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Soz lads, hopefully I didn’t contribute to ruining it for the dataslate. I’ll be pretty disappointed if we get yet another nerf - playing this list you really have to play out of your damn mind to do well. Storm guardians were my MVP all weekend by far. They are so unassuming and bad, but combined with the movement of eldar they can pull off some gross plays. This list truly plays like eldar is meant to.


Did you not get the memo about losing the final round this close to MFM?!! JK. Great work! Congrats!


Finally going to try some in my list this week. At 115 they don’t really feel like trash unit, but I guess making your opponent decide between something with sticky or something that can dish out damage they will probably ignore the sticky unit. Figuring out primary with my recent all squishy list has been a bit of an issue, I am hoping they help some in that department.


Did you make this list before or after seeing the Alpine GT winning list? It's amazingly similar. Also - the wave serpent and the Yvarine + troop, how is it performing for the points? Edits: Congrats on gold!


I wish I could claim it as being original, but it was certainly a tweaked version of that list. I wasn’t originally planning to play this event, but my weekend cleared up at the last minute and I wanted to try out some crazy European tech just to understand how it worked and to see if there were any good lessons to learn for a teams event that I’m practicing for. Previous to this I had been constantly complaining about how squishy the Avatar has felt in every single matchup - not having to babysit him all event felt amazing.


Yeah :( avatar feels like a trap. So much damage in this meta.


I guess the problem with the avatar is that he is our only good target for heavy weapons, and we can't bring a lot of other high thoughness stuff. So he get's focused by everything. Besides that I just saw him die in a single round against a 185 point model... our wraithlords wished they were as good :D. Tankshock with S14 is 16 dice with mortals on 5+. That's almost half of the Avatars life. Then 5A with S14 AP-3 and D6+1 damage... that's only slightly worse than the Avatars own attacks at half the points. And the Dreadknight can get dev wounds on that with a stratagem... Brutal. And the Avatar can't tank shock, because not a walker.


Congratulations! Awesome result! Any highlights from any particular matchups? Which game was the hardest, or the most surprising, or maybe the most fun?


I won't post the full writeup I did for my team, but the DG final was against my teammate which was insanely close due to the mission and him going second. Game 5 - Priority Targets - Death Guard (morty) Fixed Objectives - DTH and BEL. This was 6 objective mission - I knew whoever went second was the favorite to win. Decided I didn't want the risk of shitty tactical and wanted a consistent score. This was a blessing and a curse. DG player went second :(. I only sacrificed 1 unit on t1 and t2 to get DTH and BEL meaning I was locked in for a 96 score at best. I did this because I wanted to minimize resources thrown away early in the hope of setting up late game move blocks and lock in a 10 on the end of game scoring which would max my primary. DG took fixed secondaries as well with Cleanse and DTH. Cleanse was a surefire 20 due to how close objectives were to each other, and DTH meant he was probably down only 2 points in early turns until he could force some stuff to toe into my deployment zone. Table quarters deployment also meant we were quite close to each other. So if we just played a chill back and forth game, I was projected to lose by 2. I went for a big turn 2 play, sacrificing killing rihnos with guys inside, to instead go stand next to him and deny primary. Got some hawks onto his back objective guarded by a single PBC (the other one went on a mission to shoot laz cannons at a wave serpent). So then after that he was effectively projected to score 93 at max presuming he scored 10 every other turn and 15 at end of game (spoiler alert, he did). We traded stuff back and forth throughout the game from this point while I kept him largely move blocked and away from my "safe" objectives. The rihnos which I made a decision not to kill on t2 when I had an opportunity to were forever safe and sat and cleansed all game. I tried to deny him primary on some other turns to try and seal a win but failed due to overwatch and warp spiders killing themselves. I did however super luckily deny a cleanse for 2 points on his t4, charging a bloat drone with Yvraine's unit and using the pile in to kill his remaining plague marines while avoid fights first. Yvraine and co survived morty slapping them and kept just enough OC around to stop his rihno finishing cleanse - pulling his projected score down to 91. Going into t5 I had this elaborate plan to deny him 5 more points of primary on t5 so that the max he could get was 40. This failed due to so many reasons, but ended up not being necessary at all due to me keeping my safe objectives away from his few remaining models with move blocks. His one out would have been a PBC forcing a battleshock on some dark reaper on my home objective, buuuuuuuut, the objective was sticky... Storm guardians OP. So that ended that. 96-91 Win


Wow! Thank you! Awesome game!


Please post the full write up :)


Masterclass gfg


Can we please stay low for some weeks, I don’t need further nerfs


Don't worry I'm off to a GT this weekend, I'll do my best to loose all the games to bring down our metric. 😅


Jain‘Zar and her shining spears friends army incoming!


Imagine winning a GT with spears 😅


I saw them winning RTTs, so if you get lucky on your matchups, GT win is not out of the question. Don't forget this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/1byzxmm/i\_just\_have\_to\_post\_another\_list\_that\_placed\_well/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/1byzxmm/i_just_have_to_post_another_list_that_placed_well/)


Thanks Alex, my list is mostly a skathach, avatar and lynx. Should be fun and hits very hard.


Awesome! Good luck!


Thanks, its my first GT is in aiming to win 1 game. My practice game against hyper crypt last week was a solid Eldar win 100-75. Monolith getting vaporised T1 by the avatar and knight. So I know I've got some teeth. Little nervous if I come up against guard with their indirect. Any tips?


Don't count on Necrons intentionally putting their Monoliths in range of your Avatar and Knight turn 1 - that shouldn't happen in most games :D With Guard that bring a lot of indirect, you deploy on the line, hope to get the first turn, and rush them. You can't sustain the attrition from their artillery for the whole game. If their only bring a little bit of indirect, then you can play your normal game - they won't indirect Avatar.


I wasn't expecting it T1 but was grateful he did. Good to know, I guess 50/50 to go first. I'm going to have a good look at the player pack this afternoon and make a game plan. Hoping to not come up against another Eldar player there's 3 of us in total all with very different lists. https://www.bestcoastpairings.com/event/KQNM2UY9N8


I mean why not, look here - almost won a GT: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/1byzxmm/i\_just\_have\_to\_post\_another\_list\_that\_placed\_well/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/1byzxmm/i_just_have_to_post_another_list_that_placed_well/)


The eldar community is so used to nerfs we always expect the worst! I really hope they let it be for a while, but who knows...


I don't think it'll be army wide this time. Perhaps, just moderate points increases on Fuegan, Reapers, Spectres, Hawks and Spiders.


That would be even worse than the old nerf imho


Let's see, only a couple of weeks to wait. I'm optimistic that it won't be too big :-)


Are Reapers that good for 85 points / 5 models ?


80 pts and they offer cheap indirect and chip damage.


I think accidentally you called the nerf here :D Going up to 85 points in two weeks :-)


So run a Liam list and play it well, got it.


Yep. There is a big variety in X-1 lists, i.e. both kinds of Avatars, different kinds of Wraiths including a Wraithknight, huge variety of antitank with Falcons, Dragons, Prisms, War Walkers, Hornets, and Vipers, a wide range of characters including Eldrad, Karandras, Jain Zar, Solitaire, Death Jester, some lists with Windriders, Scorpions, Banshees and Shroud Runners, other lists heavy on Spinners and Scourges, etc. All of that however seemed to encounter at least one bad matchup (or one better player). Liam's list however reigns supreme.


I’ve swapped from big things to more of a horde recently and am having a blast, with lots of blast.


To be fair I thought I heard them say Liam borrowed this army from a buddy


But didn't he borrow it from another Liam? :-)




You’re right, and this one is a little different. Dropped a ranger and hawks unit for a D cannon.


reapers and fuegan going up imo


Seems like it, alongside Spiders. Maybe more too, let's see :-)


Sooo, what are thinking GW will cull when the codex releases? Are all the aspect warriors going to make it through?


Hopefully nothing. I mean there are some obvious targets seen in most competitive lists, but that's pretty much true for all armies. I'm not sure adding 5-10 points to all good choices every MFM is a winning strategy... Im personally hoping for less and less changes as the meta matures. Especially negative changes. Nerfs are always more risky and less popular, than buffs.


Wouldn't be surprised if they cull the resin vehicles, like the jets and super tanks


Ah yeah I misunderstood the question. Too focused on MFM lol. I do think that all of the aspects make it through. I think they are too vital to the eldar identity and have been a core part of the army too long, so I think the rumors of a big new release for eldar is plausible with hawks, spiders, dragons and some phoenix lords. Maaaybe we loose a phoenix lord? And maybe shadow specters, though that kit is not as old so I hope it'll stick around even if it's resin. Feels like a big difference in quality from original Forge World and finecast copies of 30 year old metal.


I'm not the person you originally replied to :D


Resin characters. At least Illic and Iriel, hopefully not Phoenix Lords.


Hawks Reapers Spectres and spiders are all gonna get abouts 10 points nerf


If we don't get points drops elsewhere that'll be harsh. It'll be harsh even with other points drops imo. Eldar is already stretched thin in board presence and another 100 points in nerfs will be tough to compensate for. And those fast and un-interactive units are pretty much needed for our play style to work since nothing can take a beating. Such is the eldar way. Imo eldar seems to be in a great spot right now. Top players with focused lists perform, but over time and across all players the win rate is somewhere around 50% without anything crazy in number of tournament wins and similar stats.


I hope you're right but we are the big bad bogey man of 10th and therefore will get another slap on the wrist. Let's just hope that custodes (seems like their codex is a nerf) and Necrons get nerfs as well.


Yeah, I hope they see (as with CSM) that nerfing armies past the goal is just a bad outcome. As long as you're not seeing domination you're in a pretty good spot. I think the only nerfs that are 100% certain are to Necrons, Custodes as you say got a new codex so I think they are handled in their own way. The other most likely candidates are probably TS and sisters, but they don't seem to be above 55% if you look over time. My guess is a MFM with very light nerfs and hopefully some bigger buffs to the bottom armies and rarely seen units.


what do you see them nerfing in TS?


I'd be shocked if we got anything, if you look at the data since the slate we're on 52% and once you get to regular tournament goers it drops to 50%. Can they smash face? Absolutely, I had a great time wrecking people with them at home nations (until I had to put a break on the Liam VSL train despite going first on Purge). However at the moment I would say eldar are in a close to perfect spot. You have to play very well to get them to work but its doable and they dont feel broken. In the hands of a bad player the army will fall apart completely which balances it out


I hope that the balancing team at GW goes into that kind of depth with their analysis but since all the Spacemarine players are crying about us (which is kind of the role eldar take in the whole rock paper scissors scheme) I am concerned.


So your saying if i keep playing double Avatar + tripple prism, these units will soon get point reductions, got it!


Nah, they will hopefully stay the same. I don't expect any reductions at this point :D


Can we please just not. I really don’t want more damn nerfs.


I like that Aeldari are still doing well but lists like this would suck to play against. Nothing but DW, indirect and our quickest obj grabbing units. But that’s probably why I don’t play tournaments…


Tbf most tournament lists suck to play against


That’s true. Spamming the best units just doesn’t seem fun but that’s also not my play style.


Understandable. I never wanted to play a “horde” army, and I don’t think the MSU lists are, but it’s a lot more stuff. Idk if it’s even the best stuff tbh, but it sure is nice to easily screen out those pesky 3 inch deep strikes everyone seems to get currently. Plus when something dies I don’t feel so bad because I have a plethora of other crap on the table. I didn’t want to play it at first, but have definitely been enjoying it after I gave in. To each their own.


Oh definitely, I’m not demeaning anyone who plays like that. I am playing a fluffy Corsair/Harlie force because I find that fun and others probably would hate how inefficient some of my unit choices are. That being said I can see how to be competitive or even semi-competitive you’d have to skew towards more MSU so your opponent really needs to pick and choose targets more wisely.


Not the only competitive way - remember a Wraithknight and Avatar combo winning a GT a couple of weeks ago, and Wraithblades before that. Eldar can play a variety of styles.


Fair point! I am a fan of that, that even without other detachments we can still do well. Even the mostly harlequin list that won awhile ago.




That's the new competitive meta for Eldar. However, the index is very wide. Over the last couple of months we've seen GT winning runs with the majority of units from the index.


I’m always happier to see the ones that bring variety but that’s just me. I play mostly beer and pretzel games. I’m also a glutton for punishment, might even try and see if I can make a shadowseer work! Haha


I'm toying with the idea of creating a "Harlequin detachment" (about 500 pts) for the Grand Narrative in November, which may include a shadowseer. I know it's asking for trouble, but I like fluff.


Nice! I am playing in a narrative league and use harlies there as part of my army. Troupes with TM are surprisingly effective as counter punch units.


I mean that's pretty much eldars identity. Without indirect and movement tricks how are you supposed to survive with T3 and 1 wound? And without good damage output how are you supposed to function as a glass cannon? Also we tried the meta where avatars, WKs and wraiths were good and opponents complained about that being unfun too. I think this MSU aspect thing is more what eldar \*should\* look like, though I hope we can utilize the melee aspects a bit better with more detachments in the future codex.


I guess that’s more of what I was getting at. I love aspect warriors but I just enjoy variety in lists. I don’t like indirect not just for us but for others as well because it feels bad when you’re playing smart in hiding and your unit still gets destroyed. I am not, nor will I likely ever be a competitive player. I’m the player that kitbashes or greenstuff most of his units so his army tells a story on the table and even take ‘bad’ units that fit that narrative.


It amuses and annoys me alike to see that GW has managed to get Strands of Fate so much nerfed that winning lists like these aren't even interacting with it anymore. No way to generate more. No way to manipulate the rolled Fate dice. This list, most likely, rolls the fate dice at the start bcs the game tells him to do so and then forgets about them.


Not quite. They reroll them until they can get one or two 5s or 6s, or at least a 4, and use that for a charge, or maybe a save, when needed. Only once or twice per game. That's however not the only way to go about it. There have been a fair few X-0 and X-1 lists wth Eldrad, Farseers and Guardian Defenders. All of them almost made it to a GT win, only blundering once in those runs.


If there was only 1 unit you had to give the mvp to, who would it be?


Storm Guardians: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/1c4kp26/comment/kzojcqg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/1c4kp26/comment/kzojcqg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Just cuz sticky? I feel like I'm totally missing something lol


Because it's one of the best toolbox units in the index! Sticky objectives, denying primary with OC 20, screening with 5++ on the cheap, removing the opposing screens with their flamers and melta, move-blocking with 11 models, charging low-volume-of-attacks units to tie them up, etc. Such a versatile unit!