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We get it We got it


The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice We know that you like to put gin in your juice We know that you like to be Bishop in juice


When you put your hands on your girl, is it self-defense ’cause she bigger than you?




Why did you move to new york?


Is it cause you livin that bachelor life?


Proposed in 2015


But don't wanna make her your actual wife


I'm guessing this wedding ain't happening right?


You missed a line


I know, I know lol I was too excited to quote one of my favorite lines of this whole beef 🤣 like bro, why did you move to New York? lmao you out here preaching unity and might not even that in your own home.


It was a great line, as were all of the lines in the song. I get it lol. Personal fav of mine was when Drake went back to talk about the prince/mike dilemma again


Mine was the 4 short jokes in a row, specifically "your man a lil K, we call that shit a mini Drac" lol


Something about this question is so funny, IDK why.


That line cracks me up lmao it's his delivery and it's so simple but it cuts lmao I also love the line "west coast niggas do fades right?" Cause it's like I can't tell from how tore up your hair line looking but we gonna make sure you get a proper fade in the process of you catching this physical fade ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4222)


The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. At a Black Canadian with 2 biracial sons, this part of the beef really hit home for me. I'm very proud of my Black heritage, and I can promise you that my boys are viewed as nothing less than Black by society (they are darker skinned than Drake, but that's beside the point). It was painful to watch the narrative switch to Black Canadians and specifically biracial Blacks are "less than, and not accepted" in hip-hop culture. There is obviously a fine line with rap beef and the lack of rules of engagement; anything goes. My concern was the blogs and podcasts running with that narrative as well. I had to stop listening to my favorites, when they turned their backs on my identity. It was a sad thing to witness.


EXACTLY!!! YOU hit the nail on the head. We expected it from kdot. We didn't expect the podcasts and the culture to literally cosign the racism. Crazy. Victim narrative runs deep.


its funny because the same president the culture praises has the same skintone as drake


Generally I agree that colorism, especially in the black community, can be bad. I'm a black American who considers himself fully black, although I'm technically not since I have European heritage that I only found out about through ancestry tests considering the whole slavery thing. I'm considered "light skinned" and growing up received a lot of flak for this, so I feel you. It's unfortunate that biracial folks especially are considered less than by the black community- I know many biracial folks (from many races not just black) that don't feel like they have a home in any of their races because of biracial erasure. Rick ross, and to degree Kendrick, exacerbated that narrative. But I think Kendrick expanded on why he brought up Drake's race in NLU in a way that adds nuance to the conversation that should be discussed. His last verse in the song broke down his issue with drake using black culture and the black community to further his own benefit while not using his platform to the same degree to help or support the black community. Its the classic "culture vulture" argument that people have talked about for years with drake that I didn't necessarily agree with until thinking about it more deeply after this beef. I don't agree with all the "Drake is a white boy" shit (like so what? Firstly he's not and secondly white people can participate in hip hop - stop gatekeeping), but I do think given drake arguably has the biggest platform in hip hop (and arguably one of the biggest in pop) he could better use his platform to discuss black issues in our culture even a fraction of the time he uses black culture to further his own gain. But I don't want to call out the nuance


Fair point, if you side with that perspective. I'm just not on the side of "how socially active you are, determines your right to rep the culture". Black culture does not equal hip hop culture. Hip hop culture is heavily influenced and rooted in Black culture, but it can come across as performative to "use your platform" if that's not something you typically do. It can also come across as clout chasing the moment. I'd more ask the question, which prominent non-Black figures has Drake been associated with? When you think of Drake, the lion's share of people associated with him are Black. That includes collabs, his public facing inner circle, features, and so on.


But Drake has done things for black culture. Hell he even went to bat and got Kendrick on his first ever tour, and Drake took rocky on the same tour. The management didn’t want that but Drake stuck his neck out for them because he respected their art. Idk I think it doesn’t take much research to find that Drake respects the culture and has done plenty for it


Say Drake hasn’t done anything is a fallacy. Especially because all three out his career he’s done nothing but uplift damn near majority of these black artists which imo is the best thing he could have done than rather talk bout n topics he knows for little about. Drake is experience’s aren’t Kendrick experience's and vise versa, so in order for Drake talk on a topic he knows very little about would just cause complaints.


But even then, how many black American rappers actually go through the things they rap about? For sure some probably “borrow” from hood and black gangster culture. Definitely a good amount have experienced it for sure, but not ALL of them.


I won’t speak on blackness but I will say that I think a lot of fans/media of hip hop don’t want the GOAT to be not American. Hip hop was born in the US and there are a lot of ignorant people who want it to be “pure”. Same goes for people saying Drake is a pop star and not a rapper, to avoid having Drake as GOAT rapper (because he’s “not a rapper”).


It was the weakest part of the disses (he focused on ATL when Drake really did that to Houston and Memphis LOL) and KL went super hard on it. The most damaging colonizer line in the beef was when Drake admitted to having a Pharrell chain, which I assume is displayed like ivory in a Belgian museum.


That's b/c they're stupid & didn't listen to what Kendrick said, he never said Drake can't say it b/c he's mixed he thinks it's cringe b/c Drake was a cornball who used to say it with a hard "er". He literally says it's not really that deep I just don't like how it sounds when u say it(paraphrasing), it feeds into the narrative of how Drake profits from others sounds/culture like he's acting & not genuine. Let's be honest black America culture & how we're treated is different than black Canadian culture & how y'all are treated there, sometimes it feels like black ppl from other places say it to try to fit it more than how they naturally speak. That's not to say they're any less black but saying it doesn't make u any blacker either & it can sound like guys are pretending to us at times, I have no issue with Drake saying it he's very much grown since his weird blackface, hard "er" days but it was much more of the bigger narrative into the beef than anything about Drske being mixed especially since Kendricks partner is & Cole someone he's been cool with is


It’s about drake being fake and only being and acting black when it benefits him, Kendrick isn’t saying he’s not black. On meet the grahams he literally says Adonis is a black man and to own it unlike his father.


The Black Canadian experience isn’t the same as the Black American one.


Soooo... do we shut up about it or be more vocal about it? Can't have it both ways. Also, this goes both ways. Black Canadians have even less "mutual support" due to the size of our population vs Black Americans. The reality in Canada is that we have WAY less Black CEOs, Black politicians, Black activists, and Black people in positions of power in general. Does that make our experience worse than Black Americans? No, but dividing each other by the nations we live in does not help push the movement forward. Our 2 countries are too closely tied together to just say, "We have it worse, so you don't understand". Our roots are still tied together, and Black Canadians did not just pop up here one day. Our ancestors arrived the same way (and by proxy are the same people). This really shouldn't be a contest of "who had it worse" and really be a challenge of how we support each other to make it better. This is actually my original point of how we define each other of "who is Blacker"? That's backward thinking, because when we stand next to each other, we are both viewed the same, regardless of what our passport says.


I see it more as ownership for one’s own identity vs adopting another. Like Wayne said “keep it Canadian” And I agree that it’s dumb to argue “who is blacker?”, but it’s ok to say “not like us” (ugh, sorry). So don’t try to be like us. Or be like a UK grime rapper, or an Afrobeats artist, or a dancehall artist. Those are all very culturally specific genres.


And like I said. Keep it Black. I won't ever waiver from that. You don't have to align with me, for me to align with you. I won't ever diminish your Black heritage because of where you live. Besides, how do you define "Canadian" when having a discussion on race? Not to mention, how can Kendrick question Drake for not standing up for the Black struggle, when the narrative now is, "it's not your struggle to stand up for, because your Canadian"??


B/c where u live has a huge impact on how you're treated as a black person, its a beef he's creating his narrative to have ppl hop on & relate to knowing he can use the Canadian/Degrassi/weird younger days angle for fans. Countries have always been territorial when it comes to this kind of shit & he knew he could make it a my side your side type of deal especially with Drake being accused of being a culture vulture before.


Kendrick called Adonis a black man in the same beef, this was a shot more aimed at who Drake is than his actual whiteness. Calm down sir, and maybe listen to both sides in the beef 😂


My niece and nephew are mixed and are being raised in the nicer suburbs of LA. I think the whole conversation that arose out of this beef will be good for them in the long run (not that the conversation wasn't happening already), but you know my nephew in particular is going to get some of these bars thrown in his face. I think kendrick used those lines in Euphoria in particular as some lighthearted but still stinging jabs (it ain't even gotta be deep I guess) and there's a reason why he explicitly addressed Adonis as a black man in MTG. But then I'm a white dude in Denmark, most of what I grog about this I get from theory or watching people like FD Signifier, foreign man and olay and friends.


Colorism within the community exists and it’s unfortunate, but it also works from outside too. Lightskin is looked upon as more favorable from other groups. So sorry, maybe some of the criticism is jealousy. But I think KDots criticism has nothing to do with how beige Drake is. It’s that he wasn’t raised in Black American culture but is trying to adopt it.


How regional does that get? Should Kendrick be allowed in New York because he didn't grow up under the Clutch New York culture? I think we can all admit that the Black experience varies even regionally (consider a Black man living in a deep South red state vs New York). Where do we draw the line? What is being asked here sounds very MAGA like. "You can come here, contribute financially to our society, support our people and infrastructure, but DON'T YOU DARE THINK YOU'RE ONE OF US". Not only does Drake openly represent his Canadian roots (like, all the time), he does not claim to be a Black American. Your conflating hip hop culture with Black American culture, and that's where it's tough for me. Hip-hop is not American. It has its roots there, it is HEAVILY influenced there, the greatest stars are there, but the culture permeates borders. Drake is not trying to be a Black American, but he does embody and has significantly contributed to Hip Hop culture.


Hip-hop is American, from Black and Brown people from the inner city. Specifically The Bronx. My home. I’m not sorry for taking some ownership. You can participate but it comes across phony when you also adopt, grime, dancehall, reaggeton, afrobeats etc to keep streams up. It seems unauthentic. Cosplay.


I'm not gonna argue with you, fam lol. I respect you keeping hip-hop close to home, close to its roots, close to its birthplace. But you'll never take hip-hop away from me, a proud Black Canadian. You'll also never take hip-hop culture away from me. It's sad that it's being conveniently gatekept when it works for the gatekeeper. But it changes nothing on my end. It's the gatekeeper who stands at the door, while the rest of us are catching a vibe inside.


I’ll speak for a few of us when I say this (i think Kendrick included) Drake ain’t black not because he is light skin. Not because he is Canadian. Not because is mixed. That clown ain’t black because he ain’t like us. He is a square and not about black culture. I really hope the message/nuance doesn’t get lost.


As he should be. For all the Kendrick fans on this sub. Drake grew up middle class but had to find a job when he was young to support the house when his mother couldn’t. That’s why he became an actor. You do not need to be on the streets selling dope to been as struggle. His career was still left up to chance for him to be successful. Most hood mfs would gladly be an actor/actresses than risk they life selling drugs.


You can tell no one even watched the show talking bout he grew up rich. People still want to act like the nigga was running the show getting $1M an episode. He had like 20 co-stars and was making $50k a year with minimal support. Idk why that’s so hard for people to comprehend.


"I was on TV making 50 racks a year After helping mama out that shit would disappear I was not a man had to get it on my own So I started askin them if they would put me on" He literally resorted to scamming because his actor salary wasnt enough to cover his mom and his expenses.


Depends. If you have to support someone and pay for rent and utilities on your own its really not that much


50k was a pretty good salary back then


50k while a chunk of it to medical bills? As a teenager taking care of your household, it’s not anywhere in the realm of enough to be considered “growing up rich”.


Yeah tons of medical bills in Canada


Even regardless of all this shit, this has nothing to do with bro’s race.


I'm grew up in a nice suburb in the US and never had to struggle. I'm still black. None of this has anything to do with anything. My family is from the Caribbean though so sometimes it was hard to understand the whole black identity in the US. It was honestly annoying AF growing up with black people in the US telling me I'm not black enough because I didn't talk like them and them trying to act hard AF when we lived in the suburbs lmao. I don't understand y'all so I moved my ass to the Caribbean. ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4215)


Que pasa fellow Caribbean lol but nah I totally get you, this black and white shit had me confused when I first came to the US. I had white ppl saying I m black and black ppl saying I m white. Now most people just say I m black because I actually “act like one” 🤦‍♂️


His family was in show biz. He had a way better chance to get in than anyone else. They were far from poverty. Drake grew up upper middle class. Let's not pretend like he was going poor


No his family wasn’t. Larry Graham and Teenie Hodges didn’t do shit to help him get his acting career. It didn’t help him get his music career either seeing as Trey Songz, Akon (who rejected him), and Wayne all took a chance on him. If they did, the mf wouldn’t have been struggling like he did.


Kendrick came across crazy racist in this whole beef. That shit won’t age well at all lol. Don’t get me started on little racist officer fat fuck Ricky either 😂😂😂


Bro I think they both look kinda gross after all this, this shit was not a beef, this shit was a full fledged smear campaign by both artists It really won’t age well at all and they’ll both probably deeply regret it within 5 years






Kendrick makes a ton of not so subtle nods to explicitly black separatist shit. He's friends with Farrakhan, called out the five percent nation in his rap to 25% Jewish Adonis despite not being a muslim, etc.


Right? How is no one talking about this… I literally thought “not like us” meant “not black” lol (and yeah I know it’s probably not that but I couldn’t stand Kendrick’s whining voice so I couldn’t listen to the whole thing)


See, the thing is, age doesn't even matter to Drake so while this beef gets older, his girls stay the same age. The man is a genius.


I'm West African and I think African Americans are hung up on race a lot, but then, I guess the trauma of slavery and the systematic oppression of people through generations would do that to you. When I asked an African American friend of mine to explain why Drake isn't considered "black", she told me that Drake isn't African American. He's not part of the "black American culture". My skin maybe brown and on the face of it, I would look like an African American, but I don't know or understand "the culture". I got it when she explained it, but it's hard for me to articulate. Who owns "the culture"? Who's allowed to come in on it? Who's allowed to profit from it? A biracial Canadian? Does he truly get the African American experience? And I think that's why Kdot probably resonates more with a certain group of black people than with others. Also, when you REALLY go into how a lot of these huge music labels and executives have shares in the prison system, it all makes sense (that's a rabbit hole too deep for this comment), but Dead Prez said it since, "it's bigger than hip-hop".


You had me until the music labels have "shares" in the prison system. Bullshit. First, you're then handing ownership of your actions to the "culture" which then convinces you to break laws and gangbang, do drugs, and go to prison. That's the epitome of victimhood, and in this scenario, it's victimbood at the hands of your own brothers, at the hands of the ones you CHOSE to follow. Second, no one owns "shares" in any private prison. Your comment, and anyone who believes it, is ironically, what will keep black Americans from progressing BEYOND this bullshit self destructive "culture" we keep hearing about from kendrick and his ilk.




Are you west African on 23 and me? Or legit from west Africa? What country.


So why you think he called Adonis a black man when the kid is 3/4 white?


Great question. The answer is that he wanted the audience to question Drake‘s blackness without him saying it overtly. But obviously, he contradicted himself by calling Drake‘s blue eyed blonde haired French child a “black man”. Shit is beyond weird


Agreed. Kendrick seems like he has undiagnosed mental illness. Dude was having a breakdown on "meet the grahams". It was incoherent. Wasn't even a good diss track, objectively. Especially when you take into account the fake daughter lol. Yet, the "culture" gobbled it up. ....why? Victim narrative runs deep.


meet the grahams was anything but incoherent… why do redditor’s be straight up lying


It was incoherent. The rhymes were not up to kendricks usual standard first off. The cadences were trash, he was hesitant on delivery. What made it incoherent was the fact that almost everything he said was such a reach. He criticized drake for not being black but then rapped literally to drakes black father, for issues that most black kids from broken homes can relate to. Then he went on a wierd rant to a girl that doesn't even exist. Imagine rapping a verse to someone that doesn't exist. All the while he switched between being an angry but ineffective tiny man, to an understanding but extremely hypocritical fake woke rapper. Then he raps to drake, and criticizes him for being a womanizer, essentially exactly what kendrick has admitted he is, in the past. It was incoherent in that it was hypocritical and reflective of kendrick himself, not singular in its message, had parts which were dedicated to a fake person, and literally sounded like he was crying in the track


Delusional take


Explain how it’s delusional or stop disagreeing just for the sake of it


Mtg was like the most brutal diss of all time, I don't like how much hate Drake gets from all of this, but that was because of mtg. Whether anything he said was true or not is irrelevant, it's the way he said it and the words he chose. He didn't have any fancy rhymes or anything, it was meant to be so simple anyone could listen to it and understand it.


It would have been brutal if any of it was fact. It came across as bitter jealousy and the ramblings of a little ho. Hit em up was brutal. This was a sad sad sad west coast moment. K dot is a ho.


Kendrick is going to have you crying for literally years lmao


No.....he won't. He'll struggle to make any more bangers and will completely fall off within the next 2 years. His peak happened in 2017, it's over for bubba.


“Objectively” 😂


Yes objectively. It was kendrick talking to himself on a beat for 5 minutes. Trash. Not like us was close, but since kendrick doesn't do conventional west coast, it was forced, not aggressive enough, and felt fake since he's never done that type of song before


Objective — (adjective) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. You just qualified your use of “objectively” with a myriad of opinions. Which are clearly biased in regard to your feelings about Kendrick and/or Drake. Feeling the way you do about it is fine. But your opinion isn’t a fact. Don’t confuse your perception as reality.


Obviously I'm being hyperbolic you fucking nerd. The diss track was garbage. The energy was trash. Drakeo was right. Aubrey realer than alot of these niggas


😂 We don’t want hear Drake or you say nigga no mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 😂😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Who is "we" whiteboy?


can’t understand culture vs physical features, good luck to this group of morons


Buddy, you seem to be the one having trouble with the logic. First, define "culture" in the rap sense. In the sense kendrick and your ilk mean it....describe it. Second, if you are gonna talk about hip hop culture, and remove it from its criminal subculture element that exists in compton, then we are left with many other types of sub cultures within hip hop. In each city. Not just in the u.s., but around the world. So saying drake isn't "culture" is wrong. He is 100% hip hop culture, from a subculture that exists in Toronto. He is also an actor, the same as Tupac, the same as them stinc team homies in LA. Ironically, acting is an art form, yet you're the type to grandstand "art", the same way you grandstand "culture". What YOU ARE REALLY TRYING TO SAY, is that drake ain't "hood" enough. But you don't want to make that argument. Cuz then we have to draw up logical end points for every single black person in entertainment, to determine if they are "culture". And then, we have to have a discussion about whether or not it's fruitful for black people to glorify this "culture", which is inherently self destructive. Kendrick is a punk. He calls out degeneracy to his fans who seem to an be incels.yet, he is guilty of all of the degenerate behaviors he rallies against and he admits it on record. And then he calls out toxic culture but glorifies it at the same time, drawing racial lines and approving of certain blacks over others, based on "culture".


Or maybe the line was "how many more black features till YOU FEEL like you're black enough". That along with talking about Adonis being black and how he shouldn't code switch for goals and to be proud of who he is. Talking about the fake accents. If you objectively go through the beef, it's incredibly clear it's not some racist thing. Eminem (a white man) is in Kendricks top 5. Kendrick is also very clearly influenced by Em. This new "Kendrick is racist" angle is just some weirdo take Drake Stans (cause not even most drake fans are falling for it) are doing as a the new mental gymnastics of the day of why Kendrick is a meanie and actually lost.


the black Israelite isn't racist?


In terms of everything said in the beef? No, nothing said in the beef would make me think he's racist. In terms of him being a black Israelite? Noone knows if he is right? Everything points to him being Christian besides a lyric in the damn album (the album where he specifically wasn't talking fully about himself).


Everything points to him not being christian. He's materialistic, abusive, portrays an idol, blasphemous. Not very Christian.


By the standard most people who call themselves Christian aren't Christian. And the point of the idol thing was a theme of the album lol. And abusive I'm assuming you mean cheating which he's admitted to and isn't a part of Christianity forgiveness? Idk y'all just seem to find any reason to convince yourself of any reason to hate on him while forgiving Drake for everything lol


Drake doesn't portray himself on a moral high ground or claim to be a sweet Christian man.


When has Kendrick claimed to be a sweet Christian man? But yes, he does call out Drake specifically for some moral stuff. Welcome to rap beefs, you can not be morally perfect while calling out others thats just the real world.


One is hypocritical, the other isn't. 


And yes you're right. A lot of people who claim to he Christian aren't.  I don't really care though because who cares about fairy tales.


The point was that he's very clearly at least identifies as a Christian which goes against this theory hes actually a black Israelite. Non of this is hard to understand.


None of it's hard to understand yet here you are not understanding.


Nah i understood it differently My interpretation was that Adonis is black and is too young to do anything that he deems is not black, and thus is claims of mentoring Adonis To Kendrick, Drake “code switches” and tries to take on aspects of black culture in order to advance his career - things that someone not black would do. So to me it appeared he contrasted how Drake cannot say the n word, and saying he picks and choses when he black, while Adonis has a possible bright future if he doesnt follow in his dad’s footsteps Anyway that was the interpretation 


What aspects of black culture is he using to advance his career? And when does he “turn it off”


Look at different interviews of drake. He speaks differently depending on who he is talking to. He'll be Jewish around Jews, white around whites, black around blacks, English in Europe, creole in the Caribbean. He plays different "characters" depending on the situation and people that value authenticity won't view that favourably because it all seems like a mask where you don't know who the person is underneath it all.


Damn I guess immigrants learning American accent to communicate better are also some sort of culture vultures.


Not the same thing and you know it


Every interview I’ve seen of Drake he speaks the same way he has for the past 15 years. Also even if he does code switch, which I don’t think he does, this is something all people do…even me as a fully black person. Why would it be wrong if Drake did it? I don’t think he’s playing a character and I’m saying from the perspective of someone that’s always been a fan but he’s always had the same goofy personality. He’s always had the same accent. The only things about him that have changed is probably the level of violence that he talks about but I don’t think that’s him pretending. That’s him being fed up.


What interview was he a creole? He spoke the same on rap radar and barbershop as he did on angie martinez, tim westwood, rosenberg etc. Yall made that interview shit up.


Imo when he takes on gang personas when he isnt from that life, thats my biggest example 


And how the fuck you know? Dudes at the top of hip hop, affiliated with J Prince, and you’re so positive he’s Snow White.


J Prince isn't in canada. Drake isn't FROM that life. He integrated himself with it later.


Look man we can all like an artist and still be able to criticise them… anything other than that is just stanning Drake is successful and has too many pop hits than we can count, he knows how to make an earworm etc But he also bites sounds when they are becoming popular (eg Jamaican accent, gang language and gun language despite Canada’s scene being different to the US, British accent and drill sounds/accents) Two things can be right. Does not take away from his ability to make hits


How is Drake saying that he knows gangsters a gang persona? And why is he the only rapper to get criticized for this


It's culture. It has nothing to do with Drake's blackness - Drake and Adonis are black, Kendrick is talking about Drake and the culture.


So a black person adopted by white people isn’t black and can’t say nigga? Got it




To make the point he's talking about culture, not literal appearance Black as an identity is not the same as black as a culture You can try to steal one


I hate mfs that act like you have to be poor or in the hood to be “real ninja“. I’m black, I grew up middle class and I’m lightskin, and I wish a mf would question my blackness, I’ll smack the shit out of em right there on the spot. That is an ignorant and divisive tactic Kendrick used, and any idiot supporting it is a fool. Then what makes his stance even more idiotic is that he then later goes on to call Adonis black, who is 3/4 white, will grow up rich and probably will be raised multicultural as well. So which one is it Kendrick? And anybody agreeing with Kendrick’s stupid ass, is ANTI-black as well. Back In the day if you were darker than a light tan paper bag and/or had ANY african ancestry, you were considered black, and now in modern day you have black people calling other lighter black people not black… fuckin tards. And since Kendrick wanted to pander to black people by using some Atlanta historic slave reference, then also remember (Ferguson vs Plessy)…. An important Supreme Court case… Now, go look up Homer Plessy and tell me does he look black to you… I’ll save you the time. He doesn’t at all, but he was and he grew up middle class. But In today’s time Homer Plessy would be considered not black enough is what you idiots are telling me? Fools.


Why did you delete your comment where you said black people saying the n word is ‘filth’?


That’s k dots WHOLE thing. He cosplays prison culture and projects it as what it feels, looks and sounds like to be truly black. It’s disgusting especially when he himself isn’t even from that life at all.


Exactly and as a black man It just sickens me that black men in 2024 still believe you have to be “hood” in order to “fit in”… any black person I see pushing this narrative is anti-black to me. If Drake comes from a different upbringing but still connects with hip hop, who gives a shit, why tf every black person gotta be some super hood guy in order to be considered “real”. Fuck out of here with that shit.


My thing is if your hair kinks, if your features are dark enough to where the police would kill you if you weren't famous then you are black because that's who we are up against. (not police in general but systemic racism )


But when Drake collabs with the same men who continue that trend its fine? He had a whole collab album with 21 savage and Future. He's personal friends with the prince family who are known to be part of a crime mob. He’s surrounded by killers and criminals who are black but Kendrick is the one who is cosplaying that?


Drake isn't on a podium telling us what is black and what is not. He isn't pointing his finger at other black people and saying "you aren't black". Drake is never anything but an entertainer, he doesn't claim to be anything but that. Kendrick on the other hand wants you to believe he's in Compton right now surrounded by bloods and all this other shit. Have you ever been to Compton? He wants you to think it's all still how it was in the 80s with ice cube and all that it isn't, he's spent his entire career cosplaying this fascade and making money off the same song and dance about poor blacks as all the ones before him. My problem is he acts like he isn't


Kendrick throughout his entire musical career has only spoken on his life and how its influences made him who he is. It’s not his fault that he was born in Compton not known for being the most well off neighborhood in LA while Drake was born in a good and nice Jewish neighborhood in Canada. He’s never once claimed being a pure blood and only being affiliated with them as he grew up in that type of neighborhood and his family and his best friends being ones as well. He’s never once preached that being a gangster is cool or that he’s killed people unlike Drake. He’s even called himself a hypocrite in the song “the black the berry” where he reflects on him switching up with uplifting black artist and showing out for the homies he runs with leading to him feeling this pain throughout albums such as “DAMN” and especially “Mr.Morale”. Drake maybe an entertainer but he still nevertheless contributes to the problem you supposedly hate so much. He comes from a nice home, he’s never been through none of what he raps about and he collabs with all who make money off “poor blacks”. You ask a random black person who they listen to it’s gonna be Drake as goes for the common stuff you hear in rap he’s no black hippy like Kdot


Do black immigrants use the N word? Case closed


Yes. 21 savage, French Montana, Slick Rick, Canibus and many more.


you say ‘ninja’ instead of the real word. 😂 I don’t have to say anything else edit: bro said saying the n word is ‘filth’ and then deleted his comment. Stop colonizing rap if you think black culture is ‘filth’


So you think saying the n word is something cool and should be said by all black people? Tf is wrong with you? The n word is not black culture, no matter how many people say it


It’s pretty tacky. One on hand he’s always trying to play the black messiah, the truth sayer. Then when the tough gets going, he wants to poke fun at a black man’s upbringing and question how “black” he actually is. Very tasteless imo.


I think this is a very deep topic that black people don’t really want to get into because it will dive into our history. We get told that all we were was slaves in America for 400+ years that to be honest still effects till this day. So for us our culture is hip hop because we feel as if that’s all we have. Every other genre of the last 100+ years have been stolen from us so we feel like we have to grabbed hold of hip hop because it’s “culture” The boondocks said it best when grandad opened a soul food restaurant. Granddad said “this is your culture” Huey responded with “well then the culture is destructive”


(shhh, dont look now but da beef narrative organically sliding otha way :)


You are in denial




Just admit you have no literary skills


As he should be. But let his army of STANS give you a full breakdown of what THEY think he means tho.


If this criticism doesn’t rhyme and have a beat under it then he needs to come back when it does <<


Looks like Drake was waiting for things to cool down to start acting like the victim. Here we go again.


When k dot called him a colonizer i knew what that corny little creature was playing at. It was so cringe and just like i expected, people went crazy for that brain rot bar.


You guys realize that he’s not criticizing him for “not being black enough” he very clearly criticized him for acting black and profiting from the culture The bit about him saying n**** is the only bit you can argue he just hating on him for being half black


Good, I'm glad Kendrick isn't skating on his bullshit.


It was the laziest thing k dot could do. Pulitzer prize winning rapper decides to just tell another black man he isn't black as if his "let me cosplay inmates all day" ass is anything but a fake representative of what america wants US to look like




Clowning height and debating someone’s blackness ain’t the same in the slightest


Clowning height when that post shows Kendrick wearing lifts at public events to appear a lil taller, because height is an insecurity lmao. Yet drake foul for bringing in his personal insecurities.


It’s a rap battle .


If Yall need any proof Drake lost this beef just look at this thread, Drizzy fans getting super defensive over something said in a diss track 💀


Blackness was never questioned, culture was. The N word and American black culture n inner cities and projects is a unique experience. One that drake didn't live.


It's sad that Drake fans still don't understand. He used blackness to get rich. He used the culture. The fact he's half black has little to do with it.


This is such a dumb statement, Drake is black the same way Colin Kaepernick or J Cole is black. K-Dot was riding on Drake not being "American" and making a whole divide between the different experiences of Canadian vs American blackness. Meanwhile, Drake has been repping Toronto since the start. He has the same mash up culture as many in the city. He's always been known as a Jewish Canadian rapper and still got rich despite that.


You still don't get it. It's Drake. Just about him. Not Canada, not white people or mixed people.


This is a very simple explanation on lyrics from a rapper who enjoys opening up a Pandora's box of theories on every song. Kendrick even specifically calls out Drake's "Canadianess" multiple times as disses, so I'm not sure how you can ignore that.


Hi, fan of both here. It’s a rap beef. You say what you need to win. If we’re criticizing things said in war, prepare a cross for each of them and let’s be done with it. I’m so sick of all the non-rap nonsense that has snuck it’s way into a rap battle. It’s beyond disgusting now. People are ruining the fun of rap beef.


You cant claim to be what “the culture” feeling then say something like that. You cant make music accepting all kinds of blackness then say that. When rick ross said white boy i didnt fuck with it, but like you said, it was a beef say what you say to hurt. When Kendrick says it…. Its like this is the opposite of what you stand for. How you got a song saying “i seen niggas arguing about who’s blacker”  Then do that


Kendrick never called him a white boy


Drake is white and black. If Kendrick is claiming his blackness is invalid what is left? Colonizers are white,


That’s not true. Colonialism isn’t limited to “whiteness” or European descent. Japan was a colonial empire for a time.


Colonizer: a person who settles among and establishes political control over the indigenous people of an area. It’s not about being white and Kendrick is not invalidating drakes blackness. He’s saying that Drake is ALSO white and that he only seems to want to be black when it benefits him. Kendrick called it out in a rap beef, where ANYTHING goes. Drake said his wife got pregnant by another man. Anything goes! Like I said prepare two crosses if that’s what we’re doing.


Kendrick ruined it, when he turned a rap beef into a cancel culture fiasco. It's shameful. I'm from the west coast. Kendricks disses were straight garbage, but he's getting dick rides off of loyalty to the perception of blackness. Just cuz you're from Compton don't mean shit. I'm from a 18th street hood. I'm not 18th street. I'm a nerd. Kendrick is a nerd, who sells records based off of his proximity to hood shit. No one questions his blackness even though he's not a gangbanger. American Black culture today is so disjointed. Who is writing these rules? Insane.


I think it was ruined when Drake said Whitney’s name on a song. I fully believe Kendrick was ready just for rap. Like That had ZERO personal jabs. If somebody you’re beefing with starts involving your innocent family members, it’s UP. Especially if you warn them to keep it friendly and they double down. I like both artists. The authenticity conversation just boils down to this: one is being themself while the other is pretending to be someone they aren’t. Fuck the culture, fuck blackness. One of them is not being themself.


I agree, the beef was fine until Kendrick started the pro-black shit in Euphoria. Euphoria is an overall good track tho. After that he just went overboard with the virtue signalling. Heart part 6 gets called out for the taking the same ideas from Reddit and twitter (righty so). But they missing how Kendrick entire strategy was just repeating what niggas have said on twitter and Reddit.


“Kendrick ruined the beef by going after my favourite artist for something he has said he is insecure about.How dare he do that in a rap beef where my favourite artist is calling him,a fake activist, a cuck and woman beater.Its not fair”. Y’all sound so pathetic trying to pretend there are lines in a rap battle


Honestly, it was brought up by the investigative journalist rap battle style that is so pervasive now. Like these guys using PI equivalents because without some sort of personal revelation slander they won’t get a W? I like the artistry but the he said / she said allegations is some bs I could do without


Yeah and that’s all that my point is. This was supposed to be about rap. And there’s nothing off limits in rap, true. But it’s nasty that it became a gossipy bullshit festival.


I agree that it’s a rap beef but it should be viewd as entertainment not who is a “real nigga” or not. Drake and Kendrick are entertaining


Black people often have conversations about who can come to the cookout. It’s never about race it’s just about who represents the culture in a way that they are down “for us”. In plenty of conversations i have seen people say Kanye isn’t allowed at the cookout anymore lol. He’s been traded to other races and all that lmao. This is just that. Kendrick even said it comically! That’s why I don’t understand why it’s being taken so seriously.


It’s all a joke but there is a lot of truth in a joke. And this case about black being about culture is just doesn’t make sense because a white boy who knows JayZ lyrics is culture but a black dude who maybe considerd a nerd isn’t?? Cmon now we can do better


Huh ? Who said anything about a white boy knowing lyrics ?


😂😂 i was using that as a example. Like when i see black people inviting a white person to the bbq it’s because they know some rap songs or some shit. For example travis was black because he was dating black women but now that he is dating Taylor all of sudden he turned his back on the culture


Lmfao oh. Well yeah it’s a temporary pass lol. Anyone can be removed. But it’s parody. It’s a joke. That’s the point. Kendrick used it in beef because yeah there’s some legitimacy behind the authenticity of drakes personas. But he’s not saying drakes not black. Nobody ever said that.