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I'm actually happy with this. - Slightly different SoF with nice interactions with Farseers - A hit and wound re-roll for every unit - Kept BS 3+ - Shuriken kept -1 AP - Fortune to cause -1 to wound on a 2+! Edit: another detail is being able to now use Strands dice for damage rolls, which is super nice for D-cannons


As also a Sisters player who gets Miracle Dice honestly just feel like my armies have the exact same ability now 😂😂


I feel like this is miracle dice, but better in a way because you don't need units to die and you get 12 right off the bat.


Watch me roll 12 ones and then we can talk


Luckily we can reroll it too! It feels right for the army


It’ll balance out with the time you nail 12 six. The reroll is huge value here. Once again though, less rerolls lol.


Fate dice are easily much better in Turns 1 and 2. You can just drop them all early to get an advantage. Miracle dice feel more like they impact the game later. Which is also super fluffy and lore-friendly: Eldar enter the battle with foresight, striking fast and hard (i.e: Swordwind); Sisters gain strength from faith as the battle grinds on, becoming emboldened by the sacrifices of their fellow sisters to pull a win in the end


Dude, I play Eldar, Sisters, AND World Eaters.


You sir have a gambling problem.


I'm about to, anyway.


You get all the dice


at least you got less to remember right?


Yes, exactly!! I love the aesthetic of Aeldari *and* Sororitas so I’ve been collecting them both, and decided to hold off on trying to play until 10th came out. Even though I’ve never played a match, I’m kinda glad I don’t have to relearn *everything*.


Yeah it makes me sad knowing both armies won't have an update for over a year and they're incredibly similar now.


Still wondering about all the powers (guide, doom, mind war, etc.) that have been staples since 2nd ed.


I imagine they will show up on different versions. Farseer on Bike may be different. Warlock, Warlock on Bike and Seer council may all have different powers.


I think worst case scenario is we get one for each type of psyker, so Farseer, Warlock, Spiritseer, Hemlock, and could see Eldrad having something special so at least 5 different (and possibly Wraithseer if they update Forgeworld rules) powers to start? Best case is each type of bike seer and corsairs get something different.


I genuinely hope so. Either way, I'm curious to see what it's going to be. :)


Gone. Maybe baked into a specific sheet, but gone is customization, skill for use, list building, and synergies.


That's not true. The datasets have more options on the back that they aren't showing in the previews.


Maybe. But so far stealing miracle dice and losing most of our psyker powers (and having inferior ones to the imperials) isn't encouraging. Having armywide rerolls is cool, even if it's at the expense of faction choice. And it goes against the idea of less rerolls this edition, especially with a quick game of Yahtzee before the match.


kept 4+ armor


Shuriken dindt get any special rules though. Only the cannon got sustained hits. Makes me worry for DA's.


DA probably have 3 shots or another special rule.


DA are very likely to keep 3 shots and may get one of Sustained Hits. Devastating Wounds, or Ignore Cover on top.


I think reapers will ignore cover. Seing how the shuricannon on the guardians does not have it while the one previewed on the reaper does. Which I am very ok with.


They were super good ever since the codex dropped, a nerf is to be expected. I was hoping for the shuriken weapons to get something though, looks like it's only the cannon. No chance for the heavy weapons to get the rule now it's a bonus I see.


Yes this is my only downside. I liked shurikens being a special weapon. Though I don’t loose faith that DA may have a little something-something which specializes their catapults, besides attacks and AP. Regardless I feel like is not the end of these weapons. Also Battle Focus may be gone and that saddens me too. Can’t wait for the full release.


Perhaps battle focus becomes DA rule? It was mostly them and bikes using it.


Ya, it seems all "heavy bolter equivalents" are getting the Sustained Hits rule. Also note that the Corsair Shuricannon got Ignores Cover so I'm wondering if that's just a Corsair ability on all their guns? Edit: dark reapers, not corsairs


I bet DA suricats went down


I was expecting to get nuked so I’m pretty happy with this honestly. Strands of fate hasn’t got noticeably worse, definitely easier to remember. Less guaranteed 6’s to trigger combos but more high rolls to pass invuln checks and charges. Hard to say if it’s a buff or not without playing but it’s definitely still a strong ability, Tzeentch in age of sigmar has an identical army rule and it’s very strong for them. Farseers raw datasheet is strong due to that eldritch storm, it’s suffering from a lack of a spellbook but I’m sure a codex will fix that. Wish his spell was offensive instead of defensive but it’s not terrible, wraiths looking pretty mighty with that fortune buff. Dependant on their points cost, the guardians fate ability might actually result in them seeing play which would be a nice change.


More guaranteed 6's with Farseers


Only one per turn but yeah nice way to use up those 1’s and 2’s


I can definitely see Fortune being a useful way to burn 2s too (along with those critical damage rolls that need 'anything but a one.') Tentatively, I'll reroll 1 and 2s once and then hopefully only end up with 1-2 ones and 1-2 twos, both of which you can get good value out of - and then 7-9 'useful' dice. I could see rerolling 3s too, though.


sadly you have to reroll the whole 12, and subtract one dice. Probably always worth it to just keep the 12 unless it's truly abysmal. 3's are useful at least as we've got army wide 3s to hit


Ouch, yeah. I missed that reading the article on my phone. Then yeah, I think Miracle Dice is probably a 'stronger' mechanic (changing after you roll is huge) - but that's not necessarily a problem. Unparalleled Foresight is a really nice ability, especially if you have an army featuring lots of smaller units like Bright Lance Vypers.


cant use strands for command phase stuff


You think its once per turn, per farseer? Or just once per turn.


Once per turn, since text doesn’t specify that an individual farseer uses this ability: “any farseer” meaning that all farseers would get locked out afterwards. This is just the analysis from the part of my brain that reads magic the gathering cards where the rules are all super specific and wording matters, GW rules tend to be a bit more up to interpretation and aren’t written as well so we’ll have to wait for an FAQ really


One per turn, no matter the number of farseers you have.


True, but multiple Farseers spread out let you effect more possible spots due to the 12" bubble. Fortune also seems like a nice power to have several of.


Agreed. It doesn't look bad, by any means. It just doesn't equate to being all that good either.


I'm honestly worried about the singing spear changes - do we know if you can use multiple psychic shooting attacks at the same phase? I figure pistol will still block other attacks, but if the spear can't be used with eldritch storm, the only option actually in the kit will be hot garbage. ​ Actually, it may still be hot garbage given it isn't anti-infantry 2+ like witchblade and only S3.


Singing spears never made farseers into a major shooting piece, they just resulted in a bit of surprise extra damage which they still will be. Looking at what we were told about how psychic shooting attacks, we don't actually know they can't be used with the eldritch storm. We didn't get the exact rules, just a statement that they can be used "along with other shooting attacks". The base rules are you can use all shooting attacks, so nothing has said you can't use two psychic shooting attacks.


Ah yes, definitely worth worrying about the melee powerhouse known as the farseer....


It kinda seems like their primary role won't be shooting, but rather buffing the unit they're attached to. I expect, though, that the spear and storm can both be used in the shooting phase.


U 100% sure about that? As far as I know we haven’t seen anything saying each psychic ability can only be used once per turn. Might change with the general rework they’re doing?


It says it in the ability. Once per turn, when you use a Fate dice, you may select a Farseer...... It isn't as potent as you're hoping.


Ah yeah.. selective seeing, reading fast and skipping the first line of words haha


Once per turn is 10 times from one farseer, and its within 12” of a farseer model, not the model using the ability, raw it is bonkers good


I didn't say it wasn't good lol just that it wasn't "every farseer gets to replace one with a 6" good 😅


>I was expecting to get nuked so I’m pretty happy with this honestly. > >Strands of fate hasn’t got noticeably worse, definitely easier to remember. My main gripe is that I am the type of person to hoard these kinds of things, and with it being at the start of the game, I will find it very hard to use them in the first few rounds, because "What if I *really* need it later?"


Use SoF early to keep units alive, then use the remaining SoF to deal damage later. The first 1 - 2 turns are usually the most brutal, so SoF will be so damn useful at the start of the game. I'm looking forward to this change!


All damage all the time. Trying to tank hits with Eldar is folly.


Branching Fates has a ton of utility for using up Fate Dice that wouldn’t fit your plan and a Fortune honestly seems insane. Any Aeldari unit? So I can slap -1 to wound on a Wraithknight or Death Star unit and have shields up from the start of the round? Yes please.


By wraiths did you mean the Avatar? 🤣


Unparalleled Foresight might not be the most flavorful mechanic, but by god Expert Crafters was so strong in 8th. That you get free rerolls and Strand dice means Eldar will be super reliable this edition


I like this because with how fragile Eldar armies are you kind of need your stuff to work the first time. We don't have enough durability to try again next turn, so this helps a ton.


As a 25-year player of Eldurrz, this was a very exciting preview. "Expert Crafters" is back?! I have 12 Fate Dice available on Turn one?! My Farseer can convert "bad dice" to 6s and make units -1 to be wounded?! A single unit of home-objective-sitter Guardians can generate a Fate Dice each turn?! Fire Prisms finally work at full power on their own?! Pretty sweet. Scatter Lasers took a hit but they were a bit too good at 6 shots STR 6. I'm pretty hyped.


Lost suriken keyword as well it seems.


Shuriken keyword was invented for 9th edition, it's just how things go.


It was a replacement for the rending rule they had since 6E, though. I was hoping that all shuriken weapons would get sustained fire after the cannon was shown to have it, but - no dice.


All shooting is getting weakened in 10th - getting to keep AP -1 as standard on even regular Catapults is pretty strong.


So the Aeldari seems to focus on strands of fate its basically just giving us as many fate dice as possible to manipulate our rolls to be as consistent as possible. Edit: spelling


Which is pretty cool! I realy like the flavor, as they said under the article: “Rolling your Fate dice at the start of the game is reminiscent of casting the runes, and using them to manipulate the most critical moments of the battle to your advantage" Some custom dice with symbols would be great for that!


I use these lumineth realm lords dice for my strands of fate currently! Looking forward to rolling a big handful of them https://i.imgur.com/TmE64gQ.jpg


I use those too! Two sets of 20. They’re really fun to roll. :) :)


No, they keep the value of the roll now. They are only 6’s if you roll a six or have a farseer near the unit you are using a dice on. They are NOT all auto 6’s.


Consistent, predictable dice rolls is so strong and eliminates one of the more annoying aspects of 40k plus it fits perfectly thematically.


Veerry interesting. Strands being a big one-shot pool you have to top up with Guardians might finally encourage eldar players to bring them again lmao


This seems to be a running trend. You aren't required to take troops/battleline, and in terms of raw numbers they aren't amazing, but they do something that helps with the factions plan to win the game in a way that interacts with objectives. I like that as a concept, battleline is the glue and grease that makes the army work.


Guardians firing a bright lance that can essentially get a guaranteed high damage roll is pretty solid.


I hope another unit has this because I really don't wanna buy any guardians 😭


It says any unit with this ability, so it's possible most troops will have them.


Hoping so, but not sure they would give it to rangers or any former elites


I could see dires getting the ability on the exarch.


I'd imagine it would be rangers, I doubt pathless Corsairs will interact with our main faction mechanic.


I'd love if they gave it to a wraith unit so my dreams of a wraithhost can come true in 10th


Windriders are also Guardians and will hopefully sport the ability.


Judging by this line: >providing a versatile backbone for an Aeldari army otherwise made up of far more specialised units. I imagine it'll be on the guardian units, hopefully not just the footsloggers but the bikes and walkers too


Ya see, that's my problem. Its dumb but Guardians aren't supposed to be the backbone of Aeldari armies. They're called in when required if its that bad of a situation because they're not currently training to be a soldier. They're citizens who have had some training. We're not imperial guard. Unless they're changing the lore it just feels really annoying to me that they're trying to make guardians a core component. Edit because I just typed this out ro a friend and I think its funny: I just don't like guardians being written as 'backbone of the army' like nah they some random ass farmer given a gun because they trained as a dire avenger or whatever 100 years ago for 1 month


While I do agree with the mindset regarding guardians shouldnt be the basic warriors , I do think that was mostly a problem when they where required troops you had to take. In the new context I think guardians role is far more fluffy, and shouldnt fit the aspect warriors... they dont have to be taken to war (as there is no troop requirement.) but when they are needed there are more of them than there are elite warriors (the battleline rule) wich actually makese sense. And this fatedice interaction being a guardian specific thing (wich we dont know yet) also actually makes sense; An aspect warrior doesnt have the mindset/path to investigate or observe an objective to inform the farseer council (on the field or trough distant communication.) with information that is crucial for re adjusting the strands of fate. It would in fact be very unfitting to the lore if they did, but with guardians it makes a lot more sense. From a staying true to fluff point of view, I do think this interaction should be exclusive to guardians, as it represents the single-mindedness of the path system perfectly. Perhaps it could be done for example for Dire Avengers, that if they kill a unit or character they add a fatedice per turn, representing how they are guided by the seers to pinch out a specific target that changes the future strands in their favor.. with the other aspect warriors more focused on their typical war roles.. not seer agents.


Guardians ARE a core component of every warhost, I don't know where you're getting your information from. On UlthwĂŠ and Saim-Hann they're the most numerous warriors, even the other Craftworlds have hosts of guardians to supplement their rangers/aspects/wraiths. Yes we're not Imperial Guard because unlike the Imperium EVERY Asuryani is trained for combat and EVERY Asuryani is expected to take up arms when the need arises. Also you don't need to take guardians at all, they've removed the troops tax completely. This is a nice bonus for having specific units do specific things, but it isn't by any means necessary at all.


Guardians are common when you're sending a Battle Host of 10,000 Eldar to wage a conventional war. Sometimes the Eldar do need to do that, but that honestly shouldn't be the majority of Eldar conflicts. So sure, if you need to stop Chaos getting their hands on a nasty artefact or want to drive the Imperium off an Exodite World you are mobilizing thousands of Guardians. ​ The archetypal Eldar conflict, though, (at least for those of us who are old and hate the push to include too many Guardians) is actually a surgical strike out of the Webway to achieve one very specific goal. A crucial intervention at the *perfect moment* to turn the tide of something far greater than winning a war. When your entire Strike Force consists of just 100 or less Eldar it entirely makes sense for it to be an elite force of Aspects with some Guardians on support vehicles and jetbikes, led by a Farseer and perhaps an Autarch. Protracted wars cost too many Eldar lives, so elite and targeted strikes should be much more common.


Like I said they're a core component of a warhost, but even in your strike force example guardians are still there piloting jetbikes, war walkers and transports which going back to my original comment I hope to receive this rule as well. And again, with the removal of the troop tax if you don't want to take squads of guardians you don't have to. This is just a small bonus for doing certain things with certain units, but if anything 10th edition is going to allow for more variety in listbuikding and allow for things like spirit hosts or windrider hosts without penalizing you like earlier editions did so I don't see where the issue is.


I'll be very pleasantly surprised if that ability is going on any of the other units you listed. It's the equivalent of the ability that other 'basic troops' units have been getting to encourage people to take them in 10th. I actually don't have a problem with how 10th is handling Guardians so far, the anti-guardian sentiment is something that stems from how they've been handled across multiple editions going all the way back to 3rd (when you basically had to take multiple fragile units with kamikaze 12" guns, leading to the pointless loss of many Eldar lives!)


Huh. Interesting. SOF has changed, but still sounds great. Battle Focus is dead, replaced with 2CP Fire and Fade (albeit stronger than BF - normal move and not D6). Eldritch Storm now looks like a really strong psychic shooting attack. Fortune has changed to -1 to wound for incoming shots, and Farseers can grant 6s on SOF dice within 12". Shuriken catapults have A2, S4, AP-1, D1 + 18" range (which is surprising given other nerfs!), and Guardians have BS3 and 4+ save. Furthermore, they can generate SOF when on Objectives. Bright Lance looks great, scatter lasers are dead, Star Cannons are back. What else? Oh yeah, Linked Fire for Fire Prisms is now a Weapon Ability! Guardians no longer seem like chaff compared to other equivalent units. We won't have a plethora of psychic powers, but there is still a lot to be seen in that space. First impression is that this looks solid.


poor battle focus


May not be dead, let’s wait on the complete release. Perhaps a detachment rule? Like Biel-Tan? I’ll be sad untill we have the whole picture. Edit: tyop


Could still be a detachment rule, but unless we get two Army Rules and they just didn't bother to mention it, then Battle Focus is still lost as a faction-wide ability. I'm not going to claim it ruins the whole army (especially since the Transport rules look much friendlier in 10th), but it was definitely a fun and flavorful mechanic that will be missed.


Fire and Fade is too expensive for one unit if we don't have battle focus.


I agree, this was my only disappointment. I think CP 2 is high.


I mean if you do it right it basically saves an entire unit I'm not sure how much more a strat can accomplish.


There's going to be so much less CP though, I don't think the 2CP in 10th equates to the 2 CP in 9th at all.


Yeah, 2CP was alot in 9th. In 10th where we might have less than half the CP, you’ll really need to save that 2CP for a game-winning clutch moment rather than just scooting five Dark Reapers in and out of cover


I think it depends what you're casting it on. If you're using it on one of a trio of Fire Prisms... I can see it being absolutely worth 2. If you're using on on five Dark Reapers, not so much. It would be much more useful on infantry if it allowed you to embark afterwards (and then would absolutely be worth 2 on them too.)


Especially after seeing the AdMech ability and Chaos Daemons ability to impact deployment zones, having sturdier units to hold objectives in your deployment zone seems to be a good idea. Guardian Defenders having bonuses for doing so is a nice bit of natural synergy and makes it feel like they do what they're supposed to do - defend objectives. I think we'll see Guardians be the default choice for backfield objective holding instead of Rangers moving forward, assuming the points costs make sense. Overall very pleased with this!


That linked fire is a weapon ability is not really a problem, it was a weapon ability in the past too. But now it's a weak ability. Of course no ignore invulns anymore, but in the past it increased strength and AP to combine shots. Now it only extends range and line of sight. What other units could get linked fire? Since they made it a keyword there must be more weapons that have it


I edited my notes on the Fire Prism for clarity in my original post. I don't really see having linked fire as a weapon ability as a weak ability at all. I see it as a positive, as it's no longer a stratagem. Ignoring invulns disappearing was a given for 10e, I think.


The way for weapons to get around invulns in 10th appears to be devastating wounds, which I am very much a fan of. It's no longer an escalating series or ignoring things that ignore things, but it increases risk rather than predictability. It can be combined with certain other abilities (miracle dice, anti-x) to be more predictable but in the end you have to roll the dice and see.


Do I understand the new linked fire ability correctly when I read it as each tank uses the ability separate? So the first tank can shoot dispersed pulse, and the second tank can use focused lance with linked fire? As long as the first tank is visible to the target. Or if both tanks are visible to their targets, they can both use linked fire by shooting through the other tank? Edit: I misread the linked fire rule. You CAN shoot through another tank, but you don’t have to.


I mean, you basically get Indirect without the penalty, and can continue to hide one heavy hitter out of LOS. It takes a bit of manouvring to work, but this way a 'single' prima can shoot twice essentially. Gonna be harsh on targets that need to die, as you get RR again for the 2nd prism.


Are guardians going to be an appealing choice now with BS and save? ​ Also Starcannon, we have to wait and see the point cost, but its looking good with -3AP matching brightlance.


Starcannon has always been the "fuck space Marines"choice.


Points will be the deciding factor. Also it's competition for slots


I actually like linked fire? You don’t lose volume of fire as trade off for not buffing a single shot and it’s free. Hiding 1-2 tanks and only risking one is quite nice. Hopefully they aren’t too cost prohibitive and I might take them again.


The big problem with prisms in 9th is that you had to dump 2cp into them every turn to make them worthwhile. If they are worthwhile without that strat it is a huge improvement.


Plus vehicles hopefully not dying instantly to spammed weapons, dedicated anti-tank mattering, and this being an anti-tank weapon that doesn't suck into infantry (which is downside on a lot of anti-tank weapons).


For Battle Focus, I'm hoping this still exists as a unit ability for some aspect warriors. Gives them a bit more of an elite feel and makes it more specific than army wide. But I may just be being optimistic


That seems plausible and would be nice to see. It actually fits the lore fairly well since the Battle Focus fluff always referenced the War Mask, which Guardian Defenders don't necessarily have.


If multiple psychic ranged attacks can't be used at the same time, Singing spear is a garbage option on farseers now. Very annoying given the kit has only come with the spear for years now.


Even if they can shoot both the spear and the storm, Spear took a significant nerf losing 2+ auto wound in melee. I’m a little surprised it didn’t at least get devastating wounds or something. It’s now just plain S3.


I read that as a psychic melee attack, so would the target get a save?


Well that’s an interesting wrinkle. I had not considered that those abilities might end up in the [psychic] keyword. Also interesting that it’s [psychic] and not [force] on a melee weapon. Maybe we’ll get some clarity when the Grey Knights preview comes around.


*hnggggggg* yes inject it straight into me. Strands now functioning similar to Tzeentch dice in AoS I think is for the best. Though with a Farseer (or more) I doubt that there'd ever be a use case for rerolling your Fate Pool. This is a lot more flexible. Kinda sad we are losing a diverse pool of powers and the ability to pick and choose. I miss 7th editions plethora of near 30 powers we could pick for the Farseer. No Ynnari or Harlequins was certainly a decision.


>No Ynnari or Harlequins was certainly a decision. Was that mentioned in the spotlight? I don't remember reading that (and they even plugged the Yvraine books at the end). Maybe I'm dumb for holding out hope, but I don't think they'll drop them completely. Conceptually I really like the Ynarri and I think if GW put a little effort into making them unique and not just Eldar soup they could be really fun. Plus the Triumvirate of Ynnead are easily some of the best looking models in our whole range.


They won't drop them (prolly a detachment for each), but GW has been very clear thorough 9th that they do not care about Harleys or Ynnari as armies. This is just keeping with the standard.


Not liking 90% of the Farseer's Psychic Powers just flat out getting cut.


I'm guessing they're making our psychic powers specific to different units now. Give warlocks guide/doom or something and spiritseers something else specific (ghostwalk?) Yeah I'm not a fan


Warlock will not get guide or doom, probably Jinx or Protect or both.


Anyone with an even somewhat functioning brain knew this was coming. They have pretty much been saying it ever since 10th was announced, but this subreddit just stubbornly refused to believe it. "No, I know they changed it for literally every other army, and that they said they would do it, and that it's the entire purpose of 10th to remove choices, but we will obviously keep all ourpowers." - this sub, 2023


>"No, I know they changed it for literally every other army, and that they said they would do it, and that it's the entire purpose of 10th to remove choices, but we will obviously keep all ourpowers." - this sub, 2023 Some of us have a little experience here. Back in 3rd edition, the psychic phase vanished and psychic powers were just a single special ability in a psyker's entry... but Eldar, as a traditionally psychic faction, got two short lists of powers to pick from. Nobody else got that benefit, at least not for a while. Plus, Age of Sigmar largely works the same way - each Wizard has one or two spells on their warscroll, but each army has a Lore that can be picked from. We've not seen the Enhancements available to most armies yet - abilities akin to the Warlord Traits and Relics of recent additions - but we do know that they exist, and it doesn't seem unreasonable to suggest that some of those Enhancements, for psychic factions like Eldar, might be psychic powers.


The big difference between 10th edition and AoS however is that in AoS spells still need to be both cast and can be dispelled. With Psychic Tests and Deny the Witch seemingly being removed from the game, any of our classic spells that return *should* be far less powerful or entirely reworked compared to what they were in 9th - simply on account of them no longer having any real counterplay.


Did they say they were shocked? They said they don't like it. We knew it was coming, but that doesn't mean we have to like it. Now don't you feel silly.


No way codexes don’t release with a spellbook for each army like how it works in sigmar


They've been very explicit that the datacards and core systems aren't changing in 10th. Nobody is getting books of psychic powers to choose from. Some psychic powers will be going on other types of Farseer, but I'd also expect things like Doom or Guide to potentially become Stratagem if they aren't on specific units' datasheets.


When? In a year?


"Aeldari are all about specialized units filling specific roles extremely well." Proceeds to show the only non-specialized unit in the faction.


It seems they're just following the pattern of showing the big troop unit and a character/big vehicle. I am very curious to the aspect warriors and wraiths.


Eldritch storm, guys. Yay. (I miss my apocalyptic blast)


its a good profile, but compared to the librarian i miss the devastating wounds. come on, we are the eldar. our smites should be the most devastating.


You think? For me, it's not big explosion with lightning and stuff but instead a weird elven magic grenade launcher. Statistically similar to shuriken cannon, even got 3+ bs, for some reason.


Oh I agree with you here. I dislike how psychic attacks now feel like normal ranged weapons but with a psychic flavor. That's why I mourn the missing devastating wound, because without the mortal wounds it feels even less of a psychic attack.


Hitting a death star of crisis suits with that was such a good feeling in 7e.


For me it was the look on your opponent face for the first time, when you say, that you wound everything under that disk on 2+, because of flesbane+haywire. Magnificent.


No real mention of Ynnari, and none at all of Harlequins... that's a weird choice


I wonder if Harlequins will get their own faction focus. Definitely getting nervous about Ynnari (or rather at least their ability to take Drukhari and/or Harlequin units). I hope they are not just turned into a generic Aeldari subfaction.


If I'm being honest, them getting folded in is probably what's going to happen eventually anyway. The Ynnari were an idea that was kind of DOA, GW hasn't really known what to do with them ever since they were first released. Think about it. They can't actually kill Slaanesh (chaos players would riot) so what exactly makes them different in goals, endgame, or plot useability from Craftworlds?


Yeah fair point, doesn't help that the books kinda flopped. For me, I just like the idea of combining the 3 factions. Makes for cooler and more unique army construction. The characters are cool too but don't think those are in risk of going away.


Personally since they didn't show Ynnari or Harlequins as factions that will get rules as launch, and sub-factions are vanishing, I expect we'll be able to take this Aeldari Battle Host detachment and include Ynnari characters and Harlequins units in it. Then eventually we'll get Ynnari and Harlequin detachments whenever Codex Aeldari comes out. Maybe we'll get stop-gap detachments in a white dwarf if we're lucky. But I could be wrong, and I hope I am, I'd love to have a playable Ynnari detachment from day 1


I imagine that may be down to how (IIRC) these previews haven't really mentioned any Sub-Factions for any of the armies shown off so far, so while it sticks out a bit more for Eldar it at least seems to be consistent with the focus of these articles imo.


Subfaction are gone in 10th.


WarCom confirmed both are in the Aeldari Index on Facebook. Open question now for me is whether they'll make an appearance in Drukhari, too.


Ynnari have been in limbo for a long time now. They appeared when GW wanted to reduce factions - With ideas to remove slaanesh and combine eldars which were some of the poorest selling ones. But then everything changed with the ownership direction, slaanesh sold a lot, and they discovered ways to have lots of subfractions on the release calendar. So they went that way and froze the Ynnari lore


Honestly, this reminds me a lot of the change from 7th to 8th edition. Not the rules themselves but everyone's reactions to them. Some like it, considering that it's fairly balanced with what we've seen from other factions. Some hate it, considering that it's lost a lot of the flavor and variety of the past. Some (like myself) remember 8th edition and how all of the armies got much more flavorful rules once we moved onto individual codices.


>Some (like myself) remember 8th edition and how all of the armies got much more flavorful rules once we moved onto individual codices. I get your point, and I somewhat agree. The problem is that for some armies, these codices are 2-3 years into the future, where your army will feel bland and empty until that time. 8th had a much faster release schedule for codices than 10th, so it didn't feel as bad back then as it will now.


That would be fine if we weren't already told we won't see our codex for at least 1/3rd of the edition. And we might even get Guards treatment...


If fire and fade is just a normal move, that’s gonna be viscous on speedy units like Jetbikes and Vehicles


Man, this version of psychic is so gutted compared to 8th and 9th. There is no power selection, no agency in their use, nothing to make the offensive powers mechanically distinct from guns in any way. Now we just roll a single d6 and fail on a 1 for the powers previewed (that we can’t even choose). Psychic lovers are in for an incredibly disappointing edition.


Isn't Fortune slightly nerfed? A feel no pain was so great on Khaine and Wraithlords, making them stick on objectives and soaking up shots from the opponent.


-1 to wound on hard to kill units is much more potent. Given how we have seen Toughness increase, their are a lot of scenarios in which weapons that are anti-tank (melta’s etc.) will be wounding on 5s. Making them wound on 6s will be brutal.


ahh good point


Esp. if Wraiths keep the reduction to incoming damage...


It depends, a 5++ would also be better on T3 stuff like Guardians cause wounding on 3s instead of 2s wont make a difference lots of the time. Big difference is the loss of the Core/Character restriction. You can slap that -1 to wound on anything now. A Wraithknight for example with T10 or so and - 1 to wound means Meltas are wounding on 6s. Or using 3 Fire Prisms and the one thats actually in LOS get the -1. All of that was not possible with the current fortune. I think its a sidegrade at least, but I honestly think its gonna help our Vehicles so much that its even an upgrade.


Strands of Fate is not bad at all! Guardian defenders keeping 3+ BS and 4+ SV is surprising for me, but a welcome one. The detachment rule is boring tho, and no mention of Ynnari and space payaso


The BS increase has been fixed for a while and with GW handing out T increases, the likelyhood it would nerf their armor was low. Eldar aren't a horde faction with disposable trash chaff. However, the loss to the shuriken rule can be an issue to their niche. With only the cannon getting sustained fire, catapults got a considerable nerf. Battle focus is gone too.


I like the detachment rule, mostly because I kept failing the hit and wound rolls of my big guns. It is very bland though. Guess that fits the generalist detachment we get to start with.


I don’t quite understand the Farseer’s fate dice ability. Is it saying the Farseer gets to change the dice to a 6 and also gets to use the same dice along with whichever unit used it? If so, if that unit used the dice on a damage roll, for example, would that be what the Farseer has to use it on?


youre reading into it to much. whatever unit is within twelve of a farseer, if it uses a strand, changes value to a 6. just useful for 1s and 2s


How does the new Strands of Fate affect battle shock and charge? It says a dice replaces the roll, but these rolls have two dice. So you replace one of them? Or both? Do you need to use two fate dice? Can you use two fate dice?


> “After using a Fate dice, remove it from your Fate dice pool and roll all remaining dice that are part of that dice roll (if any].” > “To do so, select one of those Fate dice to substitute that dice rolls” So you only replace one dice with the strands of fate dice, and then roll the remaining dice (aka the other battle shock dice roll).


One really notable thing is that the guardian shuriken cannon is different than the reaper one of the same name. We might see different profiles for the same gun across armies.


Also the shuriken cannon is only sustained hits 1, while the catapult is instead assault. I guess there isn’t really a “shuriken” rule replacement, it’s just as needed to the unit’s weapon.


A few things I noticed: -Looks like fire and fade isn't restricted to a unit that shot that phase, so can be used for extra movement for any unit on the board -I wonder if storm guardians will be useable this edition, if they get 2 attacks and either S4 or AP-1? could they get Defenders of Fate too?


So, looks like Guide and Doom are gone. Or at least, Farseers don’t have them. Maybe that’ll be Eldrad’s thing? Not sure how I feel about Eldritch Storm. Happy that it’s back, but it’s weird that it’s now just a gun. Strands of Fate looks good, lots more flexible, although I liked that it refreshed every turn before. It does give a reason to bring guardians (or any unit with that ability, rangers, dire avengers maybe?). Shame that it only allows a farseer to change the dice to a 6 once per turn, but perhaps means that we will move away from fielding 3 farseers like before. Guardians look decent, not much change there and can see use for them now, although only as back-field objective holders with a bright lance platform to poke vehicles. Battle Focus was great and I’ll miss that, although Fire and Fade is okay.


I'd bet either Guide or Doom are gonna be on the Farseer Skyrunner. In a previous post they said each Librarian datasheet would have a different power, so I'd assume they'd apply this logic to the 2 Farseers as well


as a Fire Prism enthusiast I'm quite happy. You get a reroll to hit and wound per prism and can keep one 100% hidden with no CP cost. previously with linked fire you'd only get 1 reroll to hit or wound (with Biel Tann or Ulthwe) out of 4 shots if you linked fire because of how the stratagem was worded. can only hope that DAs and Fire Dragons get some kind of battle focus so they can get out of the way after firing


Wasn’t there also a range restriction on the linked shot? Now it is just visible


oh yeah, it's only 12 inches atm. unlimited range is huge


Combined with a fire and fade, it’s basically indirect fire. Amazing combo.


Does it mean Fleet/Battle Focus is gone?


Appears so but I anticipate it will be an ability (or variety of abilities) for specific data sheets where it is thematic. Like hawks or spiders


Im torn. On the one hand having a billion rerolls/replacement dice is incredibly strong. On the other hand, I find it incredibly boring. I was hoping for something more....I dont know, flavorful? I get SoF is all about Farseer divination, its implementation is just a bit of a letdown because its a mechanic Ive seen before (Miracle Dice, AoS Tzeentch dice), and the detachment rule being "just" more rerolls makes the faction's rules very 1-note and very passive. Its definitely strong, just in the lamest way possible. I prefer the "weaker" rules that AdMech, CSM, and Tyranids were given as they felt new and were very fluffy. Craftworlds and Space Marines have the strongest rules so far, but also the most boring and uninspired imo. Sad to see Fire and Fade costs 2CP, gonna be a little harder to run-and-gun with it being more expensive and losing Battle Focus. Defenders look solid enough, and have a nice ability. Hope this means the Stormboys will be useful as well (love running melee elves), though I imagine in a different manner. Guns all look pretty solid, Scatter Lasers losing Str while a lot of units are gaining T is a bit of a bummer but theyll still be good for hordes. Bright Lances at S12, I wonder if thats a sort of "soft-cap" for infantry anti-armor weapons? The Farseer looks...fine. Nothing crazy imo, Fortune is a nice spell and turning a SoF die to a 6 is useful, but probably not to the degree Farseers are currently at in 9th. Missing trademark spells like Doom, Guide, Executioner feels strange but with all the rerolls and SoF, Doom/Guide might not be felt. Hopefully our Aspect Warriors will have abilities that supply more flavor/fluffiness to the Army, and not just more rerolls or ignoring modifiers, but something more engaging.


Shuriken key word gone? Guide/Doom/empower/enervate gone?


For those worried about the Ynnari and the Harlequins: on the Eldar discord there's some pinned screenshots from GW's facebook saying that "Harlequins are part of the Aeldari," and "of course Ynnari will be playable, they're in the index!" So it looks like harlequins are officially being absorbed into the Eldar and we should have Ynnari rules by the time the indices launch, at least in some capacity.


I am really sad that the battle focus ability seemingly vanished


A rehash of someone else faction rule and some rerolls, yay? It's undeniably effective but it's about as boring as it gets. Their agility and speed has become being 1 inch faster than a standard human. It's so... flat


I can see the point of view that some flavour is lessened, which feels bad. BUT from a pure power perspective: SOF: realistically could be more powerful than previous version in certain situations. Very often a save doesn’t have to be a six, and any 3+ can be used on high damage weapons to ensure hits/wounds. I think it could be a significant upgrade for certain purposes, but some mathhammer needs to be done. Re roll 1 hit, wound: insane on things like single D-cannon platforms or any brightlance. A blanket “-1 to wound” can actually be insanely strong on something like wraithguard/blades. Anti tank weapons would only kill one wraith per successful shot anyways, so this along with SOF saves could make them unbelievably hard to shift, since small arms fire would be pretty useless. Fire and fade strat is nerfed in the sense that CP will be rarer, but making a full move is downright ridiculous on anything that can deal some damage and has a large move. Linked fire essentially gives us indirect anti-tank fire, with no CP cost, without any penalty. In a meta that may be quite veichle heavy. I may have to do some math on the SOF stuff, but I think it could be situationally really good.


If you’re ahead, Strands of Fate is definitely strong as you can get 2-6 more dice per round depending on how many objectives you got “defenders of fate” units on. If you’re behind, it loses its impact as you’re slowly whittling down your pool.


Yeah I do suspect it could be quite swingy. However: imagine the Eldar version of WAAAGH where you just fate-roid up your entire army for a massive turn 😂


'There'll be less re rolls in 10th ed'. It's all re rolls!


Unpopular opinion but Guardians look decent and the extra strands dice is gonna be nice BUT I really don't enjoy how GW just wants us to use lots of guardians. First they take away DAs as troops, so we only have guardians and rangers, and now guardians look to be actively encouraged. It doesn't make lore sense at all, lmao. Guardians are like the last point of defense, ie they're called to battle when its not gonna be enough to use their aspect warriors and tanks and stuff, so mostly defensively. They aren't getting the guardians out for most attacks they make. I don't like being told I gotta bring them out for every fight.


Army building, as we've seen it explained so far: Army building rules are also extremely simple: 1+ Character 0-1 of each Epic Hero 0-3 copies of an individual datasheet. 0-6 copies of an individual battleline or dedicated transport datasheet. One character becomes your Warlord, and that’s pretty much it. No more fussing with force organization charts or detachment types and CP modifiers. At this point, you don't seem to have to take any "Troops."


Disagree here, Guardians were always supposed to be the backbone of Eldar armies and having them barely ever show up was a bit weird. DAs work much better as elites, being slightly better Guardians was far more of a lore mismatch when you consider how competent aspect warriors are supposed to be.


Only Ulthwe used Guardians as a backbone. Most other Eldar Craftworlds use aspect warriors unless they are on the defensive and need militia troops (Guardians)


Where in the lore are they written as the backbone? Discounting Ulthwe since they use guardians a bit differently. I know they're the most numerous but that's because they are literally everyone who isn't a warrior or seer at the moment (due to path). They're trained to be ready if called upon but by no means used as the bulk of a force unless its for defensive purposes.


*coughs in ulthwe*


I'm a little unimpressed, tbh. Strands got more or less side graded. Battle focus is gone. And the farseer ability to make a strand dice into a 6 is once per turn. I was expecting the hit to psychics, but miracle dice lite I was not lol Stats don't seem terrible for the defenders, which is good. That combined with the ability to generate strands dice might make them worth taking. I'll wait for everything to be revealed before passing judgment, but this preview just feels.......odd.


Mech Eldar is now a thing. Fire prisms and night spinners are gonna be gruesome. No word on shuriken keyword though. Fortune plus SoF gives you two guaranteed hits or wounds. Pretty nasty. DoF looks pretty sweet. Im glad guardians are getting some love.


I think at this point we can say there is no shuriken keyword. The guardian defenders shuriken cannon has sustained hits 1, and their shuriken catapult has assault. Also fortune is a defensive buff, not a buff to offense. It worsens the enemy’s wound roll against your unit.


>Mech Eldar is now a thing. Especially considering we can use fortune to give them -1 to wound.


I don't know why people expected battle focus to stay for sure. It goes against the ethos of the edition to make the game play faster. I am hoping for 2 wound aspects and a baller avatar Statline.


So our first detachment is basically Biel Tann


More of a mix of Biel-Tan (re-roll hits) and Ulthwe (re-roll wounds). Or even the custom craftworld Expert Crafters trait (reroll wounds).


That is a lot better than I was expecting honestly. Glad to see we can gain more fate dice and aren't just stuck with the starting ones. Also very happy to see bright lances at strength 12. Psychic stuff is as much of a letdown as I thought it would be though unfortunately


Guardians are INCREDIBLE if they're the only unit that can give extra Fate dice. Very happy in general, I play Ynnari so we'll see how that pans out but looks brill. Hoping there's some way to add in more psychic powers to the datasheets but we'll see


Tbh kinda like they give guardians a close combat weapon also makes modeling kinda fun give em a little knife or something too carry around. But all an all glad with the changes and looks really fun


I've seen so big nerfs to other factions that i'm content with these nerfs. Not too bad really.