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Im a strider from wish


Sword and Bow assassin.


Ayy One of my People The OG anti Harpy Squad Lives


Lol same!


Yeah, it just feels badass to basically only use knives and a bow and still fell ogres and griffins.


I still can‘t equip multiple loadouts for some reason but i always go for Grianhmar/Frosthunter Bolt. You can fire and forget for crowds and big targets. Recovery arrow as an extra if you go into unmoored. Heavenly keys/Skull splitter for shredding magic resistant targets and undead.


I don't like having to use rearmament. So just 4 thief skills and fashion options.


I always press it one too many times and have to cycle through my weapons again..


Thats why you limit yourself to 3 weapons


I have four which isn't too bad. But still frustrating.


I used to rock 4 aswell but was dealing with the same thing. Realised its better to just sacrifice one and have one of my pawns use x vocation. Used to go Archer, Sorcerer, thief and warrior but its genuinely much nicer to have a sorcerer in your team who can actually use the ultimates.


I have a similar style. I love magick archer but hate the master skill. It feels too cheesy for me. So i only use a magic bow as a warfarer with 4 MA skills. I just carry a mage staff to levitate around for seeker tokens.


Yup plus you can equip any armor set you want :)


Imma keep it a stack, I still only run one weapon but use the vocation to wear the best looking armour


I do that but I also keep the lightest mage stick I own in my pocket just in case I need to levitate


Ooh I hadn't even thought about that use. Damn that's a great idea.


The right response


Skullsplitter, Frosthunter Bolt, Augural Flare. Deletes bosses ezpz.


I like this set up alot


Gutting skewer/Gut and Run, frosthunter bolt, and Ricochete shot/implicate Frosthunter bolts alone with the Debilitation Augment is unbelievably good at freezing enemies, then I usually give me pawn a frost enchantment, so every attack from every pawn does frost damage. Effective CC from everyone. Frost is useful against basically everything but Ogres, and mages. Gut and run or Gutting skewer depending if I wanna shield or thief. And same for Ricochete or implicate, basically just trade em out depending on mood. Both are only useful in certain situations. I tend to run implicate more cause I like to think the "easy to push and pull enemies when grabbing them" works for implicate. But I'm too lazy to test it.


Swap Skullspliter for Heavenward Sunder and this is me. Roll around with as high knockdown resistance as I can as well so I tank most hits as warfarer


Prescient flare > sagitate avalanche > dead boss.


Do you actually have time to charge up Sagitate Avalanche and land the hit before Prescient Flare dissappear? I tried the combo but PF always gone before SA land.


use the whirling arrow skill from archer instead


Yea, I can see that work.


Could also do PF and then that crazy multishot MA skill, as you can then also support pawns with the healing shot if you need to. Not my preferred way of playing though.


That's smart, but I prefer my sonic skills. Thief go brrr


The golden tip is use a quick basic attack between PF and SA


I'll try that, thanks!


Yeh, you need to prime the explosion at least once before going for the big stuff.


This sounds amazing


Prescient flare into skull splitter. Ez


I gotta ask does sagitate avalanche do decent amount of damage? I used the first version of it then slept on it because it seems useless


It melts enemies like dolly Parton melts hearts


Oh shit, I know what I'm equipping at the next camp then


Get it enhanced at the draginforged to reduce stamina cost too


Doesn’t prescient flare disappear once you switch weapon?




my fav combo (and most satisfying imo) is mystic spearhand to a warrior jump -> stun bolt and quick fot -> rearm -> heavy atk as warrior -> YEET you have to do rearm and heavy while midair, because warrior's heavy attack animation on the ground is very long


I was thinking the same thing, MS stun and mobility through the R1 is probably the best combo for warrior type builds.


How do you have time to rearm and do a heavy after the teleport? Doesn't the teleport leave you too close to the ground?


yes you're close to the ground, but still had enough time to do rearm and heavy i post a vid for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/YQxVsIiytf


SICK :0 Gonna try that when I get home Btw have you seen the mystic spear hand tech where you can cancel the ground slam on the Feste skill by shooting a charged bolt? I learned about it from this video: https://youtu.be/L09gF0SvyFA?si=J21AV_GdJMqaGEtj


that's insane. I'm still learning to do the scattering bolt into quick fot consistently. so hard to pull off


Right now, Magick Archer + Thief hybrid. All 3 skill slots for Magick Archer. Frosthunter + Blazefang + Sagittae Avalanche. Just Frosted Edges Daggers if enemies get too close. Not using any powers for thief. Also have a staff so I can float around to hard to reach places. This covers fire and ice damage for the various bosses. Daggers just to slash and dodge ability means you can switch and dodge attacks on the fly. My main pawn is a Mage with healing ability and Electric damage enhancement for weapons. All bases covered. I only wish Magick Archer had the kick and jump ability like regular Archer.


Just using the dagger moveset and all skills for another weapon is cool idea i wanna mess with for sure


I'd say pretty much anything but staffs are useful just with the core skills. Like for magick bow/daggers you could grab the enchanted version for free frost then combine with something something explosion from bow? Or such that'd combo well with the status effect. Drenched arrow + lightning daggers. There are lot of neat combos that you could do!


4 magick archer skills and other vocation‘s armour.i have mage weapon for cure and levitate melee weapon for golem


Pretty much the same for me but with sorc Augreal flare. Damage is nuts with magic archer.


Thief, sorcerer and archer. Skullplitter+augural flare+implication Only use autoattacks as archer with medusan spellbow. Love this setup, deletes any boss with ease with augural flare+skullsplitter and getting insane xp by finishing anythinf off with the bow. And implication just because I love the skill.


This is devious, I love it


Im a fashionable mystic spearhand


Warrior: Heaven Sunder and Indomitable Lash Archer: Deathly Arrow A staff for levitate


Archer, Thief, Greatsword. Concussive Leap, Implicate, Shadow Veil. Basically a makeshift "Ranger" class.


Warrior, Fighter, and Archer Mix. Bow to ground flying enemies, Fighter skills and Warrior for the fun knockdown moveset.


Skullsplitter with daggers and 2 magic archer skills (the fireball and Uber charged homing arrows.. not at home so can’t remember the names) Makes short work of big mobs with my daggers combined with one-shotting smaller mobs from safe range so I won’t need to chase them if they wanna hide or dodge. (And those bulk arrows do a crapload of damage to big mobs to) Seems to work quite well for me. But I’m still experimenting.


I run Deathly arrow, skull splitter, implicate


I was using three mystic spear hand skills (dash attack, stamina suck, and jump up attack), and then magic archer weapon with no skills (it’s just a pretty solid ranged option for when I need it against harpies or when griffins or dragons take off). Then for armor I wear the beefiest knockdown resist there is.


I use a Mystic Spearhand as my main weapon for general combat, but I don't usually have any MS skills equipped. 1. Rearmament. 2. Recovery Arrow. 3. Aromatic Resurgence. 4. Ricochet Shot https://preview.redd.it/6xykxib7vluc1.jpeg?width=1215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16860e0f488e9aa14893b52c8c973ac3391b2f5d


This. Base kit mystic spear hand is so strong. The skills are lackluster besides the shield. Combo with any of other melee weapons and skills for tons of variability.


The Maister skill is really fun but can't use that on a Warfarer. Shield is TOO good and I stopped using it because I just became a shieldbot.


I'm going to be real, I'm just using my standard Warrior setup but with rearmament for a bow exclusively to shoot harpies.




Rocking the Fighter/Magic Archer combo. MA is there mainly for elemental, burst damage, and dealing with harpies. Fighter surprisingly grew on me really quick more so than Warrior, so I keep that as my predominant weapon.


I also run Spearhand + Magic Archer, while wearing the girthiest armor available. I use Dragon's Foin, Skiedragoun's Feste, & Mirour Shielde with Rearmament to switch to the bow for ranged attacks when needed. It's basically a better and more versatile version of the base Spearhand that trades some attack power for way better defense and can deal with crowds significantly easier at a distance. I've toyed with throwing an Archstaff in the mix for Galvanize when I run out of stamina, but I prefer the simplicity of a two weapon setup. It's easier to just get into a position to windmill to let the stamina recharge while DPS'ing, or to just step back and unload with the bow.


Im a fuckin ninja! Thief/archer, concussive leap, smoke bomb, blighted arrow. Stealthy assassin is fun as hell to play.


Using a mod that lets me use warrior/fighter/sorcerer with 7 skills each >:)


7 skills each??? Like how does that work


I have a button on the back of my controller that i mirrored to r3 and made holding r3 open a 2nd skill window. Could have 8 skills in one class but i still need rearmament


So they could have given us something like this they just decided we didn't deserve it😫


But that makes all the other vocations invalid, it just becomes the ultimate vocation. That said, almost every high level pawn I come accross has an Arisen with Warfarer, so maybe it already is.


True warfarer mod archer and fighter


Thief warrior and mystic spearhand


Sagittate Avalanche, Mirour shelde, and Dragon foin (unsure about the spelling), Basically ranged attack with massive damage, melee attack with some range to quickly pick off annoying wolf packs and whatnot, and an impenetrable shield for you and your pawns. This covers ranged, melee and defense. Core skills are meh but do their job when dealing with packs of small enemies. The spearhead coreskills do fair and even decent damage on boss weakspots as well. Tried adding staff for levitate + heal/stamina heal but it messed up the flow of switching too much so sacrificed those. The weapon skill combination will take care of you in any situation though.


I'm just a warrior, but with the ability to wear what I actually want to.


Bro, I did Skull splitter, ensnare and mirror sheild and I'd argue it's the most OP combo in the game. Mirror sheild makes you invincible for a few seconds and you can use the spear bolt thing to make your enemy slower and weaker, then just use skull splitter and clean house. Ensnare is mainly for harpies.


Warrior. Tidal Wrath, Heavenly Sunder, Razing Sweep, Diluvian Stroke. Tidal Wrath over Indomitable Lash partly for style.


I play Warfarer without rearmament so I am just a discount Mystic Spear with 4 Mystic Spearhand skills and the freedom of fashion. Once I played for a while I change to a different pseudo-class and play Warfarer with 4 Sorcerer skills


Greatsword & magic bow. Mage staff for collecting tokens.


In order: 1) Lindworm Fang / Mirour Shelde: for my everyday melee, close quarters combat; Mystic Spearhand's basic skills are just too good and too fun, plus I need to protect my allies. 2) Militant Dove / Sagittate Avalanche: mainly for flying enemies and multiple targets from a distance; then I just like the bow's bonus of refilling my health while standing still (which goes well with Mirour Shelde). 3) Lion-Lord's Archistaff / High Salamander: just to have some elemental damage/effects on command without needing a Mage pawm; plus, I use Levitate to explore. I know it isn't the most op but it's the right loop which I vibe with


Strider with no bow skills, just the base kit is really good with thief skills


4x Magick Archer skills and the ability to manually switch to a staff for levitation :p


I have Augural Flare, Sagittae Avalanche, and Ricochet Hunter! Flare is just wayyyy too good to not use and to get around the short timer for flare I just fire a regular magick bow shot to keep flare from vanishing before charging Sagittae Avalanche. Ricochet is just for shredding through any caves of which there are so many obviously. I also just wear full fighter/warrior armor for best defenses. Edit: forgot to mention besides augural flare I also use the archistaff for ease of travel and maneuvering with levitate)


Currently warrior/fighter/thief. vengeful slash+shield bash + mountain breaker for topples. Bow for harpies and staff for levitate. I just love the look of molten fury + gryphic victory. Would like to try augral flare + sabotage avalanche at some point though. I can’t fully decide what I want so decision paralysis has stopped me from playing for a week now.


i personally like dragon's foin + skull splitter. i can pretty much 1 hit flying enemies and have access to flying bosses.


Dagger, magick bow, normal bow, and staff Skills- ricochet hunter, sagitate av and the frost arrows. I just enjoy using ricochet hunter in caves and dungeons.


I am mainly a Magick Archer and Thief. If I encounter rock saurians or zombies then I become a Warrior. I also have a mage staff equipped just so I can heal and reaxh high grounds. I'm currently using Sagittate Avalanche, Frosthunter Bolt, and Draw and Quarter. I'm considering changing D&Q to Plunder just so I can farm more materials.


It depends what I want my main pawn to be that my second weapon varies (usually mage or sorcery skills). But mainly, I always use Duroapear as my mele weapon with Mirour Shelde & Magik Bow with Sagittarius & Blazefang.


3 warrior skills + rearmament. Warrior weapon, then every weapon. I have all the mobility options and I'm slowly leveling up every vocation.... and I like warrior


Thief/Magic Spearhand so I can play Bloodborne/Jedi: Survivor


Warrior + magick archer + sorcerer. Ravening lunge for mobility and heavenward sunder for knockdowns/damage Frosthunter bolt or bolt chain stake for DOT on enemies with lots of targetable areas or on crowds of small enemies. Could use soporific bolt, but you lose some usefulness on small enemy crowds and harpies No sorcerer skills, I just use the staff for galvanize and levitate. Warrior was my favorite vocation to play as, but it obviously lacks ranged options and magick options, so magick archer was the perfect fit. And again, archistaff is purely for levitate and galvanize.


Magick archer mage and trickster have a very potent combination of skills. Fightincowboy has a video on the build it’s his most recent one.


I am playing with 0.15% boss damage take (modded), 1.0 stagget taken, 5x Finisher Damage (so 75% attack rating on finisher compared to just 15%) and I have been having fun with Greatsword, Daggers and Longbow. Windstorm, Implicate and Tempest shot.


I set skills for one particular class and carry a dagger for mount, bow for flying monsters and magic bow for magic.


Daggers, Magic Bow, Staff. I swap between High Halidom, High Frigor, Plunder, Implicate, Skull Splitter and Somber Shot.


2 warrior skills, skullcrusher with daggers and a bow for those flying bastards in the distance. I’m basically efficient at every range, make large enemies fall down with heavy hammer and melt everything else with daggers. It’s hard returning to different vocation after that setup.


Now I am using dual daggers, sword and shield, mage staff and trickster weapon


Sounds interesting. Which skills?


Skullshredder, implicate and some tcrikster aoe buff


Im only using weapon switch for sorcerer floating passive and Medusa bow experience bonus. I just play MA with only 3 skill lol


I use Warrior and Thief, big sword for knocking stuff around and daggers for when i need to climb on some big bois. +a bonus staff in my inventory for when i have to parkour to some hard to reach places and the occassional heal is good too


Heavens Key Plunder, Masterful Kill Medusa Bow Deadly Shot Warfarer Rearmament. Was able to easily clear every mission this way


Magic archer revive, spearhand bubble throw, and spearhand charge attack. I prefer spearhand. I would like a couple more, but I can only have 3...


Daggers for skullsplitter and implication. Bow for spiral arrow. Wand for anodyne and floatyfloat


This is what I want to do but with dire shot instead


I like duo spear + daggers + bow Love teleporting to enemies and switching to daggers to grapple/climb. Then switch to bow, kick away and repeat. I use ignited blades, devout offringe and spiral arrow with weak, unenchanted weapons. Ignited blades effects all your weapons and can be used as an attack or buff while climbing or standing. Devout offringe groups of enemies off clips after hitting them with scattering bolt is fun. Spiral arrow is great for stun, damage and applying debilitations. Really fun basic setup.


Fighter skills + sword and shield with magick bow as backup


Heavenward Sunder, Hindsight Sweep and High Hagol. Big damage and stagger with the greatsword, on demand i-frames (and tusk toss my beloved) with the sword and board, and a way to freeze enemies while giving some crowd control against enemies that like to swarm. I also run daggers for skarlet kisses and climbing damage, and a duospear cuz the charge blast into teleport is busted. Everything in my game only takes 1/4 normal damage and is much harder to stagger, so this setup is what's working been working best for me (outside of just enabling god mode with the spearhand barrier anyway).


Mountain Breaker to knock big things down, Augral flare to tag bosses, Seiching Blade to pile as many hits on the flare as possible


I use Mirour Shelde, Sagittate Avalanche, Dragoun's Foin. I feel like I can handle most scenarios with this set up.


Sourcerer and magic archer go brrrrrr. That combo is lethal.


I like running skull splitter, sagittae and fire arrow. Sometimes I’ll swap in implicate.


Trickster loadout with a staff so i don't have to waste a slot for a healer if need be lol.


Not optimised but I love the Fighter / Archer combination. Both playstyles are super fun for me, and together it's just so versatile.


Just a combo for when I’m exploring and collecting tokens and hunting drakes, otherwise I play specific vocations instead of warfarer: erupting shot, hagol and aromatic resurgence. Mostly I play the archer’s skills, the staff is for levitate


idk the names of skills in english 😃 but is thief and magick archer, i was using spearhand/thief/archer, but i decided to try something new in endgame


I'm still trying to find a setup that works for me. I've tried the flare/sagitae avalanche combo, but I get confused with the button presses (I try to aim the flare as if it was a bow) and it takes me to long to setup correctly. I think that I usually end up with all mystic spearhand skills, or a mix of MS and MA. And a staff to levitate (still missing like 70 seeker stones) I still use warfarer just to mix and match gear, tho.


Best combo for travel is warrior + sorceror. Use Ravening Lunge to zoom across the map and once you're out of stamnia use galvanize to regain it back.


Related, so annoying not being able to switch between sword and mace with the same shield. 😒


Fighter + Archer and only bow for flying enemies


I've retired the game so cannot remember the names but Magic Pinata move from Sorc and Spinny Levi move from Thief pretty much carried me throughout the game.


Warrior with all warrior skills, with a bow and mage staff. Gives me everything I need while being able to wear whatever I want to wear.


Spearhand with better armor basically. Carry a M.bow and staff for range / levitate when I need it.


All warrior/fighter armor Cinderspine and Cyclopean Thunder on slot 1/2 Magick Bow on slot 3 Staff on slot 4 I use heavenward sunder and gnoll breaker (I think those are the right names) for weakpoints. I also use ricochet arrow for my bow. Basically just a big boy warrior with some support on the side.


Bootleg Strider. I tried so many things out, but in the end the old bow and daggers combo still proved to be the most entertaining for me, personally.


Which skills do you use? I now run with deathly arrow, Implicate and skull splitter. For me too bootleg strider just feels right


I also run deathly arrow and skullsplitter. I used to have draw and quarter in there as well, but now I equipped cutting wind again. It's one of the skills that made Strider so much fun for me in DDDA, so it's mostly just an enjoyment pick. If i had one more slot, I'd also use implicate again. Such a great setup for follow up attacks.


Heavens key with masterful kill and skullsplitter for dps Lindwurm fang with no skills, the bolt built into the core set has so many uses. Keeping a large monster slowed while you nail the weakspot, the stun+dash that lets you go right into a heavy finisher, etc Dragon magic bowl to deal with flying enemies, and deal some damage whole enemies are out of range, still rotating through skills to fine one i like Dreadshriek for levitate,anodyne, and potentially silence


Dragons dogma 2 doesn't Have the Assassin vocation from DD1 So I made it in DD2 You can't stop me being the one Man Versatile Army Capcom


Right now I'm using Mystic Spearhand / Mage / Archer with the weapon skills Rearmament + Explosive Shot + High Frigor + Mirour Shelde. This is my favorite warfarer setup that isn't just a single vocation without rearmament so I can get the fashion benefits, so far. Mystic Spearhand core skills are fun to use, being able to heal without a mage pawn is nice and I like how high frigor looks, and explosive shot is fun to use and Archer's core skills are fun to use as well. For most combinations I've tried though, I honestly think I don't really like using weapon skills from multiple vocations with the way warfarer currently is. I mostly prefer keeping one vocations weapon skills and then using the core skills from one or two other weapons. If it automatically switched your weapon to whichever weapon skill you pressed, and rearmament was just there so you could change on command without weapon skills, warfarer would flow infinitely better while using multiple vocations' weapon skills imo.


Dragon’s Flight: Heavenward Sunder Heaven’s Key: Skull Splitter Grianmhar: Saggitate Avalanche


Somehow I do tank, melee dps and ranged dps. Get attention with trickster attacks then use trickster buff on pawns. Switch to either spearhand with shield spell or magick archer with sagi to do damage and keep allies and myself safe. It doesn't sound like a good build but I am having a bunch of fun. Also I am wearing the armor you get from seeker tokens. I spent hours hunting those down and you can be sure my buff muscly chad will wear that skimpy reward with pride


Twin Blade/Daggers/Magick Bow Twin blade forward lunge/double jump/Helmsplitter


Thief/Archer/Mage Skullsplitter + Pilfer + Explosive Arrow, skull splitter is only used on dullahan, wight, lich, and drake, everything else i just use normal attack with the Medusa Bow.. I use explosive shot to try and take the kill shot for x4 exp.. pilfer when monsters are knocked down.. for me more levels mean more access to pawns and pawn quests so the x4 exp helps with this.. And mage for heals and levitate I am really milking unmoored as i noticed almost all the big monsters respawn after a rest(except for the lesser dragons and gorechimeras that drop endgame armor) so i have 14rests where i get to roam around the map hunting all the big monsters.. When i eventually get to ng+, will probably switch archer to magic archer and get frostseeker..


Thief for smoke bomb and helm splitter, Magick archer for ricochet shot. Drop smoke, dash out and swap to archer. Smoke breaks battle stance, so ambuscade pops boosting damage from my magic arrows. A fully charged ricochet shot can melt bosses in caves or canyons, and I use helmet splitter for the rest. Helm splitter is custom made for drakes, bc as long as you don't jump first it hits the open heart almost perfect.


Skull splitter, ricochet shot, frost hunter shot. Basically playing DD1 MA with just less skills. But with mods i like to use a mod that changes how warfarer works. The mod adds 3 skill slots for each weapon you equip. For eg. 3 skills for magic bow, then swap to daggers and you have another 3 skills for those. It changes the hotbar skills when you change weapons. It is kinda broken but very fun!


As a note, it's a really kinda nice to be able to run three skills and have the same weapon type with different elemental boons. I like having the ice and the fire duosoear on me, but I'm using a mod that levels out stats when dragonforging so you can use any gear at endgame.


Shield-less fighter and mage mix. All fighter skills, except for palladium. Allows me to be the party healer while also being a capable combatant


Magick Archer/Mystic spearhand/warrior/fighter, woth a staff in the backpack for exploration. I've got heavenly sunder, gutting skewer, and usually devout offringe for funsies.


Strider/assassin warfarer really clicked for me, implicate + smoke screen/splitter and deathly arrow/manifold shot and ofc rearmament


Magic Bow with Saggitarius Avalanche and Ricochet Hunter, been rocking 2 handed sword for Mountain Breaker or the big overhead smash, and always carry a mage staff for levitation and free heals


I use 3 skills from thief, fighter, and mystic spearhand each using the true warfarer mod. One slot is still used for rearmament, but I get 9 skills in total, and the ultimate skills can also be used.


Dragon's Dogma / no shield - Burst Strike - honestly I just love the way my arisen looks with a sword and the mobility of burst strike is nice. Heaven's Key - Skullsplitter - This plus the innate Thief dodge ability makes any large enemy / boss fight fun Grianhmar - Sagittate Avalanche - simply the best ranged attack when you really want one Dragon's Nous - free Anodyne plus levitate


I saw someone use trickster to stunlock a drake on here. I now run myself as trickster, and three sorcerers with that comet attack. Most encounters last about 30 seconds at best. Occasionally there’s a bigger monster that makes it to about 2 minutes or so, depending on how squiggly they are trying to hit my decoy.


I love using Implicate + Warrior skills. Its a great tool to deal with harpies and things that won't sit still haha


Idk haha I kind of like to make the game harder on myself. It’s very easy most of the time once you get up to lvl70+. I like using a fighter, regular bow, arch staff like everyone for traversing. Sometimes I also like to remove all pawns and go with one weapon type but equip all of the permanently enchanted ones so I’m my own mystic knight in a way.


spearhand and thief as main 2, archer basic attacks for the annoying flying enemies and sorcerer for the flying ability, spearhands dash and shield, thiefs wheel spinning attack for my moveset


Strider was by far my favorite class. I don't have the warfarer yet, but when I unlock it, I plan to play thief/archer hyrbid.


Duospear + spear charge skill. 2 hander. Daggers. Bow with torrent shot. Mage staff with Empryeon. Playstyle in your face melee, using the bow for flyers and stragglers, and mage staff for healing and using Empryeon to light up the area (and it helps with ghosts).


For me it's all thief but with the ability to use a bow and a staff for levitation and convenience. And fashion.


I limit myself to 2 weapons. For one because switching weapons is more predictable for me this way. Secondly, I am running the True Warfarer mod, so I have 3 skills per weapon, and I feel it would be too unbalanced to have more weapons. Because of the mod, my setup might not be applicable for everyone, but for completeness I have Dragoun's Foin, Skiedragoon's Feste and Wild Furie (that mod also allows me to use Maister skills as Warfarer) on the spear, Ricochet Hunter, Frosthunter Bolt and Sagittate Avalanche on the bow.


I haven't messed with it too much cause it was op. I leveled up sorcerer for augural flare and paired it with warrior. To test it I threw away my pawns and ran out on a solo adventure, the first thing I came across in the south was a dragon. Using augural flare and using the timed light attacks from warrior I solo'd a drake in less than 30 seconds. Now I don't know what to use cause that is so strong.


Currently Medusan Bow and Magick Archer. Walk into cave, ricochet hunter then immediately swap to medusan and collect the buffed XP 😎 (cause it counts...)


Oo thanks for the knowledge I will be xp grinding this way now i know




Saw this video the other day: https://youtu.be/X8OYP4AcONk?si=jQdDqPNdrQx1wnMa It's a pretty cool combination. I was doing something similar already, just without the Archer part. I find combos like this way more fun than the OP stuff like Flare+Splitter. Mixing Warrior in is really fun too, but unfortunately it doesn't flow as well from other things with the slow attacks.


I just remade the magic archer from DDDA Magic bow with 3 skills, daggers for finishing moves and to track treasure chests, and a staff to float around and get into certain areas




I just started playing Warfarer, but I've been enjoying running bow with Deluge Arrows, the ice daggers with skull splitter, and the lightning hammer with heavensward sunder. I feel like I've got a solid answer to almost everything with this setup (except phantoms), and being able to easily knock down foes and then freeze them while they're down feels really potent.


Warrior with Indomitable Lash, Magick Archer with Ricochet Hunter, and Trickster with Aromatic Resurgence. Been thinking about swapping Warrior for Fighter, less damage sure but much faster and better climbing.


Cutting wind is such a waste of a slot to me, you already have a dodge to close gaps and the dodge>light/heavy attack closes a lot of distance


Warfarer: So I can levitate with a staff.


Question. We can only have 4 skills in total equipped (well, 3 including Rearmament) as Warfarer right? Just wondering because I found myself pretty disappointed with the class since I was hoping we would be able to have a different skill set upon switching. I like Spearhand too much to give up most skills from it and losing one to Rearm just didnt feel worth it. Hoping I'm just using it wrong or misunderstood. Given that you wrote it out as Ability/Ability, I'm praying there's a button to switch sets that I somehow missed.


Correct, four skills total - three counting Rearmament. I was initially disappointed as well but there is massive potential in utilizing 3 or more weapons because they allow you access to new movesets and all unlocked Core Skills. I was writing it out as Weapon / Weapon skill because I wanted to also see what other’s favorites were, sorry for the confusion


Anyone know the lore reasons behind the funky names of mystic spear hand abilities?


I'm lame and haven't come up with any combos, so I just have every single weapon equipped and run Sagittae Avalanche, Mirror Shelde, and whatever feels fun in the last spot. I tend to go with counter moves because I like those. The best answer, however, is being on PC and just using everything with 3 separate skills for each weapon. Still don't have any combos, but I have lots of fun.


In Order i have Sorc(Augral Flare)->Magick Archer (Sagittate Avalanche to Trigger the flare)->mystic Spearhand(No Skill, used for closing in on Bosses or shredding low enemys in melee-range, Core is all you need->Warrior(The Parry skill to get bosses off balance after dashing in with spearhand; especially useful against Dullahan -> Repeat