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Dane really thought he was gonna do something running in and doing kicks and shit then he got hit in the face with my star fists


Dane is weird dude, both times I fought him (1v1 and gank squad) he did absolutely nothing lol. Just ran at me and then I beat him into a pulp.


Fighting him with the dryleaf arts is very fun, he still isn't the hardest of npcs, but you feel more badass doing it.


I'll have to give that a try lol.


That's weird, with my slow str build, he was definitely the hardest of the NPCs of the DLC.


I think it’s cause Dane has super low poise so he gets stunlocked by anything, which makes using a faster weapon even more beneficial than using a slow weapon.


Shut up fraud Waterfowl Dance


I really, really didn't want to fight Moore.


Sad, forever?




Fun fact! (Or not so fun fact) If you only use him as a vendor and don’t talk about his personal issues, he won’t be a part of the gank fight Although he will have some unique dialogue after the fight, mainly “Leda, Dane, Ansbach, they’re all gone…where did they go?” Or something to that effect


Second fun fact, if you don't pay attention and kill white kindred of rot and Moore invades you and you kill him, he won't be part of the gank fight. I didn't know until right now that we was supposed to be part of it.


Third fun fact if you tell him stay sad forever he will go a bit north from church in Skadu Atlus. There you will find dead kindered of rot in Moore armor, implying who Moore actually was


Wait what


You read the man!


Moore went from my precious gud boi to "that annoying little shit, eat dirt and die!' bastard just because of this fight.


\> shows up \> bombs you with scarlet rot \> refuses to die God, if Moore had been summonable for any boss... They knew he'd be way too nasty.


If only he could be an option for the last boss. He wouldve pulverized them


Put on his gear and put hefty rot pots in your equip belt. Summon mimic tear. You now have a Moore summon.


"what mf just threw a GIANT ROT POT AT ME" the sense of betrayal seeing Moore pull this shit had me livid


Same, until he started throwing a gigantic jar of rot.


that annoying bitch with his rot pots can eat it


He was last, and then I threw every fucking object in my inventory at him out of spite


Bro their corpses that you find after the fight only made my heart break… Moore, freya and dane didn’t deserve this… so “tender” or “kind” miquella will pay…for them aswell as for all of those he sacrificed to get where he is.. this victory will be for them all


My favorite part about this fight is that after you win, you see sad little messages left by various Tarnished next to the corpses.


My message was "Still no regret". Fuck Leda


Fuck him. If he's friends with those fucking thread shooting bug pricks then he isn't friends with me. I fucking hate those white cockroach bastards more than any other enemy. I still have nightmares from that fucking chest teleporting me to a whole cave full of them at level 1.


But they're all friendly in the DLC, and give you gifts if you talk to them :(


Correction. Six of them are friendly. The rest of them are thread shooting white cockroach bastards.


I think all the white ones in the dlc are friendly, it's the new red ones that aren't. Or at least I don't remember fighting a white one.


They're all white, just most are splattered with red The non red splattered ones yes those are friendly


I didn't either. Because he's a damn tank. Had to beat on him for minutes after everyone else was dead.


There's all the people sad that they got him to kill himself but I don't feel that bad about it knowing all the fucking rot pots they avoided.


I accidentally killed him few hours into the DLC, he even left his bell bearing. Wonder if he will be in the gank squad when I get there


No, he should be gone. I also killed him early and never saw him again


With with the power of 3 words you don't have to owo


3 v 3 if you tell moore to be sad and summon hornsent for messmer


You can also not give Freyja Ansbach's letter and she doesn't come. You can outnumber Leda and Dane lol


That’s weird I gave Freya the letter and she still pulled up


Might wanna read that again




Lmaoooo I’m rarted


You were simply faster than the wisdom chasing you, fellow tarnished ❤️


Giving her the letter helps her keep her sense of purpose and keep fighting. 


You can also have hornsent invade u if you tell leda to go after him instead of ansbach.


When do you have to talk to Moore for him to not join the fight? I can't remember talking to him but he didn't fought me with Leda on my second playthrough.


After the charm breaks on your way to Shadow Keep you can talk to all of the NPC's with new dialogue. Moore will ask if he should just be sad forever and if you tell him to stay sad forever he won't join the fight against you.


You can also tell him you don't know, and he'll live without joining the fight


I think it's after Leda disappears to Enir-Ilim, but I could be misremembering.


I summoned Hornsent for Messmer and he invaded me in Rauh and died for it. Not sure what step I missed.


He will do that, they are saying he wont fight along side Leda in another portion of the game. If you summon him for Messmer he will go crazy after getting revenge


Also, the Mimic.


Of course! We must not forget 😁


That's what I thought was gonna pop up when the first guy came back around.


i had a dude named Nataan show up, what a beast


Bold of you to assume I didn't summon Dragon Wife instead. Then I have ALL my allies.


I used greatshields and I buffed the hell out of them. It was great fun.




Depends on your build. Mine was great.


yeah, mine pretty much won the fight while I helped, lol


I loved this boss fight. Duking it out with the boys (Ansbach and Thiollier) against Leda and the followers of Miquella was a great idea and I really enjoyed it. It definitely doesn't feel like a fight designed for you to fight solo. It's a fight meant to reward you for completing NPC quests.


Definitely. Watched a streamer refusing to do NPC quests, refusing to summon and insisting to 1v5 the Fight while his skill and adaptability was just bad. No defensive talismans, below average skadoodle tree level and just plain up bad gameplay. Sure bud it’s the games fault and not your fault its a 1v5 fight you refuse to summon for


Too many people blame problems they created themselves on the game without doing just a little introspection.


That fight was the only fight I broke my personal “no summons” rule for … mostly because I didn’t consider it a boss fight and I thought a chaotic group fight would be a lot more fun than fighting solo


I only broke my "no summons" rule for 4 bosses. 1. Radahn. Because the amount of NPC's you can summon signals to me the game really wants you to do it. Turning it into a raid boss is just cool to me. 2. Leda. Because just like you said a chaotic group fight just seems more fun. 3. Bayle. Because Igon is amazing and he doesn't make a huge difference anyways. 4. Consort Radahn. Because I'm weak lol. Also if Radahn is getting back up from Miquella in the second phase, then damn it I'm summoning my Mimic Tear and making it a 2v2 to even the odds.


I generally play "no summons" but at the same time I love doing and figuring out the NPC quests. And if a Quest requires me to summon for a fight, I will generally do it - just because its in the spirit of the game and what Miyazaki intended the experience to be like. Playing "no summons" locks you out of so much story/items and lore its insane. You're basically missing 1/3 of the DLC. Not to mention that the summons for the final boss are so insanely bad it makes the fight harder over all instead of easier. I made the experience that Thiollier never did any significant damage while dying before phase two. And if Ansbach survived the phase 2 start he would run around at the fog gate, leaving you alone with the boss at buffed 50% HP for most of the phase until dying in one combo. Thats the reason I decided to fight the final boss without any story summons. And luckily they still drop their loot after you defeat the boss, so summoning is not required. But If you don't summon them in the gank fight they are not available for the final boss fight and you will be locked out of their loot.


I love all the different themes clashing together in that fight. Dogmatism, vengeance, battle pride, and hate. It led to some hard-to-follow conversation (because it happened during the battle) but it's my top #1 moment in the DLC, mainly because it's something that is impossible in typical Souls games but not Elden Ring.


It was anime as f\*ck. Ansbach and Thiollier making dramatic entrances. Banter while fighting. Regret that it had to come to blows. Bittersweet realization that at one point, they were friends. It was chaotic and heartbreaking all at the same time.


Man :( I never managed to complete the NPC quests, so it was just me and a sanguine noble that I didn't recall meeting


This Royal Rumble is my favorite part of the DLC.


The more dialogue spoken during a fight the more points it gets from me


Mine too. Found it an excellent surprise


How do get Thiollier to join? I must have missed something in his quest line


Find Trina, imbibe nectar until she exhausts her dialogue. Tell Thiollier of her location or check on him in gravesite plains and he'll tell you he's going there himself. Tell him about what Trina said until he invades you. Defeat him, talk to him again until he starts repeating dialogue. Once you defeat Messmer check on him again to be safe and he'll just say "A-ah...". That should be enough to get him on your side.


Can you still get him to join if you never talked to him before the rune shattered?


I believe that's what I did on my first run. I went into the Trina cave before ever meeting him. Seems Messmer is the point of no return for most NPC quests.


As long as you do his questline before reaching the fight in Enir-Ilim, you should be fine.


The trigger to miss it is burning the shadow tree in Rauh. All the quests are still phase 1 until you fight Messmer I think.


I did none of that and he was available.


Find trina, talk to thiollier a couple times he goes to see trina. have trina kill you sevral times. Tell thiolier about it until he just curses you when you try to talk to him. reload the area, kick his ass, talk to him some more and he should show up to be cannon fodder for ya.


Like others have said then if you summon him and ansbach to fight against Leda then you can also then summon them for the final boss (Thiollier is kinda ass in the final boss fight though)


If he gets his poison off the damage he does in insane. Just gotta be lucky.


Ansbach is worse. They are both shit, but Thiollier is poisonous shit and that can at least somewhat help with Radahn's bigger healthbar from using him. Ansbach's speech is cool a few times, but he's just a burden for the fight.


I really don't know if the extra health they give the boss is worth what they bring to the fight. Honestly had moments where the fight between the boss and I went so far and so fast across the arena they hadn't hit him once by the time I died.


Thiollier's is one of those quests where it's almost impossible to do it without a guide. It requires doing a few things that are completely unintuitive.


What? No way. I did it completely blind. If you are used to From’s design where you exhaust and repeat things over and over you can figure it out. You just repeat steps until you consistently get the same dialogue.


I mean, I guess someone with enough FromSoft experience might intuit that you're supposed to drink a poison that kills you like 7 times in a row. Didn't strike me ad obvious, personally.


Yeah it was a bit excessive even for them. But I still was able to just keep throwing myself at her to see if something changed. That’s just what you have to do sometimes with From games.


Freya , Hornsent and Throllier were not there for the fight cause i didn't progress their quest properly.


Sir Ansbach a real one frfr


This is the best npc fight in the series. Although i had ansbach and thollier as allies, I ended up killing hornsent as he invaded me after I told leda to kill him instead of ansbach so he ended up not being there. Next time I'd like to save Moore and have leda go after ansbach so then I can help ansbach duel against leda, to still have him for the last boss, but also still get hornsent in the fight.


Hornsent invades you anyway. The trigger is summoning him for Messmer, I believe. If you don't, he'll be on Leda's side.


I don't think I had to fight Moore. I wonder what I did to exclude him from the fight. Also, Thiollier was already dead lol. But Ansbach practically soloed that fight, holy moly, dude is a god.


You have to both tell him to stay strong and not kill any Foragers so he doesn't try to invade you


I see. Why in the world would I kill the foragers? They are nice guys who don't attack and even give you stuff. These murder hobos out here attacking everything in the game deserve what they get.


I assume people see them and just attack. 


Monsters. Sir Ansbach told you to leave them alone!


I did at first and then it cowered. I was only used to their kind recking me in the base game. I felt bad. I rested at the grace, went back, and it gave me stuff, haha.


Shame he is useless in the final boss fight.


First playthrough, it was 4v4 and quite epic. I thought to myself "cool squad Leda, here is my squad". On my second run I lowered Ledas group to 3 people and they got slaughtered.


Honestly, beating them alone (with no Freya, luckily) was such a drag. After beating hornsent and pummeling Moore a little (so sorry, Moore, shouldn’t have to you to believe in Miquella) it’s a run away and stalling game. Keep running away and hitting Dane when he closes the distance, especially when Leda is just standing around. Eventually I just used Freya’s curved sword and Stormcallered them into next Friday, but I will not try them alone next time, it’s just a sad battle.


It’s just not a fight designed to be played solo. Yes it’s possible but I think it was more fun having a chaotic 5v3 with my best buds. Getting their equipment after the final boss was a nice reward for finishing their quests


So just like fighting a gank then lol


Yeah, that's what I did. It was honestly dull. I had me, a spirit ash, and the sanguine noble summon, but after they died I just ran and poked at Dane and Moore for what felt like an hour.


Awesome fight but I had no idea what was happening. I guess friendship with Leda ended and Ansbach is my homie now


If only we could summon Igon in this fight lmao The squad will have a demoralizer for the opposite team.


I honestly regret summoning them for that fight, was a really cool one but they got completely swarmed and dominated


How many people were in the opposing gank squad for you? I had 4 that I had to square off against, I certainly did not regret summon for that fight, especially since the summons are staggered. 


Sorry Moore, I didn't know the brood was friendly at the time 😔


I believe it was 3 or 4 for me? Honestly the first few didn't even get to do anything, they just got stagger locked and murdered, only Leda lasted and put up even a token fight, I'll go double check the body count later, I know hornsent, the kick boxing guy and Leda where there for sure


I tried it several times solo because normally I never summon, but it was so cancerous and it felt like the spirit of the thing to summon, so me and my homie Ansbach bodied them. Well, mostly Ansbach bodied them lol.


Literally the best part on the entire game for me LMFAO


I only had ansbach, Thioller is just straight up gone for me lmao


That happens if you kill Romina before Thiollier moves to St. Trina.


Not true, I killed Romina and did the Thiollier questline after and could summon him for the fight. It might be if you burned the tree before.


What part did you do after? When i killed Romina Thiollier was gone from the map. I hadn't beat Putricent Knight before. The wiki says the same and it seemingly happened to u/Stupedus as well. I 100% did not burn the tree, because I didn't find Messmer earlier than St. Trina. Edit: On my second playthrough i did kill Putricent Knight fairly early and Thiollier moved to St. Trina even without me telling him where she is before i went to kill Romina.


My boss order was Dancing Lion -> Rellana -> Scadutree Avatar -> Golden Hippo -> Romina -> Messmer -> Putrescent Knight. Then I died to St. Trina 6 times and went to talk to Thiollier near the Pillar Path Cross. I was able to complete his quest as normal. I did talk to Thiollier once before I explored Castle Ensis (and before I killed Romina) for the first time tho.


Hmm weird. I did talk to him once on both of my playthroughs.


Kinda sad. I liked the guy. He is now just in purgatory because he just simply doesn’t exist anymore.


Waking up back in your world and seeing all their dead bodies hits different. Those were my friends! Why couldn't we get along?!


Absolutely *fucked* them with midra's sword command grab with the mimic while thioller and ansbach looked on horrified


Going into this fight with a friend is so much fun. You dont get unsummoned if the host dies either. 10/10 would brawl again.


Here's a crime Igon not being summonable on that fight


Lena is chilling at the castle. Can i kill her?


She'll just fade into golden dust and come back on resting at grace if you attack her before the plot demands it.


And if i do this 1000 Times?


Normally nothing but considering what they have you do to get dialogue from imbibing nectar, you never know.


I seriously considered killing her before even starting the DLC...


Wonder what happens if someone does this/no wonder they made Mohg's palace a peaceful area where you can't swing


gonna need the sauce on this video, goes unfathomably hard edit: also how does Hornsent join Leda's team? Is there a way to make her not want to kill him?


[here you go 😁](https://youtube.com/shorts/fSbKAg_1T5A?si=lGTpXADJTsIC8dKM)


Didn't even get Hornsent at the end, he made the mistake of invading me at some point prior despite beating Messmer with him. Moore, Freyja and Dane were unfortunate casualties.


I’ve noticed that my waterfowl three phase kills every individual person in basically one rotation.


Ohhhh does thollier show up if you don't lead him to Trina? I only had myself + Ansbach vs Leda, freyja, and dane.


I didn't summon them because my 1st playthrough is always without summon, but these 5 mfs got pierced and then blasted by my Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword, felt good.


So sick of the souls quest system. I had 1 npc to summon for it and i didn't even know who it was (2v3). Shittier version of the lies of p rabbit brotherhood fight.


Me and the boys coming after sussy Miquella


I wish I could replay this fight to test different summon ashes


i found this extremely funny


This meme is cringe and top notch at the same time


I killed Ansbach before so it was just me, mimic and Thiollier.


It was just me and mimic… I really fucked up somewhere along the line.


Best fight of the dlc after Messmer, also the background music for this was incredible.


Beautiful fight and soundtrack, emotional highlight of DLC tied with the Shaman Village (to the point where I would have been happier with this than with the actual final boss) but Hornsent and his homing 1 shotting soul mass can fuck all the way off. On 60 VIG + Scooby 19 + Crimson +3 + Morgott's Great Rune. Marika should have purged them harder.




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I don’t know what I fucked up, but I don’t think I ever saw Thiollier after the initial encounter. Didn’t show up at Trina’s house, and wasn’t at the final encounter. It was just Ansbach and I against the world.


Honestly the music in this encounter (Those United By a Common Cause) is really tragic and makes me sad especially since the last thing i wanted was to fight the likes of Freya, Moore and dane. Leda is a bit psychotic so i have less issues dealing with her but the fact it sort of turns (under the right conditions) into a full blown civil war style fight (us, thiolier and ansbach vs leda, dane, moore, hornsent if you didnt do his questline and freya too) something about how miquella undoing his enchantment on them setting them all in a tragic collision course that is this fight. Doesn’t help that the way to the gate of divinity afterwards is littered with their corpses adding to the sorrow i felt for most of them…except you leda it was a matter of when not if..god i love her armor


I just did it with the big mouth imp summon, The Imp just stayed back and kept knocking them to the ground with every shot, as I dealt damage inbetween. Made the fight really simple when they keep getting knocked to the ground every few seconds.


Well shit. I didn’t know that. I did it alone :(


Don't forget to bring two human buddies for the holy 5v5 smackdown


Plus my mimic tear


I also summoned Florissax's Spirit Ash, it really felt like a true culmination of myself and the allies I'd gathered vs the forces loyal to Miquella. An even 4v4 no-holds-barred brawl.


Lmao I thought you were roasting the influencers in the reel/tik tok.


I have a question. So I helped Hornsent kill Messmer. Will he still show up in the group fight or nah?


I felt bad fighting them.