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There are times where melee way harder, times where mage is way easier, but they both have options to meet in the middle. But if you elect to solely go melee some fights can definitely be harder, for sure.


Melee way harder and mage way easier sounds like the exact same scenario


What I'm saying is there are also fights where mage is harder than melee. If you elect to ignore spirit summons, many bosses that are very aggressive can be challenging for mages since they have less time to back up and cast their spells and whatnot. While agreesive bosses are better suited to melee builds since melee is entirely built around fighting up close.


Yea, I know; I was just takin a piss lmao


That's certainly valid. But even then I'd say the number of fights that are easier for a caster is MUCH higher than for melee.


Yeah, been that way for awhile unfortunately.


It's not even necessarily about difficulty. But rather about ease of use and utility. The number of times as melee that I've had the camera completely lose its mind and spin like crazy is unacceptable. And then there's times fighting big enemies when you have to choose between seeing where you're attacking, and seeing the boss attacks coming, because the target is literally too big to see both.


This is pretty valid, yeah. Fire Giant is one such fight. Mages have a lot easier time backing up and shooting his ankle/eye from range, while melee has to try to and juggle attacks with predicting what Fire Giant will do since you don't see him properly. I see what you're saying.


You have to learn when to lock off if you are going melee, which with most enemies at least twice your height is basically always. Kind of annoying but not that bad.


Um...yes, I'm aware. I've done a 100% all bosses no-death run as melee. No spirits either. It doesn't address the issue of large bosses and not even being able to see what they're doing half the time. Also, learning to overcome a failure of the UI doesn't mean that the flaw isn't still there. :/


Yeah they just struggle to make the camera keep up with large bosses, definitely a flaw with the game.


akshually ongbals did a no-hit perfect playthrough of the entire game therefore it is 100% fair and balanced ☝️🤓


OMGZ! I R so rong! How did I miss it?! ;D


Even further some fights are going to be better for dex melee, others strength melee is king and your dex build is like being a bug trying not to get smashed. The game does do a good job of that which can be frustrating when you’re trying your stick to a specific build for the entire play. I wouldn’t mind some load outs or something to not only help with that but to also keep the game a bit more fresh without feeling punished for experimenting.


I don't think there is as much of a different between STR melee and DEX melee. Many people say DEX is much faster, but there are plenty of quick weapons that scale better with STR than DEX... If STR builds wants fast quick options there are plenty of options out there, and vice versa.


im not sure which way you are really feeling: whether you like them both about the same but camera sucks doo doo for melee, or if you just generally prefer the caster playstyle. if its a camera issue, then maybe just incorporating something ranged into your build more often rather than going full melee. this will give you have a backup for nonsense like magma wyrm and fire giant. if you just prefer the caster play style, then go with that. if you don't like melee, then there is no reason to play in a way that you find unenjoyable. i usually go full melee because i just enjoy it more even though it is often suboptimal. play the game the way that you enjoy most.


I've completed both a full melee and a full caster run of the base game. The thing about melee is that it CAN be amazing at various times. But the times that it isn't good are MUCH worse. I suppose if I had to describe it, I'd say that melee is more inconsistent with its gameplay, having both higher and lower moments of enjoyment. But casting is VERY consistent throughout the entire game. So it's not really that I don't enjoy melee. I do. But that's why I hate it so much when it's bad.


i would say that they both have low points. if using summons, then casting is objectively superior. however, if not using summons then there are certain enemies that can be more tedious for casters to deal with. i actually believe that melee is more consistent due to the fact that the infusion/bell bearing system allows you to generally mix and match various weapons to best deal with the enemy that you are facing. the biggest advantage for melee is being able to utilize stamina vs fp as your primary recourse for dmg output. this allows you to take more red flasks, accruing a higher hp pool and less resource demand because you can skip mind when leveling. due to having a non regenerative resource as your dmg source, there is inherently a higher risk of attrition for casters. your risk of dying is lower due to your range, but a melee char on 1 hp can still finish the boss. a caster with no fp might as well just use the rest emote. again though this is all just why i prefer melee. caster is very strong and definitely viable in this game, and there is nothing from stopping you from grabbing an elemental infused weapon and doing both. cold infusion is very good for hybrid int leaning melee, magic infusion is better if leaning caster. flame art and sacred have identical scaling, so for a faith caster you can use either. there is also the wing of astel, dark moon great sword, and coded sword for somber caster weapons. if you enjoy both modes of play, some of the best weapons in the game allow you to incorporate elements of both styles.


> if not using summons then there are certain enemies that can be more tedious for casters to deal with. Such as? > a melee char on 1 hp can still finish the boss. a caster with no fp might as well just use the rest emote. > I have never once run out of FP. Literally never. I'm not even sure how someone does this unless they miss 90% of their spells or something.


renalla, gideon, phase 2 malenia, radagon, imps, revenants, erdtree avatars because they just spam golden land if you get away from them, these are the ones that come to my mind that are strictly easier to fight in melee. edit. also i've had plenty of fights where i have both beaten a boss with a sliver of hp, and i have also run out of fp during many boss fights. these things certainly can happen.


Rennala: Rock Sling her. Granted, melee is a bit easier. Gideon. Lol....Carian Slicer/Piercer. To be fair, these ARE melee attacks. Phase 2 Malenia: Used to be you could just Comet Azur her. But it's still a simple matter of spamming Night Comet. Imps? Uh...what? They die before they even know you're there as a caster. Royal Revenants can be annoying. But Carian Slicer spam works quite well. Erdtree Avatars wither under Night Comet or Magic Glintblade spam. However, none of the enemies you pointed out have any issues with the camera except maybe Malenia when she jumps into the air. I don't know. Maybe my experience with the game has just been different. It's rare for me to get down to less than 2 FP flasks, and I generally run a 50/50 split on red/blue. Sometimes as much as a 6 red / 8 blue split.


night comet is busted my point was never that you can't beat these enemies, just that melee weapons will generally be easier for the average build. the general theme is that enemies who are incredibly weak to hitstun, are often incredibly abusable by melee weaponry. enemies that try to kite you, are generally better fought up close, whereas some enemies are easier to fight by kiting. malenia is weird because she is so hyper-aggressive in phase 2 that it is harder to find windows to hit her from range. renalla and gideon are both kinda ez meme fights, but they both have the same vulnerability to hitstun, which is why i listed them. revenants are easiest to beat with healing, so i shouldn't have listed them, but i find bleed/slash weaponry to be the second best option for shredding them down quickly. the enemies where the camera shits the bed like fire giant, magma wyrm, ancient dragons, and basically any massive enemy are all easier to fight with ranged magic. but they all still can be beaten with melee, it's just more obnoxious due to having to guess what attack they are doing.


Nah, most bosses are easier melee than they are with incants/sorc For example, you can stagger/ bleed much more effectively and build up status with melee. Can also come in swinging with jump attacks that wreck most bosses.


Skill issue


No, that's my bad. Low hanging fruit. Still not funny, but not your fault, honestly.