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The issue is Miquella resurrecting Godwyn and Miquella resurrecting Radahn occur for entirely different and incompatible purposes. Miquella wanted to bring Godwyn back so he could *die properly*. You know, “please die a true death” and all that. His resurrection is explicitly supposed to be impermanent and just a ceremonial thing, with no intent for him to stick around for long afterward. I don’t think Miquella really had any special bond with him beyond the compassion he has for all mankind, from the downtrodden Albinaurics to the player to poor Godwyn who now “lives in death” instead of being truly at peace.  Conversely, Radahn was supposed to stick around permanently as the muscle of the age of compassion basically. The lord to usher it in. After all, Miquella had to give up his body to become a god, so Radahn essentially becomes his vessel through which to interact with the world. He’s not *allowed* to die, at least not permanently like Miquella envisioned for Godwyn.


Yes but Miquella is cursed to mess up everything he tries to accomplish so having to put down the accidental abomination he creates is right on brand


But if Godwyn is the final boss, it means we get nothing about the age of compassion. Again, they are entirely different and incompatible plot threads. Godwyn has *nothing* to do with Miquella’s long term plans or ambitions, so to end on him means we don’t get any of the actual meat of Miquella. It would entirely oust him as the focus of the DLC just to focus on Godwyn instead. He could have a cameo, some boss in a far away corner or the end of a separate quest, but to be *the* final boss entirely uproots the core narrative of the DLC.


Idc about their stupid narrative give us mutant fishman of the damned 😡


I agree it's more likely Miquella wanted to kill Godwyn for good (maybe because he saw the danger of the spread of death roots), I don't even think the eclipse necessarily would've revived Godwyn, it might've been what was needed to truly kill him. "Your comrade remains soulless" could just mean "Godwyn is still a rotting corpse without a soul"


From the DLC, we now know that Miquella made the ceremonial sword in reference to Godwyn but the inscription was for his "lord brother" Radahn. We know Miquella referred to no one else as "lord brother" other than Radahn with the "lord" part as a reference to being a god's consort. Dying a true death in the Lands Between would have Radahn's soul wind up in the Land of Shadow. "True death" for someone like Radahn would be dying in battle against someone like Malenia. Also, why couldn't Godwyn be the muscle? Who else could be more fitting as the lord of the age of compassion other than the one who defeated an ancient dragon but instead of finishing him off, he befriended him? This shows he has the power to fight his enemies but also the compassion that the age would be named after.


"Godwyn, The Divine Prince of Death" goes so unbelievably hard it's crazy


Nah, we got fanservice radahn that feels made by modders instead.


This is a very well thought out concept, and admittedly, I wished they had done something like this instead of what we got, but I am still satisfied with what we got.


We could have fought 'Godwyn, Prince of Death' as the "Final boss" after Miquella does his ritual in the ShadowLands and depending of your decision (related to what ending you are goin for). You could end up fighting Miquella+Godwyn, that would have been better than Radahn imo.


And unlike Radhan , we know almost nothing about Godwyn. Seeing how he would fight would be a brand new experience. Im really shocked they didnt resserect Godwyn.


Godwyn was always one of my favorite parts of the main game so I absolutely agree, granted it’s an entirely different fight with a unique moveset, but fighting one of the main bosses from the main game again does feel a little uninspired.


Let me share my theory about the Radhan revelation and why Godwyn was never ment to be the consort. I belive that Miquella saw Godwyn more like a father figure than a lord one, when we reach the Halligthree and fight Loretta, in her arena we see a statue of Miquella and Malenia being embraced by Godwyn as if he is protecting them, in that statue we also see a younger Malenia, hinting that Godwyn cared for them since their very young age. We also know that Miquella was disapointed in the golden order and his father Radagon since nothing in the order could heal his sister. The wish that Miquella made to give Godwyn a proper death may be related to that kindness that he recieved from him in a form of trying to give back or paying back that love. So i belive that the true inspiration for Miquella to try and become a god of the age of compassion was Godwyn and more directly his death, imagine loosing the only person that gave you some form of protection and reprive from your afflictions and the cause of that death being the sins of the erdtree against others. And so he choose Radhan has king consort not becouse of attraction but admiration of his strenght and kindness, something that in his youth Miquella did not had, and since a god needs a lord to spread the new order in the lands, Radhan being the most powerfull demigod is perfect for that. I also belive castle Sol was never an attempt to revive Godwyn, the golden epitaph says that Miquella wants Godwyn to die a true death, just like everyone in the lands between, the finger reader crone in the deeproot depths says the same thing: "Oh, Lord Godwyn...Such cruelty, such humiliation...My poor, sweet lordling should have died a true death". And the soulelss bones may well be refering to the walking mausoleum. In my opinion Miquella was trying to discover how to bring back a soul from the roots of the Erdtree and attatch it to a corpse, just like he did to Radhan soul and Mohg body. We can also find evidence of similar sinister experiments in the consecrated snow fields with the ruins with the Frenzied Flame and the gravity cave with Astel bellow, to me is clear that Miquella was experimenting with both, the Frenzied Flame on how to create the unalloyed gold needle and the cave on ways to kill Radhan. And since Malenia even with scarlet rot failed to kill Radhan, Miquella got Lucky that we showed up to finished the job.


This sounds fun but I disagree, Godwyn and Miquella both deserve better than being tacked onto each other like this However they do share the thematics of saviours to the meek Godwyn is for those who’ll live in death and Miquella had poked his finger in every other pie We don’t know much about Godwyn but we do know he was very strong and even compassionate as he made friends with his enemy the ancient dragons and more specifically Fortissax after battle aswell as being Godfrey’s son him becoming the first elden lord of Miquella’s age is in his blood Godwyn, Melina and Gloam eyed queen with her godskins are great material for Fromsoft to use later on with more focus on each, that I’ll be looking forward to whenever it happens Elden ring is one of the most famous and successful games of this age, they’re definitely coming back though I only want it if they are inspired to


I would have loved some Godwyn stuff, him and Melina / gloam eyed queen are the big miss of this DLC But not with consort stuff going on, since for the consort narrative, only Malenia (but she has other god influence) or Radhan should be the pick since they are the strongest


The argument for Miquella wanting to revive Godwyn was always weak: the only two hints are the golden epitaph and the ghost in castle sol, but it's more likely that Miquella actually wanted to fully kill Godwyn. Here see the golden epitaph description again: >Infused with the humble prayer of a young boy; "O brother, lord brother, **please die a true death**." In fact the ghost saying "your comrade remains soulless" could simply mean Godwyn still is a rotting body with no soul


I think the point being made when people bring it up is that it still had way more backing than Radahn which has virtually no hints from the base game. To the point where its almost as if Godwyn's relation was transposed onto Radahn. Miquella wants a kind powerful brother as his consort? Radahn's not really the demigod highlighted for his kindness in the base game. In fact, the base and dlc emphasize how much he loves war. Meanwhile we have Godwyn, the demigod Golden child known for being powerful yet kind and compassionate. Heck, its also most likley Godwyn who is the figure seen hugging Miquella and Malenia in the Haligtree statues (he matches the physical appearance best). The secret rite involves a Lord dying and their soul being put in another vessel? Godwyn is already the only demigod tied to soul shenanigans with Miquella trying to bring about an Eclipse that is supposed to return the soul to the soulless. If they made up this secret rite for the DLC, theres no reason they couldn't have worked it in with Godwyn by saying "Godwyn needs to die a true death for his soul to be accessible by Miquella for the secret rite." Godwyn's even the only person referred to as Lord Brother in the base game. And then just from a gameplay standpoint, he would be a never-before-fought boss compared to Radahn who we have fought before. The minimal Godwyn DLC content plus the out of nowhere Miquella-Radahn relations and plan that just fit Godwyn better and has more back from the base game just comes off as rather odd.


Again when you say more backing it's literally just two hints afaik, and Miquella wanting to resurrect Godwyn instead of killing him is pure speculation. Let's break your comment down: >Radahn's not really the demigod highlighted for his kindness in the base game. Did you forget about his horse Leonard? Plus he must've been a pretty good guy to still inspire loyalty in Jerren and other rednane soldiers after becoming a mindless rot zombie. >Heck, its also most likley Godwyn who is the figure seen hugging Miquella and Malenia in the Haligtree statues (he matches the physical appearance best). Could easily be radagon as well >Godwyn is already the only demigod tied to soul shenanigans with Miquella trying to bring about an Eclipse that is supposed to return the soul to the soulless. The defining characteristic of Godwyn is his soul is completely gone thanks to destined death. To have his soul come back would contradict existing lore (which is far worse than adding new lore without foreshadowing in the base game imo). The eclipse causing resurrection is also pure speculation by the community, for all we know it's what allows those who live in death to truly die.


But Radahn is the "lord brother". No one else is referred to as such by Miquella and the "lord" part is in reference to a god's consort. Dying a true death for someone like Radahn would be in battle against someone like Malenia.


Are you saying the golden epitaph is actually referring to Radahn instead of Godwyn?


The prayer itself, maybe. The sword was made to commemorate Godwyn since he is the prince of death but the prayer was for Radahn.


Huh? Why would a sword made for Godwyn be infused with a prayer meant for Radahn?


Sword was not made for Godwyn, it was made to commemorate Godwyn's death. Why not say a prayer for your consort to die a true death especially since you need him dead?


You're just arguing semantics. Anyways again why would Miquella infuse prayer meant for Radahn into a sword made to commemorate Godwyn's death? It makes no sense.




I don’t think Radahn was holding the Suns as there’s a day and night cycle in game. Also if Godwyn was the promised consort he would have been already even before his death unless he said No to Miquella. Radahn holding back the stars just so that Ranni couldn’t get what she wanted is pretty lame and shallow too. What happens to Fias questline if they bring back Godwyn? What happens to the ending where he becomes first of the Dead gods and births the new rune? If Godwyn was the promised consort the whole shattering wouldn’t even happen because he wouldn’t be killed.


No thanks, the entire point of Godwyn’s predicament is that he can’t be resurrected. His soul is dead and gone for good. I don’t think Miquella wanted to resurrect him, he wanted him to be properly dead. The manor in which Godwyn was murdered was seen as gravely disrespectful, especially because he was like the one guy that almost everyone universally liked. What happened to him is a tragedy. Having him come back would take away from that. It shouldn’t be something that can be remedied.