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that, and an armor set based on Furnace Golems. not to mention the Deathbed set is still incomplete...


Where are the deathbed smalls, Michael Zaki? Why can my tarnished wear a soiled loincloth but not fancy undies?


That was my thought as well Like yea I get that keeping Fia’s panties after her questline would seem R A U N C H Y AF even for a Maidenless tarnished But why couldn’t it just have been in a random spot in the DLC like in the specimen storehouse top floor or something


I mean, we also nick Malenia's underwear when we wear her set, so I think it'd be pretty fitting, honestly.


You rock Freyja and Messmer’s too with their sets, and some others I assume


I proudly wear Hornsent's soiled loincloth!


My girlfriend saw that item and was like “did they really need to specify it’s soiled” so that has become a favorite item of mine


Clearly she never saw the Fallen Knight set in DS3 with the piss-soaked trousers.


Or Igon’s set with his own shitstained battlefield loot of a loincloth


Can you just imagine ripping off a freshly soiled pair of underwear off a corpse and then proceeding to wear it without washing it for conceivably years? Igon was freaky man


This made me boot up DS3 and I never realized that they were piss soaked. Still my favorite armor set tho


It's an absolutely killer set that has this slightly funny lore, almost as if From intentionally made it so that all the people invading at release would be running around with piss stains out. Truly, Lothric was a smelly place for a bit.


She has not. She hasn’t played anything fromsoft, and I previously struggled to get into their games before Elden Ring so there’s no knowledge via osmosis either lol


Peak noob fashion.


Or as a drop from a regular ass albinauric man on an isolated plateau?


“Tiny sheer panties made for Fia. A cruel joke, for she would not wear them.“


Evergaol NPC.


the implication that Messmer would have Fia's panties in his storehouse...so much juicy lore. No way my man Messmer cheats on Rellana and keeps both her shield and Fia's panties in the same place...right...right?


I want Millicent's bloody dress damnit!~ It's the only armor set that didn't return from being cut, the grass hair and death panties should've been official too


Isn't that the traveler's set?


Yeah, but her's a unique variant~


The Belurat or Shadowkeep brothel (I wish)


I want an armor set based on the giant stone sentries :(


Golems? But yeah that could have a distinct look


Yeah golems! I've always loved their designs


These guys: https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Golem In case anyone was as confused as I was. There are also Rock Golems in the game, and "stone sentry" could apply to a lot of things, including Burial Watchdogs.


Yes! And also an armor that matches the imp heads, I want to be a walking statue myself!


You can get a bulky approximate with Moore's armor and the imp heads


Oh true its kinda surprising there isn't. In DS1 we get the Stone Guardian's armor set and thats similar vibes


Got so mad when i killed the first furnace and got the Furnace Visage, only for that to be a fucking crafting ingredient and not a mask


Genuinely wondering what they were thinking making his remembrance spell a worse version of unendurable frenzy instead of his phase transition bomb attack. I can forgive the greatsword of damnation not being a paired weapon (with that spike in his other hand) or a light greatsword, BUT THE INCANTATION IS A SPELL HE DOESN'T EVEN USE? (Afaik).


You get: Rellana’s explosion, Messmer’s explosion, Romina’s explosion, Miquella’s explosion, Bayle’s (curse you) explosion but not Midra’s


Like, even the multi madness lasers woulda been a better option. Let me rapid fire some beams until I burn out my FP/Stam, whichever comes first.










His weapon doesn't even do Madness damage


Nah, that I can sorta forgive considering Midra was the one basically channeling his frenzy flames through it, and the fact that it was used by the Hornsent to execute him, so originally it was holy to begin with. What I don't understand is why out of ANY remembrance weapon to basically have a similar variant of it, they gave that privilege to the Radahn greatswords, despite the fact that THEY'RE THE EXACT SAME EXCEPT ONE HAS A BETTER WEAPON ART. IF THEY'D DONE THAT FOR MIDRA WE COULD'VE HAD BOTH A HOLY VARIANT AND A MADNESS VARIANT.


Well, that is where the Hefty frenzyflame pot comes into hand. I know I know, its a pot but it explodes with near comical effect.


The fact that you can end the game with 6 Radahn swords is hilarious to me. Like... why didn't they just make the second set two separate swords???


Radahn is just dropping swords left and right...


Yeah i don't like that Radahns rememberance gets 3 weapons when his base one's were already dual wielded. And it's not like ther3 arnt examples of dual weapons that have deperate stats and abilities. Having more options for all remembrance would be nice


Lore-wise it makes sense. But gameplay-wise? How do we *not* get a madness weapon from a Lord of Frenzied Flame??


Same reason the final boss gives two weapons, both of which are the exact same and deal less damage than the base game version of them. The only difference between the two weapons being a weapon art, one of which is objectively better than the other. As for the reason itself? No damn clue.


I mean it was meant to contain the frenzy and wouldn't make sense to inflict frenzy. Of course it would be cool but lorewise it wouldn't make sense


Was it meant to contain the frenzy? We know that Frenzy inhabits dead people based on Shabriri/Yura and Hyetta/Irina, and there's a bunch of references throughout Midra's Manse to him being 'undying'. I figured that the thing the Hornsent impaled him with was simply intended to cause him as much suffering as possible, given the item description for it says it is the instrument of a 'damnation like no other'. It wraps through his body causing him pain, and the only way to remove it is to tear off his own head which would finally kill him and allow the Frenzy Flame to possess him and turn him into a Lord of Frenzy Flame. If there are any bits of lore mentioning the Hornsent wanting to stave off Frenzy, I want to know about it, because I found Midra's whole thing to be super interesting and it gave me the idea that the Hornsent were intentionally trying to bring about the Frenzy Flame since it erases 'all that divides and distinguishes' (like the crucible, where 'all life was once blended together').


I don't want to sound overly dismissive, but it really feels like if they wanted him dead they could have done it at any point. He manse is filled with hornsent inquisitors. Why didn't any of them kill him if that was what they wanted? They purposefully inflict eternal, living torture on him in order to *prevent* him from becoming a lord was my interpretation. Edit to add: It's possible they were hoping that they could use the torture to push him to the point of breaking and becoming a lord, as that's basically what happens anyway when we show up.


So, my idea was that with his whole thing about how he must 'endure' (Nanaya's last words to him and he says he has 'endured' too much before pulling the thing out), was that he was basically being tortured purposely *into* a Frenzy Lord, and it was just his willpower keeping him from completing the transformation that his 'executioners' started. The spirit in his Manse warns not to approach him, because you can be consumed by madness if you approach it, and Midra himself is constantly yelling at you not to keep going into the Manse, then calls you a fool if you enter his room. Those inquisitors may be there to stop you from interrupting the process of making him a Frenzy Lord! There's even a couple in the woods that use Madness incantations instead of the light ones, I'm almost positive. This is the first time I've ever done theory crafting honestly, so it may just be wild hallucinations, but it's fun! I had a cool moment when I noticed the similarities between the crucible and Frenzy Flame, remembered the Hornsent basically worshipped the crucible, and then saw that the Hornsent were (at least in some way) involved with creating a lord of Frenzy Flame.


That's a very interesting interpretation, I think it holds up pretty well. To tie into it a little, the idea could also be that a lord of frenzy has to become one *willingly*. It's maybe why it didn't work for Vyke; he didn't want to be a lord of frenzy he wanted to save his maiden. Perhaps Midra only became a lord after we show up because our last little bit of beating him down was the thing that finally broke him. He finally decided being the lord of frenzy is better than eternal torture. To me it was this idea that he had inherited the flame, but as the incantation says, he was to weak to become a lord. The hornsent, much like the Erdtree culture, view the flame of frenzy as a blasphemy and were inflicting eternal torture to either stop him from becoming a lord or to just enact punishment. I will just add on lastly that the only time we hear that the frenzied flame "incinerates that which divides and distinguishes" is from Shabriri, who has a vested interest in giving the Frenzied Flame some good PR, so his words should be taken with a grain of salt IMO.


Oh, in my mind the Frenzy Flame is basically a world wide nuke and 'erasing all the divides and distinguishes' means 'kill everyone', but I think that if a Shabriri figure appeared in the age before the Erdtree, that would be the perfect line to use to convince the Hornsent to follow him given their obsession with 'melding flesh' (the jars as well).


>Was it meant to contain the frenzy? I'm no lore expert but as soon as he removed it and the Frenzy took over I immediately realized the thorny weapon must've served a similar purpose to Miquella's Needle.


No, the hornsent explicitly dislike the frenzied flame, and the execution of Midra and his disciples (the headless corpses out front) was a result of Midra consorting or being infected by the flame. (The second ghost npc in his manor asks “What crime did the great Midra commit?”) The Surging Frenzied Flame item you can find states: “Spirits are eternal, and yet the frenzied flame melts them away regardless. No wonder the hornsent forbid the flames use.” The reason Midra is alive and impaled is likely two-fold as punishment and containment for the flame growing inside him. Hence why Nanaya, Midra’s wife, asks him to endure the pain.


To be fair the weapon doesn’t do madness damage to you until phase 2


That doesn't even bother me that much as madnesse sucks as a PvE mechanic but the fact that's it's yet another Faith greatsword making it 7 to Int's 4. The could have at least made it scale how all other frenzy weapons scale with both faith and int and gave it a split fire holy damage. Curious if previous Soulsgames balance between Intelligence and Faith because I hate how Elden Ring and especially the dlc is 3-1 focused on Faith. Twice as many incantations then sorcery and four new Faith weapon art infusible weapons compared to 1 Int is a joke.


Nah but it stunlocks player sized enemies REALLY well


Lorewise: It's actually the hornsent torture device so no madness. Balance wise: yea no.


Madness is irrelevant for so many bosses it hardly matters. Not sure why they chose to limit it.


Incantation would have been cooler if it turned your head into the fiery ball when casting


If anything it would've been cooler if we got his phase transition divebomb as a move instead.


if only they make that mother of finger black hole attack a sorcery...


Fun fact the Nanaya's torch WA does the same thing as Midra's Flame of Frenzy but inflicts madness in its' AOE.... whereas the incantation that is a much bigger version of Nanayas's torch WA doesn't .. inflict madness in its' AOE. FROMSOFT what the fuck guys, why does the smaller Frenzied Eye inflict stronger madness than the BIG FUCKING FRENZY EYE.


What is it that makes the new version of the spell worse?


Unendurable frenzy annihilates everything you're looking at, while Midra's flame is spread out around the player instead of being focused in one direction, which makes it very unreliable. Doesn't help that Nanaya's Torch effectively does the same thing as Midra's flame.


Unreliable Frenzy


Perfect name for it


Midra's also gives you way more madness, it's terrible


Ah I get you, thanks for the explanation. Does sound like it's a bit sucky


Midra's also gives you way more madness, it's terrible


!!!!!!! The sword should definitely be a light great sword.


The incant is the move he opens his phase 2 with. It should have been either the bomb or the continuous laser move


He opens phase 2 with the bomb, the incant itself is something unrelated. As for the laser that's basically just Frenzy Burst and Unendurable Frenzy's love child.


As if these kind of choices were the first time or something. There’s so much that suffers in this way it’s honestly baffling there’s anyone looking at the numbers of anything over there anymore. 


Would've been cool to get his beam attack too. A madness version of Carian Retaliation essentially


They should’ve had a dragon transformation type thing for frenzied flame


I'd even take it as headgear to be honest. Not that a transformation wouldn't be cooler. I just want to look like the badass version of me who became the lord of Frenzied Flame.


Honestly I was kinda offended to see midra being all lorded out. YOURE the lord of frenzy? Sir, have you even burned the world? No? Then I think only one of us is taking this seriously.


Absolutely pissed we never got to have the floating fireball head as a helmet. Like, come on, Midra already took it off, lemme just wear his head...


1000% agree. Wanted that and some kind of fire furnace transformation. Make me kill all of them or something. But the ability to transform into some form of a fire giant to boost those incants? Oooooo man that would have been sweet


Might be a little revealing


Gold mask set:


morgott's cloak:


I've read that *slightly* wrong.


oh God the horns grow EVERYWHERE


The people doing the nude glitch:


What? 🤨


Morgotts cloak is dope. My arcane character rocks it. Out of respect for the last of all kings.


Deathbed Smalls (implement them into the game proper, Michael Zaki you coward):


(altered) Gravekeeper cloak:


Even that is not this revealing. They would need to alter it quite a bit to make it less revealing, espacially for female charackters and at that point it would practically be the Gold Mask set. Also looking lile that the set should have negative resistence lol.


Boob armor (Gender-Neutral)


yellow bra if boobs, nothing if no boobs or fuck it it's already M-rated, show boob


Sorry, I'm tryna be the scantily-clad King in Yellow


I wish we got a good spell from him, I was so excited to use it. But it takes 2 slots, drains FP and builds up Madness at warp speed, and barely tickles all of the enemies around you. Even against bigger stuff like the Scadutree Avatar it's just a worse version of Unendurable Frenzy Looks cool as shit though so I'm keeping it equipped. But right now it's just as bad as Founding Rain of Stars with the added bonus of it actually hurting you to use


The incantation looks super great when youre wearing the sauron armor, totally on brand. But yeah, i was hugely disappointed when i actually got a chance to use it and realized it sucks


Good way to style on your opponents after victory though.


>Founding Rain of Stars The fact the faith got an identical fire based one (I think it's literally a reskin) that's just as bad says a lot. I guess it's only fair because twin moons sucks as well though its requirement (72) compared to Miquella's big spell (72) is a more apt comparison but doesn't matter because that also sucks as well. The higher the requirements for a spell the more garbage it is. The discus and shard spells being better than all of these fancy spells is comical. At least Ranni's moon and Black Blade are kinda worth their high requirements.


Placidusax's Ruin is pretty great... if it hits and doesn't decide to go ZOOP HEY WE HITTIN THE SKYBOX NOW FRIENDS


Messmer fire rain is legitimately broken in the worst way. With every single buff possible and the seal on a stationary enemy WEAK to fire you might get 300 damage for the full charged cast. It’s like they let a fucking intern do all the magic and bro forgot a lot of decimal points


Honestly spells' requirements, damage and cost are completely way out of balance and reminds me of skills in Yakuza: Like A Dragon where a 55 cost skill that's unlocked at max level would do 1000 damage but then someone's basic 5 cost skill does 1500. It makes since because it was the Dev's first attempt at doing a more traditional turn based RPG after doing beat em up for years. Fromsoft doesn't have that excuse. They should know that spell cost ranges of 5-35FP shouldn't have damage ranges of around 1000-1100 that comes with a wonderful drawback of a 10 minutes cast time meaning even if it did 7000 damage it would still be useless against any boss.


On the upside, I can see them buffing it up a bit.


So much magic in this game is completely shafted but because of comet azur and fucking pest threads everyone thinks magic is op. And most of it was even WORSE before they giga buffed nearly all spells TWICE. Now the SAME SHIT happened with the DLC and I’m pissed because as a magic enthusiast I basically have to wait until they fix everything. Damn near everything is way weaker than it should be and nothing is scaling with things they are supposed to. But once again pest threads is op even more somehow now lmfao


i was doing duels and like, its kind of annoying ahen they cast it because its slightly hard to dodge but its absolutely tickle me elmo damage, utter nonthreat


Goldmask set looks pretty similar for cosplay purposes.


Except you'd just be cosplaying as goldmask?


Goldmask, lord of friendlied flame


Hey, we’re all just underpant lords when it’s said and done. No reason to build walls between us.




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Honestly the coolest boss in the entire Elden Ring experience for me so far (I haven’t fought the last two bosses of the DLC yet). I spammed being a summon all yesterday just because it’s such a cool boss.


Might be the best ost too


I have a save backup for my second DLC play though that’s just right outside his boss room. That way I can fight him as many times as I want.


Where is my winter-lantern helm


At the very least the flaming head. I am a bit surprised that was never an added helm since its one of the endings for the character.


The head IS the Lord of Frenzy Flame. You don't become that until the ending.


Melina when you come back from the DLC wearing it: 🤨


Nah she'd be stoked you killed a frenzy flame lord


A helm that resonates madness... Oh boy, i remember the early days of Elden Ring and blasting people with my crazy eyes from the bushes. Madness spells were so amazing for PvsP That kind of helemt would be cool, but it might be also to broken, unless it drains HP of the wearer(but it cannot kill it). I would definitely get basck to invading people if i got this kind of toy.


It doesn't have to be anything special or even have an effect. It just be a nice armor piece.


Don't all Special Helmets have an effect in Elden Ring?


They could just make it buff all frenzy incants but also make them build up madness and make it to where to wear it you have to already have the frenzy finger touch you 😝


Blaidd's head is his own head and we can wear that. I think cool factor wins over logic here.


The wolf mask you get that looks like blaidds head is just a mask an assassin made to try and kill ranni with.


Yeah, if they can come up with some extraneous lore like that to give us Blaidd‘s head they can definitely come up with something to give us the fire head. You’re right.


Too memey for continuous use I guess


I want a frenzied flame helmet so bad. The rest is whatever. But make me into a Sol Ring.


I want a frenzied flame head torch.


You mean Nanaya's Torch?


Your wish has been granted


What ? Really ? That's awesome.


Nah, I wish we'd have a torch that makes you invisible, so I don't have to hurt myself with the Assassin's AoW anymore. Bonus points if it would have a cool look like, idk, a human head or something


That also still lights you up after the aow so everyone knows where you are still too!


I wanted to be pretty in miquella's dress too not just get radahn pt. 2


The much bigger missed opportunity here was having an alternative to Messmer's flame to burn the sealing tree IMO. I was almost convinced I'd have another way to burn it when I saw the madness themed area, and not having it was a big bummer. Could've given some overarching, very different outcomes in endgame in terms of lore reveal.


DLC should have recognized that you are also wielder of the Frenzied flame. But no. Nobody cares that you now wield one of the most dangerous thing in the world.


My favourite and coolest looking boss in the DLC but yeah the rewards are kinda lackluster No set and a pretty underwhelming/non-madness sword. The spell is the only thing that feels kinda on brand and spells are basically useless in the DLC besides the glitched one


> spells are basically useless in the DLC besides the glitched one I've been beating almost every single boss on my second or even first attempt just by throwing Dark Moons at everyone.


You using summons? Most bosses feel like they do not leave you alone for nearly long enough to get a spell off especially one like Dark Moon Starting to think that you kinda just gotta lean into summons to be a mage but honestly that feels kinda on-theme so idm


What’s the glitched one?


Impenetrable thorns. It procs bleed multiple times sooo a gigantic chunk of enemy/boss health gets deleted. It's gonna get nerfed to hell very soon tho


We got other transformations, I don’t see why we didn’t get one where; in a frenzy, you impale yourself through the eye with a barbed spear and then slowly pull upwards to remove your head. Granting you frenzy eye head until death.


I should have been able to fist bump my frenzy bro and have him summon me to back him up vs the Miquellester in Chief and I'll die ~~frenzied~~ mad that there could be only one of us.


my favorite cutscene in the DLC!


Trust me guys I'm perfectly normal ( head is a giant sun manifestation of madness )


I need a separate armor slot that offers no stat bonuses purely for the cloak/cape chest pieces in the game. The main reason I’m running the Blue Silver chest piece is I love the cloak layered over the breastplate look. Fits perfectly for my spell blade assassin vibe (when I’m not getting my dick crushed by the DLC final boss)


Would perhaps be the best. On a side note, I legit jump scared myself with divine beast helm. I accidentally turned my character backwards and was jumped by that scary mask.


we can't! his Aura is just too powerful


I really wanted a transformation item. Force me to have the frenzied flame for it to activate or something. Would have been absolutely sick though to be able to fully lean into a madness build with the flaming head as the final piece.




rags and cloths drop 💀


the biggest tragedy in the dlc is not getting any armor or weapon from bayle


Man I just want to equip a frenzied flame fireball head


This helmet would hit so hard but I’m absolutely dying for a Monk’s Head Wrapping






what drip? that is literally just a piece of cloth. god, some of you people...




Ascetic loincloth gives you a similar long flowing cloth kinda thing while also not being very obstructive but yeah I wish we could get this guys drip.


A piece of torn apart cloth


Nah kill


Not sure what the consensus is on here, but I loved this fight. Very satisfying guy to parry. Managed to do it solo, which for first playthroughs is rare for me. Really was expecting another phase though.


We should've at least gotten his cloak like we did with morgotts.


“Better” armor than gold mask please


Bro, Midra is my favorite boss. The whole area is cool af!


I absolutely love his ost, what a masterpiece


That was my favorite fight in the DLC. So well done in every aspect. Wonderfully grotesque, insane visuals, satisfying combat mechanics, etc.


To be fair... he's practically naked. What i WANTED from him... is the sauron fuckin' frenzied flame eye as a head-slot item. Call it like ... "Gaze of Chaos" Two unique effects: Raises attack power slightly while in the presence (or if you are yourself) of Madness.... and occasionally the eye "flares" and pulses Madness to nearby \*\*enemies.\*\* (like that Tower effect from base-game).


Wish we got nanaya's set too


We been bitching about the lack of a frenzy flame head since release. They finally released a boss that has that same head, and we can't wear it...


This boss was fairly disappointing. I was expecting a third phase, especially considering the power that the Frenzied Flame is supposed to possess.


You do get an incantation, but yeah. That would’ve been awesome. 😎👍


I just want a way to wear the lord of frenzied flame head


I don't know why they blacked out half of his introduction CG.


His sword sucks...super disappointed in it


Still dissapointed we cant get the madness head


My favorite part of the design for the lord of frenzy is how the flame is animated makes it look like he's staring directly at you throughout the whole boss fight, no matter what his actual body is doing.


I actually agree


Wish he had a weapon that spread madness too. Sweeping slashes that spread yellow fire like his attacks... I was looking forward to it while fighting him. But it's holy damage :( (I mean it's actually really cool don't get me wrong but I don't want a holy weapon from THE madness boss)


Well it wouldn't really make much sense if you think about it. The "blade" is a holy device used to excruciatingly punish those who have, or about to, succumb to madness. Which explains why he doesn't become "Lord of the Frenzied Flame" until after he pulled it out. Plus, I believe it only deals frenzy damage in the boss fight when he coats the weapon with it. Otherwise it just does holy & physical damage. Having said all that though, they could have at least put in a fair bit more weapons for FF players than what we got in this DLC. Even it wasn't from this boss, it feels like they dropped the ball there a little.


Agreed. I think a simple item description could have explained it as the Frenzied Flame slowly eating away at it over time and corrupting it, but eh. Is ok though. I'm just salty.


Yeah definitely would have been cool to get an option to select either the regular holy version or one that became corrupted by his extremely overwhelming frenzy flame.


Personally, I think we have enough ratty robes


We should of been able to buy this and it should have the same physics as when the boss wear it. Those robes literally float in the air and it looks sick!


Steal his look: pee on some toilet paper from Walmart $19.99 (excluding piss)


Don’t have the spell but I always assumed that other players that look at the orb build madness even without getting hit. Is that not how it works?


its such a huge miss even from the base game to reward the player the Eye of Sauron as a helmet for going with the Frenzied Flame ending


Yours for only 6999 runes! Flaming head not included.


I hoped for this too. No Miquella outfit. No Trina. No alt that removes the drape from Rellana chest...But hey, we got another Radahn armour...so yay?


another "naked from the shoulders down" outfit? hell yea


morgotts robes are close enough for my purposes, i just wish we had a frenzy headpiece


Midra’s aesthetic immediately reminded me of the Old Monk from Demon’s Souls 🧡


If Midra’s was an armor set in the game I would love for it to be alterable; the version you see of a younger him in paintings and the tattered version from his boss fight.


They missed such an opportunity to add some extra dialog or cutscenes in this area and boss for the ones that chose the frenzied flame ending. Sad, that there is literally no mention about it.


It's the only disappointment I had, I went straight to enia for it too


the only disappointing stuff about Midra are the drops which is sad.. I was expecting a frenzy sword or lord of frenzy head as equippable helmet..