID happened or are completely inept and then blame it on others for their negligence.


Nah fuck Vermont. All my homies hate Vermont. 😎


They all probably thought “how bad can it be 🤷🏻‍♂️”. Turns out to be really bad lol. Tbf, if the game says and shows (through cutscenes) it will kill everyone in town instantly and break your quest, people will take it more seriously In any case, I think it’s a chore that doesnt serve a purpose. And breaking people’s progress permanently with very little warning is a dick move


Covid did that.


Exactly, but thankfully covid wasn't an extinction level event. If it were, you can be sure we'd have gone the same way as the cities in Dragons Dogma have when exposed to Dragoncovid


But it is a [mass disabling virus](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html). It attacks every organ in the body and weakens the immune system, even with mild infections. We're just at the beginning as everyone gets infected 2-3 times a year with various variants because we aren't taking adequate precautions.


COVID Cautious person in the wild! Love to see it. Assuming you are CC and taking precautions, thank you for keeping me and your community safe.


Mask everywhere. Have missed family reunions because no one else does and I don't want to risk disability in a country that is super ableist/anti-disability. It sucks, but the alternative is worse.


As someone who is disabled, I can confirm society's trying to kill you or institutionalize you a LOT in a bunch of countries. Even the supposed most socially noble.


For what it's worth, _I_ agree with you. Seen way too many people die from it IRL to not take it seriously.


The dragon plague situation is giving me those Covid flashback. Felt like Covid gave Itsuno some trauma and he is spreading the its hurt with his game now.


I managed to avoid it till last year and i have never feel so weak. I feel like i had burning hole in my hand when i got it


Covid is so weird, first time I got it was terrible, second time was nothing and third was terrible. It’s like a gamble.


You still gotta be careful. Even mild infections do damage. Check out the CDC link (and also get mad at the CDC for not being more vocal about the risks they explicitly put on their site).


I got it pretty early on and every day I had some different illness going on for a week then couldn't walk without getting winded for 2 months


Hilarious and unsettling in equal measure. It's very, very fun to make fun of people overreacting when they're all chest-puffing and hyperbolic — but the people in the replies to those posts, the people who are caught up in that emotion that are anxious and scared... I don't have it in me to mock them. It just bothers me, as they're the perfect example of human tendencies I would love to pretend can be overcome. I have an attitude of willful naiveté and optimism when it comes to people, but it's hard to avoid looking at the sobering reality when it's in such a textbook package. S'not like I'm any better or above that sort of reaction, after all — I'm human, and it's a human flaw. Being aware of the sort of dangerous emotional traps our brains can fall into is important but only gets ya so far. I hope none of what I'm saying sounds judgemental; I ain't above jack shit.


I think people are taking it way too seriously, I am going to still continue exploring the huge world, even if one city is now virtually dead, plus I am getting a lot more wakestones in this game than in the first game (early game that said), so maybe I can ress them in the morgue. The mindset of: this has not happened to me yet but I am so scared I dont even want to play its really weird.


> this has not happened to me yet but I am so scared I dont even want to play its really weird. I feel like i see more people online with the vibe of "I want my first playthrough of a game to be perfect 100%" and if they miss a single quest or achievement, or get anything less than 'best ending,' they'll be anxious and think their playthrough is "ruined." I'm not sure if this mindset is actually more common or if i'm just crazy for feeling like I notice it when i read discussions of games. It's alien to me, so maybe that's why it seems to stand out when i see it in the wild.




Exactly! It's just so wildly disproportionate. It's weird. I've got opinions on the city-killing like anyone else, but what those are is entirely irrelevant when it comes to level of fervor people are responding with.


It’s a videogame. It isn’t real life. If you’re anxious and scared about what happens in a videogame, you need serious, professional help, not platitudes from strangers on Reddit.


This is the exact thread I’ve been thinking about making all day. I honestly think it’s genius. Watching all of this unfold is hilarious.




Whether you think dragonplague is a good system or not(I haven't gotten my hands on the game yet so I cannot personally weigh in) you have to see how that could make someone pissed. Having to do pandemic management in your fantasy action game about hunting monsters and then having the game sucker punch your teeth out because you didn't notice the(albeit obvious) signs seems like it would make anyone frustrated.


I promise that the complainers are only complaining because they aren't engaging with the game. It's a part of the game that you are expected to participate in. You don't go out to play baseball and just refuse to run the bases. Beyond that, whenever you first encounter it, you get a tutorial message explaining exactly what it is, what will happen if you don't do anything about it, and what you should do to prevent the bad things from happening. It's not very common, is very obvious that it's happening if you know what the signs are, and takes less than a minute of your time to fix. If you do mess up and a lot of people get killed, there is also a mechanic to revive dead NPCs with the same item that you can use to revive yourself mid-combat. In addition to *that*, many quests you can still finish even with the NPC being dead by going to a fortune teller who can commute with the spirit of the NPC to help you finish the quest. There are tons of warnings, a tutorial message that you can always go back and reread, and fallback solutions for if something crazy does happen. If people are complaining, it's because the way they choose to enjoy games by ignoring everything the game tells them and just speed running the game as a whole is hampering their ability to even understand the game.


Fuck that.  Soldier onward to NG+. Finishing an XCOM 2 campaign should be mandatory for all gamers.   Oh no, my pawn got the Drgaonvid19.  Want to talk about *loss*? Try training a group of rookie grunts into an elite deathsquad only for half the team to get nuked by a Sectopod.  You'll know *loss* when you carry their corpses back to da choppa (cuz you want the loot). Kidding of course but I think people are jumping the gun way too fast.  The game has only been out three days ffs lmao! Let things play out.  This is why I hate the internet nowadays.  Everything is spoiled via some Youtuber dick who datamined everything and makes a shitty video going step by step on how the mechanic works.


When do we start calling it Coronadragon? /s


I'm hoping Dracovid will catch on, haha.


Dracovid! I like that


The brine being the only current solution just seems odd as hell. Feels like something is missing.


In hindsight, it does make the cutscene of Rook dying in it at the beginning of the game feel less out of place


“That’s ok, I can come back fine. I have STD anyways”


That’s my only problem. I assumed people were mistaken that the only cure was to merc em when I first heard it. Really feels like some healing pool or side quest to get a curative is missing.


COVID already beat DPs ass.


Definitely feels like they wanted to craft a world as absurd as ours. There is that one NPC that has a lot of 4th wall breaking dialog, and a lot if dialog in general preaty far off the beaten path that makes me think this is what they were going for.


Which npc?


Harve village, won't say to much beyond that but you'll know once you hear it.


Honestly I love dragons plague and how it exposes how lazy people are. Get your pawns checked for STDs ffs


As a tutorial reading nerd this is the most vindicated I've felt in my entire life


Can't it only be passed onto one pawn, and the original host is no longer affected? Fairly sure somebody mentioned it somewhere previously which would mean this is just some booty-belching post. There's either misinformation where I got that from (on reddit) or OP is just talking out of their ass with 100% confidence. I gotta uninstall this shit again. It generates so much contempt for people lmao. Edit: I just double checked. An optional way to cure the plague is by passing it on to another pawn, thus it leaves your pawn and sticks to theirs. Therefore, it can't be an epidemic. It's not a mass issue, it's mass hysteria. Christ. Misinformation highway


You're right. But I imagine it's a case of it being passed on to multiple pawns before the player rests and updates their Pawn's stats? I'm not sure how the transmission works, but it seems enough of an issue that a lot of people are getting upset that they've lost cities to it.


Some of these guys are going for hours without recognizing changes in their pawns. Not all of them, some are unlucky with it being a pawn they recruit right before sleeping. I just mean to say by that, I dont trust a lot of their observational skills/attentiveness and thusly evaluation of what happened. I get what you mean by one pawn in the infected state being acquired by multiple people however at the current moment I don't think it's common for a pawn to be getting into a lot of other worlds simultaneously.


People ignore how this mechanic is more annoying than it is fun. It's okay to criticize a game.


Yeah Reading and seeing the videos I'm failing to see what this is supposed to add other than frustration. Heck in one video made to show the eye change when they're sick I couldn't make out any issues. All this seems to do mechanically is make you huck your pawns off a cliff every once in a while which seems pretty shitty


I enjoy the plague mechanic. I just wish this sub wasnt so negative tbh


Hypothetically if everyone was able to catch the dragonsplauge in their main pawns quick enough, could we get rid of it? Assuming it only passes by pawns and not from an ingame enemy?


I believe it originates from Drakes and Dragons. Specifically when they do the grab attack and try to corrupt your pawn. (General consensus from multiple different posts) So, unfortunately, no, there is no way it’ll ever be gone for good. But once people learn about it more and how to keep it from spreading between pawns then it should be far less dangerous. But the next week or so is going to be very dangerous for Dragon’s Plagued pawns. Stay watchful.


Just bought a pawn, got the in game tutorial message, kicked her ass to the curb before even leaving the rift


“Preventative action” - Murder.


I love the addition of dragonsplague, it makes the world feel that much more alive.


God should patch Earth, it's unfair that my save is ruined when I made no mistakes /s


Yup. Even the hysteria here on this subreddit just proves how stupid humanity is and how we are doomed to fail. Next time pay attention to the clues!


I absolutely love it to be honest I think it's amazing, I'm kinda interested to see what happens to the game if it spreads everywhere lol


I closed my pawn’s eyes on the editor to make dragons plage harder to detect ![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50124)![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50124)![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50124)


It's insane how negligent most players are.


Game devs prove time and time again that not even throwing tutorials and explicit instructions at the players work for the most part. I read up on many such cases and man, is it depressing.


Those same gonks whine about yellow lines and handholding in games too lmao.


There's a tutorial regarding dragons plague? When does it come up?


Like all the other tutorials, it pops up when you first encounter it.


I mean to be fair the only cure is to eradicate all the infected


You have to understand that some people might get the pawns sick intentionaly and get them back to you🤣


I’m just glad I check Reddit about it. I probably would have been one to lose everything in a town. Would probably start over though and be more cautious. But it would still suck.


Funny thing about the dragon plague is that I just learned of it (through Reddit no tutorial in-game yet) and my pawns actually started talking about it a little into the very first time I played afterward


Can i get the plague if i never register my pawn in the rift ? I ak currently offline without intentions to go online.


Yes, you can. But you'll know when it happens unless you skip all the tutorial popups, dialogue, and ignore your pawns. Why don't you want to go online? You're missing out on a lot and I don't think there's really any reason to stay offline!


yep that should help us. so we check each other for symptoms and when we found some we just kill the other one by throwing then into the water. man Covid was so easy to solve but we failed.


I think it's stupid because the cause and effect are uninteresting and unintuitive. Without the tutorial their is not reason to think that it would result in what it does. Most people would just assume it would make them turn on you or something not kill 100 people in one night. Also having something that you cure by killing them and the signs being that they back talk you feels kinda fucked up considering pawns are so similar to slavery.


I truly don't understand people saying they love it. It's so basic, it's a non issue to anyone that can read, it's solved by just killing pawns and getting them back with no consequences... It's not hard to spot. Like it's just a minor annoyance, woopdee doo


Damn, I check the DD2 sub and did not expect there being so many posts about this. It didn't happen to me yet ingame, I only heard the pawns mentioning Dragonsplague, but I didn't have a pop up message yet, so I hope nobody in my party has it yet. But you're right, sounds like a social experiment right there. I hope my city won't fall to it and I can recognize it fast enough if one of the pawns in my party has it.


I think because if it is contracted from dragons a good portion of the player base isn't far enough to get it yet


You're right, we should have thrown more people into lakes and rivers and off cliffs to stop the spread of covid.


It's a chore and not fun.... This game has the coolest combat I have ever seen in an action RPG but so many of the systems are just terrible. Guess hope we get a DLC vaccine soon lol...


The first game is similar, haha. It's a Jrpg thing. Obtuse systems are kinda a feature at this point.


“Wait? Dragonsplague is just a commentary on covid?” “Always has been.” ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized)


So dragons plague only happens if you fight certain dragons? Its not like covid 19 where your pawns will just randomly get it out of nowhere?


Do pawns show signs in the rift so you can avoid hiring them? Or can you only notice it once you've already hired them?


Only after you hire them and leave the rift. Even at the earliest stage, you can see their eyes have an intermittent red glow. If they're not blatantly ignoring your commands or doing the headache animation, they've still got a long time until going Super Sand Legend on wherever you rest. 


Yea because worrying about a pandemic and it's heavy consequences is what I want to experience in my fantasy game..


The issue is more that trolls will deliberately infect low level pawns just to mess with newbies.


Should definitely be a level req for the plague to take root.


Were you in a coma from February 2020 to December 2022? We have all the proof we need.


Wash your hands, people.


Given how the last 4 years have gone, this was entirely expected.


Should we be chucking all the pawns in the brine? Or just our own?


If you chuck your own into the water, you cure it. For other pawns, people gotta do this in their own world.


So best practice is; throw main pawn to their death. Dismiss pawns. Rest at Inn. Then resummon all pawns and repeat before every INN rest.


I was wondering what my pawns were blabbering about all the time, guess it’s time to start chucking em in the river


Dragonsplaque massacres to 60fps baby.


Personally, I'm having a great time. Any infected pawn is free, non-consequential addition to my body count.


I an going to assume the answer is yes, but will the same thing happen if I stay in my house and not at the inn?


How do i cure them if they get it? Just yeet them to the Brine or what?


I'm having trouble telling if straightforward pawns are normal sassing me or if they have dragon aids, so I just don't hire straightforward at all




What kind of pandemic can kill all population over a single night with a single infected, it is more like a terrorist carrying a ticking bomb around.


How do you get rid of dragonplague if your pawns get it after a fight?


Take them to Dr. Brine for a quick and easy cure


Everyones bitching about Dragonsplague but i have no clue what it is, Could it be like a large majority of players, Im avoiding things i dont know because it looks like spoilers? i mean, I understand why Duende the gremlin looken pawn i hired was being a dick now but like, Why would i know that? Pawn Chatter talks about it but pawn chatter also raves on about ladders. i expect it would come up in the story but apparently not. at least not as far as ive gotten


Dragonsplague is there to help with the framerate you imbeciles. Fear not the solution, welcome it in open arms.