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I think a lot of it is water weight. When I’ve gone off these medications in the past, I’d lose 10 pounds without doing anything


Something just clicked. When I started it I was super thirsty and needed to drink way more water to deal with it, and now im fine. Turns out it was because it made my body retain water. Cool.


Yes. I’m sooooo thirsty and it’s never enough. Thirsty, drinking water constantly, or have headache. That’s it, no other moods!


Stop eating sugar.




Also noted! Going on a trip soon that will probably involve a lot of alcohol but I’m not at all a regular drinker. I’m very occasional with it. But I’ve been wanting to diet for a while so I’ll keep everything you’ve said in mind!


I know* is not easy, been there. Babysteps or one step at the time... I quit alcohol too, since February. Almost not belly right now. *Edit: misspelled




These kinds of hard limits are so ineffective. Sugar is a normal thing to eat, and once you restrict it you become OBSESSED with it. Anyone who feels “addicted to sugar” will ever be able to quit sugar entirely. They are most likely to end up bingeing later.


Maybe you can't quit entirely, but you can be conscious of what you eat and avoid products with sugar added.


Yeah. I think it’s important to frame it that way. Our health choices should fit into normal life.


To echo this. I had the same issue with weight, also before Effexor, but it was exacerbated once I started the med. Was about 215lb before and shot to 225lb within about 6 mo after starting. I got fed up a few months ago and literally cut sugar out of my diet. After a few weeks all sugar cravings stopped and I don't miss it at all. Back down under 215lb and omw to my goal weight (~190lb).


Thank you for share.


YES!!!! I have been on Effexor for 5+ years. My weight has slowly but steadily krept up 50-60 lbs during these 5-6 years. My psychiatrist said that Effexor is typically more "weight neutral" but he has seen people gain weight after being on it a while. I am slowly (snail's pace) tapering down the dose to see if it affects my weight. I don't formally exercise a ton but I regularly get over 10k steps at work and don't binge. Even after a stomach flu my weight literally won't move. I'm almost fully weaned off of a 37.5 MG pill, bringing my dose down to 112.5 MG from 150 MG. I was shocked when I got on the scale at the doctor and it was 6 lbs less then I have weighed in over 5 years. It doesn't feel like a coincidence to me.


Doesn’t sound like a coincidence to me either! I hope you get everything figured out! I was on a weight loss streak before getting on Effexor and almost immediately I noticed my appetite increase. I think combined with apathy I stopped caring about what I was eating but that went away after about a month. Now it keeps coming on and I can’t lose any of it 🥲


It actually has helped me loose a ton of weight. Give it some time.


Same. When I was on the wrong dose I gained weight. Same happened with other meds. I’ve now lost that weight. I exercise for an hour everyday and eat fine but also too much sugar and caffeine - still better than the population. I truly think it’s about what medication is right for any one of us :) if someone feels doped on a med, obviously they could gain weight


Mind if I ask what dose you hit that you stopped gaining weight? I just started, still on 37.5, and feel a bit....bloated lol


I'm curious to know the dose too. Rn I'm on 75mg and I've gained around 10kg in 5 months :(


I'm tapering off now (down to 37.5 every other day) and I'm way more motivated to eat healthily and exercise. It may just not suit you. Others talk about high energy levels on it and I'm just like really? It makes me into a zombie. But in all fairness, it helped me when I desperately needed and got me through therapy.


It made me very tired the first few days on it and then I felt amazing. Couple more weeks go by and I noticed my depression had started to come back but it’s done wonders for my anxiety so I’m just not sure if switching is worth it. I’ve struggled with severe anxiety for years. I’ll have to ask my doctor about it during my next appointment!


I ate less in my month on it due to the nausea, but gained about two clothing sizes in bloated weight. This went away in a couple of weeks after I stopped it. Before this drug I'd done intermittent fasting and am mostly back to it, but the nausea and weakness during withdrawal meant I had to eat more...and still lost weight. Edited to add my hands, feet, wrists, and ankles felt really swollen on this drug too.


The only side effects I’ve consistently experienced so far are weight gain, super weird dreams and jaw clenching. Really mild but the weight gain gets me! I’m seriously considering switching reading all of these comments


I lost a little weight and now maintaining a healthy weight for me. Everyone is different.


I'm eating less and losing weight on Effexor. I think diet is key if you're struggling.


Try adding a low dose of naltrexone it can help with sugar cravings.


The metabolic side effects of meds are really hard to reverse. If your body is responding this way, it might always do so. I’ve gained so much weight on antidepressants, and it can permanently change your metabolism. I don’t say that to scare you— what I really hope to convey is your mental health is more important than how big your body is. It is so much more important that you can function mentally than if you are keeping up with beauty ideals. I know it’s like “yeah obviously I would love to not care what others think about my body” but I do think it’s worth an effort to not punish yourself physically for taking care of your mental health. It is not a moral failing to gain weight.


I gained about 25 pounds the two years I was on it. Also the constipation was awful, and it didn’t matter what I did diet-wise.


Yes! I gained 75+ lbs over 3 years & kept gaining no matter how much I dieted or exercised. Stopped eating anything sugary & even fasted but couldn’t get even 1lb off. Quit Effexor & now down 25+ lbs doing very little exercise & no dieting. The weight has been slowly coming off @ a 2lb/week average. Effexor helped initially with MDD, but by year 3 MDD was back along with new anxiety issues. My take on Effexor is that it works until it doesn’t then symptoms boomerang back. It’s also horrendous to come off. Never again.