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Yvraine and 11 Harlequins are pretty good in a wave serpent. That way they can get in melee without being blasted off the board easily.


This is the best unit by far imo. Synergize very well with their short range pistols and melee. The only other option I'd really consider is to load it up with fire dragons. You can fit 2x5 + fuegan as separate units. Good way to get them into melta range. Most of the time you'd do this with falcons though, but if you want to have two units of fire dragons in your list and can't fit two falcons this is a good option.


Yup. Yvraine and Quins!


Can you have 11 Quinns in a unit? I was going to suggest Yvraine, The Visarch and 10 Quinns, but now I'm questioning it


Yes. You can have 11 in one units. You can actually have 12 (two full boxes). https://preview.redd.it/ekrggkg4izuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7db83c64e68a2b66b2eec436cf3a6d10aa62b68


This leads me to question, is the 11th troupe better than the visarch?


For 15 points you get an additional Neuro Disruptor AND an additional Fusion Pistol. That's a lot better than the 90 points for the ZERO ranged weapons of the Visarch.


I was just thinking about his fights first ability mainly. I have seen a lot of talk about that group of 12 being good. And I really like the Visarch model so I was hoping it was a good option.


Yes ! I think they have this quirk specifically to fill-up a transport with a character attached.




Wraithblades are tempting, but not being able to charge after the servant moves seems top annoying. Wraithguard, given they can shoot and are slightly less tough, is generally a great idea.


I put a Wraithguard and Spiritseer in it. Absolutely clutch against a space marine match-up. One unit of them and the wave serpent took out a land raider with full health in one round of shooting. (Albeit with a fate dice sub in for a damage roll) Wait for your opponent to expose something valuable the hurl them up the field and counter. Don’t try and hold an objective in the early game or the wave serpent will get destroyed.


I’ve run this unit every game since n 10th. It’s amazing


I like my Dire Avengers in mine; helps to get them onto one of the midboard objectives 


11hlq + yvraine, or you could do corsairs too for the scout move


It depends what you want! Shooting counters: Wraithguard are very powerful - you essentially end up with 34” threat range for Wraithcannons which is a scary counter for any opponent except hoards. Fire Dragons can be handy - I run 2x5 with Eldrad in a Wave Serpent ^ these you want to run cagey, don’t get shot if you can avoid it because you want to shoot first. Don’t forget to disembark a full 3” to make use of threat range. Melee nuisances: Wraithblade in a Wave Serpent - you want to propel these up the board and work as a distraction carnifex (if they blast the tank open, you’re already where you need to be so joke’s on them). Troupe and Yvraine is a solid combo to be delivered up the board and helps avoid indirect fire, try to remain next to buildings for the disembark to really utilise staying hidden even if the tank is opened - you can also add in the Visarch to make them extra annoying with Fights First. Also, make sure to eventually get that Wave Serpent within 12” of something before it dies - some free Mortal wounds can be a useful thing! Tank shock and tying down shooting units is also always a good strategy.


I find that they're a great way to get your wraithblades and spiritseer to the mid-board objective quickly so that you can force the opponent to decide if they're going to try to shift you, or just let you have it. I also like to load Asurmen and 10 Dire Avengers in one when my opponent commits their light-to-mid weight infantry to an objective to make a corner of the board a hell of shurikens while the serpent takes pot shots with it's bright lances. It really forces a decision on what they want to commit effort to dealing with on your opponents side.


Ive been using wraithblades in mine. Takes up most transport space but is able to bring those tough fighters to the frontline quick. Otherwise, they get a terrible 5” movement.


I cram my Avengers in them just so they can't get blasted off the board by the arty meta of my local scene : /


Corsairs + Yvraine + Visarch make for a spicy meatball. Not as tough as harlequins but way shootier with psychic attacks that ignore cover and have some fancy rules up their sleeves.