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10 points to whoever can tell me what kind of fucking Saskatoban frenglish accent the killer had in this movie.


Saskatoban frenglish hurt me spiritually. So, uh, thanks for that.


« Comment ça t’as un accent dans les deux langues. C’était qui ton professeur de français? Jean Chretien?» That quote from the movie should clear that up


Hahaha completely forgot about that


I think they even reference it in the movie, that his accent is just wrong


🤣 I was just gonna say that. That was the weirdest way of speaking I ever heard from a villain other than Samuel L. Jackson in The Kingsmen. I do like that the cops point that out in the movie lol.


he's french canadian irl, probably fakled some dumb shit to scrable the trails


I raised this question on the FrançaisCanadien subreddit some time ago. It reminded me of an old-school Franco-Ontarian accent (a bit like Paul Martin in the 90s), which actually sounds kind of 'right' to me in a weird way, like what I remembered from school. Someone said Patrice Bélanger modelled it on a Franco-Manitoban accent, which makes perfect sense. He's a fascianting villain - hyper-Canadian, psychotically obsessed with hockey and bilingual to a point that he is out of place with both anglophones and francophones.


Yeah that’s very interesting. I feel like he’d fit right in on this sub


Best comment all day


Patrice Bélanger actually came to give a presentation in my drama class back when I was in high-school (around 2006-2007-ish), and said he based it on a Franco-Manitoban accent. :)


Hahaha that’s so cool


Yeah, he was super nice. IIRC he said he would call random numbers from the phone book to speak with people and practice haha


It's a chiac accent from NB


Cosse tu conte! Même le chiac est pas aussi croche que ça lol


Tapeu check ma soute el’temps qu’je’r’sours.




Google peut pas traduire ça certain. C’est trop décocrissé pour el computer de cruncher c’te dérinchage-là!


Ya idk it's what my gf who grew up in Québec said when we watched for French/cultural education. I'm American yall sound the same to me /s


Lol s/ or not, that’s super fair


Fyi, they are making a tv series instead of a third movie and apparently the story will include a cop from a Rez.


Oh, that's a good idea.


Lol is it going to be Davis from Corner Gas?


Yeah except he spent the last 10 years between Frog Lake and Onion Lake SK after Dog River detachment lost its funding. He’s been in 7 officer involved shootings and now has a ton of tribal tattoos. Edit: and a drinking problem.


Which makes sense. Akwesasne straddles Ontario, Québec, and New York State all at once .


Wait a THIRD? when did they do a second one?


In 2017, its pretty good.




Based movie


I keep getting surprised Rick Mercer was in that movie lmao.


Why? He's a Canadian tv personality and comedian, well-known for being an "anchor" on This Hour has 22 Minutes. He was perfect for the role.


What a know it all


Literally everyone knew Rick Mercer in the 2000-2010s when Anglo Canadian comedy was still a thing… that’s just living through the 2000-2010s with cbc? No need to feel inadequate babe


fucking hell, everyone knows who is he is. the fact that he's recognizable is probably the reason OP was surprised to see him in it.


That’s literally what I was saying 🤨


yeah the person you replied to was sarcastic


What a know it all *the nested comment I replied to deleted his comment






mostly cause i keep forgetting he did more than the the rick mercer report and 22 minutes. that's why :)


This movie is absolute Masterpiece and the subtitles are masterfully done to interpret the meaning, not the words the bilingual option being one of the best things I have ever seen (FUCK the Hamfisted netflix bullshit CC)


Yes the Netflix CC is quite awful, completely changing much of the French…


IIRC, David is divorced in the movie but still lives with his ex for their daughter’s sake. So technically, he didn’t cheat.


Yeah I think the implication was they got devices because he didn’t show up for the family (making breakfast or going to recitals etc) given the convo in that first scene with his wife and kid.


Mercer playing Cherry in that movie was hilarious


Loved it, loved the sequel, glad we're getting a series.


Gingeralllllleee Beau colle roulé mon père


So, our English teacher showed us this movie. There’s a sex scene, and she kept trying to fastforward / skip it She kept pressing the double arrows on the far right side, which would play the next movie in the queue. But since there wasn’t another movie it would kick her back to the menu for movie player or whatever the fuck she was using And then she’d click on the movie again, and it would resume in the sex scene. And so she did the same thing again. And again. I think she did it 5 times before giving up and letting the scene play


Nobody told her to press the single arrow instead of the double ones? Kuddos guys.


We were high school students and it was fucking hilarious


Deluxe film




Spécial hen? Parce que y'a deux T pis deux O mais c'que vous dites longtemps c'est le A, tAAAAttoo.


Fucking great line


Watched this movie today and it’s now on my feed, dark times


it is or was on netflix with polish dub, it’s one guy voicing every character


“Vive le Quebec libre!”


A yes Casual racism my favorite kind of racism


I mean, if we had to pick a favorite...


Hating on french isn't racism here in canada... didn't you know?


Stfu asrhdhsjs Québec libre


Is it normal for Canadians outside of that one place to just hate french people? If so, canada just got a whole lot cooler.


Nobody gets to insult Quebec except us. Back off, stranger. Those are *our* French people.


That says more about you than french people


Big 12 year old energy


Nobody gets to insult Quebec except us. Back off, stranger. Those are *our* French people.


Reddit decided you need to say this 8 times for the people in the back.


I think he forgot his amnesia pills


I apologize for the spam. I hit post and it said that it was having trouble posting. So I hit it a few more times and eventually it looked like it posted the comment once. Turns out Reddit wanted to make sure that guy got the message loud and clear.


'No response from user end point' or something like that? Yeah, that's how I knew what happened lol


You know you can delete comments, right? You could sort it all out once you notice.


Impossible. I've apologized and that ends my responsibility for the situation. You can all deal with the aftermath on your own.


Hate is never cool


I can try to explain why the hate between French and English can seem normal from my point of view of having been raised on the fence between both worlds. The first thing to know is that the more east you go in Quebec, the less English you will find, to the point that growing up in the eightees speaking English, I was told I must be from England because these people could not even conceive that the rest of Canada speaks English. I swear to God. Now, the first difference is in the upbringing and values, which dates back from the colonies. English people in Canada were comprised mostly of English loyalists who did not want to secede from the English empire and settled in upper Canada (today's Ontario) and then eventually settled further west. Now, of course this is a gross over simplification, but it suits the purpose here. At the time of said colonies, the English had a vast population and little territory, so the accent was put into education and wealth building towards future generations. Having few kids, but making sure they had a good education. Through the centuries, especially during the industrial revolution, that mentality gave the English a huge leg up when it came to jobs and wealth. When it came to hiring managers and accountants, and anything that requires education, the french were like "educashun?" while most English were college and university graduates. Through time, the English were always seen as placing themselves above the 'proletariat french' As for the french colonies, the contrary was truth. They were told to have multiple kids and that education was not important: breed. Hundreds of years of the clergy pushing down the french people's throats to keep having children. The effects of this can still be seen today. Ask any older millenial or gen X about their multiple uncles and aunts! Up untill the late sixties, families of ten and up kids were very common. So because french families had many kids with little jobs, poor was the french theme until the early nineteen seventies, where the quiet revolution happened (1967) and Quebec kicked the clergy out. This is also why french Quebecers also tend to be atheist and xenophobic in nature. They went through centuries of religion pushing them down to finally be able to get rid of it only to have immigration (brought on by the English federal government) bring people in who also bring their religion. *Please understand this is the general consensus and I am not saying I share this view* Now both these circumstances has created a tiered system. But the problem is also educational. When I was young in eastern Quebec (Baie-Comeau) I had the fortune / misfortune of going to a small English school in a sea of french where I had my first run in with the English mentality. "It was one of holier than thou I am better than you, you are nothing", and I quickly learned to despise and abhor English speakers. They love to single someone out and mass bully them enough to drive a seven year old to want to kill himself, and not just the students, the teachers would often incite the students to bully the one singled out. I can name these people if you want me to. In history classes, we were taught that English colonizers tried everything they could to try to make the french people happy, but all that the french did was sit and complain while at the same time do nothing to better the situation outside of spreading their legs and having multiple loads be dumped inside them to breed more believers in Christ. "Ma femme est enceinte, monsieur le curé, vous allez avoir un nouveau p'tit fidèle!" After my second suicide attempt at thirteen, my parents realized that something was wrong with that English school and I was transferred to a French school where I was met with the french mentality: "You are an English pig, you are a fascist and you cannot be trusted". It didn't matter that I tried to explain how much I abhorred English speakers, because then I was just seen as a "vendu". A sold, or the 90's version of a 'pick me'. No matter what qualities I could have had were never seen because the only thing the french saw was my capacity to speak English and that was the only thing they needed to judge me. In history classes, I was taught how the English stole everything from the french and kept them down and denied them every right. Now, after forty plus years of navigating the French English landscape, I learned that me experience with the English school was very extreme and doesn't fully represent the English mentality. I now have an English wife and a French job. I find myself living my personal life as an English person and my professional life as a french person. I see the present french provincial government take funds to finance what can I only be described as an all out war against the English language, and when I cross the border, I notice that everything in Ontario is served in both french and English. I know now that the french see the English as stuck up, holier than thou people who see the french as nothing more than uneducated, xenophobic proletariat. Truth be told, they are both kinda right. But they also both refuse to see the good in the other.


The fact we were annexed through military means and later for some times forbidden to have French school in most provinces might also play a big role in the dynamic. In the end a lot of Quebecois have nothing against english people they have a problem with the government in which we have a smaller voice each year. A lot (around 35% rn) want to have their own country because of our distinct history, culture and general values/politics.


>A lot (around 35% rn) want to have their own country because of our distinct history, culture and general values/politics I've never understood how they think that would play out? Quebec would just be it's own country financially supported by canada? Or would they just accept the initial collapse of federal services and turmoil?


It wouldn't collapse if it's done peacefully. There might be some instabilities at first and we'd have a fiscal loss (since we generally receive the most in equalization payments) but nothing we couldn't get ourselves out off. We'd also want to have economical ties with Canada, the USA and Europe which I believe would pretty quickly be established, the Saint-Laurent would still be an important maritime road for eastern North America. Most important federal services besides the army and the borders are already managed by Québec with federal subsidies (which over the years lowered). I.e.: public health when it was first introduced was paid 50% by the federal government and 50% by the provincial one. Nowadays it's kore around 20% fed 70% prov. In any case most of the spendings made by Canada for Québec would be doable by Québec since we would collect all of the taxes for Québec and send none to Canada anymore. Surely we'd go with our fair share of the debt (passives) but we'd also get our fair share of the infrastructures and equipment (actives).


This is a pretty decent explanation and it probably helps to have personal experience. As someone who lived in SE Ontario, a few hours from the border growing up, everyone spoke at least a little French. Enough to get directions, simple instructions, etc. Signs and menus at restaurants were all bilingual, and there were a decent selection of French immersion schools. My cousin went to one and speaks both fluently. I am only B level now but I’m told my accent is quite good — probably from exposure. Anyway I never understood the hatred between the groups. I probably lived in one of the few places where speaking either language was just common enough that no one in my life seemed to bat an eye if someone spoke to us in broken English with a thick accent, etc. I understand I probably got my perspective because my parents weren’t xenophobic, and while my dad could speak some French, we simply didn’t speak their language. It was a situation where we were just different, not one being better than the other. Later, in high school, I met more people from more backgrounds. A separatist living in ON but wanted Quebec to be separated. He seemed to direct his hate at English in general, or at least the federal government. I eventually learned through people like him of experiences like yours. Many people in Quebec think the anglos are stuck up and look down on the Francophones, and many people in the English speaking communities think the French are stuck up and look down on the English. In some cases both are correct. It’s really too bad. It’s just a language.


I grew up in ~~Chicago~~ Winnipeg, a city with quite a lot of racial strife. As a child, I noticed that black kids and white kids preferred to sit at different tables. The black kids were different from us. They talked different, had different interests and values, had different behavior. From a young age, I realized that this effect continued far beyond the lunch room. One day in class, we learned about Adolf Hitler and the rise of fascism. I did not agree with Hitler's methods, but the ideology intrigued me. After a bit of digging, I became attracted to the works of Oswald Mosley, a British Fascist. I had been lied to. Fascists were not white supremacists, any more than hawks are hawk supremacists over mice. They simply recognized the inherent differences in the races. From that day, I began to long for an ethnostate in ~~America~~ Canada. I also began to become attracted more to traditional values. Feminism, multiculturalism, new age religions - these were the scourge of our society, the source of our degeneracy. I longed for a strong, traditional family unit. Many children, and a wife who was happy to be a homemaker. There was just one problem with this, as I'm sure you all saw coming - I realized that I was gay. Despair fell upon me. The perversion that I saw in the world was in myself, too. I began to spend time only with the most masculine of men, in the hopes that I would become like them, and that my flesh would become naturally ordered toward the female form. That's when a strange feeling came. Just like in grade school, when the black kids and white kids wanted to sit at different tables - How could I not have noticed? Men and women sit at different tables too. The women talked different, had different interests and values, different patterns of behavior - and yet, the ideology I supported wanted the most vigorous integration of these two cultures, male and female? The purest form of multiculturalism - the very ideology that I despised. I could not believe it. The reason why every ethnostate had failed - diversity. That is, gender diversity. We didn't need an ethnostate, but a sexuostate. And not only that - this sexuostate must be completely devoid of heterosexuals. The desires of their flesh towards the female would weaken the integrity of the fraternal bond, and I fear their lustly needs may drive them to welcome women within our borders. It was heterosexuality the perversion, not homosexuality! I had abandoned my views that women belong in the home. I have met many a woman who had political ambitions - what a pity to deny them the realization of this skill, but even more a tragedy to subject them to the company of men while they do it! I had begun to believe wholeheartedly in the equality between the sexes - equality in rights, but not in disposition and personality. In a sexuostate, both sexes would bloom, not constrained by bowing to the disposition of the other. Two neighboring nations - one the pride of Sappho, the other, flying the banner of Neil Patrick Harris. You may ask, what of reproduction? What of it, I say! We shall have none. Men and women from other nations would flock to ours, forever multiplying our numbers. Not being burdened by pregnancy and childbirth, the women in the female nation would prove more successful than any in history. Other nations, try as they may, could not stop the hordes from deserting them in favor of the loving company of their own race, a race of homos! (A note for our transgender friends - I have not forgotten you! Do not think that I am one of those right wing homosexuals who denies the transgender reality. The political realm is one of minds, not bodies, and those with the minds of men should be in the realm of men. My sexuostate would be extremely trans inclusive - surgery, hormones, and therapy would be provided by the government to all transgender individuals. And to the nonbinary - you are certainly welcomed to form your own sexuostate as well. I would lend you all of my support!)


Is this a copy pasta lol?


What gave it away?


I assumed it wasn’t serious from the « I did not agree with Hitler’s methods ».


Xenophobic in nature..... what the hell did i just read.....