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i feel like you could absolutely make a lore justification for a sleep perfume bottle. just stick it next to st. trina as loot and baboom nu lore. stick a blood one in that cave with 40 blood fiends, say that it contains a drop of the formless mother's blood in the description. they totally should've added these.


A bleed perfume bottle should probably either be bloodflame or flies. Either way it would be cool


Swarm of flies incantation in perfume form.


Disgusting I love it


The descriptions are the same across the bottles anyway lol “The perfumers set out to find all sorts of wacky shit to make their concoctions from”


Sleep is the biggest omission for me Would rather have had that than cold


It's crazy how theres such a big emphasis in miquella and st trina, but no sleep perfume or purple armor sets! But we got another sleep pot and another sleep straight sword :/ . Edit: I wonder if they would consider adding these perfumes if enough people asked through twitter or the bandai namco bug repport... A sleep perfume bought from Thoollier would've made so much sense.


Specially since one of the main NPCs from that questline has a poison bottle. It would have been so cool if after he discovers St Trina his bottle changed for a sleep bottle


Plus sleep fists I guess


honestly my new thing is to have multiple status fists and cycle through different elements, they're kinda fun


This sounds so cool. And they weigh nothing, right?


oh yeah, very light so honestly you could carry all of them, I try to, one for each status. It's pretty fun, I feel like changing elements to adapt to each enemy is the most fun part. Wish there were more fist varieties though




Got to complete, >!Thiollier’s questline!<


Hits so hard it just knocks them out.


And talisman that boost attack power when sleep is used nearby


Yes there is, it’s “Saint Trina’s smile”


I was SO sad when I looked it up and saw that I wouldn't get to find a purple armor set somewhere 😞 Would a purple reskin of a dress or robe have been so difficult?


Maybe we simply haven't found them yet.


Everything has been datamined.


getting it from his body after say the final boss would be a great reward, seeing as the stuff you actually get from the boss is kinda eh


Because sleep is fucking busted for pvp, it is the only reason I can see.


I think a rolling sparks fuck you level blast of honk shoo powder would be funny as fuck but that's just me


You, my good Redditor, have earned an upvote and a save to my saved comments list. xD


Who downvoted you for this...


The people who got hit by the Rolling Sparks level fuck you blast of honk shoo powder.


yeah agreed. Also, the straight fire perfume should scale with str and dex, not straight dex. lightning bottle should scale with straight dex, and maybe sleep/holy could be together on the one that scales with dex and fth.




The perfumes are as slow as greatswords. A bleed rapier or curved sword will bleed you 3 times before a bleed perfume would.




That's just the ash of war thats bugged and overpowered. The actual weapons by themselves are actually pretty poor unfortunately.


Ehhhh the lighting one is incredibly solid due to the fact that you can really pump damage numbers with talismans and the physik. Perfumed Talisman, Lighting Scorpion, Lighting Tear, and Axe Talisman, your charged heavies end up doing like 1600 damage. Lights do nearly 700.


Mhm. FROM really oughta buff the base damage when they fix the rolling sparks cheese.


i have been trying to do a perfume only run and it has been hell so far, best i got atm is poisoning myself with the rot talisman on and using the frost and fire bottles to do damage


Oh. I just saw clips.


The ash of war is broken and nukes shit, but you can straight up do 700 damage with light swings and 1600 with charged heavies with the perfume with the right buffs and talismansm


We already have new thorns sorcery, cant be any worse.


I'm playing an int/faith death sorcery build right now, do those Scadutree thorn sorceries damage the caster? I'm debating on whether or not I want to bother using them, because they could very much round out my build nicely.


Slightly damage you, but every boss that not immune to bleed will die in minute or so.


Can confirm, any boss that's big enough to have all 3 of the thorns land will be dead very quickly


I wish they add sleep perfume so i can become the sandman


bring me a dream


I feel like either rot or bleed would be excessive.


The severe lack of Sleep weapons in the DLC is just so disappointing. All we got was another Straight Sword (which I’m not even sure is better than the original), and a Fist weapon. We even got a Sleep Exultation talisman, but there just aren’t enough options to take advantage of it. Madness is in a similar boat, but not as bad as Sleep. Though can we just acknowledge how dumb it is that the Greatsword of Damnation, a weapon wielded by the >!LORD OF FRENZIED FLAME HIMSELF,!< is not a Madness weapon? Instead it’s just yet another STR/FTH weapon with holy damage. The only Frenzy weapons we got are a Fist weapon (that should’ve been a Hand-to-Hand art, but I digress) and the Perfume Bottle.


Not only is it stupid af that the greatsword is holy instead of madness flame, the incant he gives you is a way worse version of Unendurable Frenzy. Design and lore are cool at least 😮‍💨


Yeah, though in a lot of ways that’s a pretty cold comfort.


I mean that sword makes sense to a certain degree when you realize it's not their weapon, it was used on them and they just kinda decides to use it. Blame the hornset


I get why it’s not lorewise, but it’s a dumb choice from a design perspective, at least in my opinion, to make the weapon wielded by the only Frenzy boss in the game not a madness weapon. Even if they wanted to keep the whole “wielding the sword he was punished with” thing, he could have just set the sword alight with Frenzy Flame or something.


I get what you Mean, he could have corrupted it into madness but instead it's holy. Lol Tis a shame they could have also made two variants for the sword one madness one holy.




To be fair, The Hand of Malenia isn't a rot weapon either. The Lord of the frenzied flame, doesn't need his weapon to inflict madness I suppose.


I mean, you’re not wrong. Malenia at least has a phase where she’s not using Scarlet Rot, but honestly the Hand of Malenia SHOULD be a rot weapon too.


I think it kinda makes sense. The rot wants to use Malenia, but Malenia doesn't. Which is why she tries to avoid using Rot as much as possible. As for >!Midra!<, we know the lore reasons, I guess its awkward that he even bothers using the sword at all, but I guess everyone needs a weapon to fight, even the >!lord of the frenzied flame. !< I do kinda agree with you on the Greatsword of Damnation, should've been the Greatsword of the fire nation :) I mean, if I were >!the lord of the frenzied flame!<, I'm most definitely setting that thing ablaze with >!eternal madness!< or some such.


It shouldn't tho. Her weapon and fighting style was meant to fight off the rot. Also fairly sure the Hand is made of the unalloyed gold


I mean, yeah. But she kinda tossed the whole “fighting off the rot” thing the moment she started losing. I meant that it should/could have been a rot weapon from a design perspective, being as there are only two rot weapons that are actually useful in building up Scarlet Rot. But I honestly don’t really mind the Hand not being Rot. The Greatsword of Damnation should have been madness tho.


Bro the entire lore of unalloyed gold is that it resists rot, tf?


Rot and sleep could have been cool, NGL Death Bligh perfumers sounds like the most broken thing you can possibly imagine


the buildup would'nt be that high except for the broken aow that already one shots with other perfumes so honestly it would probably be the most balanced


I mean that's basically just a basilisk but standing up


Sure if you can find something thats actually susceptible to it in this game that wouldnt die in 1-2 hits to any other weapon anyways. Death blight barely exists, its definitely something that could have been added.




Too bad it only does 60 madness per hit, 78 if hit dual weilded. You will go mad yourself before you inflict it on anyone else. The new frenzy torch however can proc madness in 2 seconds though lmao


There's a frenzy torch? I remember before the dlc released people were talking about how cool that would be and concluding it would never happen.


It's currently an everything torch actually


the perfume doesn't inflict self madness.


I'm down for it, excluding bleed. It doesn't seem to fit imo


the bloodfiends spit a bleeding cloud at you. it makes sense it'd be something like that.


I mean poison perfume does physical damage which doesn't make sense. Perfumers use plants to make their perfumes, I'm sure they could've used arteria leaf or sanguine amaryllis to come up with a blood sapping perfume lore wise.


A perfume that induces hemophilia


miyazaki would add a pefume that induces podophilia instead :\^) (PODOphilia being attracted to feet, before anyone misread this ffs)


we all know Miquella was after those bloody omen grippers ~~someone please take my keyboard~~




The Miquellesting Perfume Bottle




sir this is a wendy's


You're not wrong :)


Sad there's no holy perfume. Now all Belmont builds won't have true holy water.


Uh wait.  There's a perfume for madness?? Where?! 


Church in abyss


In the spooky forest, inside of a ruined church


Shoot I went to that church but completely missed this.  Torrent wasn't the only one spooked round there. 


I feel it was mostly to keep from the bottles getting too many weapons to pick from (even if they're mostly copy-paste) We needed more backhand blades that weren't chakrams more.


i just wanted more fist to fist weapons (like the dryleaf arts)


I want a sleep pot. Why’d they give us another sword and a fist weapon? Why can’t they give us a bottle that sprays sleep mist?


They gave a new sleep pot, it uses ritual pots instead I believe. I was hoping to get a sleep perfume that was actually viable for pve.


Did they? I must have missed some cook books


I'm mostly disappointed there wasn't a holy one. Every other damage type got at least one. From really does hate faith. It's why int gets a weapon that can cast spells but faith gets the old Bandai Namco flashbang as a spell.


It's funny you bring up the sword-catalyst because it's actually terrible. No spell scaling to speak of at all.


I miss how Dark Souls 2 did things...


Blue flame my beloved...


Blue flame was peak


Does not matter for utility and buffs. Thops' Barrier, Eternal Darkness, Scholar's Shield… You can cast all of these while having a shield with AoW in the offhand. Frankly, I’d kill for a FTH mace or flail that did that - scaling be damned.


Guess what? there's no "Hefty Holy Pot" either! I have collected all the books and it's not there, while we get 2 hefty magic damage pots, 3 hefty fire damage pots, and 2 hefty lightning damage pot recipes. Holy bros we lost.


Oh yeah I forgot about that. I still have only 9 cracked hefty pots too because it seems like my game bugged one out of existence too. Man... I want to use those more 'cause the animation is just plain funny. Oh well. That's a shame though. It'd be cool if it was an outright better weapon against deathbirds. So next time you see one can just be like "YEET" and smash a giant pot into its face for 10 thousand damage.


From testing it seems the heft pots do around 80% more damage than the small pots (not ritual pots). Imagine a small holy pot doing 80% more damage than it already does at a death bird lmao


I mean, I’m not really sure we can say Fromsoft hates Faith when Faith can deal every single damage type, status effect, AND got several weapons that have innate Faith scaling while still being infusable in the DLC. The more time goes on, the more I honestly feel like Intelligence is the one that got shafted, especially in the DLC.


Int gets a weapon that can cast spells and the only way to hit max cast speed without sacrificing one of your hands or shooting yourself on the foot by equippong a talisman that reduces negations by like 25%


That sword is ass dude


So? The point is that in builds got a weapon catalyst and faith didn't. A weapon being shit can be fixed over time with a patch


The sword is worthless doesn't matter that they got it it's useless to use lmao I doubt it's getting buffed


I don't care if it's useless, it's a fun weapon with high skill ceiling and it's an option that faith builds don't have, even if it's not optimal


Faith got like twice the spells that int got


I told you it would get fixed in a patch


I just want a putrescence perfume bottle is that too much to ask?


there are so many cool weapons in the dlc but there are also so many missed opportunity's, others brought up the lack of many sleep and madness weapons. I know its never going to happen but i do hope they do an update that adds or heavily changes some of the weapons midra im lookin at you.


To be fair a lot of the new weapon categories are missing things that would make sense or are just lacking in general… Like a throwing knife that builds sleep… it does fit the lore and with a sleep perfume would be absolutely devastating used right… sniper and shotgunner.


Gonna be honest, I was scrolling fast and barely seen the photo of the perfumes. Thought it was a balls. Carry on.


I feel like eternal sleep perfumes would kinda get too crazy when fighting normal enemies. And it would have to be eternal for it to work at all. Perfumes multihit like crazy. You'd sleep and wake them up instantly if it was non-eternal


Where the heck is the madness perfume bottles


Thank Hide your Tacos Micheal Zaki that Deathblight Perfume Bottles werent introduced...


Could’ve had this instead of the 30 cook books that I’ll end up crafting one item from…


I will admit that I'm surprised there were no Holy or Sleep bottles. Madness is very specific but also fits, considering there's several Madness Inflicted Miranda flowers and sprouts in base game, utilizing such a power within small bottles of aromatic powder would definitely require responsibility and restraint however, hence why I'm only using it against hostile NPC's, invaders and anyone being a piece of work during any PvP. The Lightning and Frost ones make sense with similar logic, considering Fulgurblooms and Rimed Crystal Buds could also have their elemental pollen filtered into a Perfume bottle as well, so it is a bit strange that we didn't get these, considering there are ingredients that help us create ailment inducing and curative recipes of the same types.


Could have done an awesome bill Cosby build if we had sleep perfume.


I’m still pulling up lore idc. I feel like that’s antithetical to the perfumers idea. The depraved perfumers were called so because they drank the stuff they made, so they wouldn’t use super aids or whatever other flasks unless they were possible to at least take into the mouth temporarily (like acid spraymist for example), but you can’t take actual rot or deathblight into your mouth to spray it at the enemy. And normal perfumers would not use bottled war crimes. If anything I’m surprised a madness bottle made it into the game, fromsoft must’ve been desperate as hell to make up for the lack of madness weapons lol. If I had to make up a reason on the spot, it’s that rot, death blight and sleep are too volatile and not possible for the user to handle without affecting themselves, and you can’t really bottle bleed, since in the game all sorts of bleed bombs are flies from bloody excrement so you’d basically be flinging shit from the bottle at people and as much of a deep dung fantasy it may be for some of us, it’s not really practical or translateable into a shared moveset between all perfume bottles


>And normal perfumers would not use bottled war crimes. Isn't it part of the lore that fire was not allowed to be used as a weapon but they later allowed the use of fire as a weapon as the war went on? Though this wouldn't explain the madness bottle as that sounds like pure heresy. I don't see why a rot, bleed, or sleep bottle wouldn't fit in lore wise. They did experiment with different ingredients as the lore says. I'm not sure which ingredients would fit lore wise but I think bleed can come in the form of bloodflame. Even the fly aesthetic would work, since these weapons are infinate sparks/lightning/poison I don't see why not infinate blood flies in a bottle lmao. Sleep and Rot would have come from experimenting with lilys and rot butterflies.


I mean, surely they’d make one of each of the flower types. They’d find and then use all the cool flowers around shadowlands and make it, maybe they wouldn’t use it and discard it, but the bottles all say something like “from time to time, perfumers set out to find new aromatics and gardens”


Bleed perfume bottle sounds illegal 💀 there is no way they could have made it be not-broken


[the only "perfume" jar i want is: 😏](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2329900-ranni-the-witch-elden-ring)


they look like balls