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Hey! To start, you aren’t alone in many ways. First, I see you’ve mentioned several family members are who you love and you want to be there for - they are there for you, too. Second, you are not alone in how you feel. Life is freaking hard and lonely and it fucking sucks sometimes and you don’t understand why the hell you are going through what you are going through. Everyone feels some iteration of this. Everyone. I promise. You are not alone in this feeling. But every day is a new day. Remember that - every day is a new day. If you find something every day to feel grateful for, or proud of, or find something that makes you laugh, or maybe just step outside and feel the sunshine, touch the earth. If you like animals, go to the local shelter and hang out with some animals, they will be happy that you did. Maybe it’s hanging out with your siblings or niece and playing a board game. The little things go a long way in giving meaning and joy to life. Secondly, and you probably already know this, it’s not the best idea to quit any medication cold turkey. Why don’t you want to go back on them? I understand the feeling of ugh I am going to have to take a pill or a shot or whatever every day for the rest of my life ughhh no thanks! But then I remember wait - these help me to be the best version of me. And there is nothing wrong with taking something that helps you live life with a little bit of ease, in whatever manner that is. Please consider reaching out to your doctor or psychiatrist about how you are feeling about your medicine. Also remember, quitting medicine cold turkey can really make your head think about not so great things, have more anxiety about things etc. Try to remember these thoughts are just intrusive snippets, brush them away, and move on. Every day is a new day. Every day you can start over. These feelings are fleeting. Ask for help. Talk to your family. Consider getting back on your medication. ❤️


Thank you so much for the advice I really appreciate the kind words and wisdom, but I don’t want to speak to my doctor about it because he will just report me for going cold turkey or try and put me on other meds etc, my family will also get involved so no point, Your right also I do miss Effexor but I don’t want to go back on it to be honest. I’ve spoken to my mother about quitting my meds but she’s threatened to tell my doc which I don’t want so idk anymore. I know I’m only having withdrawals so hopefully my mind will be healthier the next few days, I honestly feel a bit better since yesterday, Thank you however for the kind works I really appreciate the advice


Yeah I feel ya. It’s a right pain in the arse just plodding through life on meds, off meds. I find it’s just like a circle though. Sometimes your good, sometimes your bad and it goes round and round and round. What I’m trying to say is that you will get better. I think you need to speak to your doctor as coming off meds cold turkey is a total head fuck. I wouldn’t do that and I always think I can ride it out but it’s horrendous. I’d speak to your doc and go back on them. If they aren’t working taper off and try something else. I get how you feel though. But you just have to keep fighting through it. There’s better days yet to come


I get where your coming from but I can’t and don’t want to speak to my doc because they don’t really understand what I say to them when I speak, also my family is involved so I don’t want to bring anything up so I’ll just have to deal with it. My life is fucked atm but I might run away soon see where life takes me if not end


What helped me was realizing that if nothing mattered I could do whatever the fuck I want. Giving up doesn’t really make sense when you can just try something new Truth is a lot of the time getting through tough times is just being willing to accept that you’re wrong about everything being shit. Because you are wrong, things really aren’t as bad as they feel. But it’s hard to accept that because we trust our own perspective above everything IMO accept that you’re probably wrong about how you’re perceiving the world, go out and try whatever you want bc if you’re willing to die then failing isn’t all the bad, and keep that hope that eventually you’ll have a clearer perspective and maybe some of those Hail Marys work out in some unexpectedly great ways


Solid advice, I might give it a try what worse can it get


For sure some of the best times in my life came after really rough spots honestly , regardless hope you find some happiness my man you seem like a cool person


I get you completely, how long have you stopped? The feeling will pass but have you got any back ups? Not medication wise like support system? Please don't give up. I don't know you but I care and only a message away. You'll learn to love yourself one day but you need to be here to do that!


I’ve been of them for nearly a week I think, I feel a bit better today than my previous days so I guess my withdrawals are going. I don’t have any other back up medication expect olanzapine but I don’t take that for months have me too many side effects, and I have family for support I’ve told them I’ve stopped my medication for reasons, I might try and start going gym soon see if it will take my mind of things, heard it can help. And thank you for the help I appreciate it


So I came off mine 1 1/2 months ago, and the only thing that helped me was eating loads it helped keep the brain zaps from being too bad, 3rd week was my easiest so far and it's only getting easier everyday although my mood has kind of plateaued. I also feel very sick when I don't smoke weed which I didn't have on the tablets but I suppose it's pros/cons.. Take it daily and put yourself first and you'll smash it, good luck and keep going :)


Hey there! Life is hard and sometimes it seems like we never catch a break. It's hard to watch people just go through life with a smile on their face, not a care in the world, while some of us are just trying to make it out of the current day without having a breakdown. The point is there are ppl that understand how you are feeling. People that can relate to you. I'm one of them. Please find someone to talk to today. Friend. Family. Even a stranger here on Reddit. And try to remember you are feeling worse because of the meds being stopped so suddenly. It's normal to feel like this when coming off of them. You have to hang in there. Be strong. If you need someone to talk to I'm here as well. Just a message away. :)


Thank you man I appreciate it, I’m gonna carry on for my family, I’m feeling much better today thankfully. It would be nice to talk to someone other than family to be honest that’s good advice


That is FANTASTIC news! I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. I know I don't know you personally but I was worried about you. Just take it day by day man. That's all we can do. :)


Medications, or lack of, can mess with our brains. How you're feeling might not really be how YOU are feeling right now. Some people need meds, there's no shame in staying on antidepressants for decades, if need be. Sometimes our brains are chemically imbalanced. If you think that your last antidepressant didn't work for you, maybe try another type? There's always another route to try


Is there a way to naturally balance my brain chemistry without medication?


Maybe a lot of meditation? Personally, I wouldn't rely on a source like meditation until I was balanced (with drugs if need be) in the first place. You sound like you're struggling. There's a stigma around relying on drugs for mental health. I need these pills to live a happy life. Right now. Maybe not forever, but many of us are here for the long run. IMO, it's better to be "medicated" & happy than sad & suicidal but natural.


Please recognize your brain chemistry is f*cked up. I have had this feeling—wanting the pain to end. Your brain is not telling you the truth. Please challenge how you are feeling. Seek help. I know you don’t feel this, but you can feel better. Hang on.


Yeah I get you, but I’m scared it won’t end. Been on Effexor for 1+ years what if my brain chemistry is fucked for good idk I’m just scared.


You need something else than Effexor. That is not your only option.


Quitting Effexor cold turkey can literally give you some of the most severe withdrawal symptoms besides opioids. I promise you will feel better if you taper medically assisted. Good luck friend :)


Thank you man! I appreciate it, and honestly I feel much better today my brain fog has kinda went, and the zaps I haven’t had one today, still overthinking stuff and a bit anxious but hopefully it will get better, still having weird dreams tho making me hate falling asleep


Thyroid from Ancestral Supplements! It worked since Day 1. I have tried everything! I have literally been bed ridden since getting covid and nothing has touched it! Thyroid started working and has not stopped working. The 2nd thing I highly recommend is SAM e supplements these 2 are the ones I have had the most success with. And my 3rd, would be Adrenal Cortex. I have tried all types of prescriptions, supplements, diet,etc If you are still not well, order three thyroid right away.it is worth every penny. Got to me in 2 days and they alsohave a money back guarantee. Sincerely, I hope this helps, even just 1 person because I know how horrid I have been


There’s nothing wrong with my thyroid as I know of touch wood, I’m a bit confused by your comment, can you elaborate?


They’re a spambot/spammer. Banned them from several of my subs.


Do you really want to end your life?


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


I’m not sure, I’m scared to mainly to not think anymore or exist sounds scary but I fear one bad day can do it for me and do something impulsive but I’d like to have hope, but I have days where it’s what I think and it’s not good


Well the fact that you are still alive and responded to my message makes me believe you want to live. Life is rough and there’s more things today that stress us out and make us think of checking out but it will get better. I can’t tell you this, you have to find it yourself. Focus on YOU and LOVE YOURSELF! Hang in there and keep talking to people.