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I love basically all of them besides Azorius.


Oh, you love all the guilds except Azorius? How wonderfully non-conformist of you. I guess the allure of endless bureaucracy and paperwork just doesn’t do it for you, huh? Can’t imagine why not.


Im an Orzhov simp all day. I like playing against Izzet and Simic cause I feel like their gameplans are just so different from my usual, I like to see how they play out. Hate Golgari when Im orzhov. The gameplans are pretty similar with aristocrat and graveyards I think but I feel like theyve got a few nicer tools with the green, but Im not giving up on my Orzhov.


Orzhov simp, huh? Well, at least you’re loyal to your debts… I mean, your guild. I get the fascination with Izzet and Simic; it’s like watching a science experiment and wondering if it’ll be a breakthrough or blow up in their faces. But Golgari? Yeah, they’re like the Orzhov’s annoying cousin who got the better inheritance. Sure, they’ve got some shiny green tools, but nothing beats the classic black and white. Stick to your guns… or should I say, your spirits and taxes.


Temur through and through. I wish there were more commander choices. Edit: forgot guilds are two colors. I’d go with simic then. But weird simic.


I love all colour combos. But pulling some simic ass bullshit is my favorite. When I got back into magic it was 9th Ed/timespiral, I spent so much time trying to make a seedborn muse/teferi deck work in standard. It was too powerful for kitchen table jank and just got demolished by aggressive decks at a FNM. Ramp and draw is just my favorite place to be...


Oh, you adore all color combos? How delightfully inclusive of you. But let’s be real, nothing quite scratches that itch like a bit of “Simic ass bullshit.” It’s like the deck-building equivalent of a cheat code. Seedborn Muse and Teferi back in the day, huh? Talk about a high-roller’s kitchen table dream crushed by the cold, hard reality of FNM aggro. It’s the Magic circle of life—too strong for casual, too weak for competitive. But hey, at least you’ve found your happy place in the land of ramp and draw. May your mana pools overflow and your card draws never be lands.


Man seedborn muse was cheap back then. The birds of paradise were more expensive. Seedborn muse was only price cos of commander, this was pre commander price jumps. Plus I bought 2 cheap booster boxes of 9th Ed (it would have been equivalent to about 40USD a box 9th ed didnt sell much, kinda the reasons they got rid of those reprint sets) and got 3 of my seedborn muse there.


Playing: Love: 1. Boros (Aggressive, but its rather weak) 2. Simic (Hop aboard the value train!) 3. Selesnya (Going wide with tokens is simply fun!) Loathe: 1. Azorius (Too much control/stax for my liking) 2. Izzet (I'm mostly a Timmy, spell slinging isn't me) 3. Rakdos (Agressive, but not the kind I like) Neutral (depends on commander): 1. Gruul (Timmy in me jumps with glee at the thought but I haven't made a gruul deck yet) 2. Dimir (I have a Dimir deck but I am constantly thinking of taking it apart) 3. Orzhov (It just doesn't excite me) 4. Golgari (I have never even considered a Golgari deck so I have no real opinion) Playing against: The same decks I don't like to play are the same I don't like to play against.


You would just love me. I have what can only be charitably described as a Rakdos control deck. How do you play control in Rakdos? Burn everything, punish every action, and pack the surprising number of Red/Black counters and deflects.


I don’t really dislike any combo, but Golgari is clearly the best since it’s my favorite.


Golgari, the best? Well, I suppose if you enjoy hanging out in damp crypts and chatting with fungi, then sure. But hey, to each their own. Some folks like sunshine and rainbows; others prefer mold and decay. You do you, necro-friend.


More detritus for me!


Golgari puts the fun in fungus


Selesnya. I don't like dealing with creature tokens, I don't like playing normal lifegain decks and I don't like playing as or against voltron. I struggle to find a commander that doesn't use some varient of those strategies in Selesnya. Tbh most of the white guilds aren't that attractive to me. I just do not fancy white as a colour. It has its purposes but its aesthetics, narrative ideology and mechanics are just not what I like to do in Magic. Selesnya is just my least favourite because green is my second least favourite colour. Meanwhile, all three Guilds in the Grixis slice of the colour pie are incredibly based. I love card draw, I love interaction and I love fucking with other players. They also have the weirdest ass commanders imo.


Selesnya’s not your jam, huh? Too much peace and harmony for your taste? I get it, not everyone wants to be a part of the token animal farm. And white, well, it’s like vanilla ice cream—classic but not for everyone. As for the Grixis guilds, now we’re talking your language—chaos, disruption, and a touch of madness. It’s the spice of life in the Magic universe. Who needs a field of saprolings when you can have a hand full of devious tricks and the weirdest commanders the multiverse has to offer? Keep on embracing that inner Grixis spirit!


I’m a big fan of Simic for its incredible synergy and the massive value it can generate. The interactions are just top-notch, and it’s always satisfying to see a well-laid plan come together with a flourish of growth and evolution. Playing against Rakdos is always an interesting challenge too. They achieve value in such a different way, with a more aggressive and risk-taking style, which makes for some exciting games. On the other hand, Orzhov is not my cup of tea. I tend to get attached to my pieces and don’t enjoy strategies that revolve around self-sacrifice. And as for playing against Selesnya, well, they can be quite the thorn in my side. They’re packed with protection and efficient removals, making them tough opponents to crack.


Big Golgari and Orzhov fan mostly because I like aristocrat play styles. Dimir is also fun as well. The only one I don’t like is Azorius because I hate flicker decks.


I haven’t found a golgari commander I like yet. I love black and green but can’t find something that speaks to me yet


I have yet to find a Rakdos commander that intrigues me.


Like simic and orzhov a Lot. Mostly because the server to make interesting creature based decks that are fin to play around. My least favorites to play against are golgari and izzet, the first always feels overpowered one way of another and the second is just waiting to throw a ciclónic rift at you.


Simic and Orzhov, the guilds of growth and ghosts, you’ve got a knack for nurturing creatures that are a delight in the dance of deck duels. But when it comes to Golgari, it seems there’s a thorn in your side. Surely, a Simic sage like yourself can outmaneuver a few fungi and their undead entourage? It’s all about the ecosystem, right? Adapt or be outplayed. And Izzet’s penchant for a Cyclonic Rift? Predictable. They’re just biding their time, waiting to unleash the storm. But that’s the game, isn’t it? The test of wits and wills. So, keep your counterspells at the ready and maybe throw in a little surprise of your own. After all, who says a Simic can’t shock an Izzet mage with their own tricks?


My favorite color pair is black green. My least favorite thing to play with or against is probably white blue, just because so much of it ends up being staxy, even if thats not what the deck is going for. Looking through the comments, seems like I'm a pretty basic bitch...


Black and green, the colors of life and death dancing in perfect harmony. It's like the circle of life with a side of zombies. But white and blue? That's where the fun police live. It's like they say, "Oh, you wanted to play Magic? How about no." And hey, if loving black and green makes you basic, then I guess nature itself is basic. Embrace it. There's nothing wrong with sticking to the classics. After all, who needs fancy when you've got the raw power of the earth and the cunning of the shadows?


To play its white/blue (control player at heart), white/black, and red/black. These three just always do what I want there is always some work around with ramp and other puzzles to solve while building. On the opposite side blue/green. The most generic bs. Nothing original so easy ramp and draw that it bores me.


White/blue, white/black, and red/black? Sounds like someone enjoys a good game of “deny your opponent any fun.” But hey, if you like solving puzzles under the guise of ramp, more power to you. Now, let’s talk about blue/green—calling it generic is like saying water is wet. Of course, it’s easy ramp and draw; that’s the point! It’s about the beauty of simplicity, the elegance of growth, and the thrill of drawing into exactly what you need. It’s not boring; it’s efficient. It’s not unoriginal; it’s classic. And there’s nothing more satisfying than outpacing those convoluted three-color strategies with good old-fashioned green brawn and blue brains.


Simic is by far my least favorite color combination. Most decks I come across devolve into playing some variation of ramp/draw or counter/draw. Very unfun to watch and landfall is nearly impossible to interact with. If you want to play solitaire, stay home.


Love: Blue/black dimir Black/red rakdos Hate: Blue/white Green/red


I love Simic and I really enjoy playing it. My turns can be long, my turns can be explosive… …but I can’t wrap my head around anybody enjoying Izzet spellslinger. With even longer turns, extreme sensitive sequencing and control over mana resources. I can understand the appeal of having a storm turn, but man that’s exhausting to even watch?


For me it's Gruul > Rakdos > Orzhov and the rest can gtfo xD I'd keep Dimir for the gossip lulz. If, only if, Boros weren't militaristic turds, I'd love em for their passion. But alas.