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I agree, I felt more relief than joy after beating him. Where is messmer who is very difficult as well was fun to fight and felt amazing after beating him


It's funny, looking at them mechanics-wise, both fights are very similar. Both hit very hard and have some very long attack strings. The differences, though, are that Messmer has very clear openings to get some solid hits in after his combos, Radahn does not. Messmer has a reasonable amount of health, Radahn has easily 2-3x the hp Messmer has. Messmer's attacks are very well telegraphed and once you get the timing down on the dodges/blocks, you should be good whereas I swear Radahn's attack timing is changing on a whim during some of his combos. Some of Radahn's attacks also seem completely impossible to avoid being hit by as well. The big spiraling gravity shards coming out of the ground, the barrage of rocks from the air, the Godfrey-esqe ground upheaval. And that's not even mentioning the ridiculous lightshow of part 2 where there's so much going on that you literally cannot even see what's happening. Every other boss in the DLC has felt very difficult, but fair and mostly fun. I gave up trying to kill Radahn on my NG+3 playthrough and just started the whole DLC over on a character that was only part way through the base game so I could do the whole DLC again and even on base game difficulty he's ridiculously overtuned.


Messmer has manageable things you can dodge as a dex build and doesn’t have a billion health. Radahn has huge hit boxes on all his combos and has to be Iframe perfect to dodge most of them. And you get maybe one hit in with a dex weapon before he goes straight into wombo combo again.


Yeah he definitely feels very unfair and like op said, is just not fun. His second phase definitely needs to be tuned down a bit


I didn’t care for Messmer a whole lot but I was able to learn him a little faster than Radahn. Messmer felt very annoying, a lot of fire attacks I couldn’t really see well. I think the Radahn fight is so pretty that’s the only reason I forgive it.


This is super interesting to me as I felt the complete opposite as you do, I felt Messmer was a very underwhelming boss as his health pool was so low I barely got to experience his attacks, I beat him in around \~8 attempts and his second phase did seem cool but again I thought his health bar was just far too tiny (btw this was without summons on NG+4, using a scavengers curved sword bleed build) With Radahn I agree that I've never felt so hopeless against a boss at first, when I got him to his 2nd phase the first couple of times I genuinely thought he was impossible, but after 5 hours of fighting him I beat him without summons, and it was one of the most satisfying bosses i've beat. As It felt like the difficulty was insane, but it never felt completely unfair. at some point I could dodge almost every attack consistently and once I got into the groove I could consistently get him under 20% health until I finally beat him. (and I hope they don't nerf him) #


The is the first time ever I just stopped giving a fuck about gitting gud in a souls game. Just incredibly unfun, barely any room to learn attacks and just spammy bullshit you can't see. I re-speced into a stupid shield build, but even that kicked my ass for two hours before I got it. Shame, overall I enjoyed the dlc, but the last boss left a sour taste in my mouth to leave the dlc. I'm not doing this again.


I tried everything for my build, wanted to fight him the way my character has been the whole game. when I saw the general guidance was to respec into a specific build (shield and scarlet poker) or break him with perfume, I just kinda don't want to play him anymore. malenia took me forever with my build (powerstance great stars + light rolling) but at least it was fun and felt reasonable enough. now with consort radahn I'm not even mad, I'm just uninterested. I just don't have any desire to try


Commander Gauis and this fight were the only two that I thought were just not fun. I feel like they really got it right with messmer. Radahn was the only fight I had to respec for (pure arcane with the turkey leg) everything also was doable with talisman or weapon swaps.


I’m 100% with ya. Like not trying to be that guys or flex or whatever but I still managed to take down Gauis on my 4th attempts. Don’t get me wrong it was fucking tough and insanely frustrating but at the end of it I did it with my build that had done just fine taking out everything up to this point and just like you was more glad it was over then damn that was dope


Oh don’t worry about flexing. I had plenty of triumphant moments. Gauis just wasn’t one of them lol.


Gauis is VERY weak to poison so I swapped my dragon great katana for the base one with poison flower blooms twice + Greatshield + both base exultation talismans, apart from his charge most of his attacks are shockingly manageable on foot and its actually pretty fun minus the bad hitbox on his charge dont really see this boss as doable w/o shield tho


I wish Mesmer was the final boss 


First phase no problem for me, second phase i legit cant see anything, I dont know what attack is coming beacuse all the fucking holy light, I cant see fucking shit


His hair as well, between that and the light I can't even see his model.


Yeah that to, I think the moveset is fine and cool, just gotta nerf the hair and sfx lol


I was waiting for a comment like this because I'm in the exact same boat. First phase is so easy to me now, but I literally can't see shit in his 2nd phase and it's frustrating


My usual boss fight loop is 1. Die immediately at first 2. Slowly get better each death 3. Get close/into 2nd phase 4. Repeat steps 1-2 for the 2nd phase until victory. But with Radahn, it stops after 3. I can reliably (sometimes no hit) get him into second phase, and then die immediate to the holy “random bulltshit go” laser beams. I’m pretty frustrated because I don’t feel like I’m learning anything to apply.


That’s because you aren’t. It’s spammy bullshit over and over again waiting for decent RNG because he has so many attacks in 2nd phase. 😂 top that off with the random holy meteor strike from the base game and it’s sooooo much fun!


At this point any rage I have for the constant deaths has gone away, now I'm just done, don't even care to beat him anymore, legit ready to just put the game back on the shelf and not touch it any time soon


Fromsoft games are the GOAT to me and I'm about ready to be content with not beating this DLC. There is nothing fun about this fight.


Allot of people feel the same. Difficulty is like salt, you need some or else the game is borring, some people like more and some people like less. Radhan is like a giant pile of salt. Two much of a good thing is a bad thing. Everyone has a point at wich there is too much salt.


Even for people like me who use summons. Dude attacks you right out the gate and is just constant aggro. So use physic and take the hit or just have no chance at all. This dude is bs. I got decent ad rolling through first phase but idek wtf is going on second phase. I just rot him and try to get away but I still can’t beat the mf.


I’m a master at rolling through his opener, but if the swings or constant aggro switching doesn’t kill me, his phase 2 nuke does. I have no idea how people run out of it cuz I never managed to.


Most of this dlc has felt that way to me. I’m sick of flashy over the top anime shit. That’s not what I play Souls games for. This isn’t Bayonetta


The base mechanics of the game don't even allow for regular engagement with bosses like this. The camera, the dodge and a lot of weapons be it because of speed or range literally do not work as intended with this boss. Its strong arming players into using specific ashes of war, utilising spirit summons and essentially saying you can't play this game without them. But to many of us build swapping, bleed/frost spam, summoning and abusing weapon arts or broken builds is anti-fun yet this boss refuses to be reasonable without them It is shallow and unconfident game design to design around players who will use such tools rather than balancing a difficult encounter around every playstyle. Rellana did this, and she is fantastic for it. She follows a lot of DS3 and BB design conventions and as such can be tackled a variety of ways and all ways tough but fair.


All of this except that Rellana sucked too. She was the exact same wombo combo, zero openings bs as Radahn with the one benefit that you could actually see the boss most of the time.


Good thing this isn't a Souls game ;)


I’m conflicted. I found most of the bosses not very fun. But visually very amazing. I feel like this with Elden ring more than any other of their games but I felt like I was fighting AI more than an in game boss. Besides Bayle, I loved that boss. I also think it’s a lie From doesn’t use input reading. Rellana stared at me for 2 minutes doing nothing and the moment I popped a flask she throws a spell at me, I tested it and I drank 5 health pots in a row and she threw 5 of the same spells every time I drank. I hate input reading and I haven’t felt it this bad in their other games. I felt base game bosses are much more fun.


Enemies absolutely input read but it's actually reacting to the very first frame of your animation (which is basically the same to humans given that we can't track it) so the fanboys will always deny it on pedantic grounds Go fight Dancer of Ranah and try a melee attack while she's running or in the middle of a combo and see what happens We're just supposed to work around it now 🤷‍♂️


All bosses do input reading. The bosses know where you are and react accordingly. No boss is going to be doing a close range combo when you’re on the other side of the room. That being said, my point is that input reading isn’t really the problem, it’s certain types of input reading that people don’t like. For example, the godskin duo will always chuck a flame at you when you try to heal. This frustrates a lot of people. But the thing is, they don’t chuck in every time you heal, only when you try to heal when the boss is in idle animation. Like the person you are responding to said rellana did something after staring at them for 2 minutes. Idle animation. From doesn’t want you to heal when the boss is in idle animation, but there’s other times to heal where the bosses won’t do that, such as right after a combo, when the boss is in recovery animation rather than idle animation. Even on radahn I found many times to heal, but NEVER would I try and pop a heal when me and him are just staring face to face at each other in idle. In idle state, the boss is just waiting to see what you do so it can react. To be clear, I’m not saying you or anybody who doesn’t like this form of input reading is wrong. It’s frustrating, and players are free to feel however they like about boss mechanics. But I also do want to say it is possible to prevent this from happening. Whether you should have to do that, totally different story.


Well yeah that's what I meant by "work around it". Like with the godskins I always bait them into a fireball at mid-range so I have just enough time to heal and roll out of the blast. It just feels silly and artificial to manipulate the bosses this way. edit: but I guess the alternative is them not teaching you to look for or make windows so I'm not sure what would be better in this kind of game


Yeah, he is just way too op. His first phase is fine, but second it just ridiculous. They rly got Messmer right tho, it is the perfect boss fight imo. Rellana is also very good and same with Bayle. Gaius and Putrescent are a bit bs, but even they are manageble


Yeah, Gaius and Putrescent felt rewarding to beat, like a "holy fuck way to go me!" moment Every other boss besides those two and Radahn are a fucking "WOOOOOOOO" in my book Radahn... Just sucked... Like I stopped caring about beating him. No other boss did that to me, fucking hell from Bloodborne with Orphan of Kos to Malenia, all of them I had the drive to "get gud." Radahn is to the point with his bullshit that I don't even have fun anymore


Like, the only attacks from Malenia that felt cheap to me are water fowl and the clone attack. MOST of radahns attacks feel kinda cheap


I finally had my "it all clicks together" moment and yeah I still find most of phase 2 bullshit


I went back and booted up Dark Souls 3 cuz of this fight lmao


Ds3 is a fuckin masterpiece


Yeah, late game Elden Ring and its DLC all brought me to a single conclusion: DS3/BB/Sekiro is the peak of brutal-yet-fair combat. Elden Ring is brutal, sometimes fair, but often cheap.


I beat him after about 7 hours of attempts yesterday doing strength and great sword. My only advice is to get to the second phase with as much healing as possible. You should be able to dodge *most* of his phase 1 attacks and get to phase 2 pretty consistently. As for the phase 2 clusterfuck, I found staying close to him and dodging into him helped a lot. Not all the time but when I couldn’t see due to hair or all the explosions, rolling in usually worked. I was able to break his poise once in phase 2 consistently. As for the big aoe, when you see him wind that up just run away and youlll clear it. I would also jump, but not sure if that made a difference. You’ll get there in the end.


how much your sucade tree level was?


I think around 13


wow it is low and you did beat him i beat him at level 15 tree and 10:30 hours


It may have been higher but not at my PC to look right now. But hey we both made it


yup and now i can rest after i beat this shit


I enjoyed every fight save Gaius and this one. Gaius mostly has questionable hit boxes which can probably be patched. Radahn however is just ridiculous. I personally don't like how much HP he has but I can get over that. His atrocious phase two is the biggest bullshit ever though.


After what felt like several hours of stubbornly banging my head against a wall, I finally managed to bluff my way through with my glass canon mage build, mimic tear and little bit of luck (after around 30 attempts I actually got my summon out without getting 1-2 shot). No sense achievement, satisfaction or elation at the end though....just relief that it was over and that I never have to do it again. Easily the least enjoyable fight in SotE for me.


Oh for sure, this fight fucking sucks. From the constant barage to the garbage lore. Sry but why the fuck did they go with Radahn?? Never been alluded to, never seen a single hint towards that consort shit. MaLeNiA WhIsPeReD sOmEtHiNg In HiS eAr my ass, even if visible in the trailer, that just seems like a reach. Don't care if Godwyns soul is gone. I'd much rather deal with a one shot death blight attack that's fair and dodgeable than a nuke instantly flowing into 4 Flash type slash attacks, into a stomp, another stomp, Miquellas ring, a grav pull, into rock sling ending in another 4 Flash attacks that cause a circle of gravity rocks. That's just too much. What do I do other than just die. And the constant gid gud and this streamer did it, this creator done it bullshit, the general player isn't a fucking creator/challenge runner. The dlc's been great, a couple of issues, nothing major tho. But that last boss is ruining the entire reputation, hard for the sake of being hard, instead of engaging and fun. I wouldn't recommend that dlc to anyone, unless he's nerfed. Gonna go play TOH to actually enjoy myself again.


I know people have been doing it since the day the DLC dropped but how fucking hard is it to not name the final boss in the title of your post?


I'm still trying to kill him before they potentially nerf him, yet there's some dude on YouTube that solo's him while playing a saxophone SOLO lol. Each attempt is one step closer to success though, I gotta go from Tarnished to Varnished.


This game makes me never wanna play another video game again. It makes me hate them. It’s no longer fun and just rage inducing. Nothing but flashy cheap bullshit


I get him into his second phase and then it's the Faze Jev incident all over again


This boss is complete trash. Cool move sets. But feels like the og Radahn is trying to make up for how they fucked up on OG radahn


Try a spoiler tag next time, not everyone plays 40h in a week


Spoiler in the title and then a wall of text complaining about the same boss that 1,000 other posts have already complained about in the last week. Why are people like this?


No surprise this guy was [shitting on the one non-10/10 review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dirdcb/shadow_of_the_erdtree_reviews_megathread/l96xavt/?context=3) before the DLC came out, and now complaining that it's too hard, lol




Commenting is not the problem


Have you considered using commas and paragraphs?


lol yeah probably would make it easier to read wouldn’t it


I was surprised to see how many people legit hate this fight lmfao The sense of satisfaction I had at the end was impeccable. Phase 1 can be a no hit cakewalk once you learn his moves and phase 2 my only real criticisms are that sometimes the light beams can clip you if you don't roll a precise way and a couple of his attacks I was still unsure how you dodge. In terms of visual clarity I was expecting way worse but outside of when you've got miquella facing you so it's a little tricky to see, the fight was relatively fine to keep track of after a while. What I would change is the consistency of the light beams and tone down the damage. He keeps a bulk of his phase 1 move set so if you can dodge phase 1 easily then those combos aren't a threat. What is a threat are his ghost attacks which I figured out you can roll through most with good timing. Overall I thought he was great but clearly not many others feel the same lol I beat him with twin blades.


No offense bro, but sounds like you had some good rng. Most of the time I can no hit his phase 1, but the attacks I’m getting in phase 2 are not the same as 1. At the very least, dodging into him doesn’t always work, and the moves are too varied to learn which movies require dodging sideways or back since if you get caught in a combo it’s curtains. As for the visual clarity, you got some kind of special 20/20 vision if you can see adequately in this fight. I’m 65 tries in and still enjoying the challenge, but what’s frustrating is not being able to see what he’s doing cause of miquellas hair, or just the visual vomit of light beams, having all my flasks going into phase 2 and getting stun locked by shadow clones, or clipped by a single light pillar at the end of (what felt like) a well timed roll, and then just getting pieced up and sent back to phase 1 all over again. I’m even using an “op” build which I absolutely despise. Bleed Blood fiends arm. But w 46k hp (more than fire giant) it would take way too much surviving phase 2 to kill him without a weak point or status proc. If the game didn’t stutter like it did, and phase 2 wasn’t so cluttered, this could have been a fantastic boss.


There's always going to be a smidge of RNG in the fight due to his moveset variety but considering I beat him on my 115th attempt with twin blades, no bleed or status and no summons and after surviving with a single flask at the end while on 75% hp, I was less lucky than you think. Multiple clone attacks (the double slamming one included) and two super moves. The super move I dodged once and half of the second and I learned his ground clone timings so as to not get hit (at worst, clipped by the light beams). It was the air clones that messed me up the worst, whereas his ground combos up close are just like phase 1. It's when he's at mid range where the fight is the most difficult. Or when he does the 1, 2 cross slash attack which I'm just gonna be honest, does need slowing down because I always got clipped by it. And idk if it's just cause I got a "feel" for the fight but though miquella is pretty big on radahn, I was able to get a feeling for what close range combos he's doing cause of phase 1. It's all in his body language for the most part only with fringe instances of getting caught out but that was usually when I was literally right behind him. That's not to say I didn't get caught out a lot (I did lol) but I just feel the visual clutter isn't as all over the place as people say. There's a lot going on, but for most attacks especially the ranged attacks, theres enough to go off of. I however wouldn't complain if they made some effects more transparent and/or cleared up miquella a bit. The only changes I'd make is some effects being more transparent, light attacks doing less damage and clone timings in the air being slower. Also depends if you're on pc or console cause I've heard of lag issues but I'm on pc so the only performance drops I had was during his nuke he does at the start of phase 2 or later on but you're just running from that anyway.


for me it drops my frames by 20-40 frames everytime he uses either his explosion, his dive attack or his clone attack, that combined with the rest of the visual vomit makes it impossible to see shit


Yeah I agree with you. I did him with no summons and backhand blades, but I did use bleed because I’m a noob. I never felt like the aoe blocked my vision as bad as people say. You could always tell what he was doing based on his phase 1 moveset, it’s the same. And he honestly doesn’t have that many different combos he does. I really enjoyed the fight and it sucks that other people aren’t having fun. My only complaint is that damn 3 hit combo that ends in a cross slash, holy shit that one hit me every time. And staying close to him, I would rarely get hit by the aoe, only if I made a mistake and got hit into it or stunned. I loved getting in the rhythm and when it all started to click it was so satisfying.


I will never forget that high after beating him. It was like I was playing my first soulsborne again. The fight is extremely difficult, but you can avoid any attack if you know how. You also got to respect him and don't attack when you don't have a guaranteed safe opening. Even his fastest attack hits like a truck and a tiny bit of greed gets punished hard. Don't give up, skeleton. You are almost there.


I’m glad you enjoyed the fight and got the win! I did too and it was incredibly satisfying getting that final blow. I agree with the avoiding all attacks, except that triple slash cross one he does. I know if you use talismans or ashes of war, or a literal frame perfect dodge, it’s possible. But it’s still pretty lame


Don't understand the downvotes, this is a great response with good advice, odd.


Because we're frustrated by the bullshit and looking to vent. I'm glad (and incredibly surprised) someone enjoyed him, but it's a bit of a tone-deaf response


That's completely understandable but when others have beaten the boss and are just trying to give advice and getting downvotes for doing so, it comes off as weird. Sorry just is what it is ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)