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In dlc on ng+2 and it took me till at least scadutree level 5ish to feel like i had a chance with the early bosses. Some can do it on RL1 so ymmv


The biggest difference is lower level enemies get a significant health boost and damage boost so after a few ng+ there aren't really any "weak" people anymore, just "weaker than the other guys" people. You can still run through people no problem with a good build though. Even with the extra health and damage by the time you ng+ and have all of the things you need for a good build you'll 1 shot every non-boss enemy easy


You will only notice the difference late game in both instances, early game is obiously scaled up but not enough to offset the huge amount of flasks, stats and weapon you will breeze through early game bosses. Likewise while the DLC also scales up you do retain your blessing levels so if you ended the DLC at 17+ likely anything you had fought before getting 10+ will feel either easier or similar.


I'm on NG+ and honestly I don't see much difference as the first playthrough because while things scaled a bit, I now have all the op weapons and knowledge.


NG+ isn't that much harder until you get around NG+5. Rusty did a video on it, but the physical defenses work doubly against you at higher new game levels. What I mean is if you do slash/pierce/strike you have to chew through boss' standard defense and their slash/pierce/strike defense, something that you don't have to do in the base game nor does elemental damage have to contend with. It's likely a bug


It's been 2 years, wouldn't they have fixed it if it were a bug?


There are plenty of bugs that From hasn't fixed. Chainsaw for example? Hell, the Demon of Hatred cheese from Sekiro hasn't been patched. They haven't even fixed the fact that the weapon we get from Anastasia is infused sacred despite it not having a proper ash of war for that infusion equipped. Not every bug will be fixed, just a fact of games at this point. It's not so easy as to just change a few ones and zeroes. While yes, it could be intended, it's very unlikely that they would intend for there to be such a damage discrepancy between elemental resistances and physical resistances Exit: spelling


Sure but those are minor individual bugs vs. a major damage discrepancy that apparently affects the entirety of a playthrough, if unintended I really don't understand their balancing decisions


The chainsaw bug is not a minor bug it pretty gamebreaking. And the damage bug isn't also a **major** deal either, but it is a deal.


I mean that it only affects people who exploit it and their victims, and is only a problem in PvP, whereas the damage bug (if actually unintentional) affects literally everyone who gets to that point


Please stop the lies. On NG++ and the bosses in the beginning were recking me. They still are honestly