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Your post was removed as it's not related to Drake or OVO artists


LMAOOOOOO. This reminds me of that one meme from Twitter where the girl asked the guy did you fuck her? and the guy replied "I had to babe, she said her pussy better than yours I had to test it and disprove it for you!".




Gaddaymn hahaha


It's the double standards that frustrate me, imagine if Drake had said something even remotely similar to this




Bruh what? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ You have no idea what you are talking about


Bro... he's backed because he's been signed since 16. Also, most rappers yk were with major labels before getting big lmfao that's how labels work, they discover small artists and build them up. And ofc his crisis management team is gonna come after people posting videos and articles about him beating a woman whether it's true or not.


Thatā€™s how it worked back in the day, you didnā€™t have social media to blow up on before you got signed. Drake had to shop around for a label before he got big as well


šŸ˜‚ I guess you havenā€™t heard of Aubreyā€™s rich baby daddy.




They reaching. For real.


This sub is in crisis management mode šŸ˜­


If only they had Kenā€™s women beating crises team. They the best


Who are Drakeā€™s ancestors? The Spice Girls?


Two sets of Ancestors. His father is Black/african American so the same ancestors as Kendrick slavery, Jim Crow and systematic racism Or his mother Jewish that includes Holocau$t, antisemitism, historic slavery. Both sides.


True. His ancestors would be disgusted by the way he colonizes the rap industry like a white slave owner. Crazy how Drake has this background and still doesn't give a flying fck about the perspective of his ancestors.




I feel the same way about this as I feel about Jay Z "admitting" that he cheated on Beyonce. It's corny and, in Jay's case, it seems like backdoor bragging.


I dont get it, theyre literally saying imagine drake said the same thing, and you're response is to say theres a difference between if drake said \[not what he's talking about\]. If drake had the same exact lyric he'd be crucified. Also Drake literally has a song talking about cheating in a relationship, and he wasnt like "i told you i was" he was like " i was shameless" its not a player song. I dont get how you're calling someone brainrot when your response is both ignorant, and doesnt even make sense as a response to what theyre actually saying




Exactly. They are missing the point completely, owning up to a mistake is completely different from being outed or exposed.


Drake canā€™t make music like this. That would require self reflection, hell Drake probably wouldnā€™t even consider this an issue in the first place.


Drake never talks about anything but money, girls or being a pretend tough guy so there's no need to worry


Lmfao you basically just worded the comment above differently yet you got downvoted and the other one got upvoted


They downvote me but will never give an example of how I'm wrong


It's been weeks of radio silence now. It's ok to let this go. The Drizzy sub can be about Drake music again


Portrays himself like the saviour lol


I hate this beef because both sides blatantly show they donā€™t care enough about the other artist to bother understanding them. KENDRICK MADE YOU THINK ABOUT IT BUT HE IS NOT YOUR SAVIOUR. He literally says he isnā€™t our saviour. Not in some metaphor or anything in the most up front way imaginable This beef is starting to get annoying because we arenā€™t even getting anymore songs and are now just getting dumbass misunderstandings of lyrics from both sides


This guy fucking gets it!


Thank fuck someone said it this song and the whole album to me at least is a reflection on past mistakes people don't care enough to try and learn more about what they choose to talk about just screen shots that don't paint a picture people in this sub say drake would get flamed for a bar like this while flaming kendrick like of course drake would get flamed that's how the internet works there is always people who will try and tear down something kendrick also got backlash for this the talks about the beef are getting annoying at this point because drake allegedly has a daughter so if you're a drake fan it's not true because drake just said it's not and if your a kendrick fan it has to be because adonis or with DV allegations on Kenny's side it's gotta be true because what kendrick does what he's know for and stays offline mostly it annoys me to no end that we all talk like we know shit about the situation on either side and then fight for the two like we're there family


Actions speak louder than word


You are absolutely talking about the crown and are absolutely misunderstanding it


Surely you're not braindead/blind enough to see Kendrick wearing a Jesus crown? Not a savior, huh?


But you're too braindead to give it anymore thought than "Jesus crown=savior" nevermind the symbolism, it goes in one eye and out the other.


Surely youā€™re not braindead/ blind enough to completely misunderstand the point of doing that?? Whatā€™s that?? Oh right you are because thatā€™s exactly what you just did


It's an intentional contradiction the album has major themes of people putting him and others as saviors for there talents certain parts of the album call out that action and serve to highlight kendrick and his own flaws


me when I haven't listened to the first line of Savior


me when I don't understand what the word portray means.


Surely you're not braindead/blind and can see the midget wearing a Jesus crown? Not a savior, huh?


it's not a 'jesus crown,' it's a crown of thorns. without looking it up, what do you think that crown means??


Without looking it up, which historical figure is associated with a crown of thorns? Whose image is the first that will come to most people's minds when seeing it? It would be like putting himself on a crucifix and then y'all be like "actually he's not comparing himself to Jesus because many people were executed by crucifixion".


i didn't ask who wore it - i asked what it MEANS. the crown of thorns is a symbol of a false prophet. it was placed on jesus to mock him by those who didn't believe him. kendrick has been called a savior of rap for his whole career - by wearing the crown of thorns he's calling himself out as a fake savior.


Yes and we all understand this. Now for anyone that doesn't analyze Kendrick's lyrics, what image does a crown of thorns conjure up? This is the bell curve meme. Left: he's comparing himself to Jesus. Middle: Nooo you don't understand he's actually saying he's not the saviour and if you analyzed his lyrics you'd know that!!!!! Right: He wants you to subliminally compare him to Jesus.


surely you're not braindead enough to ignore the million times he's said he's not a savior despite being branded one by everyone. Dude wears a jeweled crown of thorns (which is a literal symbol of imperfection used by the romans to show that Jesus was just a dude who bleeds) to mock the fact he's seen as this savior when in fact he's just a rapper with lots of money he can spend on flashy jewelry.


This whole album is about Kendrick not being anyone's Saviour. He stated that outright and direct. Give the album a listen, it's amazing.


Drake fan understanding lyrics challenge (difficulty: impossible)




I am not your saviour is not a magic bullet LOL. I admittedly don't listen to Kendrick. What I've learned is that his music has the same problem as Cole's --- he's just saying a bunch of made up stuff that didn't happen or doesn't mean what it sounds like. I don't have the magic decoder ring for Kendrick's music lol.


bruh not being able to get J COLE is insaneeeee lmao


He litterly says "I am not your savior" on the album šŸ’€


This is what they mean when they say the West has an education crisis.


Midwit who thinks heā€™s dunking on people that arenā€™t worried about projecting intelligence šŸ˜‚šŸ¤“


This is such a bad interpretation lol. That song wasnā€™t about him cheating - more about relationships before marriage and how he used sex as a tool to avenge racist past - in a song about how our behaviours lead to deaths of others and ourselves but slowly. I love Drake but yall canā€™t just misread songs like this


And then people wonder why Drake misinterpreted Mother I Sober so badly. Kendrick is always discussing his past in his songs and this is clearly another instance. He's criticizing his own behaviour because he feels he had sex with white women as a means of revenge for the racism he and other black folk he knows suffered, which he considers wrong. He's not excusing his bad behaviour with racism, he's criticizing it. But I guess I can't expect this much thinking from Drake stans.


Itā€™s because these kids are all 12 and can barely read lol


Well he does the same thing in these walls. Sex a power trip when heā€™s moving incorrectly


Kendrick stans are just as bad, probably worse lately. KAnon is something else lmao Edit - me being downvoted for this comment, but upvoted for the first comment, proves my point. Kendrick stans brigade other subs to stifle conversation. This sub is for Drake fans, yall sad af. I still stand by my original point though that this thread grossly misinterprets Kendrickā€™s lyrics


They thought you were part of the brigade at first šŸ¤£ most ironic thing is kendrick act like he preach to the culture when he's got more white fans than drake. I fw kendrick music too but that holier than thou shit is exactly why ye fans are the way they are and Kanon don't realize they headed in the same direction making excuses for somebody who just gonna use them to push an agenda. Sad af but they REALLY wanna be part of the culture. To the white boys that read this, you will never be part of that and you no better than to speak up in real life


(Posting lyrics and proudly showing you misinterpreted them isnā€™t the own you think it is)


Enlighten us with the proper interpretation then big guy


*Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim though it?*


The interpretation is that he is using ā€œrevenge for racismā€ as a thinly veiled excuse for his cheating and sex addiction The hook of the song is ā€œIā€™m a killer heā€™s a killer we some killers bitchā€ Heā€™s being self critical, most of this album is him talking about his own flaws.


Bro thinks that he's just dropping lines that make him look bad for nothing. Gotta have no literary understanding what so ever






Why are you pathetic retards in this sub even? Seeking validation even though you think your savior won so hard?


Damn. You guys are really in shambles huh. Really sad man.


Metaphors and analogies aren't exactly in their wheelhouse. They're probably shocked to realize the dudes from Effiel 95 aren't actually blue.


Itā€™s over gang I love Drake but the heart part 6 lost him this beef, first listen was good tho


I guess there is no moving on anytime soon! ![img](emote|t5_2z4xo|4215)


"you a master manipulator"


I'm not sure y'all get the concept being portrayed in this. Do you listen to Wet Dreamz by J Cole and think it was all reality? Poor Kendrick even backed you all up by saying Drake listeners aren't dumb. Clearly he was incorrect.


I just finished commenting on how I didn't realize that Kendrick was rapping fiction like Cole. Mess around and believe one of them and you'll look dumb.


A lot of Kendrick's rap is cerebral, a lot of intrusive thoughts type stuff that deepens the concepts of growing up in an area of the world, the US particularly, where you don't see value in yourself based on just the color of your skin, where you grew up, and how society appears to value you, and in contrast, seeing value otherwise. It's something many black Americans go through, especially young men, and him reaching out with lyrics that tell you "these thoughts will happen, but look at me, listen to me, and overcome, I believe in something better and we all should be better because we are worth more than we are told and appear", is part of his music. To Pimp a Butterfly was an album literally made around this, as was GKMC. A lot of metaphors beyond basic bars. Hiiipower back in Section 80 did this, YAH from DAMN did this. It is his music. It's why it's art.


Ad somebody who's been giggling at both sides of this beef...*c'mon man*, if you're still going on about a rapper cheating on wife as a smear...you've not only lost, you've paid for your own wake and burial. Honestly...the come back is still *look he's a cheater*?@?


Manā€™s attempting some bold, self-confrontational analysis of his ugliest, innermost thoughts and feelings and yā€™all are just like ā€˜lolā€™


Yā€™all have a thinking problem


It makes a little more sense in context.He talks about when he was a kid, a racist cops fucks with him. so as heā€™s having sex with his white daughter, he has feelings of retaliation. He questions if that makes him racist too.






just goes to show drake stans really cant see past surface level shit for bars lmao


ā€˜Hey Drake the audience is not dumbā€™ šŸ˜‚ kenny didnt know about this sub.


OP has the comprehension of a 5th Grader


Plus the Black Israelite stuff on Damn, it's easy to see his views on race are at least not normal He also blamed sexual abuse on racism, but that was more it happened to slaves so that's when it started, which is a very weird way of down playing responsibility for abuse on the same album he supported abusers But the weird thing is why, if he's linking this to slavery, he doesn't think Canadians can be really Black And he can't just call Adonis a Black man to get himself out of this, that was clearly damage control. So it's likely he knew he went too far on Euphoria


The isrealite stuff was from his cousinā€™s pov. Heā€™s definitely not blaming sexual assault on racism entirely, but it was definitely a catalyst for its rampancy in the black community. Same way that there were always drug addicts, but the government played no small part in the crack epidemic. And no, he is not saying that Canadians cannot be black. He accuses Drake of appropriating aspects of African American cultures that he did not grow up with or is genuinely a part of. Drake is a black man as much as J Cole is, but Cole doesnā€™t play characters like Drake does. The ā€˜Cultureā€™ isnā€™t always a positive symbol either: ā€œIn a land where hurt people hurt more people, fuck calling it Cultureā€, yet Drake continuously glorifies it when, to Kendrick, he hasnā€™t lived it. His skin is ā€œcompromised in personasā€.


Kodak Black said in an interview that him and Kendrick get along well cause they're both Hebrew Israelites


that man is consistently high as a kite idk if he even knows wtf he's talking about


Pharrell, who Kendrick "inherited" the beef from is also an Israelite btw


Glorifies? I didnā€™t listen to all of his albums nor I am his fan, but did he not just say that he has mob ties, like J Prince, Birdman, several dudes from Atlanta and all that, but I donā€™t remember Drake glorifying it


Yeah he definitely doesnā€™t have a song called mob ties or anythingā€¦


Thatā€™s what I said?


my brother in christ, drake literally has a song called ā€œmob tiesā€ is this sub even real life?


Thatā€™s what I said. He has the mob ties, did he say he from the streets, did he say anything about the streets? I know that he says about his mob ties


Itā€™s a pretty simple and widely accepted concept that people who suffer trauma from abuse often become abusers themselves if said trauma goes unchecked. So itā€™s not wild to suggest that this is historically amplified in the black community, especially when a cultural distrust in authoritative figures has made things like therapy a taboo which Kendrick had to break free from to grow.


And Drake acts tough and puts on a black persona. How bout all yall niggas just accept this man bodied your goat, itā€™s so shameful and embarrassing to see Drizzy fans digging up a pinch of dirt on Kendrick for a 1 second W.


I'm sure we are misunderstanding his lyrics LOL.


He cheated cuz he had a sex addiction bro yall can't intepretate for shit


Kendrick LIED about one thing for sure. It shows in this whole sub. They (the ones not like us) are indeed slow and dumb. Drake has a Rick and Morty problem. The content is still very much enjoyable. However the fans are fucking embarrassing.


Saying dot don't act like a savIor bc he said "I am not" is like saying Trump doesn't encourage violence bc one time he literally said "violence is like bad okay?" Case closed if you use this criticism it means YOU are dumb. It couldn't mean you just don't believe him based on wider context, you just a dumb dB that can't understand the celestial genius that is Kung fu Kenny. It can't be like Drake on Mother you simply don't take him at his word and think what he claimed on the song is not true, it must mean you're dumb that's the only way. Okay my dudes, okay.


Lowkey that's funny. It's a Dont Be a Menace reference


Kendrick fans claiming they won then feel the need to still come here and act like they're defending the culture. To the Kanon lurkers, you see kendrick don't think drake part of the culture but think he accepts a bunch of random white people šŸ¤”


DEAD šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Give it up


Incel energy


With the high heels on???


incoming ā€œyou dont understand the meaning of itā€ comments


You donā€™t.




No harassment or threats towards other users. No doxing.


heā€™s also a midget


Trying to be sensible: The disconnect between Drake & Kendrick fans is made worst by how they write music. With Drake, you can take any 1 line from any song in his career & that line wouldnā€™t need any context to still make sense. Kendrick writes a song as if itā€™s a story, where every line builds off the previous & is needed for context. You wouldnā€™t take 1 sentence from a WW2 book & say ā€œThis book supports killing!ā€ Some prefer every line standing on its own & some donā€™t. Some support pdfā€™s getting their leg peed on, some donā€™t.


Drake fans' reading level at the grade Drake likes to recruit groupies


He didn't though. Throughout the whole album he comes to terms with the fact he cheated on her. He does acknowledge his mother's abuse, and the trauma she put in him, had a part in his sex dependence. Yes, this is a line on one of the songs, but it's not the complete picture, lol. By the end of the album, in Mother i Sober, he takes full responsabilities, even going into detail in Whitney's pain.


these bars aint for yall buddy...


I had to


"Cuz we know the girls that you actually like, the darker secrets is coming to light, it's all on your face like what happened to Mike" Kendrick really hates the girls fucks. HYPOCRITE


How many Kendrick snippets gonna get posted here by people who havenā€™t listened to the whole song? šŸ˜Ŗ Yā€™all as bad as ā€œmother I, mother I, mother Iā€


This is a record about him being a bad person because of his rough upbringing, and healing from that by going to therapy and fixing his own behaviour. This is not a flex, this is him talking about the shitty things he did in the past.




I suppose most people that were in this sub as Drake fans were also Kendrick fans since Dot's music was always way better anyways, so when Drizzy got fucked up so badly people couldn't find a way to keep defending him.


He didn't blame racism. How old are you all? I gotta figure out how to prevent this group from appearing in my thread. Y'all posts are low IQ and lack basic critical thinking.


I said this two weeks ago as wellā€¦ lmao ppl canā€™t be mad at ā€œrapping like you bout to get the slaves freeā€ on behalf of a guy that said this lmaoā€¦. And you know Kendrick fans will come in here with that bullshit ā€œthe album was about his mistakesā€ GTFOH


Your lyric interpretation is horrendous


Half of the shit is not even rhymes lmao just words.


And this solidifies the drake fan base. It does not need to rhyme.




Bitches cant twerk to this kendrick is lame






They wanna post lyrics and laugh, but when I do, they get upsetšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Did you think he was joking on Worldwide Steppers? Heā€™s got a pretty deadpan tone


This comment blatantly proves you did not understand mr morale and the big steppers like At all lmfao